/** * Copyright (C) 2013, Pelagicore * * Author: Marcel Schuette * * This file is part of the GENIVI project Browser Proof-Of-Concept * For further information, see http://genivi.org/ * * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ #include #include #include "browserdbus.h" #include "../common/browserdefs.h" BrowserDbus::BrowserDbus(QObject *parent) : QObject(parent), bookmark(NULL), userinput(NULL), webpagewindow(NULL), actualtab(NULL), actualuserinput(NULL), networkmanager(NULL), browser(NULL), m_instanceId("1"), m_isconnected(false), dbusservicename(NULL) { qDebug() << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__; registertypes(); } void BrowserDbus::registertypes() { qDBusRegisterMetaType(); qDBusRegisterMetaType(); qDBusRegisterMetaType(); qDBusRegisterMetaType(); qDBusRegisterMetaType(); qDBusRegisterMetaType(); qDBusRegisterMetaType(); qDBusRegisterMetaType(); qDBusRegisterMetaType(); qDBusRegisterMetaType(); qDBusRegisterMetaType(); qDBusRegisterMetaType(); qDBusRegisterMetaType(); qDBusRegisterMetaType(); qDBusRegisterMetaType(); qDBusRegisterMetaType(); qDBusRegisterMetaType(); } void BrowserDbus::connectdbussession(QString id) { qDebug() << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ << id; m_instanceId = id; dbusservicename = new QString("genivi.poc.browser" + m_instanceId); browser = new conn::brw::IBrowser(*dbusservicename, "/Browser/IBrowser", QDBusConnection::sessionBus(), this); m_isconnected = true; if(!browser->isValid()) { qDebug() << "failed create object /Browser/IBrowser"; m_isconnected = false; } emit connectedChanged(); connect(browser, SIGNAL(onPageWindowDestroyed(qlonglong)), this, SLOT(PageWindowDestroyed(qlonglong))); connect(browser, SIGNAL(onPageWindowCreated(qlonglong,conn::brw::ERROR_IDS)), this, SLOT(PageWindowCreated(qlonglong,conn::brw::ERROR_IDS))); bookmark = new conn::brw::IBookmarkManager(*dbusservicename, "/Browser/IBookmarkManager", QDBusConnection::sessionBus(), this); if(!bookmark->isValid()) qDebug() << "failed create object /Browser/IBookmarkManager"; } void BrowserDbus::selectTab(int tabnumber) { qDebug() << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ << tabnumber; if(handlelist.length() >= tabnumber) { actualtab = webpagehash.value(handlelist.at(tabnumber-1)); actualuserinput = inputhash.value(handlelist.at(tabnumber-1)); } } // IBookmarkManager void BrowserDbus::addBookmark(int type, QString folder, QString title, QString url, QString iconpath, QString thumbnailpath) { qDebug() << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ << type << folder << title << url << iconpath << thumbnailpath; conn::brw::BookmarkItem tmpbookmark; tmpbookmark.i32Uid = 0; tmpbookmark.i32Type = type; tmpbookmark.strParentFolderPath = folder; tmpbookmark.strTitle = title; tmpbookmark.strUrl = url; tmpbookmark.strIconPath = iconpath; tmpbookmark.strThumbnailPath = thumbnailpath; QDBusPendingReply reply = bookmark->addItem(tmpbookmark); reply.waitForFinished(); if(reply.isValid()) { conn::brw::ERROR_IDS ret = reply.value(); qDebug() << "ERROR_IDS " << ret; } else { QDBusError error = reply.error(); qDebug() << "ERROR " << error.name() << error.message(); } } void BrowserDbus::getBookmarks(QString folder, int type, conn::brw::BOOKMARK_SORT_TYPE sorting, int start, int count) { qDebug() << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ << folder << type << sorting << start << count; QDBusPendingReply reply = bookmark->getItems(folder, type, sorting, start, count); reply.waitForFinished(); if(reply.isValid()) { conn::brw::ERROR_IDS ret = reply.value(); conn::brw::BookmarkItemList bookmarklist = reply.argumentAt<1>(); m_bookmarkList.clear(); for (int i = 0; i < bookmarklist.size(); ++i) { qDebug() << "BookmarkItemList" << bookmarklist.at(i).i32Uid << bookmarklist.at(i).strTitle << bookmarklist.at(i).strUrl << bookmarklist.at(i).strParentFolderPath; m_bookmarkList.append(new Bookmark(bookmarklist.at(i).strTitle, bookmarklist.at(i).strUrl, bookmarklist.at(i).i32Uid)); emit bookmarkListChanged(); } qDebug() << "ERROR_IDS " << ret; } else { QDBusError error = reply.error(); qDebug() << "ERROR " << error.name() << error.message(); } } void BrowserDbus::deleteAllBookmarks(int type) { qDebug() << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ << type; QDBusPendingReply reply = bookmark->deleteAllItems(type); reply.waitForFinished(); if(reply.isValid()) { conn::brw::ERROR_IDS ret = reply.value(); m_bookmarkList.clear(); emit bookmarkListChanged(); qDebug() << "ERROR_IDS " << ret; } else { QDBusError error = reply.error(); qDebug() << "ERROR " << error.name() << error.message(); } } void BrowserDbus::deleteBookmark(int uid) { qDebug() << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ << uid; QDBusPendingReply reply = bookmark->deleteItem(uid); reply.waitForFinished(); if(reply.isValid()) { conn::brw::ERROR_IDS ret = reply.value(); qDebug() << "ERROR_IDS " << ret; } else { QDBusError error = reply.error(); qDebug() << "ERROR " << error.name() << error.message(); } for(int i = 0; i < m_bookmarkList.size(); ++i) { if(uid == m_bookmarkList.at(i)->uid()) m_bookmarkList.removeAt(i); } emit bookmarkListChanged(); } // IBrowser void BrowserDbus::createPageWindow(int deviceid, int x, int y, int width, int height) { qDebug() << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ << x << y << width << height; conn::brw::Rect *rect = new conn::brw::Rect(); rect->i32X = x; rect->i32Y = y; rect->i32Width = width; rect->i32Height = height; QDBusPendingReply reply = browser->createPageWindow(deviceid, *rect); reply.waitForFinished(); if(reply.isValid()) { conn::brw::ERROR_IDS ret = reply.value(); conn::brw::OBJECT_HANDLE handle = reply.argumentAt<1>(); qDebug() << "ERROR_IDS " << ret << handle; QString *webpagewindowservice = new QString("/Browser/IWebPageWindow" + QString::number(handle)); webpagewindow = new conn::brw::IWebPageWindow(*dbusservicename, *webpagewindowservice, QDBusConnection::sessionBus(), this); webpagehash.insert(handle, webpagewindow); handlelist.append(handle); actualtab = webpagewindow; if(!actualtab->isValid()) qDebug() << "failed create object /Browser/IWebPageWindow*"; connect(actualtab, SIGNAL(onLoadStarted()), this, SLOT(pageloadingstarted())); connect(actualtab, SIGNAL(onLoadFinished(bool)), this, SLOT(pageloadingfinished(bool))); connect(actualtab, SIGNAL(onLoadProgress(int)), this, SLOT(pageloadingprogress(int))); connect(actualtab, SIGNAL(onClose()), this, SLOT(WindowClosed())); connect(actualtab, SIGNAL(onUrlChanged(QString)), this, SIGNAL(urlChanged(QString))); connect(actualtab, SIGNAL(onTitleChanged(QString)), this, SIGNAL(titleChanged(QString))); connect(actualtab, SIGNAL(onLinkClicked(QString)), this, SIGNAL(linkClicked(QString))); connect(actualtab, SIGNAL(onSelectionChanged(void)), this, SIGNAL(selectionChanged(void))); connect(actualtab, SIGNAL(onStatusTextChanged(QString)), this, SIGNAL(onStatusTextChanged(QString))); connect(actualtab, SIGNAL(onVisibilityChanged(bool)), this, SIGNAL(onVisibilityChanged(bool))); connect(actualtab, SIGNAL(onScrollPositionChanged(uint,uint)), this, SIGNAL(onScrollPositionChanged(uint,uint))); connect(actualtab, SIGNAL(onZoomFactorChanged(double)), this, SIGNAL(onZoomFactorChanged(double))); connect(actualtab, SIGNAL(onLinkHovered(QString)), this, SIGNAL(linkHovered(QString))); connect(actualtab, SIGNAL(onActionStateChanged(uint)), this, SIGNAL(onActionStateChanged(uint))); connect(actualtab, SIGNAL(onContentSizeChanged(uint, uint)), this, SIGNAL(onContentSizeChanged(uint,uint))); connect(actualtab, SIGNAL(onFaviconReceived()), this, SIGNAL(onFaviconReceived())); QString *userinputservice = new QString(*webpagewindowservice + "/IUserInput"); userinput = new conn::brw::IUserInput(*dbusservicename, *userinputservice, QDBusConnection::sessionBus(), this); inputhash.insert(handle, userinput); actualuserinput = userinput; connect(actualuserinput, SIGNAL(onAlertDialog(QString)), this, SIGNAL(onAlertDialog(QString))); connect(actualuserinput, SIGNAL(onConfirmDialog(QString)), this, SIGNAL(onConfirmDialog(QString))); connect(actualuserinput, SIGNAL(onPromptDialog(QString,QString)),this, SIGNAL(onPromptDialog(QString,QString))); connect(actualuserinput, SIGNAL(onDialogCanceled(void)), this, SIGNAL(onDialogCanceled())); connect(actualuserinput, SIGNAL(onSelect(const QString &, const conn::brw::SelectableOptionList &, bool)), this, SIGNAL(onSelect(const QString &, const conn::brw::SelectableOptionList &, bool))); if(!actualuserinput->isValid()) qDebug() << "failed create object /Browser/IWebPageWindow*/IUserInput"; connect(actualuserinput, SIGNAL(onInputText(QString,QString,conn::brw::INPUT_ELEMENT_TYPE,int,int,int,int)), this, SLOT(InputTextReceived(QString,QString,conn::brw::INPUT_ELEMENT_TYPE,int,int,int,int))); connect(actualuserinput, SIGNAL(onInputText(QString,QString,conn::brw::INPUT_ELEMENT_TYPE,int,int,int,int)), this, SIGNAL(onInputTextReceived(QString,QString,conn::brw::INPUT_ELEMENT_TYPE,int,int,int,int))); QString *networkmanagerservice = new QString("/Browser/INetworkManager"); networkmanager = new conn::brw::INetworkManager(*dbusservicename, *networkmanagerservice, QDBusConnection::sessionBus(), this); connect(networkmanager, SIGNAL(onAuthenticationDialog(const conn::brw::AuthenticationData&)), this, SIGNAL(onAuthenticationDialog(const conn::brw::AuthenticationData&))); connect(networkmanager, SIGNAL(onSslErrorDialog(const conn::brw::SslError&)), this, SIGNAL(onSslErrorDialog(const conn::brw::SslError&))); connect(networkmanager, SIGNAL(onSslErrorDialogCancel(const conn::brw::SslError&)), this, SIGNAL(onSslErrorDialogCancel(const conn::brw::SslError&))); connect(networkmanager, SIGNAL(onAuthenticationDialogCancel(const conn::brw::AuthenticationData&)), this, SIGNAL(onAuthenticationDialogCancel(const conn::brw::AuthenticationData&))); } else { QDBusError error = reply.error(); qDebug() << "ERROR " << error.name() << error.message(); } } void BrowserDbus::destroyPageWindow(qlonglong windowhandle) { qDebug() << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ << windowhandle; QDBusPendingReply reply = browser->destroyPageWindow(windowhandle); reply.waitForFinished(); if(reply.isValid()) { conn::brw::ERROR_IDS ret = reply.value(); webpagehash.remove(windowhandle); inputhash.remove(windowhandle); handlelist.removeOne(windowhandle); qDebug() << "ERROR_IDS " << ret; } else { QDBusError error = reply.error(); qDebug() << "ERROR " << error.name() << error.message(); } } void BrowserDbus::getPageWindows() { qDebug() << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__; QDBusPendingReply reply = browser->getPageWindows(); reply.waitForFinished(); if(reply.isValid()) { conn::brw::ERROR_IDS ret = reply.value(); conn::brw::ObjectHandleList list = reply.argumentAt<1>(); qDebug() << "ERROR_IDS " << ret; for(int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) qDebug() << list.at(i); } else { QDBusError error = reply.error(); qDebug() << "ERROR " << error.name() << error.message(); } } void BrowserDbus::PageWindowDestroyed(qlonglong handle) { qDebug() << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ << handle; } void BrowserDbus::PageWindowCreated(qlonglong handle, conn::brw::ERROR_IDS result) { qDebug() << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ << handle << result; } // IUserInput void BrowserDbus::inputText(conn::brw::DIALOG_RESULT a_eResult, QString a_strInputValue) { qDebug() << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ << a_eResult << a_strInputValue; QDBusPendingReply reply = actualuserinput->inputText(a_eResult, a_strInputValue); reply.waitForFinished(); if(reply.isValid()) { conn::brw::ERROR_IDS ret = reply.value(); qDebug() << "ERROR_IDS " << ret; } else { QDBusError error = reply.error(); qDebug() << "ERROR " << error.name() << error.message(); } } void BrowserDbus::closeAlertDialog() { qDebug() << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__; QDBusPendingReply reply = actualuserinput->closeAlertDialog(); reply.waitForFinished(); if(reply.isValid()) { conn::brw::ERROR_IDS ret = reply.value(); qDebug() << "ERROR_IDS " << ret; } else { QDBusError error = reply.error(); qDebug() << "ERROR " << error.name() << error.message(); } } void BrowserDbus::closeConfirmDialog(conn::brw::DIALOG_RESULT d) { qDebug() << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__; QDBusPendingReply reply = actualuserinput->closeConfirmDialog(d); reply.waitForFinished(); if(reply.isValid()) { conn::brw::ERROR_IDS ret = reply.value(); qDebug() << "ERROR_IDS " << ret; } else { QDBusError error = reply.error(); qDebug() << "ERROR " << error.name() << error.message(); } } void BrowserDbus::closePromptDialog(QString s, conn::brw::DIALOG_RESULT d) { qDebug() << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__; QDBusPendingReply reply = actualuserinput->closePromptDialog(s,d); reply.waitForFinished(); if(reply.isValid()) { conn::brw::ERROR_IDS ret = reply.value(); qDebug() << "ERROR_IDS " << ret; } else { QDBusError error = reply.error(); qDebug() << "ERROR " << error.name() << error.message(); } } void BrowserDbus::InputTextReceived(QString a_strInputName, QString a_strDefaultInputValue, conn::brw::INPUT_ELEMENT_TYPE a_i32InputValueType, int a_s32MaxLength, int a_s32Max, int a_s32Min, int a_s32Step) { qDebug() << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ << a_strInputName << a_strDefaultInputValue << a_i32InputValueType << a_s32MaxLength << a_s32Max << a_s32Min << a_s32Step; } // IWebPageWindow void BrowserDbus::getBrowserActionState() { qDebug() << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__; QDBusPendingReply reply = actualtab->getBrowserActionsState(); reply.waitForFinished(); if(reply.isValid()) { conn::brw::ERROR_IDS ret = reply.value(); conn::brw::BrowserActions actions = reply.argumentAt<1>(); qDebug() << "ERROR_IDS " << ret << actions.u8Back << actions.u8Forward << actions.u8Reload << actions.u8Stop << actions.u8LoadUrl << actions.u8Select; } else { QDBusError error = reply.error(); qDebug() << "ERROR " << error.name() << error.message(); } } void BrowserDbus::getContentSize() { qDebug() << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__; QDBusPendingReply reply = actualtab->getContentSize(); reply.waitForFinished(); if(reply.isValid()) { conn::brw::ERROR_IDS ret = reply.value(); uint width = reply.argumentAt<1>(); uint height = reply.argumentAt<2>(); qDebug() << "ERROR_IDS " << ret << width << height; } else { QDBusError error = reply.error(); qDebug() << "ERROR " << error.name() << error.message(); } } void BrowserDbus::getGeometry() { qDebug() << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__; QDBusPendingReply reply = actualtab->getGeometry(); reply.waitForFinished(); if(reply.isValid()) { conn::brw::ERROR_IDS ret = reply.value(); conn::brw::Rect rect = reply.argumentAt<1>(); qDebug() << "ERROR_IDS " << ret << rect.i32X << rect.i32X << rect.i32Width << rect.i32Height; } else { QDBusError error = reply.error(); qDebug() << "ERROR " << error.name() << error.message(); } } void BrowserDbus::setGeometry(int x, int y, int width, int height) { qDebug() << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ << x << y << width << height; conn::brw::Rect *rect = new conn::brw::Rect(); rect->i32X = x; rect->i32Y = y; rect->i32Width = width; rect->i32Height = height; QDBusPendingReply reply = actualtab->setGeometry(*rect); reply.waitForFinished(); if(reply.isValid()) { conn::brw::ERROR_IDS ret = reply.value(); qDebug() << "ERROR_IDS " << ret; } else { QDBusError error = reply.error(); qDebug() << "ERROR " << error.name() << error.message(); } } void BrowserDbus::setVisible(bool visible) { qDebug() << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ << visible; QDBusPendingReply reply = actualtab->setVisible(visible); reply.waitForFinished(); if(reply.isValid()) { conn::brw::ERROR_IDS ret = reply.value(); qDebug() << "ERROR_IDS " << ret; } else { QDBusError error = reply.error(); qDebug() << "ERROR " << error.name() << error.message(); } } void BrowserDbus::getVisible() { qDebug() << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__; QDBusPendingReply reply = actualtab->getVisible(); reply.waitForFinished(); if(reply.isValid()) { bool ret = reply.value(); qDebug() << "ERROR_IDS " << ret; } else { QDBusError error = reply.error(); qDebug() << "ERROR " << error.name() << error.message(); } } void BrowserDbus::pageloadingstarted() { qDebug() << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__; setPageLoading(true); emit pageloadingChanged(); } void BrowserDbus::pageloadingfinished(bool success) { qDebug() << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ << success; if(success) { getUrl(); getTitle(); qDebug() << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ << url() << title(); } setPageLoading(false); emit pageloadingChanged(); } void BrowserDbus::pageloadingprogress(int progress) { qDebug() << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ << progress << pageloading(); setProgress(progress); emit progressChanged(); } void BrowserDbus::goDown(conn::brw::SCROLL_TYPE type) { qDebug() << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ << type; scrollpage(conn::brw::SD_BOTTOM, type); } void BrowserDbus::goUp(conn::brw::SCROLL_TYPE type) { qDebug() << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ << type; scrollpage(conn::brw::SD_TOP, type); } void BrowserDbus::goLeft(conn::brw::SCROLL_TYPE type) { qDebug() << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ << type; scrollpage(conn::brw::SD_LEFT, type); } void BrowserDbus::goRight(conn::brw::SCROLL_TYPE type) { qDebug() << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ << type; scrollpage(conn::brw::SD_RIGHT, type); } void BrowserDbus::scrollpage(conn::brw::SCROLL_DIRECTION direction, conn::brw::SCROLL_TYPE type) { qDebug() << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ << direction; QDBusPendingReply reply = actualtab->scroll(direction, type); reply.waitForFinished(); if(reply.isValid()) { conn::brw::ERROR_IDS ret = reply.value(); qDebug() << "ERROR_IDS " << ret; } else { QDBusError error = reply.error(); qDebug() << "ERROR " << error.name() << error.message(); } } void BrowserDbus::goBack() { qDebug() << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__; QDBusPendingReply reply = actualtab->back(); reply.waitForFinished(); if(reply.isValid()) { conn::brw::ERROR_IDS ret = reply.value(); qDebug() << "ERROR_IDS " << ret; } else { QDBusError error = reply.error(); qDebug() << "ERROR " << error.name() << error.message(); } } void BrowserDbus::goForward() { qDebug() << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__; QDBusPendingReply reply = actualtab->forward(); reply.waitForFinished(); if(reply.isValid()) { conn::brw::ERROR_IDS ret = reply.value(); qDebug() << "ERROR_IDS " << ret; } else { QDBusError error = reply.error(); qDebug() << "ERROR " << error.name() << error.message(); } } void BrowserDbus::reload() { qDebug() << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__; QDBusPendingReply reply = actualtab->reload(); reply.waitForFinished(); if(reply.isValid()) { conn::brw::ERROR_IDS ret = reply.value(); qDebug() << "ERROR_IDS " << ret; } else { QDBusError error = reply.error(); qDebug() << "ERROR " << error.name() << error.message(); } } void BrowserDbus::stop() { qDebug() << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__; QDBusPendingReply reply = actualtab->stop(); reply.waitForFinished(); if(reply.isValid()) { conn::brw::ERROR_IDS ret = reply.value(); qDebug() << "ERROR_IDS " << ret; } else { QDBusError error = reply.error(); qDebug() << "ERROR " << error.name() << error.message(); } } void BrowserDbus::loadurl(QString url) { qDebug() << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ << url; QDBusPendingReply reply = actualtab->load(url); reply.waitForFinished(); if(reply.isValid()) { conn::brw::ERROR_IDS ret = reply.value(); qDebug() << "ERROR_IDS " << ret; } else { QDBusError error = reply.error(); qDebug() << "ERROR " << error.name() << error.message(); } } void BrowserDbus::WindowClosed() { qDebug() << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__; } QString BrowserDbus::getUrl() { qDebug() << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__; if (!actualtab) { qDebug() << "No browser window present"; return ""; } QDBusPendingReply reply = actualtab->getUrl(); reply.waitForFinished(); if (reply.isValid()) { setUrl(reply.value()); qDebug() << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ << url(); } return url(); } QString BrowserDbus::getTitle() { qDebug() << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__; if (!actualtab) { qDebug() << "No browser window present"; return ""; } QDBusPendingReply reply = actualtab->getTitle(); reply.waitForFinished(); if (reply.isValid()) { setTitle(reply.value()); qDebug() << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ << title(); } return title(); } void BrowserDbus::setZoomFactor(double factor) { qDebug() << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ << factor; QDBusPendingReply reply = actualtab->setZoomFactor(factor); reply.waitForFinished(); if(reply.isValid()) { conn::brw::ERROR_IDS ret = reply.value(); qDebug() << "ERROR_IDS " << ret; } else { QDBusError error = reply.error(); qDebug() << "ERROR " << error.name() << error.message(); } } double BrowserDbus::getZoomFactor() { qDebug() << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__; QDBusPendingReply reply = actualtab->getZoomFactor(); reply.waitForFinished(); if(reply.isValid()) { double ret = reply.value(); return ret; } else { QDBusError error = reply.error(); qDebug() << "ERROR " << error.name() << error.message(); return 0; } } void BrowserDbus::getScrollPosition(uint &x, uint &y) { qDebug() << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__; QDBusReply reply = actualtab->getScrollPosition(x,y); if(reply.isValid()) { conn::brw::ERROR_IDS ret = reply.value(); qDebug() << "ERROR_IDS " << ret; } else { QDBusError error = reply.error(); qDebug() << "ERROR " << error.name() << error.message(); } } void BrowserDbus::setScrollPosition(uint &x, uint &y) { qDebug() << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__; QDBusPendingReply reply = actualtab->setScrollPosition(x,y); reply.waitForFinished(); if(reply.isValid()) { conn::brw::ERROR_IDS ret = reply.value(); qDebug() << "ERROR_IDS " << ret; } else { QDBusError error = reply.error(); qDebug() << "ERROR " << error.name() << error.message(); } } QString BrowserDbus::getPageIcon(QString iconPath) { qDebug() << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__; QString iconFilePath; QDBusReply reply = actualtab->getPageIcon(iconPath,iconFilePath); if(reply.isValid()) { conn::brw::ERROR_IDS ret = reply.value(); qDebug() << "ERROR_IDS " << ret; } else { QDBusError error = reply.error(); qDebug() << "ERROR " << error.name() << error.message(); } return iconFilePath; } QString BrowserDbus::getFavicon(QString iconPath) { qDebug() << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__; QString iconFilePath; QDBusReply reply = actualtab->getFavicon(iconPath,iconFilePath); if(reply.isValid()) { conn::brw::ERROR_IDS ret = reply.value(); qDebug() << "ERROR_IDS " << ret; } else { QDBusError error = reply.error(); qDebug() << "ERROR " << error.name() << error.message(); } return iconFilePath; } void BrowserDbus::activate() { qDebug() << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__; QDBusReply reply = actualtab->activate(); if(reply.isValid()) { conn::brw::ERROR_IDS ret = reply.value(); qDebug() << "ERROR_IDS " << ret; } else { QDBusError error = reply.error(); qDebug() << "ERROR " << error.name() << error.message(); } } void BrowserDbus::select() { qDebug() << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__; QDBusReply reply = actualtab->select(); if(reply.isValid()) { conn::brw::ERROR_IDS ret = reply.value(); qDebug() << "ERROR_IDS " << ret; } else { QDBusError error = reply.error(); qDebug() << "ERROR " << error.name() << error.message(); } } QStringList BrowserDbus::getPrevEnteredValues(QString name, QString value, conn::brw::INPUT_ELEMENT_TYPE type) { qDebug() << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__; QStringList list; QDBusReply reply = actualuserinput->getPrevEnteredValues(name, value, type, list); if(reply.isValid()) { conn::brw::ERROR_IDS ret = reply.value(); qDebug() << "ERROR_IDS " << ret; } else { QDBusError error = reply.error(); qDebug() << "ERROR " << error.name() << error.message(); } return list; } void BrowserDbus::closeAuthenticationDialog(conn::brw::DIALOG_RESULT r, const conn::brw::AuthenticationData& d) { qDebug() << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__; QStringList list; QDBusReply reply = networkmanager->closeAuthenticationDialog(r,d); if(reply.isValid()) { conn::brw::ERROR_IDS ret = reply.value(); qDebug() << "ERROR_IDS " << ret; } else { QDBusError error = reply.error(); qDebug() << "ERROR " << error.name() << error.message(); } } void BrowserDbus::closeSslErrorDialog(conn::brw::DIALOG_RESULT r, bool b) { qDebug() << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__; QDBusReply reply = networkmanager->closeSslErrorDialog(r,b); if(reply.isValid()) { conn::brw::ERROR_IDS ret = reply.value(); qDebug() << "ERROR_IDS " << ret; } else { QDBusError error = reply.error(); qDebug() << "ERROR " << error.name() << error.message(); } } void BrowserDbus::selectOption(const conn::brw::SelectableOptionList &lst) { qDebug() << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__; QDBusReply reply = userinput->selectOption(lst); if(reply.isValid()) { conn::brw::ERROR_IDS ret = reply.value(); qDebug() << "ERROR_IDS " << ret; } else { QDBusError error = reply.error(); qDebug() << "ERROR " << error.name() << error.message(); } }