True GDM Host Chooser GTK_WINDOW_TOPLEVEL GTK_WIN_POS_NONE False True False True True False 0 5 True GTK_BUTTONBOX_END 10 True How to use this application True True gtk-help True GTK_RELIEF_NORMAL -11 True Open a session to the selected host True True GTK_RELIEF_NORMAL 0 True 0.5 0.5 0 0 True False 2 True gtk-jump-to 4 0.5 0.5 0 0 0 False False True C_onnect True False GTK_JUSTIFY_LEFT False False 0.5 0.5 0 0 0 False False True Probe the network True True gtk-refresh True GTK_RELIEF_NORMAL 0 True Exit the application True True gtk-close True GTK_RELIEF_NORMAL -7 0 False True GTK_PACK_END True Status False False GTK_JUSTIFY_LEFT False False 0.5 0.5 0 0 0 False False True True GTK_POLICY_AUTOMATIC GTK_POLICY_AUTOMATIC GTK_SHADOW_IN GTK_CORNER_TOP_LEFT True True GTK_SELECTION_SINGLE 78 4 2 2 False False 0 True True True GNOME_MESSAGE_BOX_INFO The main area of this application shows the hosts on the local network that have "XDMCP" enabled. This allows users to login remotely to other machines as if they were logged on using the console. You can rescan the network for new hosts by clicking "Refresh". When you have selected a host click "Connect" to open a session to that machine. Information GTK_WIN_POS_NONE False False False True False True False 8 True GTK_BUTTONBOX_END 0 True True True gtk-ok True GTK_RELIEF_NORMAL 0 False True GTK_PACK_END 4 True True