/** * @licence app begin@ * SPDX-License-Identifier: MPL-2.0 * * \copyright Copyright (C) 2013-2014, PCA Peugeot Citroen * * \file main.cpp * * \brief This file is part of the poi proof of concept. * * \author Philippe Colliot * * \version 1.1 * * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the * Mozilla Public License (MPL), v. 2.0. * If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, * You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. * * For further information see http://www.genivi.org/. * * List of changes: * 10-02-2014, Philippe Colliot, refinement and migration to the new repository * , , * * @licence end@ */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "log.h" DLT_DECLARE_CONTEXT(gCtx); #include "poi-common-database.h" #include "poi-server-class.h" static const char* poiSearch_SERVICE_NAME = "org.genivi.navigation.poiservice.POISearch"; static const char* poiSearch_OBJECT_PATH = "/org/genivi/poiservice/POISearch"; static const char* poiConfiguration_SERVICE_NAME = "org.genivi.navigation.poiservice.POIConfiguration"; static const char* poiConfiguration_OBJECT_PATH = "/org/genivi/poiservice/POIConfiguration"; static const char* poiContentAccess_SERVICE_NAME = "org.genivi.navigation.poiservice.POIContentAccess"; static const char* poiContentAccess_OBJECT_PATH = "/org/genivi/poiservice/POIContentAccess"; static const char* contentAccessModule_OBJECT_PATH = "/org/genivi/poiservice/POIContentAccessModule"; static const char* Routing_SERVICE_NAME = "org.genivi.navigation.navigationcore.Routing"; static const char* Routing_OBJECT_PATH = "/org/genivi/navigationcore"; // SQL requests static const char* SQL_REQUEST_GET_AVAILABLE_CATEGORIES = "SELECT Id,name FROM poicategory WHERE Id IN (SELECT poicategory_Id FROM belongsto GROUP BY poicategory_Id);"; static const char* SQL_REQUEST_GET_CATEGORY_ATTRIBUTES = "SELECT Id,name FROM poiattribute WHERE Id IN (SELECT poiattribute_Id FROM hasattribute WHERE poicategory_Id IS "; static const char* SQL_REQUEST_GET_AVAILABLE_AREA = "SELECT leftlongitude,bottomlatitude,rightlongitude,toplatitude FROM availablearea;"; static const char* SQL_REQUEST_GET_PARENT_CATEGORIES = "SELECT parentId FROM poicategorykinship WHERE childId IS "; static const char* SQL_REQUEST_GET_CHILD_CATEGORIES = "SELECT childId FROM poicategorykinship WHERE parentId IS "; static const char* SQL_REQUEST_GET_CATEGORY_ICONS = "SELECT url,format FROM iconset WHERE Id IS (SELECT iconset_Id FROM isdisplayedas WHERE poicategory_Id IS "; // DBus instances static DBus::Glib::BusDispatcher *dispatcher; static DBus::Connection *dbusConnection; static poiSearchServer *serverPoiSearch; static poiContentAccessServer *serverpoiContentAccess; static poiConfigurationServer *serverpoiConfiguration; static Routing *clientRouting; // class Routing Routing::Routing(DBus::Connection &connection) : DBus::ObjectProxy(connection,Routing_OBJECT_PATH,Routing_SERVICE_NAME) { } Routing::~Routing() { } void Routing::RouteDeleted(const handleId_t &routeHandle) { } void Routing::RouteCalculationCancelled(const handleId_t &routeHandle) { } void Routing::RouteCalculationSuccessful(const handleId_t& routeHandle, const std::map< int32_t, int32_t >& unfullfilledPreferences) { } void Routing::RouteCalculationFailed(const handleId_t& routeHandle, const int32_t& errorCode, const std::map< int32_t, int32_t >& unfullfilledPreferences) { } void Routing::RouteCalculationProgressUpdate(const handleId_t& routeHandle, const int32_t &status, const uint8_t &percentage) { } void Routing::AlternativeRoutesAvailable (const std::vector& routeHandlesList) { } // class contentAccessModule contentAccessModule::contentAccessModule(DBus::Connection &connection, const std::string& service) : DBus::ObjectProxy(connection, contentAccessModule_OBJECT_PATH,service.c_str()) { LOG_INFO_MSG(gCtx,"POI content access module client"); } contentAccessModule::~contentAccessModule() { } void contentAccessModule::ConfigurationChanged(const std::vector< uint16_t >& changedSettings) { } void contentAccessModule::CategoriesRemoved(const std::vector< uint32_t >& categories) { } void contentAccessModule::POIAdded(const std::vector< uint32_t >& pois) { } void contentAccessModule::POIRemoved(const std::vector< uint32_t >& pois) { } void contentAccessModule::SearchStatusChanged(const uint32_t& poiSearchHandle, const int32_t& statusValue, const std::vector< uint32_t >& pois) { } // class poiContentAccessServer poiContentAccessServer::poiContentAccessServer(DBus::Connection &connection) : DBus::ObjectAdaptor(connection, poiContentAccess_OBJECT_PATH) { LOG_INFO_MSG(gCtx,"POI content access server"); //version is hard coded m_version._1 = 0; m_version._2 = 4; m_version._3 = 0; m_version._4 = "25-10-2012"; m_camName = ""; m_camId = INVALID_HANDLE; mp_clientcontentAccessModule = NULL; m_poiSearchHandle = INVALID_HANDLE; m_poiCategoriesAdded.clear(); m_poiCategoriesRegistered.clear(); } poiContentAccessServer::~poiContentAccessServer() { if (mp_clientcontentAccessModule) delete(mp_clientcontentAccessModule); } uint8_t poiContentAccessServer::RegisterContentAccessModule(const std::string& moduleName) { // the POC is limited to the management of one CAM ! if (m_camId != INVALID_HANDLE) sendDBusError("org.genivi.poiprovider.poiContentAccess.Error.CAMNotAvailable"); //to be discussed ! else { m_camName = moduleName; m_camId = CAM_ID; // create a client for contentAccessModule mp_clientcontentAccessModule = new contentAccessModule(*dbusConnection, moduleName); // connect it to the POISearch server ConnectTocontentAccessModuleClient(mp_clientcontentAccessModule); } return(m_camId); } void poiContentAccessServer::UnRegisterContentAccessModule(const camId_t& camId) { if ((m_camId == INVALID_HANDLE) || (camId != m_camId)) // to do send an error message sendDBusError("org.genivi.poiprovider.poiContentAccess.Error.CAMNotAvailable"); //to be discussed ! else { m_poiCategoriesRegistered.clear(); m_poiCategoriesAdded.clear(); m_camName = ""; m_camId = INVALID_HANDLE; ConnectTocontentAccessModuleClient(NULL); delete(mp_clientcontentAccessModule); } } void poiContentAccessServer::RegisterPoiCategories(const camId_t& camId, const std::vector< categoryId_t >& poiCategories) { std::vector< DBus_categoryReason::DBus_categoryReason_t > poiCategoriesAndReason; DBus_categoryReason::categoryReason_t categoryAndReason; DBus_categoryReason catAndReas; size_t category_index; if ((m_camId == INVALID_HANDLE) || (camId != m_camId)) // to do send an error message sendDBusError("org.genivi.poiprovider.poiContentAccess.Error.CAMNotAvailable"); //to be discussed ! else { if (m_poiCategoriesRegistered.size() < MAX_CATEGORIES) { //limitation of categories managed for (category_index=0;category_indexCategoriesUpdated(poiCategoriesAndReason); } else sendDBusError("org.genivi.poiprovider.poiContentAccess.Error.CAMCategoryNotAvailable"); //to be discussed ! } } std::vector< categoryId_t > poiContentAccessServer::AddCategories(const camId_t& camId, const std::vector< DBus_CAMcategory::DBus_CAMcategory_t >& poiCategories) { DBus_CAMcategory CAMcat; DBus_CAMcategory::CAMcategory_t CAMCategory; DBus_CAMcategoryDetails::CAMcategoryDetails_t details; poi_category_t category; category_attribute_t attribute; std::vector return_value; size_t category_index,attribute_index; return_value.clear(); if ((m_camId == INVALID_HANDLE) || (camId != m_camId)) // to do send an error message sendDBusError("org.genivi.poiprovider.poiContentAccess.Error.CAMNotAvailable"); //to be discussed ! else { if (m_poiCategoriesAdded.size() < MAX_CATEGORIES) { //limitation of categories managed for (category_index=0;category_index& poiCategories) { if ((m_camId == INVALID_HANDLE) || (camId != m_camId)) // to do send an error message sendDBusError("org.genivi.poiprovider.poiContentAccess.Error.CAMNotAvailable"); //to be discussed ! else { } } void poiContentAccessServer::RemoveCategories(const camId_t& camId, const std::vector< categoryId_t >& poiCategories) { std::vector< DBus_categoryReason::DBus_categoryReason_t > poiCategoriesAndReason; DBus_categoryReason::categoryReason_t categoryAndReason; DBus_categoryReason catAndReas; size_t category_index; if ((m_camId == INVALID_HANDLE) || (camId != m_camId)) // to do send an error message sendDBusError("org.genivi.poiprovider.poiContentAccess.Error.CAMNotAvailable"); //to be discussed ! else { if ((m_poiCategoriesAdded.size() > 0) && (poiCategories.size() > 0)) { if (poiCategories.size() > m_poiCategoriesAdded.size()) sendDBusError("org.genivi.poiprovider.poiContentAccess.Error.CategoryError"); //to be discussed ! else { for (category_index=0;category_indexCategoriesUpdated(poiCategoriesAndReason); } } } } // Specific methods void poiContentAccessServer::ConnectTopoiSearchServer(poiSearchServer *poiSearch) { mp_poiSearch = poiSearch; //link to the instance of poi search } void poiContentAccessServer::ConnectTocontentAccessModuleClient(contentAccessModule *client) { mp_contentAccessModule = client; //link to the instance of contentAccessModule } DBus::Variant poiContentAccessServer::createVariantString(std::string str) { DBus::Variant var; DBus::MessageIter iter = var.writer(); iter.append_string(str.c_str()); return var; } DBus::Variant poiContentAccessServer::createVariantUint16(uint16_t value) { DBus::Variant var; DBus::MessageIter iter = var.writer(); iter.append_uint16(value); return var; } bool poiContentAccessServer::GetRegisteredContentAccessModule(camIdName_t *cam) { if (m_camId == INVALID_HANDLE) return(false); else { cam->id = m_camId; cam->name = m_camName; return(true); } } bool poiContentAccessServer::GetRegisteredCategories(camId_t camId, std::vector< DBus_categoryIdName::DBus_categoryIdName_t > *categoryList) { DBus_categoryIdName::categoryIdName_t category; DBus_categoryIdName cat; size_t category_index; if (camId != m_camId) return(false); else { //only one cam managed for (category_index=0;category_indexpush_back(cat.getDBus()); } return(true); } } bool poiContentAccessServer::GetRegisteredCategoriesDetails(camId_t camId, std::vector *categoryList) { DBus_category cat; DBus_category::category_t category; DBus_categoryDetails::categoryDetails_t categoryDetails; DBus_categoryOperator::categoryOperator_t categoryOperator; std::vector categoryAttributeList; DBus_categoryAttribute::categoryAttribute_t categoryAttribute; std::vector categorySortOptionList;; DBus_categorySortOption::categorySortOption_t categorySortOption;; uint16_t index; size_t category_index; if (camId != m_camId) return(false); else { //only one cam managed for (category_index=0;category_indexpush_back(cat); } return(true); } } void poiContentAccessServer::ResetRegisteredSearchCategoriesFlags(camId_t camId) { size_t index; if (camId == m_camId) { //only one cam managed //firstly clean up the list used for the search m_poiCategories.clear(); for (index=0;indexSetLocale(languageCode,countryCode, scriptCode); } } void poiContentAccessServer::SetPoiSearchHandle(handleId_t poiSearchHandle) { m_poiSearchHandle = poiSearchHandle; } void poiContentAccessServer::ResetPoiSearchHandle() { m_poiSearchHandle = INVALID_HANDLE; } void poiContentAccessServer::PoiSearchCanceled(handleId_t poiSearchHandle) { m_poiTable.clear(); m_poiDetailsTable.clear(); mp_contentAccessModule->PoiSearchCanceled(poiSearchHandle); } DBus_poiCAMDetails::DBus_poiCAMDetails_t poiContentAccessServer::GetResultPoi(uint16_t index) { return(m_poiTable.at(index)); } DBus_searchResultDetails::DBus_searchResultDetails_t poiContentAccessServer::GetPoiDetails(poiId_t id) { uint16_t index; bool isPOIFound; DBus_searchResultDetails searchResDet; DBus_searchResultDetails::searchResultDetails_t searchResDetails; isPOIFound = false; index=0; while ((isPOIFound == false) && (index attributes; int32_t statusValue; uint16_t resultListSize; std::vector poiList; uint16_t index; resultListSize = 0; if (m_camId != INVALID_HANDLE) { //only one cam managed m_poiTable.clear(); //clean up the table of poi m_poiDetailsTable.clear(); //clean up the table of details //prepare the data for the Poi Search on the CAM maxSize = 255; //by default, to be discussed why it's needed to define it ? loc.set(location); mp_contentAccessModule->PoiSearchStarted(m_poiSearchHandle,maxSize,loc.getDBus(),m_poiCategories,m_poiAttributes,*inputString,sortOption); //wait for end of search on the CAM do { mp_contentAccessModule->ResultListRequested(m_camId,m_poiSearchHandle,attributes,statusValue,resultListSize,m_poiTable); } while(statusValue == GENIVI_POISERVICE_SEARCHING); //get details now ! //build list of poi to get for (index=0;index0) m_poiDetailsTable = mp_contentAccessModule->PoiDetailsRequested(poiList); } return(resultListSize); } bool poiContentAccessServer::isAttributeAvailable(attributeId_t attributeId) { //to do return(true); } bool poiContentAccessServer::removeCategoryFromTables(categoryId_t id) { //check if category has been registered and remove it bool isFound = false; size_t index = 0; do { if ((m_poiCategoriesRegistered.at(index)).id == id) { m_poiCategoriesRegistered.erase(m_poiCategoriesRegistered.begin()+index); isFound = true; } else index++; } while ((isFound==false) && (index > query_result, additionnal_query_result; vector query_line, additionnal_query_line; size_t index,sub_index; category_attribute_t attribute; categoryId_t value; categoryId_t parent,child; LOG_INFO_MSG(gCtx,"POI server"); //version is hard coded DBus_version::version_t version; version.major = 1; version.minor = 0; version.micro = 0; version.date = "19-12-2012"; m_version.set(version); m_poiSearchHandle = INVALID_HANDLE; m_poiSearchProximity = false; //by default search around the current location mp_database = new Database(poiDatabaseFileName); mp_poiContentAccess = poiContentAccess; mp_dbusConnection = &connection; m_availableCategories = 0; m_rootCategory = 0; m_searchStatus = GENIVI_POISERVICE_NOT_STARTED; m_routeHandle = INVALID_HANDLE; m_languageCode = "eng"; m_countryCode = "USA"; m_scriptCode = "Latn"; // all the pois and the related stuff are included into the database at the startup // so we can update some tables into the constructor // retrieve the available categories (the ones that have at least one record) query_result = mp_database->query(SQL_REQUEST_GET_AVAILABLE_CATEGORIES); if (query_result.empty()) { onError(); //database is not well populated //todo something with table ? } else { // Id,name m_availableCategories = query_result.size(); //store the number of categories for (index = 0; index < m_availableCategories; index++) { // read the result of the query and store it query_line = query_result.at(index); fromString(value,query_line[0], std::dec); m_availableCategoryTable[index].id = value; // retrieve the associated icons (for the moment, just one) sqlQuery = SQL_REQUEST_GET_CATEGORY_ICONS; strStream.str(""); strStream << value; sqlQuery += strStream.str(); sqlQuery += ");"; additionnal_query_result = mp_database->query(sqlQuery.c_str()); if (additionnal_query_result.empty()) { onError(); //database is not well populated //todo something with table ? } else { additionnal_query_line = additionnal_query_result.at(0); m_availableCategoryTable[index].icon = additionnal_query_line[0] + '.' + additionnal_query_line[1]; } m_availableCategoryTable[index].name = query_line[1]; // retrieve the associated attributes sqlQuery = SQL_REQUEST_GET_CATEGORY_ATTRIBUTES; strStream.str(""); strStream << m_availableCategoryTable[index].id; sqlQuery += strStream.str(); sqlQuery += ");"; additionnal_query_result = mp_database->query(sqlQuery.c_str()); if (additionnal_query_result.empty()) { onError(); //database is not well populated //todo something with table ? } else { for (sub_index = 0; sub_index (attribute.id,additionnal_query_line[0], std::dec); attribute.name = additionnal_query_line[1]; attribute.isSearched = false; m_availableCategoryTable[index].attributeList.push_back(attribute); } } m_availableCategoryTable[index].top_level = true; //this POC only manages predefined categories m_availableCategoryTable[index].isSearch = false; //for the moment no categories selected } } //retrieve the parents of the categories //root category is the only one that is its own parent for (index = 0; index < m_availableCategories; index++) { sqlQuery = SQL_REQUEST_GET_PARENT_CATEGORIES; strStream.str(""); strStream << m_availableCategoryTable[index].id; sqlQuery += strStream.str(); sqlQuery += ";"; query_result = mp_database->query(sqlQuery.c_str()); if (query_result.empty()) { onError(); //database is not well populated //todo something with table ? } else { for (parent=0;parent(value,query_line[0], std::dec); if (index == value) m_rootCategory = index; //child is parent, so it's the root m_availableCategoryTable[index].parentList.push_back(value); } } } //retrieve the children of the categories for (index = 0; index < m_availableCategories; index++) { sqlQuery = SQL_REQUEST_GET_CHILD_CATEGORIES; strStream.str(""); strStream << m_availableCategoryTable[index].id; sqlQuery += strStream.str(); sqlQuery += ";"; query_result = mp_database->query(sqlQuery.c_str()); if (query_result.empty()) { //no child } else { for (child=0;child(value,query_line[0], std::dec); m_availableCategoryTable[index].childList.push_back(value); } } } //retrieve the available area into the database query_result = mp_database->query(SQL_REQUEST_GET_AVAILABLE_AREA); if (query_result.empty()) { onError(); //database is not well populated //todo something with table ? } else { // read the result of the query, for the moment only the first area ! query_line = query_result.at(0); fromString(m_leftBottomLocation.latitude,query_line[0], std::dec); fromString(m_leftBottomLocation.longitude,query_line[1], std::dec); fromString(m_rightTopLocation.latitude,query_line[2], std::dec); fromString(m_rightTopLocation.longitude,query_line[3], std::dec); } m_centerLocation.latitude = 48.85792; //by default center of Paris m_centerLocation.longitude = 2.3383145; m_centerLocation.altitude = 0; } poiSearchServer::~poiSearchServer() { delete mp_database; } DBus_version::DBus_version_t poiSearchServer::GetVersion() { return(m_version.getDBus()); } std::vector< ::DBus::Struct< categoryId_t, bool > > poiSearchServer::ValidateCategories(const std::vector< categoryId_t >& categories) { std::vector< ::DBus::Struct< categoryId_t, bool > > table; return(table); } std::vector< DBus_categoryIdName::DBus_categoryIdName_t > poiSearchServer::GetAvailableCategories() { std::vector< DBus_categoryIdName::DBus_categoryIdName_t > return_value; std::vector< DBus_categoryIdName::DBus_categoryIdName_t > categoryCAMList; DBus_categoryIdName::categoryIdName_t category; DBus_categoryIdName cat; uint16_t index; camIdName_t cam; // load categories from the embedded database for (index = 0; index < m_availableCategories; index++) { category.id.id = m_availableCategoryTable[index].id; category.id.top_level = m_availableCategoryTable[index].top_level; category.name = m_availableCategoryTable[index].name; cat.set(category); return_value.push_back(cat.getDBus()); } // load categories from the additional database if (mp_poiContentAccess->GetRegisteredContentAccessModule(&cam)) { if (mp_poiContentAccess->GetRegisteredCategories(cam.id,&categoryCAMList) == true) { return_value.insert(return_value.end(),categoryCAMList.begin(),categoryCAMList.end()); } } return (return_value); } categoryId_t poiSearchServer::GetRootCategory() { return(m_rootCategory); } std::vector< DBus_categoryIdLevel::DBus_categoryIdLevel_t > poiSearchServer::GetChildrenCategories(const categoryId_t& category) { std::vector< DBus_categoryIdLevel::DBus_categoryIdLevel_t > return_value; DBus_categoryIdLevel::categoryIdLevel_t child_category; DBus_categoryIdLevel child_cat; uint16_t index; return_value.clear(); for (index=0;index poiSearchServer::GetParentCategories(const categoryId_t& category) { std::vector< DBus_categoryIdLevel::DBus_categoryIdLevel_t > return_value; DBus_categoryIdLevel::categoryIdLevel_t parent_category; DBus_categoryIdLevel parent_cat; uint16_t index; return_value.clear(); for (index=0;index poiSearchServer::GetCategoriesWithStandardCategoryId(const int32_t& standardCategoryId) { std::vector< uint32_t > return_value; return return_value; } std::vector< DBus_category::DBus_category_t > poiSearchServer::GetCategoriesDetails(const std::vector< categoryId_t >& categories) { std::vector return_value; std::vector categoryCAMList; DBus_category cat; DBus_category::category_t category; DBus_categoryDetails::categoryDetails_t categoryDetails; DBus_categoryOperator::categoryOperator_t categoryOperator; std::vector categoryAttributeList; DBus_categoryAttribute::categoryAttribute_t categoryAttribute; std::vector categorySortOptionList;; DBus_categorySortOption::categorySortOption_t categorySortOption;; size_t index,sub_index; categoryId_t category_index; camIdName_t cam; return_value.clear(); // load categories details from the embedded database index=0; while (indexGetRegisteredContentAccessModule(&cam)) { categoryCAMList.clear(); if (mp_poiContentAccess->GetRegisteredCategoriesDetails(cam.id,&categoryCAMList) == true) { index=0; while (indexSetPoiSearchHandle(m_poiSearchHandle); //set the language used by the content access server mp_poiContentAccess->SetLocale(m_languageCode,m_countryCode, m_scriptCode); } return (m_poiSearchHandle); } void poiSearchServer::DeletePoiSearchHandle(const handleId_t& poiSearchHandle) { camIdName_t cam; bool reply; if ((m_poiSearchHandle == INVALID_HANDLE) || (poiSearchHandle != m_poiSearchHandle)) // to do send an error message sendDBusError("org.genivi.poiprovider.poiSearch.Error.HandleNotAvailable"); //to be discussed ! else { m_poiSearchHandle = INVALID_HANDLE; reply = mp_poiContentAccess->GetRegisteredContentAccessModule(&cam); if (reply == true) { //reset the handle mp_poiContentAccess->ResetPoiSearchHandle(); } } } void poiSearchServer::SetRouteHandle(const handleId_t& poiSearchHandle, const handleId_t &sessionHandle, const handleId_t &routeHandle, const uint32_t& startSearchOffset, const uint32_t& endSearchOffset) { uint32_t index; int16_t detailLevel; std::vector< int32_t > valuesToReturn; uint32_t numberOfSegments; uint32_t offset; uint32_t totalNumberOfSegments; std::vector< std::map< int32_t, ::DBus::Struct< uint8_t, ::DBus::Variant > > > routeSegments; std::map< int32_t, ::DBus::Struct< uint8_t, ::DBus::Variant > > element; std::map< int32_t, ::DBus::Struct< uint8_t, ::DBus::Variant > >::iterator iter; route_vector_t routeVector; if ((m_poiSearchHandle == INVALID_HANDLE) || (poiSearchHandle != m_poiSearchHandle)) // to do send an error message sendDBusError("org.genivi.poiprovider.poiSearch.Error.HandleNotAvailable"); //to be discussed ! else { m_sessionHandle = sessionHandle; m_routeHandle = routeHandle; m_startSearchOffset = startSearchOffset; m_endSearchOffset = endSearchOffset; //Get the route segments m_route.clear(); //clear the existing route detailLevel = 0; //to be clarified valuesToReturn.push_back(GENIVI_NAVIGATIONCORE_START_LATITUDE); valuesToReturn.push_back(GENIVI_NAVIGATIONCORE_END_LATITUDE); valuesToReturn.push_back(GENIVI_NAVIGATIONCORE_START_LONGITUDE); valuesToReturn.push_back(GENIVI_NAVIGATIONCORE_END_LONGITUDE); offset = 0; //First get the total amount of segments numberOfSegments = 0; mp_Routing->GetRouteSegments(m_routeHandle,detailLevel,valuesToReturn,numberOfSegments,offset,totalNumberOfSegments,routeSegments); m_totalNumberOfSegments = totalNumberOfSegments; // Get all the segments numberOfSegments = m_totalNumberOfSegments; mp_Routing->GetRouteSegments(m_routeHandle,detailLevel,valuesToReturn,numberOfSegments,offset,totalNumberOfSegments,routeSegments); for (index=0;index& poiCategories) { uint16_t index; categoryId_t category_index; camIdName_t cam; DBus_categoryRadius catRad; DBus_categoryRadius::categoryRadius_t categoryRadius; if ((m_poiSearchHandle == INVALID_HANDLE) || (poiSearchHandle != m_poiSearchHandle)) // to do send an error message sendDBusError("org.genivi.poiprovider.poiSearch.Error.HandleNotAvailable"); //to be discussed ! else { //reset of the flags of the categories into the embedded database for (index=0;indexGetRegisteredContentAccessModule(&cam)) == true) { mp_poiContentAccess->ResetRegisteredSearchCategoriesFlags(cam.id); } for (index=0; index < poiCategories.size();index++) { catRad.setDBus(poiCategories.at(index)); categoryRadius = catRad.get(); if ( isCategoryAvailable(categoryRadius.id,m_availableCategories,&category_index) == true) { //category found into the embedded data ! m_availableCategoryTable[category_index].isSearch = true; m_availableCategoryTable[category_index].radius = (categoryRadius.radius)*10; //get the radius (unit is 10 m) m_availableCategoryTable[category_index].angle = calculateAngle(m_availableCategoryTable[category_index].radius); } else { if ((mp_poiContentAccess->GetRegisteredContentAccessModule(&cam)) == true) { mp_poiContentAccess->SetRegisteredSearchCategory(cam.id,categoryRadius); } } } } } void poiSearchServer::SetAttributes(const handleId_t& poiSearchHandle, const std::vector< DBus_attributeDetails::DBus_attributeDetails_t >& poiAttributes) { DBus_attributeDetails attribDet; DBus_attributeDetails::attributeDetails_t attributeDetails; size_t index,sub_index; categoryId_t category_index; camIdName_t cam; if ((m_poiSearchHandle == INVALID_HANDLE) || (poiSearchHandle != m_poiSearchHandle)) // to do send an error message sendDBusError("org.genivi.poiprovider.poiSearch.Error.HandleNotAvailable"); //to be discussed ! else { //reset flags for all the attributes of the categories into the embedded database for (index=0;indexGetRegisteredContentAccessModule(&cam)) == true) { mp_poiContentAccess->ResetRegisteredAttributeCategoriesFlags(cam.id); } //set the flags of attributes to be searched for the given categories for (index=0;indexGetRegisteredContentAccessModule(&cam)) == true) { mp_poiContentAccess->SetRegisteredAttributeCategoryFlag(cam.id,attributeDetails.categoryId,attributeDetails.attribute.id); } } } } } void poiSearchServer::StartPoiSearch(const handleId_t& poiSearchHandle, const std::string& inputString, const int32_t& sortOption) { if ((m_poiSearchHandle == INVALID_HANDLE) || (poiSearchHandle != m_poiSearchHandle)) // to do send an error message sendDBusError("org.genivi.poiprovider.poiSearch.Error.HandleNotAvailable"); //to be discussed ! else { m_totalSize = 0; if (m_poiSearchProximity == false) { //no proximity search started on this session ! m_searchStatus = GENIVI_POISERVICE_SEARCHING; PoiStatus(poiSearchHandle,m_searchStatus); //sortOption is not used yet //for the moment, no thread used, because just one handle managed // search on the embedded database first m_totalSize = searchAroundALocation(m_centerLocation,&inputString); //search around the current location of the vehicle //and now search on the additional database if the cam has been registered before the creation of the poi search handle m_totalSize += mp_poiContentAccess->searchAroundALocation(m_centerLocation,&inputString,sortOption); m_searchStatus = GENIVI_POISERVICE_FINISHED; PoiStatus(poiSearchHandle,m_searchStatus); ResultListChanged(poiSearchHandle,m_totalSize); } } } void poiSearchServer::CancelPoiSearch(const handleId_t& poiSearchHandle) { if ((m_poiSearchHandle == INVALID_HANDLE) || (poiSearchHandle != m_poiSearchHandle)) // to do send an error message sendDBusError("org.genivi.poiprovider.poiSearch.Error.HandleNotAvailable"); //to be discussed ! else { if (m_poiSearchProximity == false) { //no proximity search started on this session ! m_searchStatus = GENIVI_POISERVICE_NOT_STARTED; PoiStatus(poiSearchHandle,m_searchStatus); } } } void poiSearchServer::SetCenter(const handleId_t& poiSearchHandle, const DBus_geoCoordinate3D::DBus_geoCoordinate3D_t& location) { DBus_geoCoordinate3D geoCoord; if ((m_poiSearchHandle == INVALID_HANDLE) || (poiSearchHandle != m_poiSearchHandle)) // to do send an error message sendDBusError("org.genivi.poiprovider.poiSearch.Error.HandleNotAvailable"); //to be discussed ! else { geoCoord.setDBus(location); m_centerLocation = geoCoord.get(); } } void poiSearchServer::StartPoiProximityAlert(const handleId_t& poiSearchHandle, const std::string& inputString, const int32_t &sortOption) { if ((m_poiSearchHandle == INVALID_HANDLE) || (poiSearchHandle != m_poiSearchHandle)) // to do send an error message sendDBusError("org.genivi.poiprovider.poiSearch.Error.HandleNotAvailable"); //to be discussed ! else { if (m_poiSearchProximity == false) { m_poiSearchProximity = true; //start proximity search ! m_searchStatus = GENIVI_POISERVICE_SEARCHING; PoiStatus(poiSearchHandle,m_searchStatus); } } } void poiSearchServer::CancelPoiProximityAlert(const handleId_t& poiSearchHandle) { if ((m_poiSearchHandle == INVALID_HANDLE) || (poiSearchHandle != m_poiSearchHandle)) // to do send an error message sendDBusError("org.genivi.poiprovider.poiSearch.Error.HandleNotAvailable"); //to be discussed ! else { if (m_poiSearchProximity == true) { m_poiSearchProximity = false; //stop proximity search ! m_searchStatus = GENIVI_POISERVICE_NOT_STARTED; PoiStatus(poiSearchHandle,m_searchStatus); } } } void poiSearchServer::RequestResultList(const handleId_t& poiSearchHandle, const uint16_t& offset, const uint16_t& maxWindowSize, const std::vector< attributeId_t >& attributes, int32_t& statusValue, uint16_t& resultListSize, std::vector< DBus_searchResult::DBus_searchResult_t >& resultListWindow) { DBus_searchResult::searchResult_t element; //id distance status attributes[] DBus_searchResult el; DBus_poiCAMDetails::poiCAMDetails_t camElement; //id name category location distance attributes[] DBus_poiCAMDetails camEl; DBus_poiAttribute::poiAttribute_t attribute; //name type value uint16_t index,size,sub_index; size_t attribute_index; poi_t poi; std::ostringstream strStream; //temporary stream used for transformation into string if ((m_poiSearchHandle == INVALID_HANDLE) || (poiSearchHandle != m_poiSearchHandle)) // to do send an error message sendDBusError("org.genivi.poiprovider.poiSearch.Error.HandleNotAvailable"); //to be discussed ! else { statusValue = m_searchStatus; if (m_searchStatus == GENIVI_POISERVICE_FINISHED) { //consider that the search is finished for the CAM too if ((offset+1)>m_totalSize) index=0; else index=offset; if ((index+maxWindowSize)>m_totalSize) size=m_totalSize-index; else size=maxWindowSize; resultListSize = size; while (size>0) { //load the poi into the vector if ((index+1)>m_poiTable.size()) { //no more data into the embedded table, so pick data from the additional table camEl.setDBus(mp_poiContentAccess->GetResultPoi(index-m_poiTable.size())); camElement = camEl.get(); element.id = camElement.source_id; //id element.distance = camElement.distance; //distance element.route_status = GENIVI_POISERVICE_OFF_ROUTE; element.attributes.clear(); //clean list of attributes for (sub_index=0;sub_index poiSearchServer::GetPoiDetails(const std::vector< poiId_t >& id) { std::vector< DBus_searchResultDetails::DBus_searchResultDetails_t > return_value; DBus_searchResultDetails searchResDet; DBus_searchResultDetails::searchResultDetails_t searchResDetails; DBus_poiAttribute::poiAttribute_t attribute; uint16_t indexPOIList,indexIDList; size_t attribute_index; poi_t poi; bool isPOIFound; std::ostringstream strStream; //temporary stream used for transformation into string //for the moment, no optimization so it needs to be improved a little :-) for (indexIDList=0;indexIDListGetPoiDetails(id.at(indexIDList))); } } return (return_value); } // Specific methods void poiSearchServer::SetLocale(std::string languageCode, std::string countryCode, std::string scriptCode) { m_languageCode = languageCode; m_countryCode = countryCode; m_scriptCode = scriptCode; mp_poiContentAccess->SetLocale(languageCode,countryCode,scriptCode); //update poi content access data (to set the cam data) } void poiSearchServer::ConnectToRoutingClient(Routing *client) { mp_Routing = client; //link to the instance of routing } DBus::Variant poiSearchServer::createVariantString(std::string str) { DBus::Variant var; DBus::MessageIter iter = var.writer(); iter.append_string(str.c_str()); return var; } DBus::Variant poiSearchServer::createVariantUint16(uint16_t value) { DBus::Variant var; DBus::MessageIter iter = var.writer(); iter.append_uint16(value); return var; } void poiSearchServer::sendDBusError(const char* message) { throw DBus::ErrorFailed(message); } void poiSearchServer::onError() { } uint16_t poiSearchServer::searchAroundALocation(DBus_geoCoordinate3D::geoCoordinate3D_t location,const std::string* inputString) { uint16_t index, all_categories_index; uint16_t total_size; DBus_geoCoordinate3D::geoCoordinate3D_t left_bottom_location,right_top_location; total_size = 0; m_poiTable.clear(); //clean the table of poi if (isAllCategoriesSelected(&all_categories_index)) { left_bottom_location.latitude = location.latitude - m_availableCategoryTable[all_categories_index].angle; left_bottom_location.longitude = location.longitude - m_availableCategoryTable[all_categories_index].angle; right_top_location.latitude = location.latitude + m_availableCategoryTable[all_categories_index].angle; right_top_location.longitude = location.longitude + m_availableCategoryTable[all_categories_index].angle; for (index=0;index > sqlQueryResult; //result of the query on database vector sqlQueryLine; std::ostringstream strStream; //temporary stream used for transformation into string size_t index,sub_index,attribute_index; poi_t poi; std::string name; name = m_availableCategoryTable[categoryIndex].name; LOG_DEBUG(gCtx,"Start search POI request for category %s on area %.6f %.6f %.6f %.6f",name.c_str(), left_bottom_location.latitude,right_top_location.latitude,left_bottom_location.longitude,right_top_location.longitude ); sqlQuery = "SELECT name,segment,latitude,longitude,altitude"; for (attribute_index=0;attribute_indexquery(sqlQuery.c_str()); //populate the table of poi poi.categoryIndex = categoryIndex; for (index=0;index(poi.segment,sqlQueryLine[1], std::dec); fromString(poi.coordinate.latitude,sqlQueryLine[2], std::dec); fromString(poi.coordinate.longitude,sqlQueryLine[3], std::dec); fromString(poi.coordinate.altitude,sqlQueryLine[4], std::dec); sub_index = 5; for (attribute_index=0;attribute_index(poi.stars,sqlQueryLine[sub_index], std::dec); else if ((m_availableCategoryTable[categoryIndex].attributeList.at(attribute_index)).id == ATTRIBUTE_OPENINGHOURS) poi.openinghours = sqlQueryLine[sub_index]; else if ((m_availableCategoryTable[categoryIndex].attributeList.at(attribute_index)).id == ATTRIBUTE_ADDRHOUSENUMBER) poi.addr_house_number = sqlQueryLine[sub_index]; else if ((m_availableCategoryTable[categoryIndex].attributeList.at(attribute_index)).id == ATTRIBUTE_ADDRSTREET) poi.addr_street = sqlQueryLine[sub_index]; else if ((m_availableCategoryTable[categoryIndex].attributeList.at(attribute_index)).id == ATTRIBUTE_ADDRPOSTCODE) fromString(poi.addr_postcode,sqlQueryLine[sub_index], std::dec); else if ((m_availableCategoryTable[categoryIndex].attributeList.at(attribute_index)).id == ATTRIBUTE_ADDRCITY) poi.addr_city = sqlQueryLine[sub_index]; else if ((m_availableCategoryTable[categoryIndex].attributeList.at(attribute_index)).id == ATTRIBUTE_BRAND) poi.brand = sqlQueryLine[sub_index]; else if ((m_availableCategoryTable[categoryIndex].attributeList.at(attribute_index)).id == ATTRIBUTE_OPERATEUR) poi.operateur = sqlQueryLine[sub_index]; sub_index++; } } //calculate distance from the center location poi.distance = calculateDistance(m_centerLocation,poi.coordinate); m_poiTable.push_back(poi); LOG_DEBUG(gCtx,"POI name: %s found at distance: %d",poi.name.c_str(),poi.distance); } LOG_DEBUG(gCtx,"Amount of POI found: %lu",sqlQueryResult.size()); return(sqlQueryResult.size()); } bool poiSearchServer::isCategoryAvailable(categoryId_t id, const uint16_t size, categoryId_t *category_id) { bool isFound = false; categoryId_t index = 0; do { if (m_availableCategoryTable[index].id == id) { *category_id = index; isFound = true; } else ++index; } while ((isFound==false) && (index < size)); return(isFound); } bool poiSearchServer::isCategoryAvailableInCAM(categoryId_t id, const std::vector categoryCAMList, categoryId_t *category_id) { bool isFound = false; DBus_category category; categoryId_t index = 0; do { category = categoryCAMList.at(index); if (category.get().details.id == id) { *category_id = index; isFound = true; } else ++index; } while ((isFound==false) && (index < categoryCAMList.size())); return(isFound); } bool poiSearchServer::isAllCategoriesSelected(uint16_t* index) { bool isSelected = false; *index = 0; do { if ((m_availableCategoryTable[*index].name == "all categories") && m_availableCategoryTable[*index].isSearch) { isSelected = true; } else *index += 1; } while ((isSelected==false) && (*index < m_availableCategories)); return(isSelected); } bool poiSearchServer::isAttributeRequired(attributeId_t attribute,std::vector attributes) { bool isRequired = false; size_t index; index=0; while((isRequired==false)&&(index < attributes.size())) { if (attributes.at(index) == attribute) isRequired = true; else index++; }; return(isRequired); } uint32_t poiSearchServer::calculateDistance(const DBus_geoCoordinate3D::geoCoordinate3D_t origin, const DBus_geoCoordinate3D::geoCoordinate3D_t target) { //this piece of software is based on an haversine formula given by: // - Doctors Rick and Peterson, The Math Forum // http://mathforum.org/dr.math/ // haversine of angle A is (1-cos(A))/2 that is equal to sin^2(A/2) //earth is considered to be a perfect spĥere, in order to simplify calculation const double PI = 4.0*atan(1.0); const double earth=6378137; //IUGG value for the equatorial radius of the Earth in m DBus_geoCoordinate3D::geoCoordinate3D_t pointA, pointB; double buffer; pointA.latitude = origin.latitude * (PI/180); pointA.longitude = origin.longitude * (PI/180); pointB.latitude = target.latitude * (PI/180); pointB.longitude = target.longitude * (PI/180); buffer= pow(sin((pointA.latitude-pointB.latitude)/2.0),2.0)+cos(pointA.latitude)*cos(pointB.latitude)*pow(sin((pointA.longitude-pointB.longitude)/2),2); buffer = 2*atan2(sqrt(buffer),sqrt(1.0-buffer)); buffer=earth*buffer; return ((uint32_t) buffer); //return distance in meters } double poiSearchServer::calculateAngle(const uint32_t radius) { //N is the point on the sphere for the origin //M is a point of the sphere at the distance radius (NM = radius) //O is the center of the earth //ON=OM so the triangle is isosceles //alpha is the angle ON,OM //beta is the angle NM,NO //OM*sin(alpha)=NM*sin(beta) //alpha+beta+beta=PI (because of isoceles) //beta=(PI-alpha)/2 //sin(beta) = cos(alpha/2) //sin(alpha)=2*sin(alpha/2)*cos(alpha/2) //alpha=2*arcsin(NM/(2*OM)) //earth is considered to be a perfect spĥere, in order to simplify calculation const double PI = 4.0*atan(1.0); const double earth=6378137; //IUGG value for the equatorial radius of the Earth in m double angle; angle=2*asin(radius/(2*earth)); angle = (angle*180)/PI; //in degrees return(angle); } bool poiSearchServer::calculateLineCoefficient(double* a,double* b,const DBus_geoCoordinate3D::geoCoordinate3D_t pointA,const DBus_geoCoordinate3D::geoCoordinate3D_t pointB) { /* longitude on the x axis, latitude on the y axis * segment line y = a*x + b * pointA and pointB points of the segment * if xA is different of xB * a = (yA-yB)/(xA-xB) * b = (xA*yB - xB*yA)/(xA-xB) */ if (pointA.longitude == pointB.longitude) { //equation x = constant *b = pointA.longitude; //constant into *b return(false); } else { *a = (pointA.latitude-pointB.latitude)/(pointA.longitude-pointB.longitude); *b = (pointA.longitude*pointB.latitude - pointB.longitude*pointA.latitude)/(pointA.longitude-pointB.longitude); return(true); } } /** * \fn double calculateOrthoDistance(const double a,const double b,const DBus_geoCoordinate3D::geoCoordinate3D_t pointP) * \brief calculate ortho distance between a point P and a line defined by the slope a and the y intercept b. * * \param double a -slope * \param double b -y intercept * \param DBus_geoCoordinate3D::geoCoordinate3D_t pointP -point * \return uint32_t distance. */ uint32_t poiSearchServer::calculateOrthoDistance(const double a,const double b,const DBus_geoCoordinate3D::geoCoordinate3D_t pointP) { /* longitude on the x axis, latitude on the y axis * segment line y = a*x + b * projection line y = c*x + d * pointP point and pointI ortho projection * ortho projection => c = (-1)/a * P point of projection line so yP = c*xP + d * => d = yP + xP/a * I point of segment and projection lines * so yI = a*xI + b * and yI = c*xI + d * => xI = (d-b)/(a-c) * and yI = (a*d - b*c)/(a-c) * so xI = (a*yP + xP -a*b)/(1+a*a) * and yI = (a*a*yP + a*xP + b)/(1+a*a) * distance = sqrt((xP-xI)*(xP-xI) + (yP-yI)*(yP-yI)) * distance = (a*xP - yP + b)/sqrt(1 + a*a) */ return ((uint32_t)((a*pointP.longitude - pointP.latitude + b)/sqrt(1 + a*a))); } // class poiConfigurationServer // DBus methods poiConfigurationServer::poiConfigurationServer(DBus::Connection &connection) : DBus::ObjectAdaptor(connection, poiConfiguration_OBJECT_PATH) { //version is hard coded DBus_version::version_t version; version.major = 1; version.minor = 0; version.micro = 0; version.date = "19-12-2012"; m_version.set(version); m_languageCode = "fra"; //french by default (ISO 639-2) m_countryCode = "FRA"; //france by default (ISO 3166-1 alpha-3) m_scriptCode = "Latn"; //Latin by default (4-letter ISO 15924 codes) m_timeFormat = GENIVI_NAVIGATIONCORE_24H; std::vector< uint16_t > length; DBus_dataFormatConverter dataConverter; length.push_back(GENIVI_NAVIGATIONCORE_METER); m_unitsOfMeasurementList[GENIVI_NAVIGATIONCORE_LENGTH]=dataConverter.createVariantArrayUint16(length); m_coordinatesFormat = GENIVI_NAVIGATIONCORE_DEGREES; } poiConfigurationServer::~poiConfigurationServer() { } DBus_version::DBus_version_t poiConfigurationServer::GetVersion() { return(m_version.getDBus()); } void poiConfigurationServer::SetUnitsOfMeasurement(const std::map< int32_t, DBus_dataFormatConverter::DBusCommonAPIVariant >& unitsOfMeasurementList) { m_unitsOfMeasurementList = unitsOfMeasurementList; std::vector< int32_t > changed; changed.push_back(GENIVI_NAVIGATIONCORE_UNITS_OF_MEASUREMENT); ConfigurationChanged(changed); } std::map< int32_t, DBus_dataFormatConverter::DBusCommonAPIVariant > poiConfigurationServer::GetUnitsOfMeasurement() { return m_unitsOfMeasurementList; } std::map< int32_t, DBus_dataFormatConverter::DBusCommonAPIVariant > poiConfigurationServer::GetSupportedUnitsOfMeasurement() { std::map< int32_t, DBus_dataFormatConverter::DBusCommonAPIVariant > ret; std::vector< uint16_t > length; DBus_dataFormatConverter dataConverter; length.push_back(GENIVI_NAVIGATIONCORE_METER); ret[GENIVI_NAVIGATIONCORE_LENGTH]=dataConverter.createVariantArrayUint16(length); return ret; } void poiConfigurationServer::SetTimeFormat(const int32_t& timeFormat) { m_timeFormat = timeFormat; std::vector< int32_t > changed; changed.push_back(GENIVI_NAVIGATIONCORE_TIME_FORMAT); ConfigurationChanged(changed); } int32_t poiConfigurationServer::GetTimeFormat() { return m_timeFormat; } std::vector< int32_t > poiConfigurationServer::GetSupportedTimeFormats() { std::vector< int32_t > ret; ret.push_back(GENIVI_NAVIGATIONCORE_24H); return ret; } void poiConfigurationServer::SetCoordinatesFormat(const int32_t& coordinatesFormat) { m_coordinatesFormat = coordinatesFormat; std::vector< int32_t > changed; changed.push_back(GENIVI_NAVIGATIONCORE_COORDINATES_FORMAT); ConfigurationChanged(changed); } int32_t poiConfigurationServer::GetCoordinatesFormat() { return m_coordinatesFormat; } std::vector< int32_t > poiConfigurationServer::GetSupportedCoordinatesFormats() { std::vector< int32_t > ret; ret.push_back(GENIVI_NAVIGATIONCORE_DEGREES); return ret; } void poiConfigurationServer::SetLocale(const std::string& languageCode, const std::string& countryCode, const std::string& scriptCode) { m_languageCode = languageCode; m_countryCode = countryCode; m_scriptCode = scriptCode; std::vector< int32_t > changed; changed.push_back(GENIVI_NAVIGATIONCORE_LOCALE); ConfigurationChanged(changed); mp_poiSearch->SetLocale(languageCode,countryCode,scriptCode); //update poi search data } void poiConfigurationServer::GetLocale(std::string& languageCode, std::string& countryCode, std::string& scriptCode) { languageCode = m_languageCode; countryCode = m_countryCode; scriptCode = m_scriptCode; } std::vector< ::DBus::Struct< std::string, std::string, std::string > > poiConfigurationServer::GetSupportedLocales() { std::vector< ::DBus::Struct< std::string, std::string, std::string > > ret; ::DBus::Struct< std::string, std::string, std::string > en_US { "eng","USA", "Latn" }; ::DBus::Struct< std::string, std::string, std::string > de_DE { "deu","DEU", "Latn" }; ::DBus::Struct< std::string, std::string, std::string > fr_FR { "fra","FRA", "Latn" }; ::DBus::Struct< std::string, std::string, std::string > jp_JP { "jpn","JPN", "Hrkt" }; ::DBus::Struct< std::string, std::string, std::string > ko_KO { "kor","KOR", "Hang" }; ret.push_back(en_US); ret.push_back(de_DE); ret.push_back(fr_FR); ret.push_back(jp_JP); ret.push_back(ko_KO); return ret; } //specific methods void poiConfigurationServer::ConnectTopoiSearchServer(poiSearchServer *poiSearch) { mp_poiSearch = poiSearch; //link to the instance of poi search } const char* program_name; //file to sink outputs /** * \fn is_readable (const std::string & file) * \brief Check if file can be opened. * * \param const std::string & file -name of the file * \return true if file readable. */ bool is_readable( const std::string & file ) { std::ifstream fi( file.c_str() ); return !fi.fail(); } /** * \fn print_usage (FILE* stream, int exit_code) * \brief Display the available options. * * \param const FILE* stream -name of stream to use * \param int exit_code -exit code * \return void. */ void print_usage (FILE* stream, int exit_code) { fprintf (stream, "Use: %s options [database]\n",program_name); fprintf (stream, " -h --help Display this message.\n" " -f --file database Open the database.\n"); exit (exit_code); } /** * \fn int main (int argc , char** argv) * \brief POI Server implements the component of POI Service "POISearch" that includes search and content access. * * \param int argc * \param char** argv * \return EXIT_SUCCESS, EXIT_FAILURE. */ int main(int argc , char** argv ) { DLT_REGISTER_APP("POIS","POI SEARCH SERVER"); DLT_REGISTER_CONTEXT(gCtx,"POIS","Global Context"); GMainLoop * mainloop ; // Set the global C and C++ locale to the user-configured locale, // so we can use std::cout with UTF-8, via Glib::ustring, without exceptions. std::locale::global(std::locale("")); //index used for argument analysis int next_option; /* Valid letters for short options. */ const char* const short_options = "hf:"; /* Valid string for long options. */ const struct option long_options[] = { { "help", 0, NULL, 'h' }, { "file", 2, NULL, 'f' }, { NULL, 0, NULL, 0 } /* Always at the end of the table. */ }; char* database_filename = NULL; //database filename passed as first argument program_name = argv[0]; do { next_option = getopt_long (argc, argv, short_options, long_options, NULL); switch (next_option) { case 'h': /* -h --help */ print_usage (stdout, 0); break; case 'f': /* -f --file database*/ database_filename = argv[2]; if (!is_readable(database_filename)) print_usage (stderr, 1); else { // creating the dispatcher dispatcher = new DBus::Glib::BusDispatcher(); DBus::default_dispatcher = dispatcher; dispatcher->attach(NULL); // create a connection on the session bus dbusConnection = new DBus::Connection(DBus::Connection::SessionBus()); dbusConnection->setup(dispatcher); // create the server for poiContentAccess dbusConnection->request_name(poiContentAccess_SERVICE_NAME); serverpoiContentAccess=new poiContentAccessServer(*dbusConnection); // create the server for POISearch dbusConnection->request_name(poiSearch_SERVICE_NAME); serverPoiSearch=new poiSearchServer(*dbusConnection,database_filename,serverpoiContentAccess); // create the server for Configuration dbusConnection->request_name(poiConfiguration_SERVICE_NAME); serverpoiConfiguration=new poiConfigurationServer(*dbusConnection); // connect the serverPoiSearch to the serverpoiContentAccess serverpoiContentAccess->ConnectTopoiSearchServer(serverPoiSearch); // connect the serverPoiSearch to the serverpoiConfiguration serverpoiConfiguration->ConnectTopoiSearchServer(serverPoiSearch); // create a client for Routing clientRouting = new Routing(*dbusConnection); // connect it to the POISearch server serverPoiSearch->ConnectToRoutingClient(clientRouting); // Create a new GMainLoop with default context and initial state of "not running " mainloop = g_main_loop_new (g_main_context_default() , FALSE ); // loop listening g_main_loop_run ( mainloop ); // clean memory delete serverPoiSearch; delete serverpoiContentAccess; delete serverpoiConfiguration; delete clientRouting; delete dbusConnection; delete dispatcher; } break; case '?': /* Invalid option. */ print_usage (stderr, 1); case -1: /* End of options. */ break; default: /* Error */ print_usage (stderr, 1); } } while (next_option != -1); return EXIT_SUCCESS; }