3.0.0-alpha (07-06-2013) Configuration = This interface offers functions to set and retrieve configuration parameters GetVersion = This method returns the API version implemented by the server application version = struct(major,minor,micro,date) major = when the major changes, then backward compatibility with previous releases is not granted minor = when the minor changes, then backward compatibility with previous releases is granted, but something changed in the implementation of the API (e.g. new methods may have been added) micro = when the micro changes, then backward compatibility with previous releases is granted (bug fixes or documentation modifications) date = release date (e.g. 21-06-2011) SetUnitsOfMeasurement = This method sets the units of measurement unitsOfMeasurementList = array[unitsOfMeasurement] unitsOfMeasurement = tuple (key,value) key = enum(INVALID,LENGTH, ... ) key = LENGTH, value = value of type 'q', that represents an enum(INVALID,METER,MILE, ... ) GetUnitsOfMeasurement = This method retrieves the units of measurement unitsOfMeasurementList = array[unitsOfMeasurement] unitsOfMeasurement = tuple (key,value) key = enum(INVALID,LENGTH, ... ) key = LENGTH, value = value of type 'q', that represents an enum(INVALID,METER,MILE, ... ) GetSupportedUnitsOfMeasurement = This method retrieves the supported units of measurement unitsOfMeasurementList = array[unitsOfMeasurement] unitsOfMeasurement = dictionary[key,value] dictionary = array of tuples (key,value) key = enum(INVALID,LENGTH, ... ) key = LENGTH, value = value of type 'aq'; 'q' is an enum(INVALID,METER,MILE, ... ) SetTimeFormat = This method sets the time format timeFormat = enum(INVALID,12H,24H, ... ) GetTimeFormat = This method retrieves the time format timeFormat = enum(INVALID,12H,24H, ... ) GetSupportedTimeFormats = This method retrieves the supported time formats timeFormatList = array[timeFormat] timeFormat = enum(INVALID,12H,24H, ... ) SetCoordinatesFormat = This method sets the coordinates format coordinatesFormat = enum(INVALID,DEGREES,MINUTES,SECONDS, ... ) DEGREES format = d.dº MINUTES format = dºm.m' SECONDS format = dºm's" GetCoordinatesFormat = This method retrieves the coordinates format coordinatesFormat = enum(INVALID,DEGREES,MINUTES,SECONDS, ... ) DEGREES format = d.dº MINUTES format = dºm.m' SECONDS format = dºm's" GetSupportedCoordinatesFormats = This method retrieves the supported coordinates formats coordinatesFormatList = array[coordinatesFormat] coordinatesFormat = enum(INVALID,DEGREES,MINUTES,SECONDS, ... ) DEGREES format = d.dº MINUTES format = dºm.m' SECONDS format = dºm's" SetLocale = This method sets the current language and country languageCode = ISO 639‐3 language code (lower case) countryCode = ISO 3166‐1 alpha 3 country code (upper case) GetLocale = This method retrieves the current language and country languageCode = ISO 639‐3 language code (lower case) countryCode = ISO 3166‐1 alpha 3 country code (upper case) GetSupportedLocales = This method retrieves the supported languages and countries localeList = array[struct(languageCode,countryCode)] languageCode = ISO 639-3 language code (lower case) countryCode = ISO 3166-1 alpha 3 country code (upper case) ConfigurationChanged = This signal is sent to the clients when one or more configuration settings changes changedSettings = array[setting] setting = enum(INVALID,UNITS_OF_MEASUREMENT,LOCALE,TIME_FORMAT,COORDINATES_FORMAT, ... )