1.0.0 (06-03-2014) getVersion = Get the API version of this interface implemented by the service. version (of type Version) = The API version of this interface implemented by the service. Version struct[major, minor, micro, date] = This datatype is used to provide version information. Version.major ('q') = The major version number. Version.minor ('q') = The minor version number. Version.micro ('q') = The micro version number. Version.date ('s') = The date of this version. getLanguage = Get the current language. In case of a client/server based Feed, this language can be sent to the server in order to receive any textual information in the right language. languageCode = The currently used language, specified as ISO 639-3 language code (lower case). countryCode = The currently used, country specific variant of the language, , specified as ISO 3166-1 alpha 3 country code (upper case). addLanguageListener = Add this client as a listener for changes in the current language. removeLanguageListener = Remove this client as a listener for changes in the current language. clear = Clear the internal store of the Traffic Incidents Service. This may be needed if the source of the Traffic Incidents is changed, or if the server indicates that a reset is needed. updateIncidents = Update the Traffic Incidents in the internal store of the Traffic Incidents Service. These updates can consist of incidents to be removed (cancelledIncidentIds), and/or new or updated incidents (updatedIncidents). The 'cancels' are handled before the 'updates'. feedId = Unique Id of the Feed providing the update. cancelledIncidentIds = The unique Ids of the incidents to be deleted. updatedIncidents (of type TrafficIncident) = The new or updated incidents. TrafficIncident struct[trafficIncidentId, effectCode, startTime, stopTime, tendency, lengthAffected, averageSpeedAbsolute, delay, segmentSpeedLimit, expectedSpeedAbsolute, causes, advices, applicability, temporarySpeedLimits, expirationTime, updateTime, locationReference] = Data model description of a Traffic Incident. TrafficIncident.trafficIncidentId ('s') = unique Id TrafficIncident.effectCode ('y') = Effect Code, optional value, NOT_SPECIFIED indicates not specified. TrafficIncident.startTime ('i') = Start Time in minutes since the standard base time known as "the epoch", namely January 1, 1970, 00:00:00 GMT. Optional value, -1 indicates not specified TrafficIncident.stopTime ('i') = Stop Time in minutes since the standard base time known as "the epoch", namely January 1, 1970, 00:00:00 GMT. Optional value, -1 indicates not specified TrafficIncident.tendency ('y') = Tendency, optional value, NOT_SPECIFIED indicates not specified. TrafficIncident.lengthAffected ('i') = Length of the event in meters, optional value, -1 indicates not specified. TrafficIncident.averageSpeedAbsolute ('i') = Average speed in m/s at the given location, optional value, -1 indicates not specified. TrafficIncident.delay ('i') = Delay in minutes, optional value, -1 indicates not specified. TrafficIncident.segmentSpeedLimit ('i') = Maximum speed in m/s., optional value, -1 indicates not specified. TrafficIncident.expectedSpeedAbsolute ('i') = The expectedSpeedAbsolute, in m/s, is used to signal the expected (normal) speed of traffic through the problem location. Value range 0, .. , 127 (0x7f). Optional value, -1 indicates not specified. TrafficIncident.causes (of type CauseDiscriminatedUnion) = Causes. CauseDiscriminatedUnion struct[causeType, causeUnion] = A type to transfer any Cause sub-type, together with an indication of which sub-type it is. CauseDiscriminatedUnion.causeType ('y') = Indentifies the Cause sub-type contained in the causeUnion. CauseDiscriminatedUnion.causeUnion (of type CauseUnion) = The Cause. CauseUnion variant[directCause, linkedCause] = Union for the Cause sub-types. CauseUnion.directCause (of type DirectCause) = Direct Cause. DirectCause struct[mainCause, warningLevel, unverifiedInformation, subCause, lengthAffected, causeOffset, laneRestrictions, freeText] = A Direct Cause for the incident, i.e. all details of the cause are specified here. DirectCause.mainCause ('y') = Main Cause for the incident. DirectCause.warningLevel ('y') = Warning Level. Optional value, NOT_SPECIFIED indicates not specified. DirectCause.unverifiedInformation ('b') = Indication of whether the information has been verified by an authority (like the police) or not. DirectCause.subCause ('y') = More detailed cause. The actual value of this atttribute depends on the mainCause. So based on the mainCause it has to be cast to the related enum. DirectCause.lengthAffected ('i') = Length of the cause in meters, optional value, -1 indicates not specified. DirectCause.causeOffset ('i') = Offset (in metres) from the start of the Cause to the end of the Problem Location. When used together with Affected Length the cause can be positioned within the event more accurately. Without Cause Offset but with Affected Length defined the cause position is not defined. If neither Affected Length nor Cause Offset are defined the Cause spans the entire Problem Location. Value range: 0, .. , 2147483647 (0x7fffffff). Optional value, -1 indicates not specified. DirectCause.laneRestrictions (of type LaneRestrictions) = Lane Restrictions. Optional value, represented by an array with 0 or 1 elements. LaneRestrictions struct[laneRestrictionType, numberOfLanes] = Lane Restrictions. LaneRestrictions.laneRestrictionType ('y') = Lane Restriction Type. LaneRestrictions.numberOfLanes ('i') = Number of lanes affected by the Lane Restriction Type. Optional value, -1 indicates not specified. DirectCause.freeText (of type LocalizedString) = Free Text in different languages. LocalizedString struct[languageCode, countryCode, string] = A string in a specified language. LocalizedString.languageCode ('s') = A language, specified as ISO 639-3 language code (lower case). LocalizedString.countryCode ('s') = The country specific variant for the language, specified as ISO 3166-1 alpha 3 country code (upper case). Optional, an empty string indicates not specified. LocalizedString.string ('s') = A string in the specified language. CauseUnion.linkedCause (of type LinkedCause) = Linked Cause. LinkedCause struct[mainCause, causeTrafficIncidentId] = A Cause for the incident, with a reference to another incident, which is a cause for this incident. LinkedCause.mainCause ('y') = Main Cause for the incident. LinkedCause.causeTrafficIncidentId ('s') = Id of a TrafficIncident which is a cause for this incident. TrafficIncident.advices (of type Advice) = Advices Advice struct[mainAdvice, subAdvice, freeText, applicability] = Advice. Advice.mainAdvice ('y') = Main advice. Advice.subAdvice ('y') = More detailed advice. The actual value of this atttribute depends on the adviceCode. So based on the adviceCode it has to be cast to the related enum. Advice.freeText (of type LocalizedString) = Free Text in different languages. LocalizedString struct[languageCode, countryCode, string] = A string in a specified language. LocalizedString.languageCode ('s') = A language, specified as ISO 639-3 language code (lower case). LocalizedString.countryCode ('s') = The country specific variant for the language, specified as ISO 3166-1 alpha 3 country code (upper case). Optional, an empty string indicates not specified. LocalizedString.string ('s') = A string in the specified language. Advice.applicability (of type Applicability) = Applicability of the advice. Applicability struct[vehicleType, vehicleRelatedRestrictions] = Applicability. Applicability.vehicleType ('y) = Vehicle Type. Applicability.vehicleRelatedRestrictions (of type VehicleRelatedRestriction) = Restrictions. VehicleRelatedRestriction struct[restrictionType, restrictionValue, restrictionLocationReference] = Vehicle Related Restriction. VehicleRelatedRestriction.restrictionType ('y') = Restriction Type. VehicleRelatedRestriction.restrictionValue ('i') = Restriction value. Optional value, represented by an array with 0 or 1 elements. VehicleRelatedRestriction.restrictionLocationReference (of type LocationReference) = Description of the restriction location. LocationReference struct[locationReferenceType, data] = Map database independent description of a location. LocationReference.locationReferenceType ('y') = The type of location reference. LocationReference.data ('y') = The actual data of the location reference. TrafficIncident.applicability (of type Applicability) = Applicability. Applicability struct[vehicleType, vehicleRelatedRestrictions] = Applicability. Applicability.vehicleType ('y) = Vehicle Type. Applicability.vehicleRelatedRestrictions (of type VehicleRelatedRestriction) = Restrictions. VehicleRelatedRestriction struct[restrictionType, restrictionValue, restrictionLocationReference] = Vehicle Related Restriction. VehicleRelatedRestriction.restrictionType ('y') = Restriction Type. VehicleRelatedRestriction.restrictionValue ('i') = Restriction value. Optional value, represented by an array with 0 or 1 elements. VehicleRelatedRestriction.restrictionLocationReference (of type LocationReference) = Description of the restriction location. LocationReference struct[locationReferenceType, data] = Map database independent description of a location. LocationReference.locationReferenceType ('y') = The type of location reference. LocationReference.data ('y') = The actual data of the location reference. TrafficIncident.temporarySpeedLimits (array of type TemporarySpeedLimit) = Temporary speed limit information suitable for display to the driver. TemporarySpeedLimit struct[unitsMPH, offset, temporarySpeedLimitSections, applicability] = One of the highly visible attributes of many roadworks is the imposed Temporary Speed Limit. This component provides the ability to define temporary speed limit information suitable for display to the driver. Temporary Speed limit info associated with the event is defined in either kph or mph. Multiple sections with a different speed value may be provided with a length. The offset from the end of the Location to the start of the first speed limit restriction allows the speed limit zone to be positioned independently of the cause. Applicability can be added if needed. TemporarySpeedLimit.unitsMPH ('b') = Units definition for this Temporary Speed Limit. If true, the unit is mph, else the unit is km/h. TemporarySpeedLimit.offset ('i') = Offset defines the distance in meters from the start of the Temporary speed limit to the end of the Location. If not defined then first SpeedLimitSection starts at the beginning of the Location. Value range: 0, .. , 2147483647 (0x7fffffff) TemporarySpeedLimit.temporarySpeedLimitSections (array of TemporarySpeedLimitSection) = Speed Limit information per section. TemporarySpeedLimitSection struct[speedLimitValue, speedLimitValueWet, speedLimitLength] = Each section of a TemporarySpeedLimit is defined by a speed value and length. A speed value for use in Wet conditions is also optionally available. TemporarySpeedLimitSection.speedLimitValue ('n') = Speed Limit numerical value in kph or mph. Value range: 0, .. , 32767 (0x7fff) TemporarySpeedLimitSection.speedLimitValueWet ('n') = Speed Limit numerical value to be used in wet conditions; in kph or mph. Value range: 0, .. , 32767 (0x7fff) TemporarySpeedLimitSection.speedLimitLength ('i') = Length of the SpeedLimitSection, If this is not defined, then section finishes at end of the Problem Location. Value range: 0, .. , 2147483647 (0x7fffffff) TemporarySpeedLimit.applicability (of type Applicability) = Applicability. Applicability struct[vehicleType, vehicleRelatedRestrictions] = Applicability. Applicability.vehicleType ('y) = Vehicle Type. Applicability.vehicleRelatedRestrictions (of type VehicleRelatedRestriction) = Restrictions. VehicleRelatedRestriction struct[restrictionType, restrictionValue, restrictionLocationReference] = Vehicle Related Restriction. VehicleRelatedRestriction.restrictionType ('y') = Restriction Type. VehicleRelatedRestriction.restrictionValue ('i') = Restriction value. Optional value, represented by an array with 0 or 1 elements. VehicleRelatedRestriction.restrictionLocationReference (of type LocationReference) = Description of the restriction location. LocationReference struct[locationReferenceType, data] = Map database independent description of a location. LocationReference.locationReferenceType ('y') = The type of location reference. LocationReference.data ('y') = The actual data of the location reference. TrafficIncident.expirationTime ('i') = The time after which this information is no longer valid. The time is expressed in minutes since the standard base time known as "the epoch", namely January 1, 1970, 00:00:00 GMT. Optional value, -1 indicates not specified TrafficIncident.updateTime ('i') = The time at which the information in this incident was updated. The time is expressed in minutes since the standard base time known as "the epoch", namely January 1, 1970, 00:00:00 GMT. Optional value, -1 indicates not specified TrafficIncident.locationReference (of type LocationReference) = Description of the location. LocationReference struct[locationReferenceType, data] = Map database independent description of a location. LocationReference.locationReferenceType ('y') = The type of location reference. LocationReference.data ('y') = The actual data of the location reference. updateStatus = Update the status of a Feed. feedId = Unique Id of the Feed providing the status update. feedStatus (of type TrafficIncidentFeedStatus) = Status of the Feed. enum[UNAVAILABLE (0), CONNECTED (1), DISCONNECTED (2)] incidentsStatus (of type TrafficIncidentsStatus) = Incident Status of the Feed. enum[UNAVAILABLE (0), PARTLY_AVAILABLE (1), AVAILABLE (2)] registerFeed = Register a Feed that is going to provide Traffic Incidents. A Traffic Incident Feed that wants to provide Traffic Incidents to the TrafficIncidentsService has to register itself via this method. The input parameters provide a description of the Feed. The returned feedId is used to identify the Feed in all methods where the Feed is providing information to the TrafficIncidentsService. dataProviderName = Name of the data provider for this Feed, e.g. 'TomTom'. protocolName = Name of the protocol used by this Feed, e.g. 'TPG-TEC'. communicationChannelName = Name of the communication channel used by this Feed, e.g. 'FM Tuner'. feedId = Unique Id for the registered Feed. LanguageChanged = When a client registers itself for being notified of language changes (see AddLanguageListener()), this signal is sent to this client only, to inform this client about the currently used language. On a language change inside the TrafficIncidentsService, there is a broadcast with the new language. The broadcast only actually occurs if there is at least one registered listener (see AddLanguageListener). languageCode = The currently used language, specified as ISO 639-3 language code (lower case). countryCode = The currently used, country specific variant of the language, specified as ISO 3166-1 alpha 3 country code (upper case). Optional value, an empty string indicates 'not specified'.