// Copyright (C) 2014-2021 Bayerische Motoren Werke Aktiengesellschaft (BMW AG) // This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public // License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this // file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. #if defined(__linux__) || defined(ANDROID) #include #include #include #include #include #include "../include/netlink_connector.hpp" namespace vsomeip_v3 { void netlink_connector::register_net_if_changes_handler(const net_if_changed_handler_t& _handler) { handler_ = _handler; } void netlink_connector::unregister_net_if_changes_handler() { handler_ = nullptr; } void netlink_connector::stop() { std::lock_guard its_lock(socket_mutex_); boost::system::error_code its_error; socket_.shutdown(socket_.shutdown_both, its_error); socket_.close(its_error); if (its_error) { VSOMEIP_WARNING << "Error closing NETLINK socket!"; } } void netlink_connector::start() { std::lock_guard its_lock(socket_mutex_); boost::system::error_code ec; if (socket_.is_open()) { socket_.close(ec); if (ec) { VSOMEIP_WARNING << "Error closing NETLINK socket: " << ec.message(); } } socket_.open(nl_protocol(NETLINK_ROUTE), ec); if (ec) { VSOMEIP_WARNING << "Error opening NETLINK socket: " << ec.message(); if (handler_) { handler_(true, "n/a", true); handler_(false, "n/a", true); } return; } if (socket_.is_open()) { socket_.bind(nl_endpoint( RTMGRP_LINK | RTMGRP_IPV4_IFADDR | RTMGRP_IPV6_IFADDR | RTMGRP_IPV4_ROUTE | RTMGRP_IPV6_ROUTE | RTMGRP_IPV4_MROUTE | RTMGRP_IPV6_MROUTE), ec); if (ec && ec != boost::asio::error::address_in_use) { VSOMEIP_WARNING << "Error binding NETLINK socket: " << ec.message(); if (handler_) { handler_(true, "n/a", true); handler_(false, "n/a", true); } return; } send_ifa_request(); socket_.async_receive( boost::asio::buffer(&recv_buffer_[0], recv_buffer_size), std::bind( &netlink_connector::receive_cbk, shared_from_this(), std::placeholders::_1, std::placeholders::_2 ) ); } else { VSOMEIP_WARNING << "Error opening NETLINK socket!"; if (handler_) { handler_(true, "n/a", true); handler_(false, "n/a", true); } } } void netlink_connector::receive_cbk(boost::system::error_code const &_error, std::size_t _bytes) { if (!_error) { size_t len = _bytes; unsigned int address(0); if (address_.is_v4()) { inet_pton(AF_INET, address_.to_string().c_str(), &address); } else { inet_pton(AF_INET6, address_.to_string().c_str(), &address); } struct nlmsghdr *nlh = (struct nlmsghdr *)&recv_buffer_[0]; while ((NLMSG_OK(nlh, len)) && (nlh->nlmsg_type != NLMSG_DONE)) { char ifname[IF_NAMESIZE]; switch (nlh->nlmsg_type) { case RTM_NEWADDR: { // New Address information struct ifaddrmsg *ifa = (ifaddrmsg *)NLMSG_DATA(nlh); if (has_address(ifa, IFA_PAYLOAD(nlh), address)) { net_if_index_for_address_ = static_cast(ifa->ifa_index); auto its_if = net_if_flags_.find(static_cast(ifa->ifa_index)); if (its_if != net_if_flags_.end()) { if ((its_if->second & IFF_UP) && (is_requiring_link_ ? (its_if->second & IFF_RUNNING) : true)) { if (handler_) { if_indextoname(ifa->ifa_index,ifname); handler_(true, ifname, true); send_rt_request(); } } else { if (handler_) { if_indextoname(ifa->ifa_index,ifname); handler_(true, ifname, false); } } } else { // Request interface information // as we don't know about up/running state! send_ifi_request(); } } break; } case RTM_NEWLINK: { // New Interface information struct ifinfomsg *ifi = (ifinfomsg *)NLMSG_DATA(nlh); net_if_flags_[ifi->ifi_index] = ifi->ifi_flags; if (net_if_index_for_address_ == ifi->ifi_index) { if ((ifi->ifi_flags & IFF_UP) && (is_requiring_link_ ? (ifi->ifi_flags & IFF_RUNNING) : true)) { if (handler_) { if_indextoname(static_cast(ifi->ifi_index),ifname); handler_(true, ifname, true); send_rt_request(); } } else { if (handler_) { if_indextoname(static_cast(ifi->ifi_index),ifname); handler_(true, ifname, false); } } } break; } case RTM_NEWROUTE: { struct rtmsg *routemsg = (rtmsg *)NLMSG_DATA(nlh); std::string its_route_name; if (check_sd_multicast_route_match(routemsg, RTM_PAYLOAD(nlh), &its_route_name)) { if (handler_) { handler_(false, its_route_name, true); } } break; } case RTM_DELROUTE: { struct rtmsg *routemsg = (rtmsg *)NLMSG_DATA(nlh); std::string its_route_name; if (check_sd_multicast_route_match(routemsg, RTM_PAYLOAD(nlh), &its_route_name)) { if (handler_) { handler_(false, its_route_name, false); } } break; } case NLMSG_ERROR: { struct nlmsgerr *errmsg = (nlmsgerr *)NLMSG_DATA(nlh); VSOMEIP_ERROR << "netlink_connector::receive_cbk received " "error message: " << std::dec << nlh->nlmsg_type << " seq " << errmsg->msg.nlmsg_seq; break; } case NLMSG_DONE: case NLMSG_NOOP: default: break; } nlh = NLMSG_NEXT(nlh, len); } { std::lock_guard its_lock(socket_mutex_); if (socket_.is_open()) { socket_.async_receive( boost::asio::buffer(&recv_buffer_[0], recv_buffer_size), std::bind( &netlink_connector::receive_cbk, shared_from_this(), std::placeholders::_1, std::placeholders::_2 ) ); } } } else { if (_error != boost::asio::error::operation_aborted) { VSOMEIP_WARNING << "Error receive_cbk NETLINK socket!" << _error.message(); boost::system::error_code its_error; { std::lock_guard its_lock(socket_mutex_); if (socket_.is_open()) { socket_.shutdown(socket_.shutdown_both, its_error); socket_.close(its_error); if (its_error) { VSOMEIP_WARNING << "Error closing NETLINK socket!" << its_error.message(); } } } if (handler_) { handler_(true, "n/a", true); handler_(false, "n/a", true); } } } } void netlink_connector::send_cbk(boost::system::error_code const &_error, std::size_t _bytes) { (void)_bytes; if (_error) { VSOMEIP_WARNING << "Netlink send error : " << _error.message(); if (handler_) { handler_(true, "n/a", true); handler_(false, "n/a", true); } } } void netlink_connector::send_ifa_request() { struct netlink_address_msg { struct nlmsghdr nlhdr; struct ifaddrmsg addrmsg; }; netlink_address_msg get_address_msg; memset(&get_address_msg, 0, sizeof(get_address_msg)); get_address_msg.nlhdr.nlmsg_len = NLMSG_LENGTH(sizeof(struct ifaddrmsg)); get_address_msg.nlhdr.nlmsg_flags = NLM_F_REQUEST | NLM_F_ROOT; get_address_msg.nlhdr.nlmsg_type = RTM_GETADDR; get_address_msg.nlhdr.nlmsg_seq = 1; if (address_.is_v4()) { get_address_msg.addrmsg.ifa_family = AF_INET; } else { get_address_msg.addrmsg.ifa_family = AF_INET6; } socket_.async_send( boost::asio::buffer(&get_address_msg, get_address_msg.nlhdr.nlmsg_len), std::bind( &netlink_connector::send_cbk, shared_from_this(), std::placeholders::_1, std::placeholders::_2 ) ); } void netlink_connector::send_ifi_request() { struct netlink_link_msg { struct nlmsghdr nlhdr; struct ifinfomsg infomsg; }; netlink_link_msg get_link_msg; memset(&get_link_msg, 0, sizeof(get_link_msg)); get_link_msg.nlhdr.nlmsg_len = NLMSG_LENGTH(sizeof(struct ifinfomsg)); get_link_msg.nlhdr.nlmsg_flags = NLM_F_REQUEST | NLM_F_ROOT; get_link_msg.nlhdr.nlmsg_type = RTM_GETLINK; get_link_msg.infomsg.ifi_family = AF_UNSPEC; get_link_msg.nlhdr.nlmsg_seq = 2; { std::lock_guard its_lock(socket_mutex_); socket_.async_send( boost::asio::buffer(&get_link_msg, get_link_msg.nlhdr.nlmsg_len), std::bind( &netlink_connector::send_cbk, shared_from_this(), std::placeholders::_1, std::placeholders::_2 ) ); } } void netlink_connector::send_rt_request() { struct netlink_route_msg { struct nlmsghdr nlhdr; struct rtgenmsg routemsg; }; netlink_route_msg get_route_msg; memset(&get_route_msg, 0, sizeof(get_route_msg)); get_route_msg.nlhdr.nlmsg_len = NLMSG_LENGTH(sizeof(struct rtgenmsg)); get_route_msg.nlhdr.nlmsg_flags = NLM_F_REQUEST | NLM_F_DUMP; get_route_msg.nlhdr.nlmsg_type = RTM_GETROUTE; get_route_msg.nlhdr.nlmsg_seq = 3; if (multicast_address_.is_v6()) { get_route_msg.routemsg.rtgen_family = AF_INET6; } else { get_route_msg.routemsg.rtgen_family = AF_INET; } { std::lock_guard its_lock(socket_mutex_); socket_.async_send( boost::asio::buffer(&get_route_msg, get_route_msg.nlhdr.nlmsg_len), std::bind( &netlink_connector::send_cbk, shared_from_this(), std::placeholders::_1, std::placeholders::_2 ) ); } } bool netlink_connector::has_address(struct ifaddrmsg * ifa_struct, size_t length, const unsigned int address) { struct rtattr *retrta; retrta = static_cast(IFA_RTA(ifa_struct)); while RTA_OK(retrta, length) { if (retrta->rta_type == IFA_ADDRESS) { char pradd[128]; unsigned int * tmp_address = (unsigned int *)RTA_DATA(retrta); if (address_.is_v4()) { inet_ntop(AF_INET, tmp_address, pradd, sizeof(pradd)); } else { inet_ntop(AF_INET6, tmp_address, pradd, sizeof(pradd)); } if (address == *tmp_address) { return true; } } retrta = RTA_NEXT(retrta, length); } return false; } bool netlink_connector::check_sd_multicast_route_match(struct rtmsg* _routemsg, size_t _length, std::string* _routename) const { struct rtattr *retrta; retrta = static_cast(RTM_RTA(_routemsg)); int if_index(0); char if_name[IF_NAMESIZE] = "n/a"; char address[INET6_ADDRSTRLEN] = "n/a"; char gateway[INET6_ADDRSTRLEN] = "n/a"; bool matches_sd_multicast(false); while (RTA_OK(retrta, _length)) { if (retrta->rta_type == RTA_DST) { // check if added/removed route matches on configured SD multicast address size_t rtattr_length = RTA_PAYLOAD(retrta); if (rtattr_length == 4 && multicast_address_.is_v4()) { // IPv4 route inet_ntop(AF_INET, RTA_DATA(retrta), address, sizeof(address)); std::uint32_t netmask(0); for (int i = 31; i > 31 - _routemsg->rtm_dst_len; i--) { netmask |= static_cast(1 << i); } const std::uint32_t dst_addr = ntohl(*((std::uint32_t *)RTA_DATA(retrta))); const std::uint32_t dst_net = (dst_addr & netmask); const std::uint32_t sd_addr = static_cast(multicast_address_.to_v4().to_ulong()); const std::uint32_t sd_net = (sd_addr & netmask); matches_sd_multicast = !(dst_net ^ sd_net); } else if (rtattr_length == 16 && multicast_address_.is_v6()) { // IPv6 route inet_ntop(AF_INET6, RTA_DATA(retrta), address, sizeof(address)); std::uint32_t netmask2[4] = {0,0,0,0}; for (int i = 127; i > 127 - _routemsg->rtm_dst_len; i--) { if (i > 95) { netmask2[0] |= static_cast(1 << (i-96)); } else if (i > 63) { netmask2[1] |= static_cast(1 << (i-63)); } else if (i > 31) { netmask2[2] |= static_cast(1 << (i-32)); } else { netmask2[3] |= static_cast(1 << i); } } for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { #ifndef ANDROID const std::uint32_t dst = ntohl((*(struct in6_addr*)RTA_DATA(retrta)).__in6_u.__u6_addr32[i]); #else const std::uint32_t dst = ntohl((*(struct in6_addr*)RTA_DATA(retrta)).in6_u.u6_addr32[i]); #endif const std::uint32_t sd = ntohl(reinterpret_cast(multicast_address_.to_v6().to_bytes().data())[i]); const std::uint32_t dst_net = dst & netmask2[i]; const std::uint32_t sd_net = sd & netmask2[i]; matches_sd_multicast = !(dst_net ^ sd_net); if (!matches_sd_multicast) { break; } } } } else if (retrta->rta_type == RTA_OIF) { if_index = *(int *)(RTA_DATA(retrta)); if_indextoname(static_cast(if_index),if_name); } else if (retrta->rta_type == RTA_GATEWAY) { size_t rtattr_length = RTA_PAYLOAD(retrta); if (rtattr_length == 4) { inet_ntop(AF_INET, RTA_DATA(retrta), gateway, sizeof(gateway)); } else if (rtattr_length == 16) { inet_ntop(AF_INET6, RTA_DATA(retrta), gateway, sizeof(gateway)); } } retrta = RTA_NEXT(retrta, _length); } if (matches_sd_multicast && net_if_index_for_address_ == if_index) { std::stringstream stream; stream << address << "/" << (static_cast(_routemsg->rtm_dst_len)) << " if: " << if_name << " gw: " << gateway; *_routename = stream.str(); return true; } else if (if_index > 0 && net_if_index_for_address_ == if_index && _routemsg->rtm_dst_len == 0) { // the default route is set to the interface on which the SD will listen // therefore no explicit multicast route is required. std::stringstream stream; stream << "default route ( if: " << if_name << " gw: " << gateway; *_routename = stream.str(); return true; } return false; } } // namespace vsomeip_v3 #endif // __linux__ or ANDROID