This file is just a place to note ideas about GDM that are maybe experimental or not significant enough to report a bug. Refore to in the "gdm" category for the real TODO list for GDM. + On Solaris GDM uses /etc/logindevperm (see README.install) and it might be useful to simply make GDM's PreSession and PostSession scripts process /etc/logindevperm directly and not call the library interface on Solaris. + Big TODO: Rewrite the slave to be based around a mainloop. So that we don't have to do things directly from signal handlers. Some work has already been started by making the slave use select calls instead of waitpid. This needs to be extended a bit. The big issue is things that hang. We need two things, some better general framework for things that hang and handling signals there (see daemon/misc.c for solution when using gethostbyaddr in the main daemon). We also need some way to do something like "sleep(5)" with the mainloop nicely. We want the slave to still be very synchronous, but just have some small handlers run from within the mainloop. The one thing that will always cause trouble here is the XDMCP server pinging, I think in this case it would be sane to do the setjmp thing and just ignore the ping if a signal comes, not sure how this will play with the X stuff and if this would completely whack us out. The other option is to have a separate "pinger process" but that seems to heavyweight. Another option here is to give up on complete mainloopishness and during pinging set up an alarm or some other polling thing that checks all the mainloops stuff. + Resource limits have been implemented into the GDM slaves, but perhaps more could be done. Always keep eye out for leaks. Small TODO things: + If we can't setup PAM display user visible errors and not just syslog stuff + Languages should be read from available locales. Right now the code stats each file in /usr/locale, which is slow. Would be faster to do a readdir on the direction and process them without doing stats. Perhaps stuff: + Keyboard layout menu. + native utmp/wtmp handling without sessreg + xsri like logo functionality + Handle all the XFree86 Xserver error thingies, such as No "Display" subsection for etc... + Add spacer files. Files which we can use in case there is disk shortage to write a new xauthority stuff so that someone can actually log on and clean up. Is this crack? Maybe.