/** * Copyright (C) 2013, Pelagicore * * Author: Marcel Schuette * * This file is part of the GENIVI project Browser Proof-Of-Concept * For further information, see http://genivi.org/ * * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ #include "userinput.h" #include #include userinput::userinput(QObject *parent) : QObject(parent), m_inputHistory(new QList()) { qDebug() << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__; } conn::brw::ERROR_IDS userinput::inputText(conn::brw::DIALOG_RESULT a_eResult, const QString &a_strInputValue) { qDebug() << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ << a_eResult << a_strInputValue; emit setOutputWebview(message().path()); if(a_eResult == conn::brw::DR_OK) { emit inputText(a_strInputValue); struct inputStruct is; is.name = m_currentInput.name; is.type = m_currentInput.type; is.value = a_strInputValue; bool shouldAdd = true; for (int i = 0; i < m_inputHistory->size(); i++) { if (m_inputHistory->at(i).value.compare(is.value) == 0 && m_inputHistory->at(i).type == is.type && m_inputHistory->at(i).name == is.name) { shouldAdd = false; break; } } qDebug() << "Should add " << is.value << "?" << shouldAdd; if (shouldAdd) m_inputHistory->append(is); } return conn::brw::EID_NO_ERROR; } void userinput::inputTextReceived(QString a_strInputName, QString a_strDefaultInputValue, int a_i32InputValueType, int a_s32MaxLength, int a_s32Max, int a_s32Min, int a_s32Step) { qDebug() << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__; m_currentInput.name = a_strInputName; m_currentInput.type = (conn::brw::INPUT_ELEMENT_TYPE)a_i32InputValueType; emit onInputText(a_strInputName, a_strDefaultInputValue, (conn::brw::INPUT_ELEMENT_TYPE)a_i32InputValueType, a_s32MaxLength, a_s32Max, a_s32Min, a_s32Step); } conn::brw::ERROR_IDS userinput::closeAlertDialog (void) { emit doCloseAlertDialog(); return conn::brw::EID_NO_ERROR; } conn::brw::ERROR_IDS userinput::closeConfirmDialog (conn::brw::DIALOG_RESULT b) { switch (b) { case conn::brw::DR_OK: emit doCloseConfirmDialog(true); break; case conn::brw::DR_CANCEL: emit doCloseConfirmDialog(false); emit onDialogCanceled(); break; default: qDebug() << "Bad value for conn::brw::DIALOG_RESULT"; } return conn::brw::EID_NO_ERROR; } conn::brw::ERROR_IDS userinput::closePromptDialog(QString resultStr, conn::brw::DIALOG_RESULT resultEn) { switch (resultEn) { case conn::brw::DR_OK: emit doClosePromptDialog(resultStr, true); break; case conn::brw::DR_CANCEL: emit doClosePromptDialog(resultStr, false); emit onDialogCanceled(); break; default: qDebug() << "Bad value for conn::brw::DIALOG_RESULT"; } return conn::brw::EID_NO_ERROR; } conn::brw::ERROR_IDS userinput::getPrevEnteredValues (const QString &a_strInputName, const QString &a_strInputValue, conn::brw::INPUT_ELEMENT_TYPE a_i32InputType, QStringList &a_oInputVariants) { Q_UNUSED(a_strInputValue); for (int i = 0; i < m_inputHistory->size(); i++){ struct inputStruct s = m_inputHistory->at(i); qDebug() << s.value; if (s.type == a_i32InputType && s.name.compare(a_strInputName) == 0 && s.value.contains(a_strInputValue, Qt::CaseInsensitive)) { a_oInputVariants.append(s.value); } } return conn::brw::EID_NO_ERROR; } conn::brw::ERROR_IDS userinput::selectOption(const conn::brw::SelectableOptionList &a_oOptionList) { QList indexes; for (int i = 0; i < a_oOptionList.size(); i++) { if (a_oOptionList.at(i).bSelected) { indexes.append(i); } } emit selectIndexes (indexes); return conn::brw::EID_NO_ERROR; }