path: root/test/navigation/w3c/socket-based-poc/node-cpp-lbs-modules/NavigationCoreConfiguration.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'test/navigation/w3c/socket-based-poc/node-cpp-lbs-modules/NavigationCoreConfiguration.cpp')
1 files changed, 234 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/test/navigation/w3c/socket-based-poc/node-cpp-lbs-modules/NavigationCoreConfiguration.cpp b/test/navigation/w3c/socket-based-poc/node-cpp-lbs-modules/NavigationCoreConfiguration.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1e6081a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/navigation/w3c/socket-based-poc/node-cpp-lbs-modules/NavigationCoreConfiguration.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,234 @@
+#include <node.h>
+#include "NavigationCoreConfiguration.hpp"
+using namespace v8;
+using namespace std;
+using namespace org::genivi::navigationcore;
+Persistent<FunctionTemplate> NavigationCoreConfiguration::constructor;
+void NavigationCoreConfiguration::ConfigurationChanged(const Handle<Function>& callback, const Handle<Array>& array) {
+ HandleScope scope;
+ // In case the operation succeeded, convention is to pass null as the
+ // first argument before the result arguments.
+ const unsigned argc = array->Length() + 1;
+ Local<Value> argv[argc];
+ argv[0] = Local<Value>::New(Null());
+ String::Utf8Value str(argv[argc]->ToString());
+ // Note: When calling this in an asynchronous function that just returned
+ // from the threadpool, you have to wrap this in a v8::TryCatch.
+ // You can also pass another handle as the "this" parameter.
+ callback->Call(Context::GetCurrent()->Global(), argc, argv);
+void NavigationCoreConfiguration::Init(Handle<Object> target) {
+ HandleScope scope;
+ Local<FunctionTemplate> tpl = FunctionTemplate::New(New);
+ Local<String> name = String::NewSymbol("NavigationCoreConfiguration");
+ constructor = Persistent<FunctionTemplate>::New(tpl);
+ // ObjectWrap uses the first internal field to store the wrapped pointer.
+ constructor->InstanceTemplate()->SetInternalFieldCount(1);
+ constructor->SetClassName(name);
+ // Add all prototype methods, getters and setters here.
+ NODE_SET_PROTOTYPE_METHOD(constructor, "getVersion", GetVersion);
+ NODE_SET_PROTOTYPE_METHOD(constructor, "getSupportedLocales", GetSupportedLocales);
+ NODE_SET_PROTOTYPE_METHOD(constructor, "getProperty", GetProperty);
+ NODE_SET_PROTOTYPE_METHOD(constructor, "setProperty", SetProperty);
+ NODE_SET_PROTOTYPE_METHOD(constructor, "getUnitsOfMeasurement", GetUnitsOfMeasurement);
+ // This has to be last, otherwise the properties won't show up on the
+ // object in JavaScript.
+ target->Set(name, constructor->GetFunction());
+NavigationCoreConfiguration::NavigationCoreConfiguration() : ObjectWrap() {}
+Handle<Value> NavigationCoreConfiguration::New(const Arguments& args) {
+ HandleScope scope;
+ if (!args.IsConstructCall()) {
+ return ThrowException(Exception::TypeError(
+ String::New("Use the new operator to create instances of this object."))
+ );
+ }
+ // Creates a new instance object of this type and wraps it.
+ NavigationCoreConfiguration* obj = new NavigationCoreConfiguration();
+ obj->Wrap(args.This());
+ return args.This();
+Handle<Value> NavigationCoreConfiguration::GetProperty(const Arguments& args) {
+ HandleScope scope; //to properly clean up v8 handles
+ if (args.Length() < 1) {
+ return ThrowException(
+ Exception::TypeError(String::New("getProperty requires at least 1 argument"))
+ );
+ }
+ String::Utf8Value str(args[0]->ToString());
+ string propertyName = std::string(*str);
+ if(propertyName == "Locale") {
+ // Retrieves the pointer to the wrapped object instance.
+ NavigationCoreConfiguration* obj = ObjectWrap::Unwrap<NavigationCoreConfiguration>(args.This());
+ Local<Object> ret = Object::New();
+ Locale localeValue = obj->m_proxy.GetLocale();
+ ret->Set( 0, String::New(propertyName.c_str()) );
+ ret->Set( 1, String::New(localeValue.languageCode.c_str()) );
+ ret->Set( 2, String::New(localeValue.countryCode.c_str()) );
+ ret->Set( 3, String::New(localeValue.scriptCode.c_str()) );
+ return scope.Close(ret);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if(propertyName == "TimeFormat") {
+ // Retrieves the pointer to the wrapped object instance.
+ NavigationCoreConfiguration* obj = ObjectWrap::Unwrap<NavigationCoreConfiguration>(args.This());
+ Local<Object> ret = Object::New();
+ return scope.Close(ret);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if(propertyName == "CoordinatesFormat") {
+ // Retrieves the pointer to the wrapped object instance.
+ NavigationCoreConfiguration* obj = ObjectWrap::Unwrap<NavigationCoreConfiguration>(args.This());
+ Local<Object> ret = Object::New();
+ return scope.Close(ret);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return Undefined();
+Handle<Value> NavigationCoreConfiguration::SetProperty(const Arguments& args)
+ HandleScope scope; //to properly clean up v8 handles
+ if (args.Length() < 1) {
+ return ThrowException(
+ Exception::TypeError(String::New("setProperty requires at least 1 argument"))
+ );
+ }
+ Handle<Object> property_obj = Handle<Object>::Cast(args[0]);
+ Handle<Value> property = property_obj->Get(String::New("property"));
+ String::Utf8Value str(property->ToString());
+ if(std::string(*str) == "Locale")
+ {
+ Locale localeValue;
+ Handle<Value> languageCodeValue = property_obj->Get(String::New("languageCode"));
+ String::Utf8Value languageCode(languageCodeValue->ToString());
+ localeValue.languageCode = std::string(*languageCode);
+ Handle<Value> countryCodeValue = property_obj->Get(String::New("countryCode"));
+ String::Utf8Value countryCode(countryCodeValue->ToString());
+ localeValue.countryCode = std::string(*countryCode);
+ Handle<Value> scriptCodeValue = property_obj->Get(String::New("scriptCode"));
+ String::Utf8Value scriptCode(scriptCodeValue->ToString());
+ localeValue.scriptCode = std::string(*scriptCode);
+ // Retrieves the pointer to the wrapped object instance.
+ NavigationCoreConfiguration* obj = ObjectWrap::Unwrap<NavigationCoreConfiguration>(args.This());
+ obj->m_proxy.SetLocale(localeValue);
+ Handle<Value> callBackValue = property_obj->Get(String::New("callBack"));
+ if (callBackValue->IsFunction()) { //callback used
+ Handle<Function> callBackFunction = Handle<Function>::Cast(callBackValue);
+ Handle<Array> array = Array::New(1);
+ Local<String> v = String::New("LOCALE");
+ array->Set(0, v);
+ ConfigurationChanged(callBackFunction,array);
+ }
+ }
+ return Undefined();
+Handle<Value> NavigationCoreConfiguration::GetVersion(const Arguments& args) {
+ HandleScope scope; //to properly clean up v8 handles
+ // Retrieves the pointer to the wrapped object instance.
+ NavigationCoreConfiguration* obj = ObjectWrap::Unwrap<NavigationCoreConfiguration>(args.This());
+ Version version = obj->m_proxy.GetVersion();
+ Local<Object> ret = Object::New();
+ ret->Set( 0, Int32::New(version.versionMajor) );
+ ret->Set( 1, Int32::New(version.versionMinor) );
+ ret->Set( 2, Int32::New(version.versionMicro) );
+ ret->Set( 3, String::New( );
+ return scope.Close(ret);
+Handle<Value> NavigationCoreConfiguration::GetSupportedLocales(const Arguments& args) {
+ HandleScope scope; //to properly clean up v8 handles
+ // Retrieves the pointer to the wrapped object instance.
+ NavigationCoreConfiguration* obj = ObjectWrap::Unwrap<NavigationCoreConfiguration>(args.This());
+ std::vector<Locale > localeList = obj->m_proxy.GetSupportedLocales();
+ Local<Array> ret = Array::New();
+ for (unsigned i=0;i<localeList.size();i++)
+ {
+ Local<Object> data = Object::New();
+ data->Set( 0, String::New( );
+ data->Set( 1, String::New( );
+ data->Set( 2, String::New( );
+ ret->Set(ret->Length(), data);
+ }
+ return scope.Close(ret);
+Handle<Value> NavigationCoreConfiguration::GetUnitsOfMeasurement(const Arguments& args)
+ HandleScope scope; //to properly clean up v8 handles
+ // Retrieves the pointer to the wrapped object instance.
+ NavigationCoreConfiguration* obj = ObjectWrap::Unwrap<NavigationCoreConfiguration>(args.This());
+ Configuration_proxy::UnitsOfMeasurement unitsOfMeasurement = obj->m_proxy.GetUnitsOfMeasurement();
+ Local<Array> ret = Array::New();
+ for (Configuration_proxy::UnitsOfMeasurement::iterator iter = unitsOfMeasurement.begin(); iter != unitsOfMeasurement.end(); iter++) {
+ Local<Object> data = Object::New();
+ Configuration_proxy::UnitsOfMeasurementValueStruct unitsOfMeasurement;
+ unitsOfMeasurement = iter->second;
+ data->Set(String::New("key"), Int32::New(iter->first));
+ switch (unitsOfMeasurement.type) {
+ case Configuration_proxy::intValue:
+ data->Set(String::New("value"), Int32::New(unitsOfMeasurement.value.intValue));
+ break;
+ case Configuration_proxy::doubleValue:
+ default:
+ data->Set(String::New("value"), Number::New(unitsOfMeasurement.value.doubleValue));
+ break;
+ }
+ ret->Set(ret->Length(), data);
+ }
+ return scope.Close(ret);
+void RegisterModule(Handle<Object> target) {
+ NavigationCoreConfiguration::Init(target);
+NODE_MODULE(NavigationCoreConfiguration, RegisterModule);