/********************************************************************************************************************* * * Copyright (C) 2012 Continental Automotive Systems, Inc. * * Author: Ana.Chisca@continental-corporation.com * Ionut.Ieremie@continental-corporation.com * * Implementation of backup process * * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. * * Date Author Reason * 2014.02.22 uidl9757 CSP_WZ#8795: cfg_priv_json_open_internal_handle - pFileBuffer needs to end in '\0' * 2014.02.21 uidl9757 CSP_WZ#8795: Improve performance by parsing the JSON files only once (at handle opening) * 2013.10.04 uidl9757 CSP_WZ#5962: Initialisation of Default Value does not work for big key (>63 bytes) * 2013.09.27 uidl9757 CSP_WZ#5781: Fix memory leakage * 2013.09.23 uidl9757 CSP_WZ#5781: Watchdog timeout of pas-daemon * 2013.07.03 uidl9757 CSP_WZ#4576: Install "custom" keys with correct storage * 2013.06.10 uidl9757 CSP_WZ#4285: Custom plugin's name has to be extracted from value for "storage" tag * 2013.04.03 uidl9757 CSP_WZ#3321: Adapt to persComRct.h version * 2013.04.02 uidl9757 CSP_WZ#2798: Fix handling of "customID" and "custom_name" * 2013.03.25 uidn3591 CSP_WZ#2798: Initial version * **********************************************************************************************************************/ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "dlt/dlt.h" #include "persistence_admin_service.h" #include "persComTypes.h" #include "persComRct.h" #include "ssw_pers_admin_files_helper.h" #include "ssw_pers_admin_config.h" #define MAX_NESTING_DEPTH ( 7) #define UNDEFINED_SIZE (-1) #define MAX_OPEN_HANDLES (16) /* maximum JSON files open at a certain moment * 5 or 6 are enough for now, but let's have some room for the future */ /* L&T context */ #define LT_HDR "CFG >> " DLT_IMPORT_CONTEXT (persAdminSvcDLTCtx) typedef struct _JSON_LookUp_s { pstr_t pstrValue_JSON; uint32_t u32Value_PAS; } JSON_LookUp_s; static JSON_LookUp_s g_JSON_LookUp_Table[] = { /* Permissions */ {"WO", PersistencePermission_WriteOnly}, {"RO", PersistencePermission_ReadOnly}, {"RW", PersistencePermission_ReadWrite}, /* PersistencePolicy */ {"NA", PersistencePolicy_na}, {"cached", PersistencePolicy_wc}, {"writethrough", PersistencePolicy_wt}, /* PersistenceStorage */ {"local", PersistenceStorage_local}, {"shared", PersistenceStorage_shared}, {"hwinfo", PersistenceStorage_custom}, {"early", PersistenceStorage_custom}, {"emergency", PersistenceStorage_custom}, {"secure", PersistenceStorage_custom}, {"custom1", PersistenceStorage_custom}, {"custom2", PersistenceStorage_custom}, {"custom3", PersistenceStorage_custom}, /* PersAdminCfgInstallRules */ {"PersAdminCfgInstallRules_NewInstall", PersAdminCfgInstallRules_NewInstall}, {"PersAdminCfgInstallRules_Uninstall", PersAdminCfgInstallRules_Uninstall}, {"PersAdminCfgInstallRules_DontTouch", PersAdminCfgInstallRules_DontTouch}, {"PersAdminCfgInstallRules_UpdateAll", PersAdminCfgInstallRules_UpdateAll}, {"PersAdminCfgInstallRules_UpdateAllSkipDefaultFactory", PersAdminCfgInstallRules_UpdateAllSkipDefaultFactory}, {"PersAdminCfgInstallRules_UpdateAllSkipDefaultConfig", PersAdminCfgInstallRules_UpdateAllSkipDefaultConfig}, {"PersAdminCfgInstallRules_UpdateAllSkipDefaultAll", PersAdminCfgInstallRules_UpdateAllSkipDefaultAll}, {"PersAdminCfgInstallRules_UpdateDefaultFactory", PersAdminCfgInstallRules_UpdateDefaultFactory}, {"PersAdminCfgInstallRules_UpdateDefaultConfig", PersAdminCfgInstallRules_UpdateDefaultConfig}, {"PersAdminCfgInstallRules_UpdateDefaultAll", PersAdminCfgInstallRules_UpdateDefaultAll}, {"PersAdminCfgInstallRules_UpdateSetOfResources", PersAdminCfgInstallRules_UpdateSetOfResources}, {"PersAdminCfgInstallRules_UninstallNonDefault", PersAdminCfgInstallRules_UninstallNonDefault}, /* PersAdminCfgInstallExceptions */ {"PersAdminCfgInstallExceptions_Update", PersAdminCfgInstallExceptions_Update}, {"PersAdminCfgInstallExceptions_DontTouch", PersAdminCfgInstallExceptions_DontTouch}, {"PersAdminCfgInstallExceptions_Delete", PersAdminCfgInstallExceptions_Delete}, /* */ {"file", PersistenceResourceType_file}, {"key", PersistenceResourceType_key}, {"END_OF_LKUP_LIST", 0} }; /* structure to keep the actual information about open JSON files * The caller of persAdmCfgFileOpen() will get only a fake handle */ typedef struct { json_object * pJsonObj ; /* allocated by cfg_priv_json_open_internal_handle, * freed by cfg_priv_json_close_internal_handle */ }cfg_json_handle_s; /* internal handle*/ typedef struct { bool_t bIsAssigned ; PersAdminCfgFileTypes_e eCfgFileType ; cfg_json_handle_s sJsonHandle ; }cfg_handle_s ; typedef enum _JSON_Key_LookUp_e { JsonKey_Resources, JsonKey_Policy, JsonKey_Permission, JsonKey_Storage, JsonKey_MaxSize, JsonKey_Responsible, JsonKey_CustomID, JsonKey_CustomName, JsonKey_Size, JsonKey_Data, JsonKey_Type } JSON_Key_LookUp_e; static char* g_JSON_Key_Names[] = { "resources", /**/ "policy", "permission", "storage", "max_size", "responsible", "customID", "custom_name", /**/ "size", "data", /**/ "type" }; /* the vector with internal handles * the external handles (returned by persAdmCfgFileOpen) are fake handles and represent the index in g_sHandles */ static cfg_handle_s g_sHandles[MAX_OPEN_HANDLES] ; /* internal handles related */ static int cfg_priv_handle_find_free (void); static int cfg_priv_handle_check_validity (int iExternalHandle, PersAdminCfgFileTypes_e eCfgFileType); static int cfg_priv_handle_check_validity_for_close (int iExternalHandle); static int cfg_priv_json_open_internal_handle (const char * filePathname, PersAdminCfgFileTypes_e eCfgFileType, cfg_handle_s* psHandle_inout); static int cfg_priv_json_close_internal_handle (cfg_handle_s* psHandle_inout); static signed int cfg_priv_extract_rct_information (char* pBuffer_in, signed int siBufferSize, PersistenceConfigurationKey_s* psConfig_out); static signed int cfg_priv_extract_rules_information (char* pBuffer_in, PersAdminCfgInstallRules_e* peRule_out); static signed int cfg_priv_extract_exception_information (char* pBuffer_in, PersAdminCfgInstallExceptions_e* peException_out); static signed int cfg_priv_extract_default_data_information(char* pBuffer_in, signed int siBufferSize_in, char* defaultDataBuffer_out, signed int siBufferSize_out); static uint32_t cfg_priv_json_to_pas (char* pBuffer_in); static signed int cfg_priv_json_parse_get_keys_size (json_object* jsobj, char const * resourceID); static signed int cfg_priv_json_parse_get_keys_all_size (json_object* jsobj); static signed int cfg_priv_json_parse_get_values_size (json_object* jsobj, char const * resourceID); /* recursive */ static signed int cfg_priv_json_parse_get_keys (json_object* jsobj, char const * resourceID, char** ppBuffer_out, signed int* psiBufferSize, unsigned int uiNestingCounter); static signed int cfg_priv_json_parse_get_keys_all (json_object* jsobj, char** ppBuffer_out, signed int* psiBufferSize); /* recursive */ static signed int cfg_priv_json_parse_get_values (json_object* jsobj, char const * resourceID, char** ppBuffer_out, signed int* psiBufferSize, unsigned int uiNestingCounter); /* recursive */ static signed int cfg_priv_json_parse_get_values_all (json_object* jsobj, char** ppBuffer_out, signed int* psiBufferSize, unsigned int uiNestingCounter); static signed int cfg_priv_json_get_value (json_object *jsobj, char** ppBuffer_out, signed int* psiBufferSize); /*********************************************************************************************************************************** *********************************************** General usage ********************************************************************** ***********************************************************************************************************************************/ /** * \brief Obtain a handler to config file (RCT, rules, DB) indicated by cfgFilePathname * * \param cfgFilePathname [in] absolute path to config file (length limited to \ref PERS_ORG_MAX_LENGTH_PATH_FILENAME) * \param eCfgFileType [in] * * \return >= 0 for valid handler, negative value for error (\ref PERSADM_CFG_ERROR_CODES_DEFINES) */ signed int persAdmCfgFileOpen(char const * filePathname, PersAdminCfgFileTypes_e eCfgFileType) { signed int errorCode = PAS_SUCCESS ; signed int indexInternalHandle = -1 ; /* check input parameters */ if( NIL == filePathname ) { DLT_LOG(persAdminSvcDLTCtx, DLT_LOG_ERROR, DLT_STRING(LT_HDR), DLT_STRING("persAdmCfgFileOpen"), DLT_STRING("-"), DLT_STRING("invalid input parameters")); errorCode = PAS_FAILURE_INVALID_PARAMETER ; } else { indexInternalHandle = cfg_priv_handle_find_free(); if(indexInternalHandle < 0) { errorCode = PAS_FAILURE_OUT_OF_MEMORY ; } } if(PAS_SUCCESS == errorCode) { errorCode = cfg_priv_json_open_internal_handle(filePathname, eCfgFileType, &g_sHandles[indexInternalHandle]); } /* return result */ return (PAS_SUCCESS == errorCode) ? indexInternalHandle : errorCode ; } /* persAdmCfgFileOpen */ /** * \brief Close handler to config file * * \param handlerCfgFile [in] handler obtained with persAdmCfgFileOpen * * \return 0 for success, negative value for error (\ref PERSADM_CFG_ERROR_CODES_DEFINES) */ signed int persAdmCfgFileClose(signed int handlerCfgFile) { int errorCode = PAS_SUCCESS ; errorCode = cfg_priv_handle_check_validity_for_close(handlerCfgFile) ; if(PAS_SUCCESS == errorCode) { cfg_priv_json_close_internal_handle(&g_sHandles[handlerCfgFile]); } /* return result */ return errorCode ; } /* persAdmCfgFileClose() */ /*********************************************************************************************************************************** *********************************************** RCT related ************************************************************************ ***********************************************************************************************************************************/ /** * \brief read a resourceID's configuration from RCT * * \param handlerRCT [in] handler obtained with persAdmCfgFileOpen * \param resourceID [in] resource's identifier (length limited to \ref PERS_RCT_MAX_LENGTH_RESOURCE_ID) * \param psConfig_out [out]where to return the configuration for resourceID * * \return 0 for success, or negative value for error (\ref PERSADM_CFG_ERROR_CODES_DEFINES) */ signed int persAdmCfgRctRead(signed int handlerRCT, char const * resourceID, PersistenceConfigurationKey_s* psConfig_out) { signed int siResult = PAS_SUCCESS; char* pBufferTemp = NIL; char bufferTemp[1024]; siResult = cfg_priv_handle_check_validity(handlerRCT, PersAdminCfgFileType_RCT) ; if(PAS_SUCCESS == siResult) { if( (NIL == resourceID) || (NIL == psConfig_out) ) { DLT_LOG(persAdminSvcDLTCtx, DLT_LOG_ERROR, DLT_STRING(LT_HDR), DLT_STRING(__FUNCTION__), DLT_STRING(" - invalid input parameters")); siResult = PAS_FAILURE_INVALID_PARAMETER; } } if(PAS_SUCCESS == siResult) { /* get size to accommodate values */ int iBufferTempSize = cfg_priv_json_parse_get_values_size(g_sHandles[handlerRCT].sJsonHandle.pJsonObj, resourceID); if(iBufferTempSize > 0) { if(iBufferTempSize <= sizeof(bufferTemp)) { char* pTemp = bufferTemp ; siResult = cfg_priv_json_parse_get_values(g_sHandles[handlerRCT].sJsonHandle.pJsonObj, resourceID, &pTemp, &iBufferTempSize, 0); } else { pBufferTemp = (char*)malloc(iBufferTempSize); if(NULL != pBufferTemp) { siResult = cfg_priv_json_parse_get_values(g_sHandles[handlerRCT].sJsonHandle.pJsonObj, resourceID, &pBufferTemp, &iBufferTempSize, 0); } } } else { siResult = (0 == siResult) ? PAS_FAILURE_NOT_FOUND : siResult; } } if(siResult >= PAS_SUCCESS) { /* parse corresponding array and extract specific information */ char* pBuffer = (NULL == pBufferTemp) ? bufferTemp : pBufferTemp ; siResult = cfg_priv_extract_rct_information(pBuffer, siResult, psConfig_out); } if(NULL != pBufferTemp) { free(pBufferTemp); } /* return 0 for success */ return (siResult >= 0) ? 0 : siResult ; } /* persAdmCfgRctRead() */ /*DG C8ISQP-ISQP Metric 10-SSW_Administrator_0001*/ /** * \brief Find the buffer's size needed to accommodate the list of resourceIDs in RCT * \note : resourceIDs in the list are separated by '\0' * * \param handlerRCT [in] handler obtained with persAdmCfgFileOpen * * \return needed size [byte], or negative value for error (\ref PERSADM_CFG_ERROR_CODES_DEFINES) */ signed int persAdmCfgRctGetSizeResourcesList(signed int handlerRCT) { signed int siResult = PAS_SUCCESS; siResult = cfg_priv_handle_check_validity(handlerRCT, PersAdminCfgFileType_RCT) ; if(PAS_SUCCESS == siResult) { siResult = cfg_priv_json_parse_get_keys_size(g_sHandles[handlerRCT].sJsonHandle.pJsonObj, g_JSON_Key_Names[JsonKey_Resources]); } return siResult; } /* persAdmCfgRctGetSizeResourcesList() */ /** * \brief Get the list of the resourceIDs in RCT * \note : resourceIDs in the list are separated by '\0' * * \param handlerRCT [in] handler obtained with persAdmCfgFileOpen * \param listBuffer_out [out]buffer where to return the list of resourceIDs * \param listBufferSize [in] size of listBuffer_out * * \return list size [byte], or negative value for error (\ref PERSADM_CFG_ERROR_CODES_DEFINES) */ signed int persAdmCfgRctGetResourcesList(signed int handlerRCT, char* listBuffer_out, signed int listBufferSize) { signed int siResult = PAS_SUCCESS; siResult = cfg_priv_handle_check_validity(handlerRCT, PersAdminCfgFileType_RCT) ; if( (PAS_SUCCESS != siResult) || (NULL == listBuffer_out) || (listBufferSize <= 0) ) { DLT_LOG(persAdminSvcDLTCtx, DLT_LOG_ERROR, DLT_STRING(LT_HDR), DLT_STRING(__FUNCTION__), DLT_STRING(" - invalid input parameters")); siResult = PAS_FAILURE_INVALID_PARAMETER; } if(PAS_SUCCESS == siResult) { /* work with temporary variables */ char* pBuffer_outTemp = listBuffer_out; /* reset */ siResult = listBufferSize; /* parse RCT file & search for 'resources' key */ siResult = cfg_priv_json_parse_get_keys(g_sHandles[handlerRCT].sJsonHandle.pJsonObj, g_JSON_Key_Names[JsonKey_Resources], &pBuffer_outTemp, &siResult, 0); } /* return number of bytes in buffer */ return siResult; } /* persAdmCfgRctGetResourcesList() */ /*DG C8ISQP-ISQP Metric 10-SSW_Administrator_0001*/ /*********************************************************************************************************************************** *********************************************** Install Rules related ************************************************************** ***********************************************************************************************************************************/ /** * \brief Find the buffer's size needed to accommodate the list of apps/groups names in install rules file * \note : the items in the list are separated by '\0' * * \param handlerRulesFile [in] handler obtained with persAdmCfgFileOpen * * \return needed size [byte], or negative value for error (\ref PERSADM_CFG_ERROR_CODES_DEFINES) */ signed int persAdmCfgRulesGetSizeFoldersList(signed int handlerRulesFile) { signed int siResult = PAS_SUCCESS; siResult = cfg_priv_handle_check_validity(handlerRulesFile, PersAdminCfgFileType_InstallRules) ; if(PAS_SUCCESS == siResult) { /* get size */ siResult = cfg_priv_json_parse_get_keys_all_size(g_sHandles[handlerRulesFile].sJsonHandle.pJsonObj); } else { DLT_LOG(persAdminSvcDLTCtx, DLT_LOG_ERROR, DLT_STRING(LT_HDR), DLT_STRING(__FUNCTION__), DLT_STRING(" - invalid input parameters")); siResult = PAS_FAILURE_INVALID_PARAMETER; } /* return size */ return siResult; } /* persAdmCfgRulesGetSizeFoldersList() */ /** * \brief Get the list of apps/groups names in install rules file * \note : the items in the list are separated by '\0' * * \param handlerRulesFile [in] handler obtained with persAdmCfgFileOpen * \param listBuffer_out [out]buffer where to return the list of apps/groups names * \param listBufferSize [in] size of listBuffer_out * * \return list size [byte], or negative value for error (\ref PERSADM_CFG_ERROR_CODES_DEFINES) */ signed int persAdmCfgRulesGetFoldersList(signed int handlerRulesFile, char* listBuffer_out, signed int listBufferSize) { signed int siResult = PAS_SUCCESS; siResult = cfg_priv_handle_check_validity(handlerRulesFile, PersAdminCfgFileType_InstallRules) ; if( (PAS_SUCCESS != siResult) || (NIL == listBuffer_out) || (listBufferSize <= 0) ) { DLT_LOG(persAdminSvcDLTCtx, DLT_LOG_ERROR, DLT_STRING(LT_HDR), DLT_STRING(__FUNCTION__), DLT_STRING(" - invalid input parameters")); siResult = PAS_FAILURE_INVALID_PARAMETER; } if(PAS_SUCCESS == siResult) { /* work with temporary variables */ char* pBuffer_outTemp = listBuffer_out; /* reset */ siResult = listBufferSize; /* parse install rules file & get all keys */ siResult = cfg_priv_json_parse_get_keys_all(g_sHandles[handlerRulesFile].sJsonHandle.pJsonObj, &pBuffer_outTemp, &siResult); } /* return number of bytes in buffer */ return siResult; } /* persAdmCfgRulesGetFoldersList() */ /*DG C8ISQP-ISQP Metric 10-SSW_Administrator_0001*/ /** * \brief Get the rule for the app/group install folder * * \param handlerRulesFile [in] handler obtained with persAdmCfgFileOpen * \param folderName [in] name of the app/group install folder * \param peRule_out [out]buffer where to return the rule for the folder * * \return 0 for success, or negative value for error (\ref PERSADM_CFG_ERROR_CODES_DEFINES) */ signed int persAdmCfgRulesGetRuleForFolder(signed int handlerRulesFile, char* folderName, PersAdminCfgInstallRules_e* peRule_out) { signed int siResult = PAS_SUCCESS; char* pBufferTemp = NIL; siResult = cfg_priv_handle_check_validity(handlerRulesFile, PersAdminCfgFileType_InstallRules) ; if( (PAS_SUCCESS != siResult) || (NIL == folderName) || (NIL == peRule_out) ) { DLT_LOG(persAdminSvcDLTCtx, DLT_LOG_ERROR, DLT_STRING(LT_HDR), DLT_STRING(__FUNCTION__), DLT_STRING(" - invalid input parameters")); siResult = PAS_FAILURE_INVALID_PARAMETER; } if(PAS_SUCCESS == siResult) { /* get size to accommodate values */ siResult = cfg_priv_json_parse_get_values_size(g_sHandles[handlerRulesFile].sJsonHandle.pJsonObj, folderName); siResult = (0 == siResult) ? PAS_FAILURE_NOT_FOUND : siResult; if( PAS_SUCCESS < siResult ) { pBufferTemp = (char*) malloc(siResult); /*DG C8MR2R-MISRA-C:2004 Rule 20.4-SSW_Administrator_0002*/ if( NIL == pBufferTemp ) { siResult = PAS_FAILURE_OUT_OF_MEMORY; } } } if(siResult > PAS_SUCCESS) { /* work with temporary variables */ signed int siResultTemp = siResult; char* pBufferTempTemp = pBufferTemp; /* parse install rules file */ siResultTemp = cfg_priv_json_parse_get_values(g_sHandles[handlerRulesFile].sJsonHandle.pJsonObj, folderName, &pBufferTempTemp, &siResultTemp, 0); /* interpret result */ siResult = (siResultTemp != siResult) ? PAS_FAILURE : siResultTemp; } if(siResult > PAS_SUCCESS) { /* parse corresponding array and extract specific information */ siResult = cfg_priv_extract_rules_information(pBufferTemp, peRule_out); } if(NULL != pBufferTemp) { free(pBufferTemp); } /* return 0 for success */ return siResult; } /* persAdmCfgRulesGetRuleForFolder() */ /*DG C8ISQP-ISQP Metric 10-SSW_Administrator_0001*/ /*********************************************************************************************************************************** *********************************************** Install Exceptions related ********************************************************* ***********************************************************************************************************************************/ /** * \brief Find the buffer's size needed to accommodate the list of resources in install exceptions file * \note : the items in the list are separated by '\0' * * \param handlerExceptionsFile [in] handler obtained with persAdmCfgFileOpen * * \return needed size [byte], or negative value for error (\ref PERSADM_CFG_ERROR_CODES_DEFINES) */ signed int persAdmCfgExcGetSizeResourcesList(signed int handlerExceptionsFile) { signed int siResult = PAS_SUCCESS; siResult = cfg_priv_handle_check_validity(handlerExceptionsFile, PersAdminCfgFileType_InstallExceptions) ; if(PAS_SUCCESS != siResult) { DLT_LOG(persAdminSvcDLTCtx, DLT_LOG_ERROR, DLT_STRING(LT_HDR), DLT_STRING(__FUNCTION__), DLT_STRING(" - invalid input parameters")); siResult = PAS_FAILURE_INVALID_PARAMETER; } if(PAS_SUCCESS == siResult) { /* get size */ siResult = cfg_priv_json_parse_get_keys_all_size(g_sHandles[handlerExceptionsFile].sJsonHandle.pJsonObj); } /* return size */ return siResult; } /* persAdmCfgExcGetSizeResourcesList() */ /** * \brief Get the list of resources in install exceptions file * \note : the items in the list are separated by '\0' * * \param handlerExceptionsFile [in] handler obtained with persAdmCfgFileOpen * \param listBuffer_out [out]buffer where to return the list of apps/groups names * \param listBufferSize [in] size of listBuffer_out * * \return list size [byte], or negative value for error (\ref PERSADM_CFG_ERROR_CODES_DEFINES) */ signed int persAdmCfgExcGetFoldersList(signed int handlerExceptionsFile, char* listBuffer_out, signed int listBufferSize) { signed int siResult = PAS_SUCCESS; siResult = cfg_priv_handle_check_validity(handlerExceptionsFile, PersAdminCfgFileType_InstallExceptions) ; if( (PAS_SUCCESS != siResult) || (NIL == listBuffer_out) || (listBufferSize <= 0) ) { DLT_LOG(persAdminSvcDLTCtx, DLT_LOG_ERROR, DLT_STRING(LT_HDR), DLT_STRING(__FUNCTION__), DLT_STRING(" - invalid input parameters")); siResult = PAS_FAILURE_INVALID_PARAMETER; } if(PAS_SUCCESS == siResult) { /* work with temporary variables */ char* pBuffer_outTemp = listBuffer_out; /* reset */ siResult = listBufferSize; /* parse install exceptions file & get all keys */ siResult = cfg_priv_json_parse_get_keys_all(g_sHandles[handlerExceptionsFile].sJsonHandle.pJsonObj, &pBuffer_outTemp, &siResult); } /* return number of bytes in buffer */ return siResult; } /* persAdmCfgExcGetFoldersList() */ /*DG C8ISQP-ISQP Metric 10-SSW_Administrator_0001*/ /** * \brief Get the rule for the app/group install folder * * \param handlerRulesFile [in] handler obtained with persAdmCfgFileOpen * \param resource [in] identifier of the resource affected by the exception * \param peException_out [out]buffer where to return the exception for the resource * * \return 0 for success, or negative value for error (\ref PERSADM_CFG_ERROR_CODES_DEFINES) */ signed int persAdmCfgExcGetExceptionForResource(signed int handlerExceptionsFile, char* resourceID, PersAdminCfgInstallExceptions_e* peException_out) { signed int siResult = PAS_SUCCESS; char* pBufferTemp = NIL; siResult = cfg_priv_handle_check_validity(handlerExceptionsFile, PersAdminCfgFileType_InstallExceptions) ; if( (PAS_SUCCESS != siResult) || (NIL == resourceID) || (NIL == peException_out) ) { DLT_LOG(persAdminSvcDLTCtx, DLT_LOG_ERROR, DLT_STRING(LT_HDR), DLT_STRING(__FUNCTION__), DLT_STRING(" - invalid input parameters")); siResult = PAS_FAILURE_INVALID_PARAMETER; } if(PAS_SUCCESS == siResult) { /* get size to accommodate values */ siResult = cfg_priv_json_parse_get_values_size(g_sHandles[handlerExceptionsFile].sJsonHandle.pJsonObj, resourceID); siResult = (0 == siResult) ? PAS_FAILURE_NOT_FOUND : siResult; if(siResult > 0) { pBufferTemp = (char*) malloc(siResult); /*DG C8MR2R-MISRA-C:2004 Rule 20.4-SSW_Administrator_0002*/ if( NIL == pBufferTemp ) { siResult = PAS_FAILURE_OUT_OF_MEMORY; } } } if(siResult > PAS_SUCCESS) { /* work with temporary variables */ signed int siResultTemp = siResult; char* pBufferTempTemp = pBufferTemp; siResultTemp = cfg_priv_json_parse_get_values(g_sHandles[handlerExceptionsFile].sJsonHandle.pJsonObj, resourceID, &pBufferTempTemp, &siResultTemp, 0); /* interpret result */ siResult = (siResultTemp != siResult) ? PAS_FAILURE : siResultTemp; } if(siResult > PAS_SUCCESS) { /* parse corresponding array and extract specific information */ siResult = cfg_priv_extract_exception_information(pBufferTemp, peException_out); } if(NULL != pBufferTemp) { free(pBufferTemp); } /* return 0 for success */ return siResult; } /* persAdmCfgExcGetExceptionForResource() */ /*DG C8ISQP-ISQP Metric 10-SSW_Administrator_0001*/ /*********************************************************************************************************************************** *********************************************** Group content related ************************************************************** ***********************************************************************************************************************************/ /** * \brief Find the buffer's size needed to accommodate the list of members in the group * * \param handlerGroupContent [in] handler obtained with persAdmCfgFileOpen * * \return needed size [byte], or negative value for error (\ref PERSADM_CFG_ERROR_CODES_DEFINES) */ signed int persAdmCfgGroupContentGetSizeMembersList(signed int handlerGroupContent) { signed int siResult = PAS_SUCCESS; siResult = cfg_priv_handle_check_validity(handlerGroupContent, PersAdminCfgFileType_GroupContent) ; if(PAS_SUCCESS == siResult) { DLT_LOG(persAdminSvcDLTCtx, DLT_LOG_ERROR, DLT_STRING(LT_HDR), DLT_STRING(__FUNCTION__), DLT_STRING(" - invalid input parameters")); siResult = PAS_FAILURE_INVALID_PARAMETER; } if(PAS_SUCCESS == siResult) { /* get size */ siResult = cfg_priv_json_parse_get_keys_all_size(g_sHandles[handlerGroupContent].sJsonHandle.pJsonObj); } /* return size */ return siResult; } /* persAdmCfgGroupContentGetSizeMembersList() */ /** * \brief Get the list of members in the group * \note : resourceIDs in the list are separated by '\0' * * \param handlerGroupContent [in] handler obtained with persAdmCfgFileOpen * \param listBuffer_out [out]buffer where to return the list of resourceIDs * \param listBufferSize [in] size of listBuffer_out * * \return list size [byte], or negative value for error (\ref PERSADM_CFG_ERROR_CODES_DEFINES) */ signed int persAdmCfgGroupContentGetMembersList(signed int handlerGroupContent, char* listBuffer_out, signed int listBufferSize) { signed int siResult = PAS_SUCCESS; siResult = cfg_priv_handle_check_validity(handlerGroupContent, PersAdminCfgFileType_GroupContent) ; if( (PAS_SUCCESS != siResult) || (NIL == listBuffer_out) || (listBufferSize <= 0) ) { DLT_LOG(persAdminSvcDLTCtx, DLT_LOG_ERROR, DLT_STRING(LT_HDR), DLT_STRING(__FUNCTION__), DLT_STRING(" - invalid input parameters")); siResult = PAS_FAILURE_INVALID_PARAMETER; } if(PAS_SUCCESS == siResult) { /* work with temporary variables */ char* pBuffer_outTemp = listBuffer_out; /* reset */ siResult = listBufferSize; /* parse groups file & get all keys */ siResult = cfg_priv_json_parse_get_keys_all(g_sHandles[handlerGroupContent].sJsonHandle.pJsonObj, &pBuffer_outTemp, &siResult); } /* return number of bytes in buffer */ return siResult; } /* persAdmCfgGroupContentGetMembersList() */ /*DG C8ISQP-ISQP Metric 10-SSW_Administrator_0001*/ /*********************************************************************************************************************************** *********************************************** Default data related ************************************************************** ***********************************************************************************************************************************/ /** * \brief Get the default value for the key type resourceID * * \param hDefaultDataFile [in] handler obtained with persAdmCfgFileOpen * * \return size of default data (0 means there is no default data for the key), or negative value for error (\ref PERSADM_CFG_ERROR_CODES_DEFINES) */ signed int persAdmCfgReadDefaultData(signed int hDefaultDataFile, char const * resourceID, char* defaultDataBuffer_out, signed int bufferSize) { signed int siResult = PAS_SUCCESS; char* pBuffer_out = NIL; siResult = cfg_priv_handle_check_validity(hDefaultDataFile, PersAdminCfgFileType_Database) ; if(PAS_SUCCESS == siResult) { if( (NIL == resourceID) || (NIL == defaultDataBuffer_out) || (bufferSize <= 0) ) { DLT_LOG(persAdminSvcDLTCtx, DLT_LOG_ERROR, DLT_STRING(LT_HDR), DLT_STRING(__FUNCTION__), DLT_STRING(" - invalid input parameters")); siResult = PAS_FAILURE_INVALID_PARAMETER; } } if(PAS_SUCCESS == siResult) { /* get size to accommodate values */ siResult = cfg_priv_json_parse_get_values_size(g_sHandles[hDefaultDataFile].sJsonHandle.pJsonObj, resourceID); siResult = (0 == siResult) ? PAS_FAILURE_NOT_FOUND : siResult; if(siResult > PAS_SUCCESS) { pBuffer_out = (char*) malloc(siResult); /*DG C8MR2R-MISRA-C:2004 Rule 20.4-SSW_Administrator_0002*/ if( NIL == pBuffer_out ) { siResult = PAS_FAILURE_OUT_OF_MEMORY; } } if(siResult > PAS_SUCCESS) { /* work with temporary variables */ signed int siResultTemp = siResult; char* pBuffer_outTemp = pBuffer_out; /* parse default data file */ siResultTemp = cfg_priv_json_parse_get_values(g_sHandles[hDefaultDataFile].sJsonHandle.pJsonObj, resourceID, &pBuffer_outTemp, &siResultTemp, 0); /* interpret result */ siResult = (siResultTemp != siResult) ? PAS_FAILURE : siResultTemp; } if(siResult > PAS_SUCCESS) { /* parse corresponding array and extract specific information */ siResult = cfg_priv_extract_default_data_information(pBuffer_out, siResult, defaultDataBuffer_out, bufferSize); } } /* perform cleaning operations */ if( NIL != pBuffer_out ) { free(pBuffer_out); /*DG C8MR2R-MISRA-C:2004 Rule 20.4-SSW_Administrator_0002*/ } /* size of data */ return siResult; } /* persAdmCfgReadDefaultData() */ /*DG C8ISQP-ISQP Metric 10-SSW_Administrator_0001*/ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /* Assumption that pBuffer_in contains information in the following form: "key1\0data1\0key2\0data2\0.." */ static signed int cfg_priv_extract_rct_information(char* pBuffer_in, signed int siBufferSize, PersistenceConfigurationKey_s * psConfig_out) { signed int siResult = PAS_SUCCESS; /* paranoia check */ if( (NIL == pBuffer_in) || (NIL == psConfig_out) || (0 > siBufferSize)) { /* set error */ siResult = PAS_FAILURE_INVALID_PARAMETER; } else { char* pBufferTemp = pBuffer_in; /* reset the buffer content */ (void)memset(psConfig_out, 0x0, sizeof(PersistenceConfigurationKey_s)) ; while( pBufferTemp < (pBuffer_in + siBufferSize) )/* TODO: compute end size only once */ { if( 0 == strcmp(g_JSON_Key_Names[JsonKey_Policy], pBufferTemp) ) { pBufferTemp += (strlen(pBufferTemp) + 1 /* \0 */); psConfig_out->policy = (PersistencePolicy_e)cfg_priv_json_to_pas(pBufferTemp); } if( 0 == strcmp(g_JSON_Key_Names[JsonKey_Storage], pBufferTemp) ) { pBufferTemp += (strlen(pBufferTemp) + 1 /* \0 */); psConfig_out->storage = (PersistenceStorage_e)cfg_priv_json_to_pas(pBufferTemp); if(PersistenceStorage_custom == psConfig_out->storage) { /* for the situation when WebTool does not provide the name of the custom plugin in a separate tag "custom_name" */ (void)snprintf(psConfig_out->custom_name, sizeof(psConfig_out->custom_name), "%s", pBufferTemp); } } if( 0 == strcmp(g_JSON_Key_Names[JsonKey_Type], pBufferTemp) ) { pBufferTemp += (strlen(pBufferTemp) + 1 /* \0 */); psConfig_out->type = (PersistenceResourceType_e)cfg_priv_json_to_pas(pBufferTemp); } if( 0 == strcmp(g_JSON_Key_Names[JsonKey_Permission], pBufferTemp) ) { pBufferTemp += (strlen(pBufferTemp) + 1 /* \0 */); psConfig_out->permission = cfg_priv_json_to_pas(pBufferTemp); } if( 0 == strcmp(g_JSON_Key_Names[JsonKey_MaxSize], pBufferTemp) ) { pBufferTemp += (strlen(pBufferTemp) + 1 /* \0 */); psConfig_out->max_size = (unsigned int)atoi(pBufferTemp); } if( 0 == strcmp(g_JSON_Key_Names[JsonKey_Responsible], pBufferTemp) ) { pBufferTemp += (strlen(pBufferTemp) + 1 /* \0 */); (void)snprintf(psConfig_out->reponsible, sizeof(psConfig_out->reponsible), "%s", pBufferTemp); } if( 0 == strcmp(g_JSON_Key_Names[JsonKey_CustomName], pBufferTemp) ) { pBufferTemp += (strlen(pBufferTemp) + 1 /* \0 */); (void)snprintf(psConfig_out->custom_name, sizeof(psConfig_out->custom_name), "%s", pBufferTemp); } if( 0 == strcmp(g_JSON_Key_Names[JsonKey_CustomID], pBufferTemp) ) { pBufferTemp += (strlen(pBufferTemp) + 1 /* \0 */); (void)snprintf(psConfig_out->customID, sizeof(psConfig_out->customID), "%s", pBufferTemp); } pBufferTemp += (strlen(pBufferTemp) + 1 /* \0 */); } } return siResult; } /* cfg_priv_extract_rct_information() */ static signed int cfg_priv_extract_rules_information(char* pBuffer_in, PersAdminCfgInstallRules_e* peRule_out) { signed int siResult = PAS_SUCCESS; /* paranoia check */ if( (NIL == pBuffer_in) || (NIL == peRule_out) ) { /* set error */ siResult = PAS_FAILURE_INVALID_PARAMETER; } else { *peRule_out = (PersAdminCfgInstallRules_e)cfg_priv_json_to_pas(pBuffer_in); } return siResult; } /* cfg_priv_extract_rules_information() */ static signed int cfg_priv_extract_exception_information(char* pBuffer_in, PersAdminCfgInstallExceptions_e* peException_out) { signed int siResult = PAS_SUCCESS; /* paranoia check */ if( (NIL == pBuffer_in) || (NIL == peException_out) ) { /* set error */ siResult = PAS_FAILURE_INVALID_PARAMETER; } else { *peException_out = (PersAdminCfgInstallExceptions_e)cfg_priv_json_to_pas(pBuffer_in); } return siResult; } /* cfg_priv_extract_exception_information() */ static signed int cfg_priv_extract_default_data_information(char* pBuffer_in, signed int siBufferSize_in, char* defaultDataBuffer_out, signed int siBufferSize_out) { signed int siDataSize = 0; /* paranoia check */ if( (NIL == pBuffer_in) || (NIL == defaultDataBuffer_out) || (0 > siBufferSize_out)) { /* set error */ siDataSize = PAS_FAILURE_INVALID_PARAMETER; } else { char* pBufferData = NIL ; char* pBufferTemp = pBuffer_in; /* size'\0'15'\0'data'\0'0102030405060708090A0B0C0D0E0F'\0'; */ while( pBufferTemp < (pBuffer_in + siBufferSize_in) ) { if( 0 == strcmp(g_JSON_Key_Names[JsonKey_Size], pBufferTemp) ) { pBufferTemp += (strlen(pBufferTemp) + 1 /* \0 */); siDataSize = atoi(pBufferTemp); } if( 0 == strcmp(g_JSON_Key_Names[JsonKey_Data], pBufferTemp) ) { pBufferTemp += (strlen(pBufferTemp) + 1 /* \0 */); pBufferData = pBufferTemp ; } pBufferTemp += (strlen(pBufferTemp) + 1 /* \0 */); } if( (0 > siDataSize) || (siDataSize > siBufferSize_out) || (NIL == pBufferData) ) { /* raise & set error */ siDataSize = PAS_FAILURE_INVALID_PARAMETER; } else { unsigned int i = 0; pBufferTemp = pBufferData; /* parse buffer */ while( pBufferTemp < (pBufferData + (siDataSize * 2)) ) { (void)sscanf(pBufferTemp, "%2x", (unsigned int*)(defaultDataBuffer_out + i)); /* printf("%d : 0x%x\n", i, *(defaultDataBuffer_out + i)); */ /* step over 2 characters */ pBufferTemp += 2; /* move on to the next element in output buffer */ ++i; } } } /* return number of bytes */ return siDataSize; } /* cfg_priv_extract_default_data_information() */ /* JSON <-> PAS */ static uint32_t cfg_priv_json_to_pas(char* pBuffer_in) { uint32_t u32Result = 0; uint32_t i = 0; bool_t bFound = false; uint32_t u32ElementsNo = sizeof(g_JSON_LookUp_Table)/sizeof(g_JSON_LookUp_Table[0]); for( i = 0; (i < u32ElementsNo) && (false == bFound); ++i ) { if( 0 == strcmp(g_JSON_LookUp_Table[i].pstrValue_JSON, pBuffer_in) ) { u32Result = g_JSON_LookUp_Table[i].u32Value_PAS; bFound = true; } } return u32Result; } /* cfg_priv_json_to_pas() */ /* JSON PARSER */ static signed int cfg_priv_json_parse_get_keys(json_object* jsobj, char const * resourceID, char** ppBuffer_out, signed int* psiBufferSize, unsigned int uiNestingCounter) { signed int siResult = 0; enum json_type type; char* key = NIL; struct json_object* val = NIL; struct lh_entry* entry = NIL; if( (++uiNestingCounter) >= MAX_NESTING_DEPTH ) { /* set error */ siResult = PAS_FAILURE; /* printf("cfg_priv_json_parse_get_keys - MAX_NESTING_DEPTH\n"); */ } if( NIL != json_object_get_object(jsobj) ) { entry = json_object_get_object(jsobj)->head; key = ( NIL != entry ) ? (char*)entry->k : key; val = ( NIL != entry ) ? (struct json_object*)entry->v : val; while( (NIL != entry) && (NIL != key) && (NIL != val) && (0 <= siResult) ) { if( 0 == strcmp(resourceID, key) ) { type = json_object_get_type(val); if( json_type_object == type ) { siResult = cfg_priv_json_parse_get_keys_all(json_object_object_get(jsobj, key), ppBuffer_out, psiBufferSize); } break; } else { type = json_object_get_type(val); if( json_type_object == type ) { /* recursive */ signed int sTempResult = cfg_priv_json_parse_get_keys(json_object_object_get(jsobj, key), resourceID, ppBuffer_out, psiBufferSize, uiNestingCounter); siResult = (sTempResult < 0) ? (sTempResult) : (siResult + sTempResult); } } /* move on to the next entry */ entry = entry->next; key = ( NIL != entry ) ? (char*)entry->k : key; val = ( NIL != entry ) ? (struct json_object*)entry->v : val; } } /* return size */ return siResult; } /* cfg_priv_json_parse_get_keys() */ static signed int cfg_priv_json_parse_get_keys_all(json_object* jsobj, char** ppBuffer_out, signed int* psiBufferSize) { signed int siResult = 0; char* key = NIL; struct lh_entry* entry = NIL; /* remember starting point */ char* pBufferTemp = *ppBuffer_out; signed int siBufferSizeTemp = *psiBufferSize; if( NIL != json_object_get_object(jsobj) ) { entry = json_object_get_object(jsobj)->head; key = ( NIL != entry ) ? (char*)entry->k : key; while( (NIL != entry) && (NIL != key) ) { size_t szKey = strlen(key) + 1; if( NIL != pBufferTemp ) { if( (siResult + (signed int)szKey) <= siBufferSizeTemp ) { /* get key */ (void)snprintf(*ppBuffer_out, (size_t)(*psiBufferSize), "%s%c", key, '\0'); *ppBuffer_out += szKey; *psiBufferSize -= szKey; /* get key length */ siResult += (signed int)szKey; } else { siResult = PAS_FAILURE_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL; } } else { /* get key length */ siResult += (signed int)szKey; } /* move on to the next entry */ entry = entry->next; key = ( NIL != entry ) ? (char*)entry->k : key; } } /* return size */ return siResult; } /* cfg_priv_json_parse_get_keys_all() */ static signed int cfg_priv_json_parse_get_values(json_object* jsobj, char const * resourceID, char** ppBuffer_out, signed int* psiBufferSize, unsigned int uiNestingCounter) { signed int siResult = 0; enum json_type type; char* key = NIL; struct json_object* val = NIL; struct lh_entry* entry = NIL; if( (++uiNestingCounter) >= MAX_NESTING_DEPTH ) { /* set error */ siResult = PAS_FAILURE; /* printf("cfg_priv_json_parse_get_values - MAX_NESTING_DEPTH\n"); */ } if( NIL != json_object_get_object(jsobj) ) { entry = json_object_get_object(jsobj)->head; key = ( NIL != entry ) ? (char*)entry->k : key; val = ( NIL != entry ) ? (struct json_object*)entry->v : val; while( (NIL != entry) && (NIL != key) && (NIL != val) && (0 <= siResult) ) { if( 0 == strcmp(resourceID, key) ) { /* key found; */ type = json_object_get_type(val); if( json_type_object == type ) { siResult = cfg_priv_json_parse_get_values_all(json_object_object_get(jsobj, key), ppBuffer_out, psiBufferSize, uiNestingCounter); } else { /* get value */ siResult = cfg_priv_json_get_value(val, ppBuffer_out, psiBufferSize); } /* exit for; */ break; } else { type = json_object_get_type(val); if( json_type_object == type ) { /* recursive */ signed int sTempResult = cfg_priv_json_parse_get_values(json_object_object_get(jsobj, key), resourceID, ppBuffer_out, psiBufferSize, uiNestingCounter); siResult = (sTempResult < 0) ? (sTempResult) : (siResult + sTempResult); } } /* move on to the next entry */ entry = entry->next; key = ( NIL != entry ) ? (char*)entry->k : key; val = ( NIL != entry ) ? (struct json_object*)entry->v : val; } } /* return size */ return siResult; } /* cfg_priv_json_parse_get_values() */ static signed int cfg_priv_json_parse_get_values_all(json_object* jsobj, char** ppBuffer_out, signed int* psiBufferSize, unsigned int uiNestingCounter) { signed int siResult = 0; enum json_type type; char* key = NIL; struct json_object* val = NIL; struct lh_entry* entry = NIL; /* remember starting point */ char* pBufferTemp = *ppBuffer_out; signed int siBufferSizeTemp = *psiBufferSize; if( (++uiNestingCounter) >= MAX_NESTING_DEPTH ) { /* set error */ siResult = PAS_FAILURE; /* printf("cfg_priv_json_parse_get_values_all - MAX_NESTING_DEPTH\n"); */ } if( NIL != json_object_get_object(jsobj) ) { entry = json_object_get_object(jsobj)->head; key = ( NIL != entry ) ? (char*)entry->k : key; val = ( NIL != entry ) ? (struct json_object*)entry->v : val; while( (NIL != entry) && (NIL != key) && (NIL != val) && (0 <= siResult) ) { size_t szKey = strlen(key) + 1; if( NIL != pBufferTemp ) { if( (siResult + (signed int)szKey) <= siBufferSizeTemp ) { /* get key */ (void)snprintf(*ppBuffer_out, (size_t)(*psiBufferSize), "%s%c", key, '\0'); *ppBuffer_out += szKey; *psiBufferSize -= szKey; /* get key length */ siResult += (signed int)szKey; /* (void)printf("key wanted = <%s>\n", key); */ } else { siResult = PAS_FAILURE_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL; } } else { /* get key length */ siResult += (signed int)szKey; /* (void)printf("key = <%s>\n", key); */ } type = json_object_get_type(val); if( json_type_object == type ) { /* get value length */ /* recursive */ signed int sTempResult = cfg_priv_json_parse_get_values_all(json_object_object_get(jsobj, key), ppBuffer_out, psiBufferSize, uiNestingCounter); siResult = (sTempResult < 0) ? (sTempResult) : (siResult + sTempResult); } else { /* get value length */ signed int sTempResult = cfg_priv_json_get_value(val, ppBuffer_out, psiBufferSize); siResult = (sTempResult < 0) ? (sTempResult) : (siResult + sTempResult); } /* move on to the next entry */ entry = entry->next; key = ( NIL != entry ) ? (char*)entry->k : key; val = ( NIL != entry ) ? (struct json_object*)entry->v : val; } } /* return size */ return siResult; } /* cfg_priv_json_parse_get_values_all() */ /*DG C8ISQP-ISQP Metric 10-SSW_Administrator_0001*/ static signed int cfg_priv_json_get_value(json_object *jsobj, char** ppBuffer_out, signed int* psiBufferSize) { signed int siResult = 0; enum json_type type; /* remember starting point */ char* pBufferTemp = *ppBuffer_out; signed int siBufferSizeTemp = *psiBufferSize; /* get the type of the json object*/ type = json_object_get_type(jsobj); switch( type ) { case json_type_boolean: { siResult = PAS_FAILURE_OPERATION_NOT_SUPPORTED; (void)printf("NOT IMPLEMENTED - json_type_boolean\n"); /*printf("value: %s \n", json_object_get_boolean(jsobj)? "true":"false");*/ break; } case json_type_double: { siResult = PAS_FAILURE_OPERATION_NOT_SUPPORTED; (void)printf("NOT IMPLEMENTED - json_type_double\n"); /*printf("value: %lf\n", json_object_get_double(jsobj)); */ break; } case json_type_int: { siResult = PAS_FAILURE_OPERATION_NOT_SUPPORTED; (void)printf("NOT IMPLEMENTED - json_type_int\n"); /* printf("value: %d\n", json_object_get_int(jsobj)); */ break; } case json_type_string: { const char* sObjVal = json_object_get_string(jsobj); size_t szKey = strlen(sObjVal) + 1; if( NIL != pBufferTemp ) { if( (signed int)szKey <= siBufferSizeTemp ) { /* get value */ (void)snprintf(*ppBuffer_out, (size_t)(*psiBufferSize), "%s%c", sObjVal, '\0'); *ppBuffer_out += szKey; *psiBufferSize -= szKey; /* get value length */ siResult = (signed int)szKey; /* (void)printf("value wanted = <%s>\n", sObjVal); */ } else { siResult = PAS_FAILURE_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL; } } else { /* get value length */ siResult = (signed int)szKey; /* (void)printf("value = <%s>\n", sObjVal); */ } break; } case json_type_array: { siResult = PAS_FAILURE_OPERATION_NOT_SUPPORTED; (void)printf("NOT IMPLEMENTED - json_type_array\n"); break; } default: { siResult = PAS_FAILURE_OPERATION_NOT_SUPPORTED; (void)printf("NOT IMPLEMENTED\n"); break; } } return siResult; } /* cfg_priv_json_get_value() */ static signed int cfg_priv_json_parse_get_keys_size(json_object* jsobj, char const * resourceID) { char* pTemp = NIL; signed int siTempSize = UNDEFINED_SIZE; signed int siResult = cfg_priv_json_parse_get_keys(jsobj, resourceID, &pTemp, &siTempSize, 0); #ifdef VERBOSE_TRACE /* some info */ DLT_LOG(persAdminSvcDLTCtx, DLT_LOG_INFO, DLT_STRING(LT_HDR), DLT_STRING("cfg_priv_json_parse_get_keys_size"), DLT_STRING("-"), DLT_INT(siResult)); #endif /* return size */ return siResult; } /* cfg_priv_json_parse_get_keys_size() */ static signed int cfg_priv_json_parse_get_keys_all_size(json_object* jsobj) { char* pTemp = NIL; signed int siTempSize = UNDEFINED_SIZE; signed int siResult = cfg_priv_json_parse_get_keys_all(jsobj, &pTemp, &siTempSize); #ifdef VERBOSE_TRACE /* some info */ DLT_LOG(persAdminSvcDLTCtx, DLT_LOG_INFO, DLT_STRING(LT_HDR), DLT_STRING("cfg_priv_json_parse_get_keys_all_size"), DLT_STRING("-"), DLT_INT(siResult)); #endif /* return size */ return siResult; } /* cfg_priv_json_parse_get_keys_all_size() */ static signed int cfg_priv_json_parse_get_values_size(json_object* jsobj, char const * resourceID) { char* pTemp = NIL; signed int siTempSize = UNDEFINED_SIZE; signed int siResult = cfg_priv_json_parse_get_values(jsobj, resourceID, &pTemp, &siTempSize, 0); #ifdef VERBOSE_TRACE /* some info */ DLT_LOG(persAdminSvcDLTCtx, DLT_LOG_INFO, DLT_STRING(LT_HDR), DLT_STRING("cfg_priv_json_parse_get_values_size"), DLT_STRING("-"), DLT_INT(siResult)); #endif /* return size */ return siResult; } /* cfg_priv_json_parse_get_values_size() */ static int cfg_priv_handle_find_free(void) { int index = PAS_FAILURE_OUT_OF_MEMORY ; int i ; /* from 1, to not create confusion */ for(i = 1 ; i < sizeof(g_sHandles)/sizeof(g_sHandles[0]) ; i++) { if(false == g_sHandles[i].bIsAssigned) { index = i ; break ; } } return index ; } static int cfg_priv_handle_check_validity(int iExternalHandle, PersAdminCfgFileTypes_e eCfgFileType) { int errorCode = PAS_SUCCESS ; if((iExternalHandle >= 1) && (iExternalHandle < sizeof(g_sHandles)/sizeof(g_sHandles[0]))) { if( (true != g_sHandles[iExternalHandle].bIsAssigned) || (eCfgFileType != g_sHandles[iExternalHandle].eCfgFileType) ) { errorCode = PAS_FAILURE_INVALID_PARAMETER ; } } else { errorCode = PAS_FAILURE_INVALID_PARAMETER ; } return errorCode ; } static int cfg_priv_handle_check_validity_for_close(int iExternalHandle) { int errorCode = PAS_SUCCESS ; if((iExternalHandle >= 1) && (iExternalHandle < sizeof(g_sHandles)/sizeof(g_sHandles[0]))) { if(true != g_sHandles[iExternalHandle].bIsAssigned) { errorCode = PAS_FAILURE_INVALID_PARAMETER ; } } else { errorCode = PAS_FAILURE_INVALID_PARAMETER ; } return errorCode ; } static int cfg_priv_json_open_internal_handle(const char * filePathname, PersAdminCfgFileTypes_e eCfgFileType, cfg_handle_s* psHandle_inout) { int errorCode = PAS_SUCCESS ; char* pFileBuffer = NULL ; int iFileSize = persadmin_get_file_size(filePathname) ; if(iFileSize > 0) { pFileBuffer = (char*)malloc(iFileSize + 1) ; /* 1 because json_tokener_parse() expects a '\0' ending string */ if(NULL != pFileBuffer) { *(pFileBuffer + iFileSize) = '\0' ; /* add string terminator in the last byte */ } else { errorCode = PAS_FAILURE_OUT_OF_MEMORY ; } } else { if(0 == iFileSize) { /* 0 size is also an error */ errorCode = PAS_FAILURE_INVALID_FORMAT; } else { errorCode = iFileSize ; } } if(PAS_SUCCESS == errorCode) { /* read the file's content into pFileBuffer */ FILE *pFile = fopen(filePathname, "rb") ; if(NULL != pFile) { if(iFileSize == fread(pFileBuffer, 1, iFileSize, pFile)) { psHandle_inout->sJsonHandle.pJsonObj = json_tokener_parse(pFileBuffer); if(NULL != psHandle_inout) { psHandle_inout->eCfgFileType = eCfgFileType ; psHandle_inout->bIsAssigned = true ; } else { errorCode = PAS_FAILURE ; /* not sure what to return */ } } else { errorCode = PAS_FAILURE ; /* not sure what to return */ } } else { errorCode = PAS_FAILURE ; } if(NULL != pFile) { fclose(pFile); } } if(NULL != pFileBuffer) { free(pFileBuffer) ; } return errorCode ; } static int cfg_priv_json_close_internal_handle(cfg_handle_s* psHandle_inout) { int errorCode = PAS_SUCCESS ; json_object_put(psHandle_inout->sJsonHandle.pJsonObj) ; psHandle_inout->sJsonHandle.pJsonObj = NULL ; psHandle_inout->bIsAssigned = false ; return errorCode ; }