0.1 getVersion = This method returns the API version implemented by the content access module. version (of type Version) = . Version struct[versionMajor, versionMinor, versionMicro, date] = version. 0: Version.versionMajor ('q') = when the major changes, then backward compatibility with previous releases is not granted. 1: Version.versionMinor ('q') = when the minor changes, then backward compatibility with previous releases is granted, but something changed in the implementation of the API (e.g. new methods may have been added). 2: Version.versionMicro ('q') = when the micro changes, then backward compatibility with previous releases is granted (bug fixes or documentation modifications). 3: Version.date ('s') = release date (e.g. 21-06-2011). openPrompter = Must be called to open a SpeechOutputService session and to get the audio connection. connectionType (of type ConnectionType) = Sets the Audio connection that should be used for the prompter application. enum[CT_NAVIGATION (null), CT_READER (null), CT_GEN_HIGH (null), CT_GEN_MEDIUM (null), CT_GEN_LOW (null), CT_MAX (null)] preProcessingType (of type PreProcessingType) = Sets the text normaization mode and which active prompt data base will be activated. enum[PPT_DIALOG (null), PPT_NAVIGATION (null), PPT_NONE (null), PPT_READER (null), PPT_MAX (null)] addTextChunk = The prompter must be opened to trigger the playback of the provided prompt. The prompt length must not exceed the length of a PromptChunk buffer. Synthesizes the provided text or if using the escape sequence of the engine supplier a wave file in a supported sampling rate is provided, the system will back back also wave files. The text will be normalized using the context identifier provided to openprompter. This applies to matching prerecorded files as well as the synthesis of number and words that are matched to a lexical dictionary. The synthesize will start if the prompter is idle, if the prompter is already playing the playback will be delayed until all previously added text chunks are played back. For every text chunk provided a notification will be send. chunk (of type Chunk) = String containing the prompt to play. lineComment to be defined chunkID (of type ChunkID) = Index of the added prompt, zero based. lineComment to be defined abortPrompter = A prompt must be playing to perform an abort action. If no prompting operation in progress there will be no reaction of the system. closePrompter = The prompter is closed after the last text chunk submitted has finished playing. notifyConnectionStatus = Notifies the connection status connectionStatus (of type ConnectionStatus) = Client connection status. enum[CS_UNKNOWN (null), CS_ESTABLISHED (null), CS_REFUSED (null), CS_POSSIBLE (null), CS_PENDING (null), CS_PAUSED (null), CS_TERMINATED (null), CS_MAX (null)] notifyMarkerReached = Notifies the last reached marker. chunkID (of type ChunkID) = ID of the processed chunk. lineComment to be defined marker (of type Marker) = String with the name of the reached marker (if TTS engine supports inserting bookmarks with a name). lineComment to be defined notifyQueueStatus = Notifies the queue status. queueStatus (of type QueueStatus) = Fill status of the text buffer. enum[QS_UNKNOWN (null), QS_FULL (null), QS_HIGH_FILL (null), QS_LOW_FILL (null), QS_MAX (null)] notifyTTSStatus = Notifies the TTS engine status. ttsStatus (of type TtsStatus) = Current status of the TTS. enum[TS_UNKNOWN (null), TS_NOT_INITIALIZED (null), TS_ACTIVE (null), TS_ABORTED (null), TS_MARKER (null), TS_IDLE (null), TS_ENQUEUED (null), TS_FINISHED (null), TS_FAILED (null), TS_MAX (null)]