GDM - GNOME DISPLAY MANAGER The Gnome Display Manager is a re-implementation of the well known xdm program. gdm 2.4 implements all significant features required for managing local and remote displays. gdm daemon: o X Authentication o Default and per-display initialization scripts o Pre and post session scripts o Pluggable Authentication Modules o XDMCP o TCP Wrappers for access control o Autologin for single user workstations o Timed login for kiosks and public terminals gdmlogin: o Logo image o Background image/color o Halt and reboot o Iconified login window o Session selection support o Language selection support o GNOME session selection support o Face browser o Background program support o Xinerama support gdmgreeter: o Themes o Halt and reboot o Session selection support o Language selection support o GNOME session selection support o Xinerama support gdmchooser: o Visual host browser o Customizable icons gdmsetup: o GUI way to configure the more important aspects of GDM, the rest is configured by editting the config file Most features can be turned on and off in the configuration file by the sysadmin. Availability: Please consult README.install for instructions on how to configure and install gdm. Report bugs in gdm2 at under the product "gdm". Or mail George or Lee with suggestions or other such things. George (based on original README by Martin K. Petersen) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Note: Originally I started maintaing gdm2 because martin didn't yet finish gdm3 and was in general busy and we needed a working gdm for 1.4. But so much work and new features have gone into gdm2 that perhaps the migration to gdm3 will not happen. Though it may be nice to integrate the good ideas from gdm3 into this codebase and I'll be looking at that. Do not send gdm2 patches to martin (well you can but he'll likely ignore them:), send them to me or Lee instead and I'll integrate them for you. -George -------------------------------------------------------------------------