#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: latin-1 -*- """ ************************************************************************** * @licence app begin@ * SPDX-License-Identifier: MPL-2.0 * * @copyright Copyright (C) 2014, Alpine Electronics R&D Europe GmbH * \copyright Copyright (C) 2017, PSA GROUP * * @file test-location-input.py * * @brief This simple test shows how the location input * could be easily tested using a python script * * @author Stephan Wiehr * @author Philippe Colliot * * @version 1.1 * * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the * Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with # this file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. * List of changes: * 04-02-2016, Philippe Colliot, Update to the new API ('i' for enumerations and 'yv' for variants), add status handler * * @licence end@ ************************************************************************** """ import dbus import gobject import dbus.mainloop.glib import xml.dom.minidom import argparse import sys import os.path import commands import genivi try: from dltTrigger import * except dltTriggerNotBuilt: dltAvailable=False else: dltAvailable=True #import pdb;pdb.set_trace() #name of the test test_name = "location input" output = commands.getoutput('ps -A') if not 'dlt' in output: dltAvailable=False #constants used into the script TIME_OUT=20000 # List of addresses COUNTRY_STRING = list() CITY_STRING = list() STREET_STRING = list() HOUSE_NUMBER_STRING = list() # Default size of the list WINDOW_SIZE = 20 # Search mode (0 = Spell, 1 = Full string search) country_search_mode = 1 city_search_mode = 0 street_search_mode = 1 #set to full because of a bug to be fixed in the plug-in house_number_search_mode = 1 print ('\n--------------------------\n' + \ 'LocationInput Test' + \ '\n--------------------------\n') g_exit=0 parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Location input Test for navigation PoC and FSA.') parser.add_argument('-l','--loc',action='store', dest='locations', help='List of locations in xml format') parser.add_argument("-v", "--verbose", action='store_true',help='Print the whole log messages') parser.add_argument('-a','--address',action='store', dest='host', help='Set remote host address') parser.add_argument('-p','--prt',action='store', dest='port', help='Set remote port number') args = parser.parse_args() if args.locations == None: print('location file is missing') print >>sys.stderr,'Test '+test_name+' FAILED' sys.exit(1) else: if not os.path.isfile(args.locations): print('file not exists') print >>sys.stderr,'Test '+test_name+' FAILED' sys.exit(1) try: DOMTree = xml.dom.minidom.parse(args.locations) except OSError as e: print >>sys.stderr,'Test '+test_name+' FAILED' sys.exit(1) location_set = DOMTree.documentElement print("Area : %s" % location_set.getAttribute("area")) locations = location_set.getElementsByTagName("location") for location in location_set.getElementsByTagName("location"): COUNTRY_STRING.append(location.getElementsByTagName("country")[0].childNodes[0].data) CITY_STRING.append(location.getElementsByTagName("city")[0].childNodes[0].data) STREET_STRING.append(location.getElementsByTagName("street")[0].childNodes[0].data) #HOUSE_NUMBER_STRING.append(location.getElementsByTagName("number")[0].childNodes[0].data) HOUSE_NUMBER_STRING.append('') #there's a bug in the navigation core when the house number doesn't exist, so deactivated if __name__ == '__main__': dbus.mainloop.glib.DBusGMainLoop(set_as_default=True) # connect to session bus (remote or local) if args.host != None: bus = dbus.bus.BusConnection("tcp:host=" + args.host +",port="+args.port) else: bus = dbus.SessionBus() def vprint(text): if args.verbose: print(text) # Turn selection criteria values to their corresponding string description def selection_criterion_to_string(selection_criterion): return_value = '' if selection_criterion == genivi.LATITUDE: return_value += 'Latitude' elif selection_criterion == genivi.LONGITUDE: return_value += 'Longitude' elif selection_criterion == genivi.COUNTRY: return_value += 'Country' elif selection_criterion == genivi.STATE: return_value += 'State' elif selection_criterion == genivi.CITY: return_value += 'City' elif selection_criterion == genivi.TOWN_CENTER: return_value += 'City center' elif selection_criterion == genivi.ZIPCODE: return_value += 'ZipCode' elif selection_criterion == genivi.STREET: return_value += 'Street' elif selection_criterion == genivi.HOUSE_NUMBER: return_value += 'House number' elif selection_criterion == genivi.CROSSING: return_value += 'Crossing' elif selection_criterion == genivi.FULL_ADDRESS: return_value += 'Full address' else: return_value += str(selection_criterion) return return_value # Prepare a dictionary array for pretty printing def dictionary_array_to_string(dict_array, linefeed, offset=0): return_value = '' i = offset for item in dict_array: return_value += str(i) + '. ' + unicode(dictionary_to_string(item)) if i < offset + len(dict_array) - 1: return_value += linefeed i += 1 return return_value # Prepare a dictionary for pretty printing # NB: the value is supposed to be [UInt8, Variant], according to the DBus '(yv)', used by CommonAPI def dictionary_to_string(dictionary): return_value = '' i = 0 for key in dictionary.keys(): value = dictionary[key][1] return_value += selection_criterion_to_string(key) + ' = ' + unicode(value) i += 1 if i < len(dictionary): return_value += ', ' return return_value # Prepare a selection criteria array for pretty printing def selection_criteria_array_to_string(selection_criterion_array): return_value = '' i = 0 for item in selection_criterion_array: return_value += selection_criterion_to_string(item) i += 1 if i < len(selection_criterion_array): return_value += ', ' return return_value def print_current_context(): vprint('\tACTIVE CONTEXT: selection criterion = ' + selection_criterion_to_string(current_selection_criterion) + \ ', search string = \'' + entered_search_string + '\'') def change_selection_criterion(selection_criterion): global current_selection_criterion current_selection_criterion = selection_criterion location_input_interface.SetSelectionCriterion(dbus.UInt32(session_handle), dbus.UInt32(location_input_handle), dbus.UInt16(current_selection_criterion)) # Spell search def spell_search(handle, entered_string, search_string, valid_characters, first=0): global entered_search_string vprint('-> SpellSearch - entered \'' + entered_string + '\' target \'' + search_string + '\'') if unicode(search_string) != unicode(entered_string): found = unicode(search_string).lower().find(unicode(entered_string).lower()) if found == 0: is_valid = -1 if first == 0: spell_character = search_string[len(entered_string)] is_valid = valid_characters.find(spell_character) else: spell_character='' is_valid = 0 if is_valid != -1: entered_search_string = entered_string + spell_character vprint('\nACTION: Spell search, selection criterion = ' + \ selection_criterion_to_string(current_selection_criterion) + ', trying \'' + spell_character + \ '\'') location_input_interface.Spell(dbus.UInt32(session_handle), dbus.UInt32(handle), dbus.String(spell_character), dbus.UInt16(20)) else: print ('Target character can not be entered') exit(1) else: print ('Unexpected completion') exit(1) else: print ('Full spell match') # Full string search def full_string_search(handle, search_string): global entered_search_string global found_exact_match entered_search_string = search_string found_exact_match = 1 # Force exact match for full string search vprint('\nACTION: Full string search, selection criterion = ' + \ selection_criterion_to_string(current_selection_criterion) + ', trying \'' + search_string + '\'') location_input_interface.Search(dbus.UInt32(session_handle), dbus.UInt32(handle), dbus.String(search_string), dbus.UInt16(20)) def evaluate_address(address, guidable): test_passed = 0 print ('\nAddress complete!\nEvaluating...') if COUNTRY_STRING[current_address_index] == '': test_passed = 1 elif address[genivi.COUNTRY][1] == COUNTRY_STRING[current_address_index]: print ('Country\t\t\t-> ok (' + address[genivi.COUNTRY][1] + ')') if CITY_STRING[current_address_index] == '': test_passed = 1 elif address[genivi.CITY][1] == CITY_STRING[current_address_index]: print ('City\t\t\t-> ok (' + address[genivi.CITY][1] + ')') if STREET_STRING[current_address_index] == '': test_passed = 1 elif address[genivi.STREET][1] == STREET_STRING[current_address_index]: print ('Street\t\t\t-> ok (' + address[genivi.STREET][1] + ')') if HOUSE_NUMBER_STRING[current_address_index] == '': test_passed = 1 elif address[genivi.HOUSE_NUMBER][1] == HOUSE_NUMBER_STRING[current_address_index]: print ('House number\t-> ok (' + address[genivi.HOUSE_NUMBER][1] + ')') test_passed = 1 if guidable == 1: if test_passed == 1: print ('TEST PASSED') else: print ('wrong address') exit(1) else: print ('non-guidable address') exit(1) address_index = current_address_index + 1 if address_index < len(COUNTRY_STRING): startSearch(address_index) else: print ('END OF THE TEST') exit(0) # Signal receiver # Handler for ContentUpdated callback def search_status_handler(handle,status): vprint('\n::Search status ' + str(int(status))) if status == genivi.FINISHED: location_input_interface.RequestListUpdate(dbus.UInt32(session_handle), dbus.UInt32(handle), dbus.UInt16(0), dbus.UInt16(WINDOW_SIZE)) def content_updated_handler(handle, guidable, available_selection_criteria, address): global target_search_string global entered_search_string vprint('\n::ContentUpdated for LocationInputHandle ' + str(int(handle))) print_current_context() vprint('\tGuidable = ' + str(guidable)) vprint('\tAvailable selection criteria = ' + selection_criteria_array_to_string(available_selection_criteria)) vprint('\tADDRESS: '+dictionary_to_string(address)) search_mode = -1 if current_selection_criterion == genivi.COUNTRY: change_selection_criterion(genivi.CITY) target_search_string = CITY_STRING[current_address_index] search_mode = city_search_mode elif current_selection_criterion == genivi.CITY: change_selection_criterion(genivi.STREET) target_search_string = STREET_STRING[current_address_index] search_mode = street_search_mode elif current_selection_criterion == genivi.STREET: change_selection_criterion(genivi.HOUSE_NUMBER) target_search_string = HOUSE_NUMBER_STRING[current_address_index] search_mode = house_number_search_mode elif current_selection_criterion == genivi.HOUSE_NUMBER: target_search_string = '' entered_search_string = '' if target_search_string == '': evaluate_address(address, guidable) elif search_mode == 0: spell_search(handle, entered_search_string, target_search_string, '', 1) elif search_mode == 1: full_string_search(handle, target_search_string) else: print ('Invalid search mode') exit(1) # Handler for SpellResult callback def spell_result_handler(handle, unique_string, valid_characters, full_match): global entered_search_string global spell_next_character global found_exact_match global available_characters vprint('\n::SpellResult for LocationInputHandle '+str(int(handle))) if unique_string != entered_search_string: vprint('\tAUTOCOMPLETE: \'' + entered_search_string + '\' -> \'' + unique_string + '\'') entered_search_string = unique_string available_characters = valid_characters print_current_context() vprint('\tUnique string = \''+unique_string+'\'') vprint('\tValid Characters = \''+valid_characters+'\'') vprint('\tFull Match = '+str(full_match)) if len(valid_characters) == 1: if unicode(valid_characters[0]) == u'\x08': print ('Dead end spelling') exit(1) if unicode(entered_search_string) == unicode(target_search_string): found_exact_match = 1 spell_next_character = 1 # Handler for SearchResultList callback def search_result_list_handler(handle, total_size, window_offset, window_size, result_list_window): global spell_next_character global found_exact_match vprint('\n::SearchResultList for LocationInputHandle ' + str(int(handle))) print_current_context() vprint('\tTotal size = ' + str(int(total_size)) + ', Window offset = ' + str(int(window_offset)) + \ ', Window size = ' + str(int(window_size))) vprint('\t' + dictionary_array_to_string(result_list_window, '\n\t', window_offset)) if found_exact_match == 1: found_exact_match = 0 i = 0 for address in result_list_window: if unicode(address[current_selection_criterion][1]) == target_search_string: vprint('\nACTION: Found exact match, selecting \''+unicode(address[current_selection_criterion][1]) + \ '\' (Session '+str(int(session_handle)) + ' LocationInputHandle ' + str(int(handle))+')') location_input_interface.SelectEntry(dbus.UInt32(session_handle), dbus.UInt32(handle), dbus.UInt16(i)) break i += 1 if i == window_size: vprint('\nACTION: Found exact match, searching in next page (Session '+str(int(session_handle)) +\ ' LocationInputHandle ' + str(int(handle))+')') location_input_interface.RequestListUpdate(dbus.UInt32(session_handle), dbus.UInt32(handle), dbus.UInt16(window_offset + window_size), dbus.UInt16(window_size)) elif total_size == 1: selection_name = result_list_window[0][current_selection_criterion] if selection_name[1] == target_search_string: vprint('\nACTION: Single entry list, selecting \'' + selection_name[1] + \ '\' (Session '+str(int(session_handle)) + ' LocationInputHandle ' + str(int(handle))+')') location_input_interface.SelectEntry(dbus.UInt32(session_handle), dbus.UInt32(handle), dbus.UInt16(0)) else: print ('Unexpected single result list') exit(1) elif spell_next_character == 1: spell_next_character = 0 spell_search(handle, entered_search_string, target_search_string, available_characters) # add signal receiver bus.add_signal_receiver(search_status_handler, dbus_interface='org.genivi.navigation.navigationcore.LocationInput', signal_name='SearchStatus') bus.add_signal_receiver(search_result_list_handler, dbus_interface='org.genivi.navigation.navigationcore.LocationInput', signal_name='SearchResultList') bus.add_signal_receiver(spell_result_handler, dbus_interface='org.genivi.navigation.navigationcore.LocationInput', signal_name='SpellResult') bus.add_signal_receiver(content_updated_handler, dbus_interface='org.genivi.navigation.navigationcore.LocationInput', signal_name='ContentUpdated') # Timeout def timeout(): print ('Timeout Expired\n') exit(1) def exit(value): global g_exit g_exit=value error=location_input_interface.DeleteLocationInput(dbus.UInt32(session_handle),dbus.UInt32(location_input_handle)) print('Delete location input: '+str(int(error))) error=session_interface.DeleteSession(dbus.UInt32(session_handle)) print('Delete session: '+str(int(error))) if dltAvailable==True: stopTrigger(test_name) loop.quit() def startSearch(address_index): global entered_search_string global spell_next_character global found_exact_match global available_characters global target_search_string global country_search_mode global current_address_index current_address_index = address_index entered_search_string = '' spell_next_character = 0 found_exact_match = 0 available_characters = '' target_search_string = COUNTRY_STRING[current_address_index] change_selection_criterion(genivi.COUNTRY) if country_search_mode == 0: spell_search(location_input_handle, entered_search_string, target_search_string, available_characters, 1) elif country_search_mode == 1: full_string_search(location_input_handle, target_search_string) if dltAvailable==True: startTrigger(test_name) session = bus.get_object('org.genivi.navigation.navigationcore.Session', '/org/genivi/navigationcore') session_interface = dbus.Interface(session, dbus_interface='org.genivi.navigation.navigationcore.Session') # Get SessionHandle ret = session_interface.CreateSession(dbus.String('test location input')) session_handle=ret[1] print ('Session handle = ' + str(session_handle)) location_input_obj = bus.get_object('org.genivi.navigation.navigationcore.LocationInput', '/org/genivi/navigationcore') location_input_interface = dbus.Interface(location_input_obj, dbus_interface='org.genivi.navigation.navigationcore.LocationInput') # Get LocationInputHandle ret = location_input_interface.CreateLocationInput(dbus.UInt32(session_handle)) location_input_handle = ret[1] print ('LocationInput handle = ' + str(location_input_handle)) attributes = location_input_interface.GetSupportedAddressAttributes() print ('Initially supported address attributes = ' + selection_criteria_array_to_string(attributes)) # Configuration current_address_index = 0 entered_search_string = '' spell_next_character = 0 found_exact_match = 0 available_characters = '' target_search_string = '' startSearch(0) # Main loop gobject.timeout_add(TIME_OUT, timeout) loop = gobject.MainLoop() loop.run() if g_exit == 1: print >>sys.stderr,'Test '+test_name+' FAILED' else: print >>sys.stderr,'Test '+test_name+' PASSED' sys.exit(g_exit)