Changes ======= v3.1.12.4 - Fix calling of registered subscription status handlers for selective broadcasts v3.1.12.3 - Added copy constructor for CommonAPI CallInfo v3.1.12.2 - Defer Runtime destruction till shared object is unloaded v3.1.12.1 - replaced std::chrono::high_resolution_clock by std::chrono::steady_clock in MainLoopContext.cpp v3.1.12 - Add possibility to be notified on proxy destruction via Proxy::getCompletionFuture method - set CommonAPI CallStatus to INVALID_VALUE for wrong CRC values - fixed code sonar warnings v3.1.11 - console logging - log to standard error stream instead of standard output stream - Runtime::initFactories() made public - check for #define _WIN32 instead of (deprecated) WIN32 v3.1.10.1 - Fixed crash on dlclose() v3.1.10 - no changes v3.1.9 - Use fully qualified logger name to avoid clashes with other logger implementations. - CommonAPI address is extended by interface version string as defined in fidl file to allow different versions of the same interface (String format: v[major]_[minor] i.e. v1_0; v1_0 added as default version). - Added subscription parameter to 'Event::onListenerRemoved' function. This is needed for managing the added and removed listeners respectively for mapping the listeners on the subscription. - Replaced variadic macros with variadic templates for CommonAPI logger. - Removed obsolete usleep() macro.