# Navigation middleware ## Synopsis This folder contains a navigation software based on Navit and compliant with the Navigation APIs standardized by the GENIVI Alliance. Some test scripts are available into the ../../test/navigation folder. The GENIVI APIs are implemented by navit plugins, running on DBus. ##Tested targets Desktop: Tested under Ubuntu 16.04 LTS 64 bits Hardware: Code is running on the [Genivi Demo Platform](https://github.com/GENIVI/genivi-dev-platform) (Yocto based) ## Third parties software Positioning from [https://github.com/GENIVI/positioning](https://github.com/GENIVI/positioning) Navit from [https://github.com/navit-gps/navit/](https://github.com/navit-gps/navit/) NB: Patches are applied to navit: search_list_get_unique.diff features used by GetSpell fsa_issue_padding.diff required to run on the GDP NB: For displaying current versions used by the code type ./clone_and_build.sh in command line The code is regularly aligned with the latest versions of the third parties software ## Prerequisites Under Ubuntu, some packets are needed to be installed: sudo apt-get install xsltproc libdbus-cpp-dev libdbus-c++-dev libglib2.0-dev gtk+-2.0 libglibmm-2.4-dev libxml++2.6-dev libgtk-3-dev libdbus-1-dev libsdl1.2-dev libsdl-image1.2-dev libsdl-ttf2.0-dev inkscape qt5-qmake qtbase5-dev-tools qtbase5-dev qttools5-dev-tools qtdeclarative5-dev ## How to build ### From scratch A script allows to clone the third parties code (i.e. positioning and navit) and rebuild all ./clone_and_build.sh ### Build A script allows either: to clean and rebuild all (including invoking cmake) ./build.sh -c or to build updated parts ./build.sh ## How to test Some python scripts can be used for test. Go to ../../test/navigation For Python, you need to install some modules sudo apt-get install python-pip python-dbus python-gobject python-pil sudo pip install --upgrade pip To test, launch the navigation middleware by entering: ./run -r 'bug safe' test files (can be launched several times): ./test-location-input.py -l location.xml ./test-route-calculation.py -r route.xml 'bug to be fixed' test files (can be launched only one time): ./test-guidance.py -r route.xml ./test-map-viewer-control.py If everything is OK, you must see: Test PASSED ##Directory Structure map-viewer/ the plugins for the map rendering and manipulation (zoom, scroll..) navigation-core/ the plugins for basic navigation features (location input, route calculation...) poi-cam/ the plugins for poi content access module patches/ some patches to complete the navit code map/ the map navit/ basic code of navit positioning/ the code of positioning ## How to for the CommonAPI based version (draft) The former version of the POCs is based on GLib DBus. Migration to CommonAPI is done. ###Prerequisites You need CommonAPI 3.1.5 and Franca 0.9.1 installed For the Ubuntu 64 bits, due to the use of symbol versioning LIBDBUS_1_0 by CommonAPI-DBus, the patched version of DBus has to be >= 1.10.0 For instance, wget https://dbus.freedesktop.org/releases/dbus/dbus-1.10.0.tar.gz NB: It's better to install it in your local folder, in case you test it under Ubuntu NB: the patch common-api-dbus-runtime/src/dbus-patches/capi-dbus-add-support-for-custom-marshalling.patch failed a little bit, it's needed to update the dbus/dbus-string.h manually ### How to build First it's required to set some paths: ``` export DBUS_LIB_PATH= export COMMONAPI_DBUS_TOOL_DIR= export COMMONAPI_TOOL_DIR= ``` A script allows either: to clean and rebuild all (including invoking cmake) ./build.sh -cm or to build updated parts ./build.sh -m NB: in case you didn't build the whole code yet, you can also invoke ./clone_and_build.sh -m ### How to test Some python scripts can be used for test. Go to ../../test/navigation For Python, you need to install some modules (see explanations above) To test, launch the navigation middleware by entering: ./run-capi -r 'bug safe' test files (can be launched several times): ./test-location-input-capi.py -l location.xml ./test-route-calculation-capi.py -r route.xml 'bug to be fixed' test files ./test-guidance_capi.py -r route.xml ./test-map-viewer-control-capi.py If everything is OK, you must see: Test PASSED ##Known issues There's an issue with navit against gtk. If the env variable NAVIT_GRAPHICS is not set, by default the graphics are gtk based. - for gtk, navit checks for freetype. Because of a missing symbolic link, it's necessary to do ln -s /usr/include/freetype2/ /usr/include/freetype - despite navit enables gtk_drawing, there's a pb during runtime (to be fixed) So, for the time being, export NAVIT_GRAPHICS='sdl' is set into the run script There's an issue with the svg to png library so inkscape is used. It seems to be necessary to do: export NO_AT_BRIDGE=1 ## License Mozilla Public License Version 2.0