3.0.0 (22-01-2014) Routing = This interface offers functions that implement the routing functionality of a navigation system GetVersion = This method returns the API version implemented by the server application version = struct(major,minor,micro,date) major = when the major changes, then backward compatibility with previous releases is not granted minor = when the minor changes, then backward compatibility with previous releases is granted, but something changed in the implementation of the API (e.g. new methods may have been added) micro = when the micro changes, then backward compatibility with previous releases is granted (bug fixes or documentation modifications) date = release date (e.g. 21-06-2011) CreateRoute = This method creates a route sessionHandle = Session handle. Range[0x0:0x7fffffff]. 0x0 is reserved as an invalid handle value routeHandle = Route handle. Range[0x0:0x7fffffff]. 0x0 is reserved as an invalid handle value This error is generated if no more routing handles are available DeleteRoute = This method deletes a route and its associated resources sessionHandle = Session handle. Range[0x0:0x7fffffff]. 0x0 is reserved as an invalid handle value routeHandle = Route handle. Range[0x0:0x7fffffff]. 0x0 is reserved as an invalid handle value This error is generated if an application tries to delete a route handle that is not available This error is generated if an application tries to delete a route which is not created manually (e.g. an alternative route calculated in the background) RouteDeleted = This signal is emitted to inform clients that the current route has been deleted routeHandle = Route handle. Range[0x0:0x7fffffff]. 0x0 is reserved as an invalid handle value SetCostModel = This method sets the cost model sessionHandle = Session handle. Range[0x0:0x7fffffff]. 0x0 is reserved as an invalid handle value routeHandle = Route handle. Range[0x0:0x7fffffff]. 0x0 is reserved as an invalid handle value costModel = enum(INVALID,FASTEST,SHORTEST,ECOLOGICAL,SCENIC,EASY,OFF_ROAD,BALANCED,CHEAPEST, ... ) FASTEST = least time to reach the destination SHORTEST = shortest distance to destination ECOLOGICAL = least fuel or electric charge to destination SCENIC = most scenic route to destination EASY = least number of turns to reach the destination OFF_ROAD = a distance-optimised route between points that are not covered by road mappings BALANCED = trade-off between FASTEST and SHORTEST (e.g. 50% FASTEST and 50% SHORTEST) CHEAPEST = least fuel or electric charge to destination taking pricing into account This error is generated if an application tries to set a cost model for a route which is not created manually (e.g. an alternative route calculated in the background) GetCostModel = This method retrieves the selected cost model routeHandle = Route handle. Range[0x0:0x7fffffff]. 0x0 is reserved as an invalid handle value costModel = enum(INVALID,FASTEST,SHORTEST,ECOLOGICAL,SCENIC,EASY,OFF_ROAD,BALANCED,CHEAPEST, ... ) FASTEST = least time to reach the destination SHORTEST = shortest distance to destination ECOLOGICAL = least fuel or electric charge to destination SCENIC = most scenic route to destination EASY = least number of turns to reach the destination OFF_ROAD = a distance-optimised route between points that are not covered by road mappings BALANCED = trade-off between FASTEST and SHORTEST (e.g. 50% FASTEST and 50% SHORTEST) CHEAPEST = least fuel or electric charge to destination taking pricing into account GetSupportedCostModels = This method retrieves a list of supported cost models costModelsList = array[costModel] costModel = enum(INVALID,FASTEST,SHORTEST,ECOLOGICAL,SCENIC,EASY,OFF_ROAD,BALANCED,CHEAPEST, ... ) FASTEST = least time to reach the destination SHORTEST = shortest distance to destination ECOLOGICAL = least fuel or electric charge to destination SCENIC = most scenic route to destination EASY = least number of turns to reach the destination OFF_ROAD = a distance-optimised route between points that are not covered by road mappings BALANCED = trade-off between FASTEST and SHORTEST (e.g. 50% FASTEST and 50% SHORTEST) CHEAPEST = least fuel or electric charge to destination taking pricing into account SetRoutePreferences = This method sets a list of route preferences sessionHandle = Session handle. Range[0x0:0x7fffffff]. 0x0 is reserved as an invalid handle value routeHandle = Route handle. Range[0x0:0x7fffffff]. 0x0 is reserved as an invalid handle value countryCode = ISO 3166‐1 alpha 3 country code (upper case) If this argument is an empty string, it means that the preferences apply to all countries roadPreferenceList = array[preference] preference = struct(preferenceMode,preferenceSource) preferenceMode = enum(PROHIBIT,AVOID,USE,PREFER) preferenceMode = PROHIBIT. Routing module must not calculate a planned route including sections matching given avoidance source. preferenceMode = AVOID. Routing module should not calculate a planned route including sections matching given avoidance source. preferenceMode = USE. Routing module should calculate a planned route including sections matching given avoidance source. preferenceMode = PREFER. Routing module should calculate a planned route including as much as possible sections matching given avoidance source. preferenceSource = enum(FERRY,TOLL_ROADS,TUNNELS,HIGHWAYS_MOTORWAYS,VEHICLE_SIZE_LIMIT,CRIME_AREAS) conditionPreferenceList = array[preference] preference = struct(preferenceMode,preferenceSource) preferenceMode = enum(USE,IGNORE) preferenceSource = enum(TRAFFIC_REALTIME, ...) This error is generated if an application tries to set route preferences for a route which is not created manually (e.g. an alternative route calculated in the background) This error is generated if an application tries to set a route preference which is not supported (e.g. (USE,CRIME_AREA)). The preferences which are not supported are product dependent. GetRoutePreferences = This method retrieves a list of selected route preferences routeHandle = Route handle. Range[0x0:0x7fffffff]. 0x0 is reserved as an invalid handle value countryCode = ISO 3166‐1 alpha 3 country code (upper case) If this argument is an empty string, it means that the preferences apply to all countries roadPreferenceList = array[preference] preference = struct(preferenceMode,preferenceSource) preferenceMode = enum(PROHIBIT,AVOID,USE,PREFER) preferenceMode = PROHIBIT. Routing module must not calculate a planned route including sections matching given avoidance source. preferenceMode = AVOID. Routing module should not calculate a planned route including sections matching given avoidance source. preferenceMode = USE. Routing module should calculate a planned route including sections matching given avoidance source. preferenceMode = PREFER. Routing module should calculate a planned route including as much as possible sections matching given avoidance source. preferenceSource = enum(FERRY,TOLL_ROADS,TUNNELS,HIGHWAYS_MOTORWAYS,VEHICLE_SIZE_LIMIT,CRIME_AREAS) conditionPreferenceList = array[preference] preference = struct(preferenceMode,preferenceSource) preferenceMode = enum(USE,IGNORE) preferenceSource = enum(TRAFFIC_REALTIME, ...) GetSupportedRoutePreferences = This method retrieves a list of supported route preferences routePreferencesList = array[preference] preference = struct(preferenceMode,preferenceSource) preferenceMode = enum(PROHIBIT,AVOID,USE,PREFER) preferenceMode = PROHIBIT. Routing module must not calculate a planned route including sections matching given avoidance source. preferenceMode = AVOID. Routing module should not calculate a planned route including sections matching given avoidance source. preferenceMode = USE. Routing module should calculate a planned route including sections matching given avoidance source. preferenceMode = PREFER. Routing module should calculate a planned route including as much as possible sections matching given avoidance source. preferenceSource = enum(FERRY,TOLL_ROADS,TUNNELS,HIGHWAYS_MOTORWAYS,VEHICLE_SIZE_LIMIT,CRIME_AREAS) conditionPreferenceList = array[preference] preference = struct(preferenceMode,preferenceSource) preferenceMode = enum(USE,IGNORE) preferenceSource = enum(TRAFFIC_REALTIME, ...) SetRouteSchedule = This method sets the time schedule for the route to be calculated sessionHandle = Session handle. Range[0x0:0x7fffffff]. 0x0 is reserved as an invalid handle value routeHandle = Route handle. Range[0x0:0x7fffffff]. 0x0 is reserved as an invalid handle value routeSchedule = array[detail] detail = dictionary[key,value] dictionary = array of tuples (key,value) key = enum(ARRIVAL_TIME, ARRIVAL_DATE,DEPARTURE_TIME, DEPARTURE_DATE) key = ARRIVAL_TIME, value of type 'u', that represents the arrival time is expressed in seconds since mid-night (UTC) key = ARRIVAL_DATE, value of type 'u', that represents the arrival date is either a calendar date (the number of days since 1 Jan 2000) or a weekday indication. For weekday indication the values 0 till 6 are used (0 = Saturday, 1 = Sunday, 2 = Monday, ..., 6 = Friday) key = DEPARTURE_TIME, value of type 'u', that represents the departure time is expressed in seconds since mid-night (UTC) key = DEPARTURE_DATE, value of type 'u', that represents the departure date is either a calendar date (the number of days since 1 Jan 2000) or a weekday indication. For weekday indication the values 0 till 6 are used (0 = Saturday, 1 = Sunday, 2 = Monday, ..., 6 = Friday) GetRouteSchedule = This method gets the time schedule for the route to be calculated routeHandle = Route handle. Range[0x0:0x7fffffff]. 0x0 is reserved as an invalid handle value valuesToReturn= array[value] value= enum(ARRIVAL_TIME, ARRIVAL_DATE,DEPARTURE_TIME, DEPARTURE_DATE) routeSchedule = array[detail] detail = dictionary[key,value] dictionary = array of tuples (key,value) key = enum(ARRIVAL_TIME, ARRIVAL_DATE,DEPARTURE_TIME, DEPARTURE_DATE) key = ARRIVAL_TIME, value of type 'u', that represents the arrival time is expressed in seconds since mid-night (UTC) key = ARRIVAL_DATE, value of type 'u', that represents the arrival date is either a calendar date (the number of days since 1 Jan 2000) or a weekday indication. For weekday indication the values 0 till 6 are used (0 = Saturday, 1 = Sunday, 2 = Monday, ..., 6 = Friday) key = DEPARTURE_TIME, value of type 'u', that represents the departure time is expressed in seconds since mid-night (UTC) key = DEPARTURE_DATE, value of type 'u', that represents the departure date is either a calendar date (the number of days since 1 Jan 2000) or a weekday indication. For weekday indication the values 0 till 6 are used (0 = Saturday, 1 = Sunday, 2 = Monday, ..., 6 = Friday) SetTransportationMeans = This method sets a list of means of transportation that must be considered when calculating a route sessionHandle = Session handle. Range[0x0:0x7fffffff]. 0x0 is reserved as an invalid handle value routeHandle = Route handle. Range[0x0:0x7fffffff]. 0x0 is reserved as an invalid handle value transportationMeansList = array[transportationMeans] transportationMeans = enum(INVALID,BY_CAR,ON_FOOT,LONG_RANGE_TRAINS,PUBLIC_TRANSPORTATION,BY_BICYCLE,BY_TRUCK, ... ) This error is generated if an application tries to set transportation means for a route which is not created manually (e.g. an alternative route calculated in the background) GetTransportationMeans = This method retrieves the selected means of transportation routeHandle = Route handle. Range[0x0:0x7fffffff]. 0x0 is reserved as an invalid handle value transportationMeansList = array[transportationMeans] transportationMeans = enum(INVALID,BY_CAR,ON_FOOT,LONG_RANGE_TRAINS,PUBLIC_TRANSPORTATION,BY_BICYCLE,BY_TRUCK, ... ) GetSupportedTransportationMeans = This method retrieves a list of supported means of transportation transportationMeansList = array[transportationMeans] transportationMeans = enum(INVALID,BY_CAR,ON_FOOT,LONG_RANGE_TRAINS,PUBLIC_TRANSPORTATION,BY_BICYCLE,BY_TRUCK, ... ) SetExcludedAreas = This method sets the areas to be excluded when calculating a route sessionHandle = Session handle. Range[0x0:0x7fffffff]. 0x0 is reserved as an invalid handle value routeHandle = Route handle. Range[0x0:0x7fffffff]. 0x0 is reserved as an invalid handle value excludedAreas = array[array(lat,lon)] excludedAreas = array[convexPolygon] convexPolygon = array[lat,lon] lat = latitude of a vertex of the polygon in format %3.6f. Range [-90:+90]. Example: 48.053250 lon = longitude of a vertex of the polygon in format %3.6f. Range [-180:+180]. Example: 48.053250 Note: a polygon must have at least 3 vertexes This error is generated if an application tries to set excluded areas for a route which is not created manually (e.g. an alternative route calculated in the background) GetExcludedAreas = This method retrieves the areas to be excluded when calculating a route routeHandle = Route handle. Range[0x0:0x7fffffff]. 0x0 is reserved as an invalid handle value excludedAreas = array[array(lat,lon)] excludedAreas = array[convexPolygon] convexPolygon = array[lat,lon] lat = latitude of a vertex of the polygon in format %3.6f. Range [-90:+90]. Example: 48.053250 lon = longitude of a vertex of the polygon in format %3.6f. Range [-180:+180]. Example: 48.053250 Note: pass an empty array to remove previously selected excluded areas SetWaypoints = This method sets a list of waypoints sessionHandle = Session handle. Range[0x0:0x7fffffff]. 0x0 is reserved as an invalid handle value routeHandle = Route handle. Range[0x0:0x7fffffff]. 0x0 is reserved as an invalid handle value startFromCurrentPosition = flag indicating if the current position is used as starting point waypointsList = array[waypoint] waypoint = tuple (key,value) key = enum(INVALID,WAYPOINT_TYPE,LOCATION_INPUT,LATITUDE,LONGITUDE,ALTITUDE, ... ) key = WAYPOINT_TYPE, value = value of type 'q', that represents an enum(INVALID,SOFT_POINT,HARD_POINT, ... ) key = LOCATION_INPUT, value = value of type 'ay'. This is a byte array whose interpretation is left to the navigation core key = LATITUDE, value = value of type 'd', that expresses the latitude of the starting point in format %3.6f. Range [-90:+90]. Example: 48.053250 key = LONGITUDE, value = value of type 'd', that expresses the longitude of the starting point in format %3.6f. Range [-180:+180]. Example: 8.324500 key = ALTITUDE, value = value of type 'i', that expresses the altitude of the starting point in meters Note: if the flag StartFromCurrentPosition=true, then at least one waypoint must be provided (destination) Note: if the flag StartFromCurrentPosition=false, then at least two waypoints must be provided (starting point and destination) This error is sent when a client application tries to change the waypoints while the route guidance is active This error is sent when a client application tries to set a number of waypoints that exceeds the system capabilities This error is generated if an application tries to set waypoints for a route which is not created manually (e.g. an alternative route calculated in the background) GetWaypoints = This method retrieves a list of waypoints routeHandle = Route handle. Range[0x0:0x7fffffff]. 0x0 is reserved as an invalid handle value startFromCurrentPosition = flag indicating if the current position is used as starting point waypointsList = array[waypoint] waypoint = tuple (key,value) key = enum(INVALID,WAYPOINT_TYPE,LOCATION_INPUT,LATITUDE,LONGITUDE,ALTITUDE, ... ) key = WAYPOINT_TYPE, value = value of type 'q', that represents an enum(INVALID,SOFT_POINT,HARD_POINT, ... ) key = LOCATION_INPUT, value = value of type 'ay'. This is a byte array whose interpretation is left to the navigation core key = LATITUDE, value = value of type 'd', that expresses the latitude of the starting point in format %3.6f. Range [-90:+90]. Example: 48.053250 key = LONGITUDE, value = value of type 'd', that expresses the longitude of the starting point in format %3.6f. Range [-180:+180]. Example: 8.324500 key = ALTITUDE, value = value of type 'i', that expresses the altitude of the starting point in meters CalculateRoute = This method starts a route calculation sessionHandle = Session handle. Range[0x0:0x7fffffff]. 0x0 is reserved as an invalid handle value routeHandle = Route handle. Range[0x0:0x7fffffff]. 0x0 is reserved as an invalid handle value This error is generated if an application tries to calculate a route which is not created manually (e.g. an alternative route calculated in the background) CancelRouteCalculation = This method cancels a route calculation sessionHandle = Session handle. Range[0x0:0x7fffffff]. 0x0 is reserved as an invalid handle value routeHandle = Route handle. Range[0x0:0x7fffffff]. 0x0 is reserved as an invalid handle value RouteCalculationCancelled = This signal informs a client that a route calculation was cancelled routeHandle = Route handle. Range[0x0:0x7fffffff]. 0x0 is reserved as an invalid handle value RouteCalculationSuccessful = This signal informs a client that a route calculation was successful routeHandle = Route handle. Range[0x0:0x7fffffff]. 0x0 is reserved as an invalid handle value unfullfilledPreferences = array[preference] preference = tuple(preferenceMode,preferenceSource) preferenceMode = enum(PROHIBIT,AVOID,USE,PREFER) preferenceMode = PROHIBIT. Routing module must not calculate a planned route including sections matching given avoidance source. preferenceMode = AVOID. Routing module should not calculate a planned route including sections matching given avoidance source. preferenceMode = USE. Routing module should calculate a planned route including sections matching given avoidance source. preferenceMode = PREFER. Routing module should calculate a planned route including as much as possible sections matching given avoidance source. preferenceSource = enum(FERRY,TOLL_ROADS,TUNNELS,HIGHWAYS_MOTORWAYS,VEHICLE_SIZE_LIMIT,CRIME_AREAS) RouteCalculationFailed = This signal informs a client that a route calculation failed routeHandle = Route handle. Range[0x0:0x7fffffff]. 0x0 is reserved as an invalid handle value errorCode = enum(INVALID,UNMATCHED_POSITION,UNREACHABLE_DESTINATION,UNFULFILLED_PREFERENCE_MODE, ... ) errorCode = UNFULFILLED_PREFERENCE_MODE. Refer to unfullfilledPreferences to see which routing preferences could not be met causing routing calculation to fail; for any other value the argument unfulfilledPreferences should be ignored. unfullfilledPreferences = array[preference] preference = tuple(preferenceMode,preferenceSource) preferenceMode = enum(PROHIBIT,AVOID,USE,PREFER) preferenceMode = PROHIBIT. Routing module must not calculate a planned route including sections matching given avoidance source. preferenceMode = AVOID. Routing module should not calculate a planned route including sections matching given avoidance source. preferenceMode = USE. Routing module should calculate a planned route including sections matching given avoidance source. preferenceMode = PREFER. Routing module should calculate a planned route including as much as possible sections matching given avoidance source. preferenceSource = enum(FERRY,TOLL_ROADS,TUNNELS,HIGHWAYS_MOTORWAYS,VEHICLE_SIZE_LIMIT,CRIME_AREAS) RouteCalculationProgressUpdate = This signal informs a client about a route calculation progress routeHandle = Route handle. Range[0x0:0x7fffffff]. 0x0 is reserved as an invalid handle value status = enum(INVALID,CALCULATION_OK,NO_POSITION, ... ) percentage = progress status. Range [0:100] CalculateRoutes = This method allows a client to calculate alternative routes that differs from a list of already calculated routes sessionHandle = Session handle. Range[0x0:0x7fffffff]. 0x0 is reserved as an invalid handle value calculatedRoutesList = array[calculatedRoute] calculatedRoute = Handle identifying an already calculated route. Range[0x0:0x7fffffff]. 0x0 is reserved as an invalid handle value alternativeRoutesList = array[alternativeRoute] alternativeRoute = Handle identifying an alternative route. Range[0x0:0x7fffffff]. 0x0 is reserved as an invalid handle value This error is generated if an application tries to calculate an alternative to a route which is not created manually (e.g. an alternative route calculated in the background) GetRouteSegments = This method retrieves a list of segments for a given route starting from the one closest to the current position to the one closest to the destination routeHandle = Route handle. Range[0x0:0x7fffffff]. 0x0 is reserved as an invalid handle value detailLevel = detail level valuesToReturn= array[key] key = enum(INVALID,LINK-ID,INTERMEDIATE_POINTS,START_LATITUDE,START_LONGITUDE,START_ALTITUDE, END_LATITUDE,END_LONGITUDE,END_ALTITUDE,ROAD_NAME,ROAD_NUMBER,DISTANCE,TIME,MANEUVER,INSTRUCTION, BORDER_CROSSING,TIME_ZONE,DAYLIGHT_SAVING_TIME,ADDITIONAL_INFORMATION,HIGHWAY_EXIT, ... , ALL) numberOfSegments = number of segments to be retrieved offset = offset from the beginning of the list totalNumberOfSegments = total number of segments routeSegments = array[segment] segment = tuple(key,value) Note: a segment is the shortest navigable stretch of a route (e.g. the stretch between two adjacent junctions) key = enum(INVALID,LINK-ID,INTERMEDIATE_POINTS,START_LATITUDE,START_LONGITUDE,START_ALTITUDE, END_LATITUDE,END_LONGITUDE,END_ALTITUDE,ROAD_NAME,ROAD_NUMBER,DISTANCE,TIME,MANEUVER,INSTRUCTION, BORDER_CROSSING,TIME_ZONE,DAYLIGHT_SAVING_TIME,ADDITIONAL_INFORMATION,HIGHWAY_EXIT, ... ) key = LINK-ID, value = value of type 'ay', that represents a link-ID in a format whose interpretation is left to the navigationcore key = START_LATITUDE, value = value of type 'd', that expresses the latitude of the starting point in format %3.6f. Range [-90:+90]. Example: 48.053250 key = END_LATITUDE, value = value of type 'd', that expresses the latitude of the ending point in format %3.6f. Range [-90:+90]. Example: 48.053250 Note: END_LATITUDE can be omitted, if it coincides with the latitude of the start point of the next segment key = START_LONGITUDE, value = value of type 'd', that expresses the longitude of the starting point in format %3.6f. Range [-180:+180]. Example: 8.321000 key = END_LONGITUDE, value = value of type 'd', that expresses the longitude of the ending point in format %3.6f. Range [-180:+180]. Example: 8.321000 Note: END_LONGITUDE can be omitted, if it coincides with the longitude of the start point of the next segment key = START_ALTITUDE, value = value of type 'i', that expresses the altitude relative to the ground of the starting point in meters key = END_ALTITUDE, value = value of type 'i', that expresses the altitude relative to the ground of the ending point in meters Note: END_ALTITUDE can be omitted, if it coincides with the altitude of the start point of the next segment key = INTERMEDIATE_POINTS, value = value of type 'a(qddd)', that expresses an array of intermediate points Note: an intermedate point is expressed as a struct(type,latitude,longitude,altitude), where type = enum(INVALID,HARD_POINT,SOFT_POINT, ... ) key = ROAD_NUMBER, value = value of type 's', that expresses the road number key = ROAD_NAME, value = value of type 's', that expresses the road name key = DISTANCE, value = value of type 'u', that identifies distance to the next segment in meters key = TIME, value = value of type 'u', that identifies time to travel to the next segment in seconds key = MANEUVER, value = value of type 'a(qqaq)', that identifies a pictogram that describes the next maneuver (OPTIONAL) key = INSTRUCTION, value = value of type 's', that identifies the instruction to the user key = BORDER_CROSSING, value = value of type 's', that contains information about border crossings key = TIME_ZONE, value = value of type 'n', that indicates the time zone of the current segment. It is expressed as the time difference from the UTC in minutes key = DAYLIGHT_SAVING_TIME, value = value of type 'n', that indicates the daylight saving time of the current segment. It is expressed as the time difference from the UTC in minutes key = ADDITIONAL_INFORMATION, value = value of type 's', that contains additional information to the user (toll cost, ... ) key = HIGHWAY_EXIT, value = value of type 's', that in case the road segment ends with a highway exit, it expresses the highway exit number key = START_OFFSET, value = value of type 'u', that indicates the offset of the starting point in meters from the beginning of the route GetRouteOverview = This method retrieves general information about a given route routeHandle = Route handle. Range[0x0:0x7fffffff]. 0x0 is reserved as an invalid handle value valuesToReturn = array[key] key = enum(ARRIVAL_TIME,ARRIVAL_DATE,DEPARTURE_TIME,DEPARTURE_DATE,TOTAL_DISTANCE,TOTAL_TIME, ... ,ALL) routeOverview = array[detail] detail = tuple(key,value) key = enum(ARRIVAL_TIME,ARRIVAL_DATE,DEPARTURE_TIME,DEPARTURE_DATE,TOTAL_DISTANCE,TOTAL_TIME, ...) key = ARRIVAL_TIME, value of type 'u', that represents the arrival time expressed in seconds since mid-night (UTC) key = ARRIVAL_DATE, value of type 'u', that represents the arrival date expressed either as calendar date (the number of days since 1 Jan 2000) or as weekday. The weekday is expressed with values from 0 to 6 (0 = Saturday, 1 = Sunday, 2 = Monday, ..., 6 = Friday) key = DEPARTURE_TIME, value of type 'u', that represents the departure time expressed in seconds since mid-night (UTC) key = DEPARTURE_DATE, value of type 'u', that represents the departure date expressed either as calendar date (the number of days since 1 Jan 2000) or as weekday. The weekday is expressed with values from 0 to 6 (0 = Saturday, 1 = Sunday, 2 = Monday, ..., 6 = Friday) key = TOTAL_DISTANCE, value of type 'u', that represents the total distance in m key = TOTAL_TIME, value of type 'u', that represents the total time in seconds GetRouteBoundingBox = This method retrieves the bounding box containing a calculated route routeHandle = Route handle. Range[0x0:0x7fffffff]. 0x0 is reserved as an invalid handle value boundingBox = struct(top-left-corner,bottom-right-corner) geocoordinates of the top-left-corner = struct(lat,lon) geocoordinates of the bottom-right-corner = struct(lat,lon) lat = latitude in format %3.6f. Range[-90:+90]. Example: 48.053250 lon = longitude in format %3.6f. Range[-180:+180]. Example: 8.321000 GetAllRoutes = This method retrieves the handles of all created routes routesList = array[route] route = Route handle. Range[0x0:0x7fffffff]. 0x0 is reserved as an invalid handle value AlternativeRoutesAvailable = This signal is emitted when alternative routes have been computed in the background and are available for guidance. routeHandlesList = array[routeHandle] routeHandle = Handle identifying a computed alternative route. Range[0x0:0x7fffffff]. 0x0 is reserved as an invalid handle value SetBlockedRouteStretches = This method sets blocked streches on a given route sessionHandle = Session handle. Range[0x0:0x7fffffff]. 0x0 is reserved as an invalid handle value routeHandle = Route handle. Range[0x0:0x7fffffff]. 0x0 is reserved as an invalid handle value blockParameters = struct(offset,length) offset = the offset in meters from the beginning of the route where the road block starts from length = the length of the road block in meters Note: pass an empty array to remove previously set blocked route stretches GetBlockedRouteStretches = This method retrieves all blocked streches on a given route routeHandle = Route handle. Range[0x0:0x7fffffff]. 0x0 is reserved as an invalid handle value blockParameters = struct(offset,length) offset = the offset in meters from the beginning of the route where the road block starts from length = the length of the road block in meters