path: root/gs/base/gschar0.c
diff options
authorRalph Giles <>2008-08-29 18:46:21 +0000
committerRalph Giles <>2008-08-29 18:46:21 +0000
commit6ff2582d038f99b79178082b200bdfe73f734456 (patch)
tree6db04fc72813760fdc6912a15875ad83d57943df /gs/base/gschar0.c
parent9d36ee856e41244d3cf0469fc0004d21e6911994 (diff)
Split the source tree into two new directories.
PSSRC files are now in 'gs/psi'. GLSRC files are now in 'gs/base'. This is to facilitate build modularization and merging in the ghostpdl tree. NOTE: msvc32.mak is now in psi, not src. git-svn-id: a1074d23-0009-0410-80fe-cf8c14f379e6
Diffstat (limited to 'gs/base/gschar0.c')
1 files changed, 440 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/gs/base/gschar0.c b/gs/base/gschar0.c
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..572355446
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gs/base/gschar0.c
@@ -0,0 +1,440 @@
+/* Copyright (C) 2001-2006 Artifex Software, Inc.
+ All Rights Reserved.
+ This software is provided AS-IS with no warranty, either express or
+ implied.
+ This software is distributed under license and may not be copied, modified
+ or distributed except as expressly authorized under the terms of that
+ license. Refer to licensing information at
+ or contact Artifex Software, Inc., 7 Mt. Lassen Drive - Suite A-134,
+ San Rafael, CA 94903, U.S.A., +1(415)492-9861, for further information.
+/* $Id$ */
+/* Composite font decoding for Ghostscript library */
+#include "memory_.h"
+#include "gx.h"
+#include "gserrors.h"
+#include "gsstruct.h"
+#include "gsfcmap.h"
+#include "gxfcmap.h"
+#include "gxfixed.h"
+#include "gxdevice.h"
+#include "gxfont.h"
+#include "gxfont0.h"
+#include "gxtext.h"
+/* Stack up modal composite fonts, down to a non-modal or base font. */
+static int
+gs_stack_modal_fonts(gs_text_enum_t *pte)
+ int fdepth = pte->fstack.depth;
+ gs_font *cfont = pte->fstack.items[fdepth].font;
+ while (cfont->FontType == ft_composite) {
+ gs_font_type0 *const cmfont = (gs_font_type0 *) cfont;
+ if (!fmap_type_is_modal(cmfont->data.FMapType))
+ break;
+ if (fdepth == MAX_FONT_STACK)
+ return_error(gs_error_invalidfont);
+ fdepth++;
+ cfont = cmfont->data.FDepVector[cmfont->data.Encoding[0]];
+ pte->fstack.items[fdepth].font = cfont;
+ pte->fstack.items[fdepth].index = 0;
+ if_debug2('j', "[j]stacking depth=%d font=0x%lx\n",
+ fdepth, (ulong) cfont);
+ }
+ pte->fstack.depth = fdepth;
+ return 0;
+/* Initialize the composite font stack for a show enumerator. */
+/* Return an error if the data is not a byte string. */
+gs_type0_init_fstack(gs_text_enum_t *pte, gs_font * pfont)
+ if (!(pte->text.operation & (TEXT_FROM_STRING | TEXT_FROM_BYTES)))
+ return_error(gs_error_invalidfont);
+ if_debug1('j', "[j]stacking depth=0 font=0x%lx\n",
+ (ulong) pfont);
+ pte->fstack.depth = 0;
+ pte->fstack.items[0].font = pfont;
+ pte->fstack.items[0].index = 0;
+ return gs_stack_modal_fonts(pte);
+/* Select the appropriate descendant of a font. */
+/* Uses free variables: pte. */
+/* Uses pdata, uses & updates fdepth, sets pfont. */
+#define select_descendant(pfont, pdata, fidx, fdepth)\
+ if (fidx >= pdata->encoding_size)\
+ return_error(gs_error_rangecheck);\
+ if (fdepth == MAX_FONT_STACK)\
+ return_error(gs_error_invalidfont);\
+ pfont = pdata->FDepVector[pdata->Encoding[fidx]];\
+ if (++fdepth > orig_depth || pfont != pte->fstack.items[fdepth].font ||\
+ orig_index != fidx)\
+ pte->fstack.items[fdepth].font = pfont, changed = 1;\
+ pte->fstack.items[fdepth].index = fidx
+/* Get the root EscChar of a composite font, which overrides the EscChar */
+/* of descendant fonts. */
+static uint
+root_esc_char(const gs_text_enum_t *pte)
+ return ((gs_font_type0 *) (pte->fstack.items[0].font))->data.EscChar;
+/* Get the next character or glyph from a composite string. */
+/* If we run off the end of the string in the middle of a */
+/* multi-byte sequence, return gs_error_rangecheck. */
+/* If the string is empty, return 2. */
+/* If the current (base) font changed, return 1. Otherwise, return 0. */
+gs_type0_next_char_glyph(gs_text_enum_t *pte, gs_char *pchr, gs_glyph *pglyph)
+ const byte *str = pte->;
+ const byte *p = str + pte->index;
+ const byte *end = str + pte->text.size;
+ int fdepth = pte->fstack.depth;
+ int orig_depth = fdepth;
+ int orig_index = pte->fstack.items[fdepth].index;
+ gs_font *pfont;
+#define pfont0 ((gs_font_type0 *)pfont)
+ gs_type0_data *pdata;
+ uint fidx;
+ gs_char chr;
+ gs_glyph glyph = gs_no_glyph;
+ int changed = 0;
+ pte->FontBBox_as_Metrics2.x = pte->FontBBox_as_Metrics2.y = 0;
+#define need_left(n)\
+ if ( end - p < n ) return_error(gs_error_rangecheck)
+ /*
+ * Although the Adobe documentation doesn't say anything about this,
+ * if the root font is modal and the very first character of the
+ * string being decoded is an escape or shift character, then
+ * font selection via the escape mechanism works down from the root,
+ * rather than up from the lowest modal font. (This was first
+ * reported by Norio Katayama, and confirmed by someone at Adobe.)
+ */
+ if (pte->index == 0) {
+ int idepth = 0;
+ pfont = pte->fstack.items[0].font;
+ for (; pfont->FontType == ft_composite;) {
+ fmap_type fmt = (pdata = &pfont0->data)->FMapType;
+ if (p == end)
+ return 2;
+ chr = *p;
+ switch (fmt) {
+ case fmap_escape:
+ if (chr != root_esc_char(pte))
+ break;
+ need_left(2);
+ fidx = p[1];
+ p += 2;
+ if_debug1('j', "[j]from root: escape %d\n", fidx);
+ rdown:select_descendant(pfont, pdata, fidx, idepth);
+ if_debug2('j', "[j]... new depth=%d, new font=0x%lx\n",
+ idepth, (ulong) pfont);
+ continue;
+ case fmap_double_escape:
+ if (chr != root_esc_char(pte))
+ break;
+ need_left(2);
+ fidx = p[1];
+ p += 2;
+ if (fidx == chr) {
+ need_left(1);
+ fidx = *p++ + 256;
+ }
+ if_debug1('j', "[j]from root: double escape %d\n", fidx);
+ goto rdown;
+ case fmap_shift:
+ if (chr == pdata->ShiftIn)
+ fidx = 0;
+ else if (chr == pdata->ShiftOut)
+ fidx = 1;
+ else
+ break;
+ p++;
+ if_debug1('j', "[j]from root: shift %d\n", fidx);
+ goto rdown;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ /* If we saw any initial escapes or shifts, */
+ /* compute a new initial base font. */
+ if (idepth != 0) {
+ int code;
+ pte->fstack.depth = idepth;
+ code = gs_stack_modal_fonts(pte);
+ if (code < 0)
+ return code;
+ if (pte->fstack.depth > idepth)
+ changed = 1;
+ orig_depth = fdepth = pte->fstack.depth;
+ }
+ }
+ /* Handle initial escapes or shifts. */
+ up:if (p == end)
+ return 2;
+ chr = *p;
+ while (fdepth > 0) {
+ pfont = pte->fstack.items[fdepth - 1].font;
+ pdata = &pfont0->data;
+ switch (pdata->FMapType) {
+ default: /* non-modal */
+ fdepth--;
+ continue;
+ case fmap_escape:
+ if (chr != root_esc_char(pte))
+ break;
+ need_left(2);
+ fidx = *++p;
+ if_debug1('j', "[j]next: escape %d\n", fidx);
+ /* Per Adobe, if we get an escape at the root, */
+ /* treat it as an ordinary character (font index). */
+ if (fidx == chr && fdepth > 1) {
+ fdepth--;
+ goto up;
+ }
+ down:if (++p == end)
+ return 2;
+ chr = *p;
+ fdepth--;
+ do {
+ select_descendant(pfont, pdata, fidx, fdepth);
+ if_debug3('j', "[j]down from modal: new depth=%d, index=%d, new font=0x%lx\n",
+ fdepth, fidx, (ulong) pfont);
+ if (pfont->FontType != ft_composite)
+ break;
+ pdata = &pfont0->data;
+ fidx = 0;
+ }
+ while (pdata->FMapType == fmap_escape);
+ continue;
+ case fmap_double_escape:
+ if (chr != root_esc_char(pte))
+ break;
+ need_left(2);
+ fidx = *++p;
+ if (fidx == chr) {
+ need_left(2);
+ fidx = *++p + 256;
+ }
+ if_debug1('j', "[j]next: double escape %d\n", fidx);
+ goto down;
+ case fmap_shift:
+ if (chr == pdata->ShiftIn)
+ fidx = 0;
+ else if (chr == pdata->ShiftOut)
+ fidx = 1;
+ else
+ break;
+ if_debug1('j', "[j]next: shift %d\n", fidx);
+ goto down;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ /* At this point, chr == *p. */
+ /* (This is important to know for CMap'ed fonts.) */
+ p++;
+ /*
+ * Now handle non-modal descendants.
+ * The PostScript language manual has some confusing
+ * wording about the parent supplying the "first part"
+ * of the child's decoding information; what this means
+ * is not (as one might imagine) the font index, but
+ * simply the first byte of the data.
+ */
+ while ((pfont = pte->fstack.items[fdepth].font)->FontType == ft_composite) {
+ pdata = &pfont0->data;
+ switch (pdata->FMapType) {
+ default: /* can't happen */
+ return_error(gs_error_invalidfont);
+ case fmap_8_8:
+ need_left(1);
+ fidx = chr;
+ chr = *p++;
+ if_debug2('J', "[J]8/8 index=%d, char=%ld\n",
+ fidx, chr);
+ break;
+ case fmap_1_7:
+ fidx = chr >> 7;
+ chr &= 0x7f;
+ if_debug2('J', "[J]1/7 index=%d, char=%ld\n",
+ fidx, chr);
+ break;
+ case fmap_9_7:
+ need_left(1);
+ fidx = ((uint) chr << 1) + (*p >> 7);
+ chr = *p & 0x7f;
+ if_debug2('J', "[J]9/7 index=%d, char=%ld\n",
+ fidx, chr);
+ p++;
+ break;
+ case fmap_SubsVector:
+ {
+ int width = pdata->subs_width;
+ uint subs_count = pdata->subs_size;
+ const byte *psv = pdata->;
+#define subs_loop(subs_elt, width)\
+ while ( subs_count != 0 && tchr >= (schr = subs_elt) )\
+ subs_count--, tchr -= schr, psv += width;\
+ chr = tchr; p += width - 1; break
+ switch (width) {
+ default: /* can't happen */
+ return_error(gs_error_invalidfont);
+ case 1:
+ {
+ byte tchr = (byte) chr, schr;
+ subs_loop(*psv, 1);
+ }
+ case 2:
+ need_left(1);
+#define w2(p) (((ushort)*p << 8) + p[1])
+ {
+ ushort tchr = ((ushort) chr << 8) + *p,
+ schr;
+ subs_loop(w2(psv), 2);
+ }
+ case 3:
+ need_left(2);
+#define w3(p) (((ulong)*p << 16) + ((uint)p[1] << 8) + p[2])
+ {
+ ulong tchr = ((ulong) chr << 16) + w2(p),
+ schr;
+ subs_loop(w3(psv), 3);
+ }
+ case 4:
+ need_left(3);
+#define w4(p) (((ulong)*p << 24) + ((ulong)p[1] << 16) + ((uint)p[2] << 8) + p[3])
+ {
+ ulong tchr = ((ulong) chr << 24) + w3(p),
+ schr;
+ subs_loop(w4(psv), 4);
+ }
+#undef w2
+#undef w3
+#undef w4
+#undef subs_loop
+ }
+ fidx = pdata->subs_size - subs_count;
+ if_debug2('J', "[J]SubsVector index=%d, char=%ld\n",
+ fidx, chr);
+ break;
+ }
+ case fmap_CMap:
+ {
+ gs_const_string cstr;
+ uint mindex = p - str - 1; /* p was incremented */
+ int code;
+ /*
+ * When decoding an FMapType4 or 5, the value
+ * of chr is modified; when an FMapType9 (CMap)
+ * composite font is used as a decendant font,
+ * we have to pass the text including a modified
+ * chr. Check whether chr has been modified, and
+ * if so, construct and pass a modified buffer.
+ */
+ if (*(p - 1) != chr) {
+ byte substr[MAX_CMAP_CODE_SIZE];
+ int submindex = 0;
+ if_debug2('j', "[j] *(p-1) 0x%02x != chr 0x%02x, modified str should be passed\n",
+ *(p-1), (byte)chr);
+ memcpy(substr, p - 1,
+ min(MAX_CMAP_CODE_SIZE, end - p + 1));
+ substr[0] = chr;
+ = substr;
+ cstr.size = min(MAX_CMAP_CODE_SIZE, end - p + 1);
+ if (gs_debug_c('j')) {
+ dlprintf("[j] original str(");
+ debug_print_string_hex(str, end - str);
+ dlprintf(") -> modified substr(");
+ debug_print_string_hex(, cstr.size);
+ dlprintf(")\n");
+ }
+ code = gs_cmap_decode_next(pdata->CMap, &cstr,
+ (uint*) &submindex, &fidx, &chr, &glyph);
+ mindex += submindex;
+ } else {
+ = str;
+ cstr.size = end - str;
+ code = gs_cmap_decode_next(pdata->CMap, &cstr, &mindex,
+ &fidx, &chr, &glyph);
+ }
+ if (code < 0)
+ return code;
+ pte->cmap_code = code; /* hack for widthshow */
+ p = str + mindex;
+ if_debug3('J', "[J]CMap returns %d, chr=0x%lx, glyph=0x%lx\n",
+ code, (ulong) chr, (ulong) glyph);
+ if (code == 0) {
+ if (glyph == gs_no_glyph) {
+ glyph = gs_min_cid_glyph;
+ if_debug0('J', "... undefined\n");
+ goto done;
+ }
+ } else
+ chr = (gs_char) glyph, glyph = gs_no_glyph;
+ /****** RESCAN chr IF DESCENDANT IS CMAP'ED ******/
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ select_descendant(pfont, pdata, fidx, fdepth);
+ if_debug2('J', "... new depth=%d, new font=0x%lx\n",
+ fdepth, (ulong) pfont);
+ /* FontBBox may be used as metrics2 with WMode=1 :
+ */
+ if (pfont->FontType == ft_CID_encrypted ||
+ pfont->FontType == ft_CID_TrueType
+ ) {
+ gs_font_base *pfb = (gs_font_base *)pfont;
+ pte->FontBBox_as_Metrics2 = pfb->FontBBox.q;
+ }
+ }
+ *pchr = chr;
+ *pglyph = glyph;
+ /* Update the pointer into the original string, but only if */
+ /* we didn't switch over to parsing a code from a CMap. */
+ if (str == pte->
+ pte->index = p - str;
+ pte->fstack.depth = fdepth;
+ if_debug4('J', "[J]depth=%d font=0x%lx index=%d changed=%d\n",
+ fdepth, (ulong) pte->fstack.items[fdepth].font,
+ pte->fstack.items[fdepth].index, changed);
+ return changed;
+#undef pfont0