/* * GF-Complete: A Comprehensive Open Source Library for Galois Field Arithmetic * James S. Plank, Ethan L. Miller, Kevin M. Greenan, * Benjamin A. Arnold, John A. Burnum, Adam W. Disney, Allen C. McBride. * * gf_wgen.c * * Routines for Galois fields for general w < 32. For specific w, like 4, 8, 16, 32, 64 and 128, see the other files. */ #include "gf_int.h" #include #include struct gf_wgen_table_w8_data { uint8_t *mult; uint8_t *div; uint8_t base; }; struct gf_wgen_table_w16_data { uint16_t *mult; uint16_t *div; uint16_t base; }; struct gf_wgen_log_w8_data { uint8_t *log; uint8_t *anti; uint8_t *danti; uint8_t base; }; struct gf_wgen_log_w16_data { uint16_t *log; uint16_t *anti; uint16_t *danti; uint16_t base; }; struct gf_wgen_log_w32_data { uint32_t *log; uint32_t *anti; uint32_t *danti; uint32_t base; }; struct gf_wgen_group_data { uint32_t *reduce; uint32_t *shift; uint32_t mask; uint64_t rmask; int tshift; uint32_t memory; }; static inline gf_val_32_t gf_wgen_inverse_from_divide (gf_t *gf, gf_val_32_t a) { return gf->divide.w32(gf, 1, a); } static inline gf_val_32_t gf_wgen_divide_from_inverse (gf_t *gf, gf_val_32_t a, gf_val_32_t b) { b = gf->inverse.w32(gf, b); return gf->multiply.w32(gf, a, b); } static inline gf_val_32_t gf_wgen_euclid (gf_t *gf, gf_val_32_t b) { gf_val_32_t e_i, e_im1, e_ip1; gf_val_32_t d_i, d_im1, d_ip1; gf_val_32_t y_i, y_im1, y_ip1; gf_val_32_t c_i; if (b == 0) return -1; e_im1 = ((gf_internal_t *) (gf->scratch))->prim_poly; e_i = b; d_im1 = ((gf_internal_t *) (gf->scratch))->w; for (d_i = d_im1; ((1 << d_i) & e_i) == 0; d_i--) ; y_i = 1; y_im1 = 0; while (e_i != 1) { e_ip1 = e_im1; d_ip1 = d_im1; c_i = 0; while (d_ip1 >= d_i) { c_i ^= (1 << (d_ip1 - d_i)); e_ip1 ^= (e_i << (d_ip1 - d_i)); if (e_ip1 == 0) return 0; while ((e_ip1 & (1 << d_ip1)) == 0) d_ip1--; } y_ip1 = y_im1 ^ gf->multiply.w32(gf, c_i, y_i); y_im1 = y_i; y_i = y_ip1; e_im1 = e_i; d_im1 = d_i; e_i = e_ip1; d_i = d_ip1; } return y_i; } gf_val_32_t gf_wgen_extract_word(gf_t *gf, void *start, int bytes, int index) { uint8_t *ptr; uint32_t rv; int rs; int byte, bit, i; gf_internal_t *h; h = (gf_internal_t *) gf->scratch; rs = bytes / h->w; byte = index/8; bit = index%8; ptr = (uint8_t *) start; ptr += bytes; ptr -= rs; ptr += byte; rv = 0; for (i = 0; i < h->w; i++) { rv <<= 1; if ((*ptr) & (1 << bit)) rv |= 1; ptr -= rs; } return rv; } static inline gf_val_32_t gf_wgen_matrix (gf_t *gf, gf_val_32_t b) { return gf_bitmatrix_inverse(b, ((gf_internal_t *) (gf->scratch))->w, ((gf_internal_t *) (gf->scratch))->prim_poly); } static inline uint32_t gf_wgen_shift_multiply (gf_t *gf, uint32_t a32, uint32_t b32) { uint64_t product, i, pp, a, b, one; gf_internal_t *h; a = a32; b = b32; h = (gf_internal_t *) gf->scratch; one = 1; pp = h->prim_poly | (one << h->w); product = 0; for (i = 0; i < h->w; i++) { if (a & (one << i)) product ^= (b << i); } for (i = h->w*2-1; i >= h->w; i--) { if (product & (one << i)) product ^= (pp << (i-h->w)); } return product; } static int gf_wgen_shift_init(gf_t *gf) { gf->multiply.w32 = gf_wgen_shift_multiply; gf->inverse.w32 = gf_wgen_euclid; return 1; } static gf_val_32_t gf_wgen_bytwo_b_multiply (gf_t *gf, gf_val_32_t a, gf_val_32_t b) { uint32_t prod, pp, bmask; gf_internal_t *h; h = (gf_internal_t *) gf->scratch; pp = h->prim_poly; prod = 0; bmask = (1 << (h->w-1)); while (1) { if (a & 1) prod ^= b; a >>= 1; if (a == 0) return prod; if (b & bmask) { b = ((b << 1) ^ pp); } else { b <<= 1; } } } static int gf_wgen_bytwo_b_init(gf_t *gf) { gf->multiply.w32 = gf_wgen_bytwo_b_multiply; gf->inverse.w32 = gf_wgen_euclid; return 1; } static inline gf_val_32_t gf_wgen_bytwo_p_multiply (gf_t *gf, gf_val_32_t a, gf_val_32_t b) { uint32_t prod, pp, pmask, amask; gf_internal_t *h; h = (gf_internal_t *) gf->scratch; pp = h->prim_poly; prod = 0; pmask = (1 << ((h->w)-1)); /*Ben: Had an operator precedence warning here*/ amask = pmask; while (amask != 0) { if (prod & pmask) { prod = ((prod << 1) ^ pp); } else { prod <<= 1; } if (a & amask) prod ^= b; amask >>= 1; } return prod; } static int gf_wgen_bytwo_p_init(gf_t *gf) { gf->multiply.w32 = gf_wgen_bytwo_p_multiply; gf->inverse.w32 = gf_wgen_euclid; return 1; } static void gf_wgen_group_set_shift_tables(uint32_t *shift, uint32_t val, gf_internal_t *h) { int i; uint32_t j; int g_s; if (h->mult_type == GF_MULT_DEFAULT) { g_s = 2; } else { g_s = h->arg1; } shift[0] = 0; for (i = 1; i < (1 << g_s); i <<= 1) { for (j = 0; j < i; j++) shift[i|j] = shift[j]^val; if (val & (1 << (h->w-1))) { val <<= 1; val ^= h->prim_poly; } else { val <<= 1; } } } static inline gf_val_32_t gf_wgen_group_s_equals_r_multiply(gf_t *gf, gf_val_32_t a, gf_val_32_t b) { int leftover, rs; uint32_t p, l, ind, a32; int bits_left; int g_s; int w; struct gf_wgen_group_data *gd; gf_internal_t *h = (gf_internal_t *) gf->scratch; g_s = h->arg1; w = h->w; gd = (struct gf_wgen_group_data *) h->private; gf_wgen_group_set_shift_tables(gd->shift, b, h); leftover = w % g_s; if (leftover == 0) leftover = g_s; rs = w - leftover; a32 = a; ind = a32 >> rs; a32 <<= leftover; a32 &= gd->mask; p = gd->shift[ind]; bits_left = rs; rs = w - g_s; while (bits_left > 0) { bits_left -= g_s; ind = a32 >> rs; a32 <<= g_s; a32 &= gd->mask; l = p >> rs; p = (gd->shift[ind] ^ gd->reduce[l] ^ (p << g_s)) & gd->mask; } return p; } char *bits(uint32_t v) { char *rv; int i, j; rv = malloc(30); j = 0; for (i = 27; i >= 0; i--) { rv[j] = '0' + ((v & (1 << i)) ? 1 : 0); j++; } rv[j] = '\0'; return rv; } char *bits_56(uint64_t v) { char *rv; int i, j; uint64_t one; one = 1; rv = malloc(60); j = 0; for (i = 55; i >= 0; i--) { rv[j] = '0' + ((v & (one << i)) ? 1 : 0); j++; } rv[j] = '\0'; return rv; } static inline gf_val_32_t gf_wgen_group_multiply(gf_t *gf, gf_val_32_t a, gf_val_32_t b) { int i; int leftover; uint64_t p, l, r; uint32_t a32, ind; int g_s, g_r; struct gf_wgen_group_data *gd; int w; gf_internal_t *h = (gf_internal_t *) gf->scratch; if (h->mult_type == GF_MULT_DEFAULT) { g_s = 2; g_r = 8; } else { g_s = h->arg1; g_r = h->arg2; } w = h->w; gd = (struct gf_wgen_group_data *) h->private; gf_wgen_group_set_shift_tables(gd->shift, b, h); leftover = w % g_s; if (leftover == 0) leftover = g_s; a32 = a; ind = a32 >> (w - leftover); p = gd->shift[ind]; p <<= g_s; a32 <<= leftover; a32 &= gd->mask; i = (w - leftover); while (i > g_s) { ind = a32 >> (w-g_s); p ^= gd->shift[ind]; a32 <<= g_s; a32 &= gd->mask; p <<= g_s; i -= g_s; } ind = a32 >> (h->w-g_s); p ^= gd->shift[ind]; for (i = gd->tshift ; i >= 0; i -= g_r) { l = p & (gd->rmask << i); r = gd->reduce[l >> (i+w)]; r <<= (i); p ^= r; } return p & gd->mask; } static int gf_wgen_group_init(gf_t *gf) { uint32_t i, j, p, index; struct gf_wgen_group_data *gd; gf_internal_t *h = (gf_internal_t *) gf->scratch; int g_s, g_r; if (h->mult_type == GF_MULT_DEFAULT) { g_s = 2; g_r = 8; } else { g_s = h->arg1; g_r = h->arg2; } gd = (struct gf_wgen_group_data *) h->private; gd->shift = &(gd->memory); gd->reduce = gd->shift + (1 << g_s); gd->mask = (h->w != 31) ? ((1 << h->w)-1) : 0x7fffffff; gd->rmask = (1 << g_r) - 1; gd->rmask <<= h->w; gd->tshift = h->w % g_s; if (gd->tshift == 0) gd->tshift = g_s; gd->tshift = (h->w - gd->tshift); gd->tshift = ((gd->tshift-1)/g_r) * g_r; gd->reduce[0] = 0; for (i = 0; i < (1 << g_r); i++) { p = 0; index = 0; for (j = 0; j < g_r; j++) { if (i & (1 << j)) { p ^= (h->prim_poly << j); index ^= (h->prim_poly >> (h->w-j)); } } gd->reduce[index] = (p & gd->mask); } if (g_s == g_r) { gf->multiply.w32 = gf_wgen_group_s_equals_r_multiply; } else { gf->multiply.w32 = gf_wgen_group_multiply; } gf->divide.w32 = NULL; gf->divide.w32 = NULL; return 1; } static gf_val_32_t gf_wgen_table_8_multiply(gf_t *gf, gf_val_32_t a, gf_val_32_t b) { gf_internal_t *h; struct gf_wgen_table_w8_data *std; h = (gf_internal_t *) gf->scratch; std = (struct gf_wgen_table_w8_data *) h->private; return (std->mult[(a<w)+b]); } static gf_val_32_t gf_wgen_table_8_divide(gf_t *gf, gf_val_32_t a, gf_val_32_t b) { gf_internal_t *h; struct gf_wgen_table_w8_data *std; h = (gf_internal_t *) gf->scratch; std = (struct gf_wgen_table_w8_data *) h->private; return (std->div[(a<w)+b]); } static int gf_wgen_table_8_init(gf_t *gf) { gf_internal_t *h; int w; struct gf_wgen_table_w8_data *std; uint32_t a, b, p; h = (gf_internal_t *) gf->scratch; w = h->w; std = (struct gf_wgen_table_w8_data *) h->private; std->mult = &(std->base); std->div = std->mult + ((1<w)*(1<w)); for (a = 0; a < (1 << w); a++) { std->mult[a] = 0; std->mult[a<div[a] = 0; std->div[a<mult[(a<div[(p<multiply.w32 = gf_wgen_table_8_multiply; gf->divide.w32 = gf_wgen_table_8_divide; return 1; } static gf_val_32_t gf_wgen_table_16_multiply(gf_t *gf, gf_val_32_t a, gf_val_32_t b) { gf_internal_t *h; struct gf_wgen_table_w16_data *std; h = (gf_internal_t *) gf->scratch; std = (struct gf_wgen_table_w16_data *) h->private; return (std->mult[(a<w)+b]); } static gf_val_32_t gf_wgen_table_16_divide(gf_t *gf, gf_val_32_t a, gf_val_32_t b) { gf_internal_t *h; struct gf_wgen_table_w16_data *std; h = (gf_internal_t *) gf->scratch; std = (struct gf_wgen_table_w16_data *) h->private; return (std->div[(a<w)+b]); } static int gf_wgen_table_16_init(gf_t *gf) { gf_internal_t *h; int w; struct gf_wgen_table_w16_data *std; uint32_t a, b, p; h = (gf_internal_t *) gf->scratch; w = h->w; std = (struct gf_wgen_table_w16_data *) h->private; std->mult = &(std->base); std->div = std->mult + ((1<w)*(1<w)); for (a = 0; a < (1 << w); a++) { std->mult[a] = 0; std->mult[a<div[a] = 0; std->div[a<mult[(a<div[(p<multiply.w32 = gf_wgen_table_16_multiply; gf->divide.w32 = gf_wgen_table_16_divide; return 1; } static int gf_wgen_table_init(gf_t *gf) { gf_internal_t *h; h = (gf_internal_t *) gf->scratch; if (h->w <= 8) return gf_wgen_table_8_init(gf); if (h->w <= 14) return gf_wgen_table_16_init(gf); /* Returning zero to make the compiler happy, but this won't get executed, because it is tested in _scratch_space. */ return 0; } static gf_val_32_t gf_wgen_log_8_multiply(gf_t *gf, gf_val_32_t a, gf_val_32_t b) { gf_internal_t *h; struct gf_wgen_log_w8_data *std; h = (gf_internal_t *) gf->scratch; std = (struct gf_wgen_log_w8_data *) h->private; if (a == 0 || b == 0) return 0; return (std->anti[std->log[a]+std->log[b]]); } static gf_val_32_t gf_wgen_log_8_divide(gf_t *gf, gf_val_32_t a, gf_val_32_t b) { gf_internal_t *h; struct gf_wgen_log_w8_data *std; int index; h = (gf_internal_t *) gf->scratch; std = (struct gf_wgen_log_w8_data *) h->private; if (a == 0 || b == 0) return 0; index = std->log[a]; index -= std->log[b]; return (std->danti[index]); } static int gf_wgen_log_8_init(gf_t *gf) { gf_internal_t *h; struct gf_wgen_log_w8_data *std; int w; uint32_t a, i; int check = 0; h = (gf_internal_t *) gf->scratch; w = h->w; std = (struct gf_wgen_log_w8_data *) h->private; std->log = &(std->base); std->anti = std->log + (1<w); std->danti = std->anti + (1<w)-1; for (i = 0; i < (1 << w); i++) std->log[i] = 0; a = 1; for(i=0; i < (1<log[a] != 0) check = 1; std->log[a] = i; std->anti[i] = a; std->danti[i] = a; a <<= 1; if(a & (1<prim_poly; //a &= ((1 << w)-1); } if (check != 0) { _gf_errno = GF_E_LOGPOLY; return 0; } gf->multiply.w32 = gf_wgen_log_8_multiply; gf->divide.w32 = gf_wgen_log_8_divide; return 1; } static gf_val_32_t gf_wgen_log_16_multiply(gf_t *gf, gf_val_32_t a, gf_val_32_t b) { gf_internal_t *h; struct gf_wgen_log_w16_data *std; h = (gf_internal_t *) gf->scratch; std = (struct gf_wgen_log_w16_data *) h->private; if (a == 0 || b == 0) return 0; return (std->anti[std->log[a]+std->log[b]]); } static gf_val_32_t gf_wgen_log_16_divide(gf_t *gf, gf_val_32_t a, gf_val_32_t b) { gf_internal_t *h; struct gf_wgen_log_w16_data *std; int index; h = (gf_internal_t *) gf->scratch; std = (struct gf_wgen_log_w16_data *) h->private; if (a == 0 || b == 0) return 0; index = std->log[a]; index -= std->log[b]; return (std->danti[index]); } static int gf_wgen_log_16_init(gf_t *gf) { gf_internal_t *h; struct gf_wgen_log_w16_data *std; int w; uint32_t a, i; int check = 0; h = (gf_internal_t *) gf->scratch; w = h->w; std = (struct gf_wgen_log_w16_data *) h->private; std->log = &(std->base); std->anti = std->log + (1<w); std->danti = std->anti + (1<w)-1; for (i = 0; i < (1 << w); i++) std->log[i] = 0; a = 1; for(i=0; i < (1<log[a] != 0) check = 1; std->log[a] = i; std->anti[i] = a; std->danti[i] = a; a <<= 1; if(a & (1<prim_poly; //a &= ((1 << w)-1); } if (check) { if (h->mult_type != GF_MULT_LOG_TABLE) return gf_wgen_shift_init(gf); _gf_errno = GF_E_LOGPOLY; return 0; } gf->multiply.w32 = gf_wgen_log_16_multiply; gf->divide.w32 = gf_wgen_log_16_divide; return 1; } static gf_val_32_t gf_wgen_log_32_multiply(gf_t *gf, gf_val_32_t a, gf_val_32_t b) { gf_internal_t *h; struct gf_wgen_log_w32_data *std; h = (gf_internal_t *) gf->scratch; std = (struct gf_wgen_log_w32_data *) h->private; if (a == 0 || b == 0) return 0; return (std->anti[std->log[a]+std->log[b]]); } static gf_val_32_t gf_wgen_log_32_divide(gf_t *gf, gf_val_32_t a, gf_val_32_t b) { gf_internal_t *h; struct gf_wgen_log_w32_data *std; int index; h = (gf_internal_t *) gf->scratch; std = (struct gf_wgen_log_w32_data *) h->private; if (a == 0 || b == 0) return 0; index = std->log[a]; index -= std->log[b]; return (std->danti[index]); } static int gf_wgen_log_32_init(gf_t *gf) { gf_internal_t *h; struct gf_wgen_log_w32_data *std; int w; uint32_t a, i; int check = 0; h = (gf_internal_t *) gf->scratch; w = h->w; std = (struct gf_wgen_log_w32_data *) h->private; std->log = &(std->base); std->anti = std->log + (1<w); std->danti = std->anti + (1<w)-1; for (i = 0; i < (1 << w); i++) std->log[i] = 0; a = 1; for(i=0; i < (1<log[a] != 0) check = 1; std->log[a] = i; std->anti[i] = a; std->danti[i] = a; a <<= 1; if(a & (1<prim_poly; //a &= ((1 << w)-1); } if (check != 0) { _gf_errno = GF_E_LOGPOLY; return 0; } gf->multiply.w32 = gf_wgen_log_32_multiply; gf->divide.w32 = gf_wgen_log_32_divide; return 1; } static int gf_wgen_log_init(gf_t *gf) { gf_internal_t *h; h = (gf_internal_t *) gf->scratch; if (h->w <= 8) return gf_wgen_log_8_init(gf); if (h->w <= 16) return gf_wgen_log_16_init(gf); if (h->w <= 32) return gf_wgen_log_32_init(gf); /* Returning zero to make the compiler happy, but this won't get executed, because it is tested in _scratch_space. */ return 0; } int gf_wgen_scratch_size(int w, int mult_type, int region_type, int divide_type, int arg1, int arg2) { switch(mult_type) { case GF_MULT_DEFAULT: if (w <= 8) { return sizeof(gf_internal_t) + sizeof(struct gf_wgen_table_w8_data) + sizeof(uint8_t)*(1 << w)*(1<scratch; rs = bytes / (h->w); written = (xor) ? 0xffffffff : 0; for (i = 0; i < h->w; i++) { for (j = 0; j < h->w; j++) { if (val & (1 << j)) { gf_multby_one(src, ((uint8_t *)dest) + j*rs, rs, (written & (1 << j))); written |= (1 << j); } } src = (uint8_t *)src + rs; val = gf->multiply.w32(gf, val, 2); } } int gf_wgen_init(gf_t *gf) { gf_internal_t *h; h = (gf_internal_t *) gf->scratch; if (h->prim_poly == 0) { switch (h->w) { case 1: h->prim_poly = 1; break; case 2: h->prim_poly = 7; break; case 3: h->prim_poly = 013; break; case 4: h->prim_poly = 023; break; case 5: h->prim_poly = 045; break; case 6: h->prim_poly = 0103; break; case 7: h->prim_poly = 0211; break; case 8: h->prim_poly = 0435; break; case 9: h->prim_poly = 01021; break; case 10: h->prim_poly = 02011; break; case 11: h->prim_poly = 04005; break; case 12: h->prim_poly = 010123; break; case 13: h->prim_poly = 020033; break; case 14: h->prim_poly = 042103; break; case 15: h->prim_poly = 0100003; break; case 16: h->prim_poly = 0210013; break; case 17: h->prim_poly = 0400011; break; case 18: h->prim_poly = 01000201; break; case 19: h->prim_poly = 02000047; break; case 20: h->prim_poly = 04000011; break; case 21: h->prim_poly = 010000005; break; case 22: h->prim_poly = 020000003; break; case 23: h->prim_poly = 040000041; break; case 24: h->prim_poly = 0100000207; break; case 25: h->prim_poly = 0200000011; break; case 26: h->prim_poly = 0400000107; break; case 27: h->prim_poly = 01000000047; break; case 28: h->prim_poly = 02000000011; break; case 29: h->prim_poly = 04000000005; break; case 30: h->prim_poly = 010040000007; break; case 31: h->prim_poly = 020000000011; break; case 32: h->prim_poly = 00020000007; break; default: fprintf(stderr, "gf_wgen_init: w not defined yet\n"); exit(1); } } else { if (h->w == 32) { h->prim_poly &= 0xffffffff; } else { h->prim_poly |= (1 << h->w); if (h->prim_poly & ~((1ULL<<(h->w+1))-1)) return 0; } } gf->multiply.w32 = NULL; gf->divide.w32 = NULL; gf->inverse.w32 = NULL; gf->multiply_region.w32 = gf_wgen_cauchy_region; gf->extract_word.w32 = gf_wgen_extract_word; switch(h->mult_type) { case GF_MULT_DEFAULT: if (h->w <= 8) { if (gf_wgen_table_init(gf) == 0) return 0; } else if (h->w <= 16) { if (gf_wgen_log_init(gf) == 0) return 0; } else { if (gf_wgen_bytwo_p_init(gf) == 0) return 0; } break; case GF_MULT_SHIFT: if (gf_wgen_shift_init(gf) == 0) return 0; break; case GF_MULT_BYTWO_b: if (gf_wgen_bytwo_b_init(gf) == 0) return 0; break; case GF_MULT_BYTWO_p: if (gf_wgen_bytwo_p_init(gf) == 0) return 0; break; case GF_MULT_GROUP: if (gf_wgen_group_init(gf) == 0) return 0; break; case GF_MULT_TABLE: if (gf_wgen_table_init(gf) == 0) return 0; break; case GF_MULT_LOG_TABLE: if (gf_wgen_log_init(gf) == 0) return 0; break; default: return 0; } if (h->divide_type == GF_DIVIDE_EUCLID) { gf->divide.w32 = gf_wgen_divide_from_inverse; gf->inverse.w32 = gf_wgen_euclid; } else if (h->divide_type == GF_DIVIDE_MATRIX) { gf->divide.w32 = gf_wgen_divide_from_inverse; gf->inverse.w32 = gf_wgen_matrix; } if (gf->inverse.w32== NULL && gf->divide.w32 == NULL) gf->inverse.w32 = gf_wgen_euclid; if (gf->inverse.w32 != NULL && gf->divide.w32 == NULL) { gf->divide.w32 = gf_wgen_divide_from_inverse; } if (gf->inverse.w32 == NULL && gf->divide.w32 != NULL) { gf->inverse.w32 = gf_wgen_inverse_from_divide; } return 1; }