// Copyright (C) 2014-2021 Bayerische Motoren Werke Aktiengesellschaft (BMW AG) // This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public // License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this // file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. #include #include #include #include #include #include "../include/endpoint_host.hpp" #include "../../routing/include/routing_host.hpp" #include "../include/tcp_client_endpoint_impl.hpp" #include "../../utility/include/utility.hpp" #include "../../utility/include/byteorder.hpp" namespace ip = boost::asio::ip; namespace vsomeip_v3 { tcp_client_endpoint_impl::tcp_client_endpoint_impl( const std::shared_ptr& _endpoint_host, const std::shared_ptr& _routing_host, const endpoint_type& _local, const endpoint_type& _remote, boost::asio::io_context &_io, const std::shared_ptr& _configuration) : tcp_client_endpoint_base_impl(_endpoint_host, _routing_host, _local, _remote, _io, _configuration->get_max_message_size_reliable( _remote.address().to_string(), _remote.port()), _configuration->get_endpoint_queue_limit( _remote.address().to_string(), _remote.port()), _configuration), recv_buffer_size_initial_(VSOMEIP_SOMEIP_HEADER_SIZE), recv_buffer_(std::make_shared(recv_buffer_size_initial_, 0)), shrink_count_(0), buffer_shrink_threshold_(configuration_->get_buffer_shrink_threshold()), remote_address_(_remote.address()), remote_port_(_remote.port()), last_cookie_sent_(std::chrono::steady_clock::now() - std::chrono::seconds(11)), // send timeout after 2/3 of configured ttl, warning after 1/3 send_timeout_(configuration_->get_sd_ttl() * 666), send_timeout_warning_(send_timeout_ / 2), tcp_restart_aborts_max_(configuration_->get_max_tcp_restart_aborts()), tcp_connect_time_max_(configuration_->get_max_tcp_connect_time()), aborted_restart_count_(0), is_sending_(false), sent_timer_(_io) { is_supporting_magic_cookies_ = true; } tcp_client_endpoint_impl::~tcp_client_endpoint_impl() { std::shared_ptr its_host = endpoint_host_.lock(); if (its_host) { its_host->release_port(local_.port(), true); } } bool tcp_client_endpoint_impl::is_local() const { return false; } void tcp_client_endpoint_impl::start() { strand_.dispatch(std::bind(&client_endpoint_impl::connect, this->shared_from_this())); } void tcp_client_endpoint_impl::restart(bool _force) { auto self = std::dynamic_pointer_cast< tcp_client_endpoint_impl >(shared_from_this()); auto restart_func = [self, _force] { if (!_force && self->state_ == cei_state_e::CONNECTING) { std::chrono::steady_clock::time_point its_current = std::chrono::steady_clock::now(); std::int64_t its_connect_duration = std::chrono::duration_cast( its_current - self->connect_timepoint_).count(); if (self->aborted_restart_count_ < self->tcp_restart_aborts_max_ && its_connect_duration < self->tcp_connect_time_max_) { self->aborted_restart_count_++; return; } else { VSOMEIP_WARNING << "tce::restart: maximum number of aborted restarts [" << self->tcp_restart_aborts_max_ << "] reached! its_connect_duration: " << its_connect_duration; } } self->state_ = cei_state_e::CONNECTING; std::string address_port_local; { std::lock_guard its_lock(self->socket_mutex_); address_port_local = self->get_address_port_local(); self->shutdown_and_close_socket_unlocked(true); self->recv_buffer_ = std::make_shared(self->recv_buffer_size_initial_, 0); } self->was_not_connected_ = true; self->reconnect_counter_ = 0; { std::lock_guard its_lock(self->mutex_); for (const auto &q : self->queue_) { const service_t its_service = VSOMEIP_BYTES_TO_WORD( (*q.first)[VSOMEIP_SERVICE_POS_MIN], (*q.first)[VSOMEIP_SERVICE_POS_MAX]); const method_t its_method = VSOMEIP_BYTES_TO_WORD( (*q.first)[VSOMEIP_METHOD_POS_MIN], (*q.first)[VSOMEIP_METHOD_POS_MAX]); const client_t its_client = VSOMEIP_BYTES_TO_WORD( (*q.first)[VSOMEIP_CLIENT_POS_MIN], (*q.first)[VSOMEIP_CLIENT_POS_MAX]); const session_t its_session = VSOMEIP_BYTES_TO_WORD( (*q.first)[VSOMEIP_SESSION_POS_MIN], (*q.first)[VSOMEIP_SESSION_POS_MAX]); VSOMEIP_WARNING << "tce::restart: dropping message: " << "remote:" << self->get_address_port_remote() << " (" << std::hex << std::setw(4) << std::setfill('0') << its_client <<"): [" << std::hex << std::setw(4) << std::setfill('0') << its_service << "." << std::hex << std::setw(4) << std::setfill('0') << its_method << "." << std::hex << std::setw(4) << std::setfill('0') << its_session << "]" << " size: " << std::dec << q.first->size(); } self->queue_.clear(); self->queue_size_ = 0; } VSOMEIP_WARNING << "tce::restart: local: " << address_port_local << " remote: " << self->get_address_port_remote(); self->start_connect_timer(); }; // bind to strand_ to avoid socket closure if // parallel socket operation is currently active strand_.dispatch(restart_func); } void tcp_client_endpoint_impl::connect() { start_connecting_timer(); std::lock_guard its_lock(socket_mutex_); boost::system::error_code its_error; socket_->open(remote_.protocol(), its_error); if (!its_error || its_error == boost::asio::error::already_open) { // Nagle algorithm off socket_->set_option(ip::tcp::no_delay(true), its_error); if (its_error) { VSOMEIP_WARNING << "tcp_client_endpoint::connect: couldn't disable " << "Nagle algorithm: " << its_error.message() << " remote:" << get_address_port_remote(); } socket_->set_option(boost::asio::socket_base::keep_alive(true), its_error); if (its_error) { VSOMEIP_WARNING << "tcp_client_endpoint::connect: couldn't enable " << "keep_alive: " << its_error.message() << " remote:" << get_address_port_remote(); } // Enable SO_REUSEADDR to avoid bind problems with services going offline // and coming online again and the user has specified only a small number // of ports in the clients section for one service instance socket_->set_option(boost::asio::socket_base::reuse_address(true), its_error); if (its_error) { VSOMEIP_WARNING << "tcp_client_endpoint::connect: couldn't enable " << "SO_REUSEADDR: " << its_error.message() << " remote:" << get_address_port_remote(); } socket_->set_option(boost::asio::socket_base::linger(true, 0), its_error); if (its_error) { VSOMEIP_WARNING << "tcp_client_endpoint::connect: couldn't enable " << "SO_LINGER: " << its_error.message() << " remote:" << get_address_port_remote(); } #if defined(__linux__) || defined(ANDROID) // If specified, bind to device std::string its_device(configuration_->get_device()); if (its_device != "") { if (setsockopt(socket_->native_handle(), SOL_SOCKET, SO_BINDTODEVICE, its_device.c_str(), (socklen_t)its_device.size()) == -1) { VSOMEIP_WARNING << "TCP Client: Could not bind to device \"" << its_device << "\""; } } #endif // In case a client endpoint port was configured, // bind to it before connecting if (local_.port() != ILLEGAL_PORT) { boost::system::error_code its_bind_error; socket_->bind(local_, its_bind_error); if(its_bind_error) { VSOMEIP_WARNING << "tcp_client_endpoint::connect: " "Error binding socket: " << its_bind_error.message() << " local: " << get_address_port_local() << " remote:" << get_address_port_remote(); std::shared_ptr its_host = endpoint_host_.lock(); if (its_host) { // set new client port depending on service / instance / remote port if (!its_host->on_bind_error(shared_from_this(), remote_address_, remote_port_)) { VSOMEIP_WARNING << "tcp_client_endpoint::connect: " "Failed to set new local port for tce: " << " local: " << local_.address().to_string() << ":" << std::dec << local_.port() << " remote:" << get_address_port_remote(); } else { local_.port(local_port_); VSOMEIP_INFO << "tcp_client_endpoint::connect: " "Using new new local port for tce: " << " local: " << local_.address().to_string() << ":" << std::dec << local_.port() << " remote:" << get_address_port_remote(); } } try { // don't connect on bind error to avoid using a random port strand_.post(std::bind(&client_endpoint_impl::connect_cbk, shared_from_this(), its_bind_error)); } catch (const std::exception &e) { VSOMEIP_ERROR << "tcp_client_endpoint_impl::connect: " << e.what() << " local: " << get_address_port_local() << " remote:" << get_address_port_remote(); } return; } } state_ = cei_state_e::CONNECTING; connect_timepoint_ = std::chrono::steady_clock::now(); aborted_restart_count_ = 0; socket_->async_connect( remote_, strand_.wrap( std::bind( &tcp_client_endpoint_base_impl::connect_cbk, shared_from_this(), std::placeholders::_1 ) ) ); } else { VSOMEIP_WARNING << "tcp_client_endpoint::connect: Error opening socket: " << its_error.message() << " remote:" << get_address_port_remote(); strand_.post(std::bind(&tcp_client_endpoint_base_impl::connect_cbk, shared_from_this(), its_error)); } } void tcp_client_endpoint_impl::receive() { message_buffer_ptr_t its_recv_buffer; { std::lock_guard its_lock(socket_mutex_); its_recv_buffer = recv_buffer_; } auto self = std::dynamic_pointer_cast< tcp_client_endpoint_impl >(shared_from_this()); strand_.dispatch([self, &its_recv_buffer](){ self->receive(its_recv_buffer, 0, 0); }); } void tcp_client_endpoint_impl::receive(message_buffer_ptr_t _recv_buffer, std::size_t _recv_buffer_size, std::size_t _missing_capacity) { std::lock_guard its_lock(socket_mutex_); if(socket_->is_open()) { const std::size_t its_capacity(_recv_buffer->capacity()); size_t buffer_size = its_capacity - _recv_buffer_size; try { if (_missing_capacity) { if (_missing_capacity > MESSAGE_SIZE_UNLIMITED) { VSOMEIP_ERROR << "Missing receive buffer capacity exceeds allowed maximum!"; return; } const std::size_t its_required_capacity(_recv_buffer_size + _missing_capacity); if (its_capacity < its_required_capacity) { _recv_buffer->reserve(its_required_capacity); _recv_buffer->resize(its_required_capacity, 0x0); if (_recv_buffer->size() > 1048576) { VSOMEIP_INFO << "tce: recv_buffer size is: " << _recv_buffer->size() << " local: " << get_address_port_local() << " remote: " << get_address_port_remote(); } } buffer_size = _missing_capacity; } else if (buffer_shrink_threshold_ && shrink_count_ > buffer_shrink_threshold_ && _recv_buffer_size == 0) { _recv_buffer->resize(recv_buffer_size_initial_, 0x0); _recv_buffer->shrink_to_fit(); buffer_size = recv_buffer_size_initial_; shrink_count_ = 0; } } catch (const std::exception &e) { handle_recv_buffer_exception(e, _recv_buffer, _recv_buffer_size); // don't start receiving again return; } socket_->async_receive( boost::asio::buffer(&(*_recv_buffer)[_recv_buffer_size], buffer_size), strand_.wrap( std::bind( &tcp_client_endpoint_impl::receive_cbk, std::dynamic_pointer_cast< tcp_client_endpoint_impl >(shared_from_this()), std::placeholders::_1, std::placeholders::_2, _recv_buffer, _recv_buffer_size ) ) ); } } void tcp_client_endpoint_impl::send_queued(std::pair &_entry) { const service_t its_service = VSOMEIP_BYTES_TO_WORD( (*_entry.first)[VSOMEIP_SERVICE_POS_MIN], (*_entry.first)[VSOMEIP_SERVICE_POS_MAX]); const method_t its_method = VSOMEIP_BYTES_TO_WORD( (*_entry.first)[VSOMEIP_METHOD_POS_MIN], (*_entry.first)[VSOMEIP_METHOD_POS_MAX]); const client_t its_client = VSOMEIP_BYTES_TO_WORD( (*_entry.first)[VSOMEIP_CLIENT_POS_MIN], (*_entry.first)[VSOMEIP_CLIENT_POS_MAX]); const session_t its_session = VSOMEIP_BYTES_TO_WORD( (*_entry.first)[VSOMEIP_SESSION_POS_MIN], (*_entry.first)[VSOMEIP_SESSION_POS_MAX]); if (has_enabled_magic_cookies_) { const std::chrono::steady_clock::time_point now = std::chrono::steady_clock::now(); if (std::chrono::duration_cast( now - last_cookie_sent_) > std::chrono::milliseconds(10000)) { send_magic_cookie(_entry.first); last_cookie_sent_ = now; } } #if 0 std::stringstream msg; msg << "tcei<" << remote_.address() << ":" << std::dec << remote_.port() << ">::sq: "; for (std::size_t i = 0; i < _buffer->size(); i++) msg << std::hex << std::setw(2) << std::setfill('0') << (int)(*_entry.first)[i] << " "; VSOMEIP_INFO << msg.str(); #endif { std::lock_guard its_lock(socket_mutex_); if (socket_->is_open()) { { std::lock_guard its_sent_lock(sent_mutex_); is_sending_ = true; } boost::asio::async_write( *socket_, boost::asio::buffer(*_entry.first), std::bind( &tcp_client_endpoint_impl::write_completion_condition, std::static_pointer_cast(shared_from_this()), std::placeholders::_1, std::placeholders::_2, _entry.first->size(), its_service, its_method, its_client, its_session, std::chrono::steady_clock::now()), strand_.wrap( std::bind( &tcp_client_endpoint_base_impl::send_cbk, shared_from_this(), std::placeholders::_1, std::placeholders::_2, _entry.first )) ); } } } void tcp_client_endpoint_impl::get_configured_times_from_endpoint( service_t _service, method_t _method, std::chrono::nanoseconds *_debouncing, std::chrono::nanoseconds *_maximum_retention) const { configuration_->get_configured_timing_requests(_service, remote_address_.to_string(), remote_port_, _method, _debouncing, _maximum_retention); } bool tcp_client_endpoint_impl::get_remote_address( boost::asio::ip::address &_address) const { if (remote_address_.is_unspecified()) { return false; } _address = remote_address_; return true; } void tcp_client_endpoint_impl::set_local_port() { std::lock_guard its_lock(socket_mutex_); boost::system::error_code its_error; if (socket_->is_open()) { endpoint_type its_endpoint = socket_->local_endpoint(its_error); if (!its_error) { local_port_ = its_endpoint.port(); } else { VSOMEIP_WARNING << "tcp_client_endpoint_impl::set_local_port() " << " couldn't get local_endpoint: " << its_error.message(); } } } std::size_t tcp_client_endpoint_impl::write_completion_condition( const boost::system::error_code& _error, std::size_t _bytes_transferred, std::size_t _bytes_to_send, service_t _service, method_t _method, client_t _client, session_t _session, const std::chrono::steady_clock::time_point _start) { if (_error) { VSOMEIP_ERROR << "tce::write_completion_condition: " << _error.message() << "(" << std::dec << _error.value() << ") bytes transferred: " << std::dec << _bytes_transferred << " bytes to sent: " << std::dec << _bytes_to_send << " " << "remote:" << get_address_port_remote() << " (" << std::hex << std::setw(4) << std::setfill('0') << _client <<"): [" << std::hex << std::setw(4) << std::setfill('0') << _service << "." << std::hex << std::setw(4) << std::setfill('0') << _method << "." << std::hex << std::setw(4) << std::setfill('0') << _session << "]"; return 0; } const std::chrono::steady_clock::time_point now = std::chrono::steady_clock::now(); const std::chrono::milliseconds passed = std::chrono::duration_cast(now - _start); if (passed > send_timeout_warning_) { if (passed > send_timeout_) { VSOMEIP_ERROR << "tce::write_completion_condition: " << _error.message() << "(" << std::dec << _error.value() << ") took longer than " << std::dec << send_timeout_.count() << "ms bytes transferred: " << std::dec << _bytes_transferred << " bytes to sent: " << std::dec << _bytes_to_send << " " << "remote:" << get_address_port_remote() << " (" << std::hex << std::setw(4) << std::setfill('0') << _client <<"): [" << std::hex << std::setw(4) << std::setfill('0') << _service << "." << std::hex << std::setw(4) << std::setfill('0') << _method << "." << std::hex << std::setw(4) << std::setfill('0') << _session << "]"; } else { VSOMEIP_WARNING << "tce::write_completion_condition: " << _error.message() << "(" << std::dec << _error.value() << ") took longer than " << std::dec << send_timeout_warning_.count() << "ms bytes transferred: " << std::dec << _bytes_transferred << " bytes to sent: " << std::dec << _bytes_to_send << " " << "remote:" << get_address_port_remote() << " (" << std::hex << std::setw(4) << std::setfill('0') << _client <<"): [" << std::hex << std::setw(4) << std::setfill('0') << _service << "." << std::hex << std::setw(4) << std::setfill('0') << _method << "." << std::hex << std::setw(4) << std::setfill('0') << _session << "]"; } } return _bytes_to_send - _bytes_transferred; } std::uint16_t tcp_client_endpoint_impl::get_remote_port() const { return remote_port_; } bool tcp_client_endpoint_impl::is_reliable() const { return true; } bool tcp_client_endpoint_impl::is_magic_cookie(const message_buffer_ptr_t& _recv_buffer, size_t _offset) const { return (0 == std::memcmp(SERVICE_COOKIE, &(*_recv_buffer)[_offset], sizeof(SERVICE_COOKIE))); } void tcp_client_endpoint_impl::send_magic_cookie(message_buffer_ptr_t &_buffer) { if (max_message_size_ == MESSAGE_SIZE_UNLIMITED || max_message_size_ - _buffer->size() >= VSOMEIP_SOMEIP_HEADER_SIZE + VSOMEIP_SOMEIP_MAGIC_COOKIE_SIZE) { _buffer->insert( _buffer->begin(), CLIENT_COOKIE, CLIENT_COOKIE + sizeof(CLIENT_COOKIE) ); queue_size_ += sizeof(CLIENT_COOKIE); } else { VSOMEIP_WARNING << "Packet full. Cannot insert magic cookie!"; } } void tcp_client_endpoint_impl::receive_cbk( boost::system::error_code const &_error, std::size_t _bytes, const message_buffer_ptr_t& _recv_buffer, std::size_t _recv_buffer_size) { if (_error == boost::asio::error::operation_aborted) { // endpoint was stopped return; } #if 0 std::stringstream msg; msg << "cei::rcb (" << _error.message() << "): "; for (std::size_t i = 0; i < _bytes + _recv_buffer_size; ++i) msg << std::hex << std::setw(2) << std::setfill('0') << (int) (_recv_buffer)[i] << " "; VSOMEIP_INFO << msg.str(); #endif std::unique_lock its_lock(socket_mutex_); std::shared_ptr its_host = routing_host_.lock(); if (its_host) { std::uint32_t its_missing_capacity(0); if (!_error && 0 < _bytes) { if (_recv_buffer_size + _bytes > _recv_buffer->size()) { VSOMEIP_ERROR << "receive buffer overflow in tcp client endpoint ~> abort!"; return; } _recv_buffer_size += _bytes; size_t its_iteration_gap = 0; bool has_full_message(false); do { uint64_t read_message_size = utility::get_message_size(&(*_recv_buffer)[its_iteration_gap], _recv_buffer_size); if (read_message_size > MESSAGE_SIZE_UNLIMITED) { VSOMEIP_ERROR << "Message size exceeds allowed maximum!"; return; } uint32_t current_message_size = static_cast(read_message_size); has_full_message = (current_message_size > VSOMEIP_RETURN_CODE_POS && current_message_size <= _recv_buffer_size); if (has_full_message) { bool needs_forwarding(true); if (is_magic_cookie(_recv_buffer, its_iteration_gap)) { has_enabled_magic_cookies_ = true; } else { if (has_enabled_magic_cookies_) { uint32_t its_offset = find_magic_cookie(&(*_recv_buffer)[its_iteration_gap], (uint32_t) _recv_buffer_size); if (its_offset < current_message_size) { VSOMEIP_ERROR << "Message includes Magic Cookie. Ignoring it."; current_message_size = its_offset; needs_forwarding = false; } } } if (needs_forwarding) { if (!has_enabled_magic_cookies_) { its_host->on_message(&(*_recv_buffer)[its_iteration_gap], current_message_size, this, false, VSOMEIP_ROUTING_CLIENT, nullptr, remote_address_, remote_port_); } else { // Only call on_message without a magic cookie in front of the buffer! if (!is_magic_cookie(_recv_buffer, its_iteration_gap)) { its_host->on_message(&(*_recv_buffer)[its_iteration_gap], current_message_size, this, false, VSOMEIP_ROUTING_CLIENT, nullptr, remote_address_, remote_port_); } } } calculate_shrink_count(_recv_buffer, _recv_buffer_size); _recv_buffer_size -= current_message_size; its_iteration_gap += current_message_size; its_missing_capacity = 0; } else if (has_enabled_magic_cookies_ && _recv_buffer_size > 0) { const uint32_t its_offset = find_magic_cookie( &(*_recv_buffer)[its_iteration_gap], _recv_buffer_size); if (its_offset < _recv_buffer_size) { _recv_buffer_size -= its_offset; its_iteration_gap += its_offset; has_full_message = true; // trigger next loop VSOMEIP_ERROR << "Detected Magic Cookie within message data." << " Resyncing. local: " << get_address_port_local() << " remote: " << get_address_port_remote(); } } if (!has_full_message) { if (_recv_buffer_size > VSOMEIP_RETURN_CODE_POS && ((*recv_buffer_)[its_iteration_gap + VSOMEIP_PROTOCOL_VERSION_POS] != VSOMEIP_PROTOCOL_VERSION || !utility::is_valid_message_type(static_cast((*recv_buffer_)[its_iteration_gap + VSOMEIP_MESSAGE_TYPE_POS])) || !utility::is_valid_return_code(static_cast((*recv_buffer_)[its_iteration_gap + VSOMEIP_RETURN_CODE_POS])) )) { if ((*recv_buffer_)[its_iteration_gap + VSOMEIP_PROTOCOL_VERSION_POS] != VSOMEIP_PROTOCOL_VERSION) { VSOMEIP_ERROR << "tce: Wrong protocol version: 0x" << std::hex << std::setw(2) << std::setfill('0') << std::uint32_t((*recv_buffer_)[its_iteration_gap + VSOMEIP_PROTOCOL_VERSION_POS]) << " local: " << get_address_port_local() << " remote: " << get_address_port_remote(); // ensure to send back a message w/ wrong protocol version its_lock.unlock(); its_host->on_message(&(*_recv_buffer)[its_iteration_gap], VSOMEIP_SOMEIP_HEADER_SIZE + 8, this, false, VSOMEIP_ROUTING_CLIENT, nullptr, remote_address_, remote_port_); its_lock.lock(); } else if (!utility::is_valid_message_type(static_cast( (*recv_buffer_)[its_iteration_gap + VSOMEIP_MESSAGE_TYPE_POS]))) { VSOMEIP_ERROR << "tce: Invalid message type: 0x" << std::hex << std::setw(2) << std::setfill('0') << std::uint32_t((*recv_buffer_)[its_iteration_gap + VSOMEIP_MESSAGE_TYPE_POS]) << " local: " << get_address_port_local() << " remote: " << get_address_port_remote(); } else if (!utility::is_valid_return_code(static_cast( (*recv_buffer_)[its_iteration_gap + VSOMEIP_RETURN_CODE_POS]))) { VSOMEIP_ERROR << "tce: Invalid return code: 0x" << std::hex << std::setw(2) << std::setfill('0') << std::uint32_t((*recv_buffer_)[its_iteration_gap + VSOMEIP_RETURN_CODE_POS]) << " local: " << get_address_port_local() << " remote: " << get_address_port_remote(); } state_ = cei_state_e::CONNECTING; shutdown_and_close_socket_unlocked(false); its_lock.unlock(); // wait_until_sent interprets "no error" as timeout. // Therefore call it with an error. wait_until_sent(boost::asio::error::operation_aborted); return; } else if (max_message_size_ != MESSAGE_SIZE_UNLIMITED && current_message_size > max_message_size_) { _recv_buffer_size = 0; _recv_buffer->resize(recv_buffer_size_initial_, 0x0); _recv_buffer->shrink_to_fit(); if (has_enabled_magic_cookies_) { VSOMEIP_ERROR << "Received a TCP message which exceeds " << "maximum message size (" << std::dec << current_message_size << "). Magic Cookies are enabled: " << "Resetting receiver. local: " << get_address_port_local() << " remote: " << get_address_port_remote(); } else { VSOMEIP_ERROR << "Received a TCP message which exceeds " << "maximum message size (" << std::dec << current_message_size << ") Magic cookies are disabled, " << "Restarting connection. " << "local: " << get_address_port_local() << " remote: " << get_address_port_remote(); state_ = cei_state_e::CONNECTING; shutdown_and_close_socket_unlocked(false); its_lock.unlock(); // wait_until_sent interprets "no error" as timeout. // Therefore call it with an error. wait_until_sent(boost::asio::error::operation_aborted); return; } } else if (current_message_size > _recv_buffer_size) { its_missing_capacity = current_message_size - static_cast(_recv_buffer_size); } else if (VSOMEIP_SOMEIP_HEADER_SIZE > _recv_buffer_size) { its_missing_capacity = VSOMEIP_SOMEIP_HEADER_SIZE - static_cast(_recv_buffer_size); } else if (has_enabled_magic_cookies_ && _recv_buffer_size > 0) { // no need to check for magic cookie here again: has_full_message // would have been set to true if there was one present in the data _recv_buffer_size = 0; _recv_buffer->resize(recv_buffer_size_initial_, 0x0); _recv_buffer->shrink_to_fit(); its_missing_capacity = 0; VSOMEIP_ERROR << "tce::c<" << this << ">rcb: recv_buffer_capacity: " << _recv_buffer->capacity() << " local: " << get_address_port_local() << " remote: " << get_address_port_remote() << ". Didn't find magic cookie in broken data, trying to resync."; } else { VSOMEIP_ERROR << "tce::c<" << this << ">rcb: recv_buffer_size is: " << std::dec << _recv_buffer_size << " but couldn't read " "out message_size. recv_buffer_capacity: " << _recv_buffer->capacity() << " its_iteration_gap: " << its_iteration_gap << " local: " << get_address_port_local() << " remote: " << get_address_port_remote() << ". Restarting connection due to missing/broken data TCP stream."; state_ = cei_state_e::CONNECTING; shutdown_and_close_socket_unlocked(false); its_lock.unlock(); // wait_until_sent interprets "no error" as timeout. // Therefore call it with an error. wait_until_sent(boost::asio::error::operation_aborted); return; } } } while (has_full_message && _recv_buffer_size); if (its_iteration_gap) { // Copy incomplete message to front for next receive_cbk iteration for (size_t i = 0; i < _recv_buffer_size; ++i) { (*_recv_buffer)[i] = (*_recv_buffer)[i + its_iteration_gap]; } // Still more capacity needed after shifting everything to front? if (its_missing_capacity && its_missing_capacity <= _recv_buffer->capacity() - _recv_buffer_size) { its_missing_capacity = 0; } } its_lock.unlock(); auto self = std::dynamic_pointer_cast< tcp_client_endpoint_impl >(shared_from_this()); strand_.dispatch([self, &_recv_buffer, _recv_buffer_size, its_missing_capacity](){ self->receive(_recv_buffer, _recv_buffer_size, its_missing_capacity); }); } else { VSOMEIP_WARNING << "tcp_client_endpoint receive_cbk: " << _error.message() << "(" << std::dec << _error.value() << ") local: " << get_address_port_local() << " remote: " << get_address_port_remote(); if (_error == boost::asio::error::eof || _error == boost::asio::error::timed_out || _error == boost::asio::error::bad_descriptor || _error == boost::asio::error::connection_reset) { if (state_ == cei_state_e::CONNECTING) { VSOMEIP_WARNING << "tcp_client_endpoint receive_cbk already" " restarting" << get_remote_information(); } else { VSOMEIP_WARNING << "tcp_client_endpoint receive_cbk restarting."; state_ = cei_state_e::CONNECTING; shutdown_and_close_socket_unlocked(false); its_lock.unlock(); // wait_until_sent interprets "no error" as timeout. // Therefore call it with an error. wait_until_sent(boost::asio::error::operation_aborted); } } else { its_lock.unlock(); auto self = std::dynamic_pointer_cast< tcp_client_endpoint_impl >(shared_from_this()); strand_.dispatch([self, &_recv_buffer, _recv_buffer_size, its_missing_capacity](){ self->receive(_recv_buffer, _recv_buffer_size, its_missing_capacity); }); } } } } void tcp_client_endpoint_impl::calculate_shrink_count(const message_buffer_ptr_t& _recv_buffer, std::size_t _recv_buffer_size) { if (buffer_shrink_threshold_) { if (_recv_buffer->capacity() != recv_buffer_size_initial_) { if (_recv_buffer_size < (_recv_buffer->capacity() >> 1)) { shrink_count_++; } else { shrink_count_ = 0; } } } } std::string tcp_client_endpoint_impl::get_address_port_remote() const { std::string its_address_port; its_address_port.reserve(21); boost::asio::ip::address its_address; if (get_remote_address(its_address)) { its_address_port += its_address.to_string(); } its_address_port += ":"; its_address_port += std::to_string(remote_port_); return its_address_port; } std::string tcp_client_endpoint_impl::get_address_port_local() const { std::string its_address_port; its_address_port.reserve(21); boost::system::error_code ec; if (socket_->is_open()) { endpoint_type its_local_endpoint = socket_->local_endpoint(ec); if (!ec) { its_address_port += its_local_endpoint.address().to_string(ec); its_address_port += ":"; its_address_port.append(std::to_string(its_local_endpoint.port())); } } return its_address_port; } void tcp_client_endpoint_impl::handle_recv_buffer_exception( const std::exception &_e, const message_buffer_ptr_t& _recv_buffer, std::size_t _recv_buffer_size) { std::stringstream its_message; its_message <<"tcp_client_endpoint_impl::connection catched exception" << _e.what() << " local: " << get_address_port_local() << " remote: " << get_address_port_remote() << " shutting down connection. Start of buffer: "; for (std::size_t i = 0; i < _recv_buffer_size && i < 16; i++) { its_message << std::setw(2) << std::setfill('0') << std::hex << (int) ((*_recv_buffer)[i]) << " "; } its_message << " Last 16 Bytes captured: "; for (int i = 15; _recv_buffer_size > 15 && i >= 0; i--) { its_message << std::setw(2) << std::setfill('0') << std::hex << (int) ((*_recv_buffer)[static_cast(i)]) << " "; } VSOMEIP_ERROR << its_message.str(); _recv_buffer->clear(); { std::lock_guard its_lock(mutex_); sending_blocked_ = true; } { std::lock_guard its_lock(connect_timer_mutex_); boost::system::error_code ec; connect_timer_.cancel(ec); } if (socket_->is_open()) { boost::system::error_code its_error; socket_->shutdown(socket_type::shutdown_both, its_error); socket_->close(its_error); } } void tcp_client_endpoint_impl::print_status() { std::size_t its_data_size(0); std::size_t its_queue_size(0); std::size_t its_receive_buffer_capacity(0); { std::lock_guard its_lock(mutex_); its_queue_size = queue_.size(); its_data_size = queue_size_; } std::string local; { std::lock_guard its_lock(socket_mutex_); local = get_address_port_local(); its_receive_buffer_capacity = recv_buffer_->capacity(); } VSOMEIP_INFO << "status tce: " << local << " -> " << get_address_port_remote() << " queue: " << std::dec << its_queue_size << " data: " << std::dec << its_data_size << " recv_buffer: " << std::dec << its_receive_buffer_capacity; } std::string tcp_client_endpoint_impl::get_remote_information() const { boost::system::error_code ec; return remote_.address().to_string(ec) + ":" + std::to_string(remote_.port()); } void tcp_client_endpoint_impl::send_cbk(boost::system::error_code const &_error, std::size_t _bytes, const message_buffer_ptr_t& _sent_msg) { (void)_bytes; { // Signal that the current send operation has finished. // Note: Waiting is always done after having closed the socket. // Therefore, no new send operation will be scheduled. std::lock_guard its_sent_lock(sent_mutex_); is_sending_ = false; boost::system::error_code ec; sent_timer_.cancel(ec); } if (!_error) { std::lock_guard its_lock(mutex_); if (queue_.size() > 0) { queue_size_ -= queue_.front().first->size(); queue_.pop_front(); update_last_departure(); auto its_entry = get_front(); if (its_entry.first) { auto self = std::dynamic_pointer_cast< tcp_client_endpoint_impl >(shared_from_this()); strand_.dispatch( [self, &its_entry]() { self->send_queued(its_entry);} ); } } } else if (_error == boost::system::errc::destination_address_required) { VSOMEIP_WARNING << "tce::send_cbk received error: " << _error.message() << " (" << std::dec << _error.value() << ") " << get_remote_information(); was_not_connected_ = true; } else if (_error == boost::asio::error::operation_aborted) { // endpoint was stopped shutdown_and_close_socket(false); } else { if (state_ == cei_state_e::CONNECTING) { VSOMEIP_WARNING << "tce::send_cbk endpoint is already restarting:" << get_remote_information(); } else { state_ = cei_state_e::CONNECTING; shutdown_and_close_socket(false); std::shared_ptr its_host = endpoint_host_.lock(); if (its_host) { its_host->on_disconnect(shared_from_this()); } restart(true); } service_t its_service(0); method_t its_method(0); client_t its_client(0); session_t its_session(0); if (_sent_msg && _sent_msg->size() > VSOMEIP_SESSION_POS_MAX) { its_service = VSOMEIP_BYTES_TO_WORD( (*_sent_msg)[VSOMEIP_SERVICE_POS_MIN], (*_sent_msg)[VSOMEIP_SERVICE_POS_MAX]); its_method = VSOMEIP_BYTES_TO_WORD( (*_sent_msg)[VSOMEIP_METHOD_POS_MIN], (*_sent_msg)[VSOMEIP_METHOD_POS_MAX]); its_client = VSOMEIP_BYTES_TO_WORD( (*_sent_msg)[VSOMEIP_CLIENT_POS_MIN], (*_sent_msg)[VSOMEIP_CLIENT_POS_MAX]); its_session = VSOMEIP_BYTES_TO_WORD( (*_sent_msg)[VSOMEIP_SESSION_POS_MIN], (*_sent_msg)[VSOMEIP_SESSION_POS_MAX]); } VSOMEIP_WARNING << "tce::send_cbk received error: " << _error.message() << " (" << std::dec << _error.value() << ") " << get_remote_information() << " " << std::dec << queue_.size() << " " << std::dec << queue_size_ << " (" << std::hex << std::setw(4) << std::setfill('0') << its_client <<"): [" << std::hex << std::setw(4) << std::setfill('0') << its_service << "." << std::hex << std::setw(4) << std::setfill('0') << its_method << "." << std::hex << std::setw(4) << std::setfill('0') << its_session << "]"; } } bool tcp_client_endpoint_impl::tp_segmentation_enabled(service_t _service, method_t _method) const { (void)_service; (void)_method; return false; } std::uint32_t tcp_client_endpoint_impl::get_max_allowed_reconnects() const { return MAX_RECONNECTS_UNLIMITED; } void tcp_client_endpoint_impl::max_allowed_reconnects_reached() { return; } void tcp_client_endpoint_impl::wait_until_sent(const boost::system::error_code &_error) { std::unique_lock its_sent_lock(sent_mutex_); if (!is_sending_ || !_error) { its_sent_lock.unlock(); if (!_error) VSOMEIP_WARNING << __func__ << ": Maximum wait time for send operation exceeded for tce."; std::shared_ptr its_ep_host = endpoint_host_.lock(); its_ep_host->on_disconnect(shared_from_this()); restart(true); } else { std::chrono::milliseconds its_timeout(VSOMEIP_MAX_TCP_SENT_WAIT_TIME); boost::system::error_code ec; sent_timer_.expires_from_now(its_timeout, ec); sent_timer_.async_wait(std::bind(&tcp_client_endpoint_impl::wait_until_sent, std::dynamic_pointer_cast(shared_from_this()), std::placeholders::_1)); } } } // namespace vsomeip_v3