/* Copyright (C) 2001-2021 Artifex Software, Inc. All Rights Reserved. This software is provided AS-IS with no warranty, either express or implied. This software is distributed under license and may not be copied, modified or distributed except as expressly authorized under the terms of the license contained in the file LICENSE in this distribution. Refer to licensing information at http://www.artifex.com or contact Artifex Software, Inc., 1305 Grant Avenue - Suite 200, Novato, CA 94945, U.S.A., +1(415)492-9861, for further information. */ /* A color index cache. */ #include "gx.h" #include "gserrors.h" #include "gsccolor.h" #include "gxcspace.h" #include "gxdcolor.h" #include "gscicach.h" #include "memory_.h" #define COLOR_INDEX_CACHE_SIZE 256 #define COLOR_INDEX_CACHE_CHAINS (COLOR_INDEX_CACHE_SIZE / 16) typedef struct gs_color_index_cache_elem_s gs_color_index_cache_elem_t; struct gs_color_index_cache_elem_s { union _color { gx_color_index cindex; ushort devn[GS_CLIENT_COLOR_MAX_COMPONENTS]; } color; gx_device_color_type color_type; uint chain; uint prev, next; /* NULL for unused. */ uint touch_prev, touch_next; bool frac_values_done; }; struct gs_color_index_cache_s { const gs_color_space *direct_space; gs_gstate *pgs; gx_device *dev; gx_device *trans_dev; int client_num_components; int device_num_components; gs_memory_t *memory; int used; gs_color_index_cache_elem_t *buf; uint recent_touch; float *paint_values; frac31 *frac_values; int chains[COLOR_INDEX_CACHE_CHAINS]; /* Note : the 0th element of buf, paint_values, frac_values is never used, because we consider the index 0 as NULL just for a faster initialization. */ # define MYNULL 0 }; gs_private_st_ptrs6(st_color_index_cache, gs_color_index_cache_t, "gs_color_index_cache_t", gs_color_index_cache_elem_ptrs, gs_color_index_cache_reloc_ptrs, direct_space, memory, buf, paint_values, frac_values, trans_dev); gs_color_index_cache_t * gs_color_index_cache_create(gs_memory_t *memory, const gs_color_space *direct_space, gx_device *dev, gs_gstate *pgs, bool need_frac, gx_device *trans_dev) { int client_num_components = cs_num_components(direct_space); int device_num_components = trans_dev->color_info.num_components; gs_color_index_cache_elem_t *buf = ( gs_color_index_cache_elem_t *)gs_alloc_byte_array(memory, COLOR_INDEX_CACHE_SIZE, sizeof(gs_color_index_cache_elem_t), "gs_color_index_cache_create"); float *paint_values = (float *)gs_alloc_byte_array(memory, COLOR_INDEX_CACHE_SIZE * client_num_components, sizeof(float), "gs_color_index_cache_create"); frac31 *frac_values = (need_frac ? (frac31 *)gs_alloc_byte_array(memory, COLOR_INDEX_CACHE_SIZE * device_num_components, sizeof(frac31), "gs_color_index_cache_create") : NULL); gs_color_index_cache_t *pcic = gs_alloc_struct(memory, gs_color_index_cache_t, &st_color_index_cache, "gs_color_index_cache_create"); if (buf == NULL || paint_values == NULL || (need_frac && frac_values == NULL) || pcic == NULL) { gs_free_object(memory, buf, "gs_color_index_cache_create"); gs_free_object(memory, paint_values, "gs_color_index_cache_create"); gs_free_object(memory, frac_values, "gs_color_index_cache_create"); gs_free_object(memory, pcic, "gs_color_index_cache_create"); return NULL; } memset(pcic, 0, sizeof(*pcic)); memset(buf, 0, COLOR_INDEX_CACHE_SIZE * sizeof(gs_color_index_cache_elem_t)); pcic->direct_space = direct_space; pcic->pgs = pgs; pcic->dev = dev; pcic->trans_dev = trans_dev; pcic->device_num_components = device_num_components; pcic->client_num_components = client_num_components; pcic->memory = memory; pcic->used = 1; /* Never use the 0th element. */ pcic->buf = buf; pcic->recent_touch = MYNULL; pcic->paint_values = paint_values; pcic->frac_values = frac_values; return pcic; } void gs_color_index_cache_destroy(gs_color_index_cache_t *pcic) { gs_free_object(pcic->memory, pcic->buf, "gs_color_index_cache_create"); gs_free_object(pcic->memory, pcic->paint_values, "gs_color_index_cache_create"); gs_free_object(pcic->memory, pcic->frac_values, "gs_color_index_cache_create"); pcic->buf = NULL; pcic->paint_values = NULL; pcic->frac_values = NULL; gs_free_object(pcic->memory, pcic, "gs_color_index_cache_create"); } static inline int hash_paint_values(const gs_color_index_cache_t *self, const float *paint_values) { int i; float v = 0; uint k = 0; const uint a_prime = 79; for (i = 0; i < self->client_num_components; i++) v = v * a_prime + paint_values[i]; /* Don't know the range of v, so hash its bytes : */ for(i = 0; i < sizeof(v); i++) k = k * a_prime + ((byte *)&v)[i]; return k % COLOR_INDEX_CACHE_CHAINS; } static inline void exclude_from_chain(gs_color_index_cache_t *self, uint i) { uint co = self->buf[i].chain; uint ip = self->buf[i].prev, in = self->buf[i].next; self->buf[ip].next = in; self->buf[in].prev = ip; if (self->chains[co] == i) self->chains[co] = in; } static inline void include_into_chain(gs_color_index_cache_t *self, uint i, uint c) { if (self->chains[c] != MYNULL) { uint in = self->chains[c], ip = self->buf[in].prev; self->buf[i].next = in; self->buf[i].prev = ip; self->buf[in].prev = i; self->buf[ip].next = i; } else self->buf[i].prev = self->buf[i].next = i; self->chains[c] = i; self->buf[i].chain = c; } static inline void exclude_from_touch_list(gs_color_index_cache_t *self, uint i) { uint ip = self->buf[i].touch_prev, in = self->buf[i].touch_next; self->buf[ip].touch_next = in; self->buf[in].touch_prev = ip; if (self->recent_touch == i) { if (i == in) self->recent_touch = MYNULL; else self->recent_touch = in; } } static inline void include_into_touch_list(gs_color_index_cache_t *self, uint i) { if (self->recent_touch != MYNULL) { uint in = self->recent_touch, ip = self->buf[in].touch_prev; self->buf[i].touch_next = in; self->buf[i].touch_prev = ip; self->buf[in].touch_prev = i; self->buf[ip].touch_next = i; } else self->buf[i].touch_prev = self->buf[i].touch_next = i; self->recent_touch = i; } static int get_color_index_cache_elem(gs_color_index_cache_t *self, const float *paint_values, uint *pi) { int client_num_components = self->client_num_components; uint c = hash_paint_values(self, paint_values); uint i = self->chains[c], j; if (i != MYNULL) { uint tries = 16; /* Arbitrary. */ if (!memcmp(paint_values, self->paint_values + i * client_num_components, sizeof(*paint_values) * client_num_components)) { if (self->recent_touch != i) { exclude_from_touch_list(self, i); include_into_touch_list(self, i); } *pi = i; return 1; } for (j = self->buf[i].next; tries -- && j != i; j = self->buf[j].next) { if (!memcmp(paint_values, self->paint_values + j * client_num_components, sizeof(*paint_values) * client_num_components)) { exclude_from_chain(self, j); include_into_chain(self, j, c); if (self->recent_touch != j) { exclude_from_touch_list(self, j); include_into_touch_list(self, j); } *pi = j; return 1; } } } if (self->used < COLOR_INDEX_CACHE_SIZE) { /* Use a new one */ i = self->used++; include_into_touch_list(self, i); } else { i = self->recent_touch; self->recent_touch = self->buf[i].touch_prev; /* Assuming the cyclic list, just move the head pointer to the last element. */ exclude_from_chain(self, i); } include_into_chain(self, i, c); *pi = i; return 0; } static inline void compute_frac_values(gs_color_index_cache_t *self, uint i) { const gx_device_color_info *cinfo = &self->trans_dev->color_info; int device_num_components = self->device_num_components; int j; gx_color_index c; if (self->buf[i].color_type == &gx_dc_type_data_pure) { c = self->buf[i].color.cindex; for (j = 0; j < device_num_components; j++) { int shift = cinfo->comp_shift[j]; int bits = cinfo->comp_bits[j]; self->frac_values[i * device_num_components + j] = ((c >> shift) & ((1 << bits) - 1)) << (sizeof(frac31) * 8 - 1 - bits); } self->buf[i].frac_values_done = true; } else { /* Must be devn */ for (j = 0; j < device_num_components; j++) { self->frac_values[i * device_num_components + j] = cv2frac31(self->buf[i].color.devn[j]); } self->buf[i].frac_values_done = true; } } int gs_cached_color_index(gs_color_index_cache_t *self, const float *paint_values, gx_device_color *pdevc, frac31 *frac_values) { /* Must return 2 if the color is not pure. See patch_color_to_device_color. */ const gs_color_space *pcs = self->direct_space; int client_num_components = self->client_num_components; int device_num_components = self->device_num_components; uint i, j; int code; if (get_color_index_cache_elem(self, paint_values, &i)) { if (pdevc != NULL) { if (self->buf[i].color_type == &gx_dc_type_data_pure) { pdevc->colors.pure = self->buf[i].color.cindex; pdevc->type = &gx_dc_type_data_pure; memcpy(pdevc->ccolor.paint.values, paint_values, sizeof(*paint_values) * client_num_components); } else { /* devn case */ for (j = 0; j < device_num_components; j++) { pdevc->colors.devn.values[j] = self->buf[i].color.devn[j]; } pdevc->type = &gx_dc_type_data_devn; memcpy(pdevc->ccolor.paint.values, paint_values, sizeof(*paint_values) * client_num_components); } pdevc->ccolor_valid = true; } if (frac_values != NULL && !self->buf[i].frac_values_done) compute_frac_values(self, i); } else { gx_device_color devc_local; gs_client_color fcc; if (pdevc == NULL) pdevc = &devc_local; memcpy(self->paint_values + i * client_num_components, paint_values, sizeof(*paint_values) * client_num_components); memcpy(fcc.paint.values, paint_values, sizeof(*paint_values) * client_num_components); code = pcs->type->remap_color(&fcc, pcs, pdevc, self->pgs, self->trans_dev, gs_color_select_texture); if (code < 0) return code; if (pdevc->type == &gx_dc_type_data_pure) { self->buf[i].color.cindex = pdevc->colors.pure; } else if (pdevc->type == &gx_dc_type_data_devn) { for (j = 0; j < device_num_components; j++) { self->buf[i].color.devn[j] = pdevc->colors.devn.values[j]; } } else { return 2; } self->buf[i].color_type = pdevc->type; if (frac_values != NULL) compute_frac_values(self, i); else self->buf[i].frac_values_done = false; } if (frac_values != NULL) memcpy(frac_values, self->frac_values + i * device_num_components, sizeof(*frac_values) * device_num_components); return 0; }