// SPDX-License-Identifier: MPL-2.0 // Copyright (C) 2014, PCA Peugeot Citro�n, XS Embedded GmbH, TomTom International B.V., Continental Automotive GmbH, BMW Car IT GmbH, Alpine Electronics R&D Europe GmbH, AISIN AW CO., LTD., Neusoft Technology Solutions GmbH, Jaguar Land Rover Limited, Visteon Corporation, Elektrobit Automotive GmbH // This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the // Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with // this file, you can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. package org.genivi.navigation.navigationcore import org.genivi.CommonTypes.* from "../../CommonTypes.fidl" import org.genivi.navigation.NavigationTypes.* from "../NavigationTypes.fidl" import org.genivi.navigation.navigationcore.NavigationCoreTypes.* from "NavigationCoreTypes.fidl" <** @description : LocationInput = This interface offers functions that implement the location-input functionality of a navigation system **> interface LocationInput { version { major 4 minor 0 } enumeration AddressAttribute extends GeoLocalizedEnum { //Base 0x00a0 COUNTRY = 166 STATE = 167 CITY = 168 ZIPCODE = 169 STREET = 170 HOUSENUMBER = 171 CROSSING = 172 DISTRICT = 173 PHONENUMBER = 174 POINAME = 175 TOWNCENTER = 176 LOCATION_INPUT = 177 FULL_ADDRESS = 178 COUNTRYCODE = 179 HOUSENAME = 180 POSTAL_CODE = 181 } enumeration SearchStatus extends BasicEnum { //Base 0x00c0 SEARCHING = 193 FINISHED = 194 } enumeration ValidationType extends BasicEnum { //Base 0x00d0 OK = 208 UNKNOWN = 209 AMBIGUOUS = 210 INCONSISTENT = 211 } array AddressAttributeList of AddressAttribute union AddressValue { Int32 intValue Double doubleValue String stringValue Coordinate3D coordinate3DValue UInt8[] internalData } map Address { AddressAttribute to AddressValue } map ValidationStatus { AddressAttribute to ValidationType } <** @description : getVersion = This method returns the API version implemented by the server application **> method getVersion { out { Version ^version } } <** @description : createLocationInput = This method creates a new location input and retrieves a handle **> method createLocationInput { in { <** @description : Session handle. Range[0x0:0x7fffffff]. 0x0 is reserved as an invalid handle value **> Handle sessionHandle } out { <** @description : Location input handle. Range[0x0:0x7fffffff]. 0x0 is reserved as an invalid handle value **> LocationHandle locationInputHandle } } <** @description : deleteLocationInput = This method deletes a location input and its associated resources **> method deleteLocationInput { in { <** @description : sessionHandle = Session handle. Range[0x0:0x7fffffff]. 0x0 is reserved as an invalid handle value **> Handle sessionHandle <** @description : locationInpuHandle = Location input handle. Range[0x0:0x7fffffff]. 0x0 is reserved as an invalid handle value **> LocationHandle locationInputHandle } } <** @description : getSupportedAddressAttributes = This method retrieves the supported address attributes **> method getSupportedAddressAttributes { out { AddressAttributeList addressAttributesList } } <** @description : setAddress = This method sets the address to start with for the LocationInput identified by the given handle **> method setAddress { in { <** @description : sessionHandle = Session handle. Range[0x0:0x7fffffff]. 0x0 is reserved as an invalid handle value **> Handle sessionHandle <** @description : locationInpuHandle = Location input handle. Range[0x0:0x7fffffff]. 0x0 is reserved as an invalid handle value **> LocationHandle locationInputHandle Address address } } <** @description : setSelectionCriterion = This method sets the selection criterion for the current speller, search input and the corresponding result-lists for the current session **> method setSelectionCriterion { in { <** @description : sessionHandle = Session handle. Range[0x0:0x7fffffff]. 0x0 is reserved as an invalid handle value **> Handle sessionHandle <** @description : locationInpuHandle = Location input handle. Range[0x0:0x7fffffff]. 0x0 is reserved as an invalid handle value **> LocationHandle locationInputHandle <** @description : selectionCriterion = enum(INVALID,LATITUDE,LONGITUDE,ALTITUDE,FULL_ADDRESS,COUNTRY,COUNTRYCODE,STATE,CITY,ZIPCODE,STREET,ROAD_NUMBER,HOUSENUMBER,HOUSENAME,CROSSING,DISTRICT,PHONENUMBER,POINAME,TOWNCENTER, ... ) **> AddressAttribute selectionCriterion } } <** @description : spell = This method sends the next spell input for the current session **> method spell { in { <** @description : sessionHandle = Session handle. Range[0x0:0x7fffffff]. 0x0 is reserved as an invalid handle value **> Handle sessionHandle <** @description : locationInpuHandle = Location input handle. Range[0x0:0x7fffffff]. 0x0 is reserved as an invalid handle value **> LocationHandle locationInputHandle <** @description : inputString = last input character (UTF-8) (0x08(Backspace) for delete last character, 0x0D(Carriage Return) for delete entire input) **> String inputCharacter <** @description : maxWindowSize = maximum number of elements that should be returned as result **> UInt16 maxWindowSize } } <** @description : search = This method sends the search input for the current session **> method search { in { <** @description : sessionHandle = Session handle. Range[0x0:0x7fffffff]. 0x0 is reserved as an invalid handle value **> Handle sessionHandle <** @description : locationInpuHandle = Location input handle. Range[0x0:0x7fffffff]. 0x0 is reserved as an invalid handle value **> LocationHandle locationInputHandle <** @description : inputString = contains the String, that is searched **> String inputString <** @description : maxWindowSize = maximum number of elements that should be returned as result **> UInt16 maxWindowSize } } <** @description : requestListUpdate = This method sends a request for more list elements for the current session **> method requestListUpdate { in { <** @description : sessionHandle = Session handle. Range[0x0:0x7fffffff]. 0x0 is reserved as an invalid handle value **> Handle sessionHandle <** @description : locationInpuHandle = Location input handle. Range[0x0:0x7fffffff]. 0x0 is reserved as an invalid handle value **> LocationHandle locationInputHandle <** @description : offset = starting offset of the newly requested list elements **> UInt16 offset <** @description : maxWindowSize = maximum number of elements that should be returned as result **> UInt16 maxWindowSize } } <** @description : selectEntry = This method triggers selection of a result list entry by index **> method selectEntry { in { <** @description : sessionHandle = Session handle. Range[0x0:0x7fffffff]. 0x0 is reserved as an invalid handle value **> Handle sessionHandle <** @description : locationInpuHandle = Location input handle. Range[0x0:0x7fffffff]. 0x0 is reserved as an invalid handle value **> LocationHandle locationInputHandle <** @description : index = absolute list index of the entry to be selected **> UInt16 index } } <** @description : getEntry = This method synchronously gets the address for the given result list entry **> method getEntry { in { <** @description : locationInpuHandle = Location input handle. Range[0x0:0x7fffffff]. 0x0 is reserved as an invalid handle value **> LocationHandle locationInputHandle <** @description : index = list index of the entry to be returned **> UInt16 index } out { Address address } } <** @description : validateAddress = This method validates an address from different sources than Navigation **> method validateAddress { in { <** @description : sessionHandle = Session handle. Range[0x0:0x7fffffff]. 0x0 is reserved as an invalid handle value **> Handle sessionHandle <** @description : locationInpuHandle = Location input handle. Range[0x0:0x7fffffff]. 0x0 is reserved as an invalid handle value **> LocationHandle locationInputHandle Address inputAddress } } <** @description : reverseGeocode = This method transforms a geocoordinate into an address **> method reverseGeocode { in { <** @description : sessionHandle = Session handle. Range[0x0:0x7fffffff]. 0x0 is reserved as an invalid handle value **> Handle sessionHandle <** @description : locationInpuHandle = Location input handle. Range[0x0:0x7fffffff]. 0x0 is reserved as an invalid handle value **> LocationHandle locationInputHandle Coordinate2D coordinate } } <** @description : currentSelectionCriterion = This signal notifies the SelectionCriterion for the current speller input or search. **> broadcast currentSelectionCriterion { out { <** @description : locationInpuHandle = Location input handle. Range[0x0:0x7fffffff]. 0x0 is reserved as an invalid handle value **> LocationHandle locationInputHandle <** @description : selectionCriterion = enum(INVALID,LATITUDE,LONGITUDE,ALTITUDE,FULL_ADDRESS,COUNTRY,COUNTRYCODE,STATE,CITY,ZIPCODE,STREET,ROAD_NUMBER,HOUSENUMBER,HOUSENAME,CROSSING,DISTRICT,PHONENUMBER,POINAME,TOWNCENTER, ... ) **> AddressAttribute selectionCriterion } } <** @description : searchStatus = This signal updates the search status of the specified session **> broadcast searchStatus { out { <** @description : locationInpuHandle = Location input handle. Range[0x0:0x7fffffff]. 0x0 is reserved as an invalid handle value **> LocationHandle locationInputHandle <** @description : statusValue = enum(INVALID,NOT_STARTED,SEARCHING,FINISHED, ... ) **> SearchStatus statusValue } } <** @description : spellResult = This signal notifies the result of the previous Spell method **> broadcast spellResult { out { <** @description : locationInpuHandle = Location input handle. Range[0x0:0x7fffffff]. 0x0 is reserved as an invalid handle value **> LocationHandle locationInputHandle <** @description : uniqueString = unique string derived from spell input (i.e. including auto-completion if applicable) **> String uniqueString <** @description : validCharacters = set of (UTF-8 encoded) characters valid for next input (unified in a single string). A Backspace(0x08) is returned if the input character passed to the Spell method was invalid **> String validCharacters <** @description : fullMatch = flag indicating whether the value in UniqueCharacters is already a full match for an existing list entry **> Boolean fullMatch } } <** @description : searchResultList = This signal updates the address result list (e.g. after a Search/Spell/Scroll call) **> broadcast searchResultList { out { <** @description : locationInpuHandle = Location input handle. Range[0x0:0x7fffffff]. 0x0 is reserved as an invalid handle value **> LocationHandle locationInputHandle <** @description : totalSize = total size of the result list **> UInt16 totalSize <** @description : windowOffset = window offset within the complete list **> UInt16 windowOffset <** @description : windowSize = size of the provided window **> UInt16 windowSize Address [] resultListWindow } } <** @description : searchResultListSizeChanged = This signal updates the size of the address result list **> broadcast searchResultListSizeChanged { out { <** @description : locationInpuHandle = Location input handle. Range[0x0:0x7fffffff]. 0x0 is reserved as an invalid handle value **> LocationHandle locationInputHandle <** @description : totalSize = total size of the result list **> UInt16 totalSize } } <** @description : contentUpdated = This signal updates the input content data for the specified session **> broadcast contentUpdated { out { <** @description : locationInpuHandle = Location input handle. Range[0x0:0x7fffffff]. 0x0 is reserved as an invalid handle value **> LocationHandle locationInputHandle <** @description : guidable = flag indicating whether the current address is guidable **> Boolean guidable AddressAttribute [] availableSelectionCriteria Address address } } <** @description : addressValidationResult = This signal notifies the validation result of a former ValidateAddress call **> broadcast addressValidationResult { out { <** @description : locationInpuHandle = Location input handle. Range[0x0:0x7fffffff]. 0x0 is reserved as an invalid handle value **> LocationHandle locationInputHandle Address [] validatedAddressList ValidationStatus [] validationStatusList } } }