============================ Positioning Git Repository ============================ The Positioning repository is a collection of 4 proofs of concept: * GNSSService * SensorsService * EnhancedPositionService * LogReplayer =============================== Directory Structure =============================== enhanced-position-service //enhanced-position-service PoC gnss-service //gnss-service PoC log-replayer //log-replayer-PoC sensors-service //sensors-service PoC architecture.png //architecture overview build-all.sh //script to build the PoCs (usage: build-all.sh help) run-test.sh //script to run a quick test for each PoC (usage: run-test.sh help) positioning_x.y.bb //version x.y of a Yocto recipe for the positioning PoCs =============================== How To Build =============================== To build the positioning proofs of concept please follow the following steps: ./build-all.sh or ./build-all.sh [command] [service] command: make Build clean Clean help Print Help service: gnss Test GNSSService sns Test SensorsService enhpos Test EnhancedPositionService repl Test Replayer =============================== How To Test =============================== To test the positioning proofs of concept please use the following test application: ./run-test.sh [command] service: gnss Test GNSSService sns Test SensorsService enhpos Test EnhancedPositionService repl Test Replayer kill Kill all test applications help Print Help =============================== Compiler Options =============================== If you wish to change the default cmake-options, please 1) open the file build-all.sh, 2) edit the compiler flags, 3) delete the build directory, 4) recompile the code from scratch. --------- Example --------- If you wish to activate DLT logging for the GNSSService, just change the value of GNSS_SERVICE_FLAGS in the file build-all.sh as follows: GNSS_SERVICE_FLAGS='-DWITH_DLT=ON' --------- Notes --------- DWITH_GPSD=ON requires that the package 'gpsd' is installed. To install 'gpsd', please execute the following commands: sudo apt-get install gpsd sudo apt-get install libgps-dev To test the enhanced-positon-service the package 'libdbus-c++-dev' must be installed. To install 'libdbus-c++-dev', please execute the following command: sudo apt-get install libdbus-c++-dev DWITH_TESTS=ON enables the compilation of the test application(s). DWITH_DLT=ON requires that the DLT-daemon is installed. To download the DLT-daemon, just execute the following command: git clone git://git.projects.genivi.org/dlt-daemon.git To install the DLT-daemon, etxract the tarball and follow the instructions in the file install.txt. DWITH_IPHONE=ON requires that the iPhone app 'SensorLogger' is installed on a iPhone and that the option to broadcast the sensor data is activated (port=5555).