/* Copyright (C) 2001-2021 Artifex Software, Inc. All Rights Reserved. This software is provided AS-IS with no warranty, either express or implied. This software is distributed under license and may not be copied, modified or distributed except as expressly authorized under the terms of the license contained in the file LICENSE in this distribution. Refer to licensing information at http://www.artifex.com or contact Artifex Software, Inc., 1305 Grant Avenue - Suite 200, Novato, CA 94945, U.S.A., +1(415)492-9861, for further information. */ /* Epson Stylus-Color Printer-Driver */ /*** This file holds two implementations of the Floyd-Steinberg error diffusion-algorithm. This algorithms are intended for high quality printing in conjunction with the PostScript-Header stcolor.ps: gs -sDEVICE=stcolor stcolor.ps ... Most prominent option is -sDithering=xxx, to select the algorithm: fsmono - monochrome Floyd-Steinberg fsrgb - 3-Component Floyd-Steinberg fsx4 - 4-Component Floyd-Steinberg (Bad results) fscmyk - Modified 4-Component Floyd-Steinberg (Algorithmically identical with hscmyk, but slower) ***/ #include "gdevstc.h" #include /* for rand */ /* Both algorithms require an error-buffer of 3 + 3*num_components +1*scan long-items. and must consequently set up to work with longs. It is just a Floyd-Steinberg-algorithm applied to each component. */ /* * Due to the -selfdefined- ugly coding of the output-data, we need * some conversion. But since this includes the black-separation, I * did not change the definition. * * This algorithm stores the 1st component in the LSB, thus it * reverts the order used by the basic driver. */ static const byte grayvals[2] = { 0, BLACK }; static const byte rgbvals[8] = { 0, RED, GREEN, RED|GREEN, BLUE, BLUE|RED, BLUE|GREEN, BLUE|RED|GREEN}; static const byte cmykvals[16] = { 0, CYAN,MAGENTA,CYAN|MAGENTA,YELLOW,YELLOW|CYAN,YELLOW|MAGENTA,BLACK, BLACK,BLACK, BLACK, BLACK, BLACK, BLACK, BLACK,BLACK}; static const byte *const pixelconversion[5] = { NULL, grayvals, NULL, rgbvals, cmykvals}; int stc_fs(stcolor_device *sdev,int npixel,byte *bin,byte *bbuf,byte *out) { long *in = (long *) bin; long *buf = (long *) bbuf; /* ============================================================= */ if(npixel > 0) { /* npixel > 0 -> scanline-processing */ /* ============================================================= */ int bstep,pstart,pstop,pstep,p; long spotsize,threshold,*errc,*errv; const byte *pixel2stc; if(buf[0] >= 0) { /* run forward */ buf[0] = -1; bstep = 1; pstep = sdev->color_info.num_components; pstart = 0; pstop = npixel * pstep; } else { /* run backward */ buf[0] = 1; bstep = -1; pstep = -sdev->color_info.num_components; pstop = pstep; pstart = (1-npixel) * pstep; out += npixel-1; } /* forward / backward */ /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */ if(in == NULL) return 0; /* almost ignore the 'white calls' */ /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */ spotsize = buf[1]; threshold = buf[2]; errc = buf+3; errv = errc + 2*sdev->color_info.num_components; pixel2stc = pixelconversion[sdev->color_info.num_components]; for(p = pstart; p != pstop; p += pstep) { /* loop over pixels */ int c; /* component-number */ int pixel; /* internal pxel-value */ pixel = 0; for(c = 0; c < sdev->color_info.num_components; c++) { /* comp */ long cv; /* component value */ cv = in[p+c] + errv[p+c] + errc[c] - ((errc[c]+4)>>3); if(cv > threshold) { pixel |= 1<>4); /* 3/16 */ errv[p+c ] = ((5*cv )>>4) /* 5/16 */ + ((errc[c]+4)>>3); /* 1/16 (rest) */ errc[c] = cv /* 8/16 (neu) */ - ((5*cv )>>4) - ((3*cv+8)>>4); } /* comp */ *out = pixel2stc[pixel]; out += bstep; } /* loop over pixels */ /* ============================================================= */ } else { /* npixel <= 0 -> initialisation */ /* ============================================================= */ int i,i2do; long rand_max; double offset,scale; /* * check wether the number of components is valid */ if((sdev->color_info.num_components >= countof(pixelconversion)) || (pixelconversion[sdev->color_info.num_components] == NULL)) return -1; /* * check wether stcdither & TYPE are correct */ if(( sdev->stc.dither == NULL) || ((sdev->stc.dither->flags & STC_TYPE) != STC_LONG)) return -2; /* * check wether the buffer-size is sufficiently large */ if(((sdev->stc.dither->flags/STC_SCAN) < 1) || ( sdev->stc.dither->bufadd < (3 + 3*sdev->color_info.num_components))) return -3; /* * must neither have STC_DIRECT nor STC_WHITE */ if(sdev->stc.dither->flags & (STC_DIRECT | STC_WHITE)) return -4; /* * compute initial values */ /* -- direction */ buf[0] = 1; /* -- "spotsize" */ scale = sdev->stc.dither->minmax[1]; buf[1] = (long)(scale + (scale > 0.0 ? 0.5 : -0.5)); /* -- "threshold" */ offset = sdev->stc.dither->minmax[0]; scale -= offset; if((offset+0.5*scale) > 0.0) buf[2] = (long)(offset + 0.5*scale + 0.5); else buf[2] = (long)(offset + 0.5*scale - 0.5); /* * random values, that do not exceed half of normal value */ i2do = sdev->color_info.num_components * (3-npixel); rand_max = 0; if(sdev->stc.flags & STCDFLAG0) { for(i = 0; i < i2do; ++i) buf[i+3] = 0; } else { for(i = 0; i < i2do; ++i) { buf[i+3] = rand(); if(buf[i+3] > rand_max) rand_max = buf[i+3]; } if (rand_max != 0) scale = (double) buf[1] / (double) rand_max; else scale = 1; for(i = 0; i < sdev->color_info.num_components; ++ i) buf[i+3] = (long)(0.25000*scale*(buf[i+3]-rand_max/2)); for( ; i < i2do; ++i) /* includes 2 additional pixels ! */ buf[i+3] = (long)(0.28125*scale*(buf[i+3]-rand_max/2)); } /* ============================================================= */ } /* scanline-processing or initialisation */ /* ============================================================= */ return 0; } /* * Experimental CMYK-Algorithm */ int stc_fscmyk(stcolor_device *sdev,int npixel,byte *bin,byte *bbuf,byte *out) { long *in = (long *) bin; long *buf = (long *) bbuf; /* ============================================================= */ if(npixel > 0) { /* npixel > 0 -> scanline-processing */ /* ============================================================= */ int bstep,pstart,pstop,pstep,p; long spotsize,threshold,*errc,*errv; if(buf[0] >= 0) { /* run forward */ buf[0] = -1; bstep = 1; pstep = 4; pstart = 0; pstop = npixel * pstep; } else { /* run backward */ buf[0] = 1; bstep = -1; pstep = -4; pstop = pstep; pstart = (1-npixel) * pstep; out += npixel-1; } /* forward / backward */ spotsize = buf[1]; threshold = buf[2]; errc = buf+3; errv = errc + 2*4; for(p = 0; p < 4; ++p) errc[p] = 0; for(p = pstart; p != pstop; p += pstep) { /* loop over pixels */ int c; /* component-number */ int pixel; /* internal pxel-value */ long cv,k; /* * Black is treated first, with conventional Floyd-Steinberg */ k = in[p+3]; cv = k + errv[p+3] + errc[3] - ((errc[3]+4)>>3); if(cv > threshold) { pixel = BLACK; cv -= spotsize; } else { pixel = 0; } errv[p+3-pstep] += ((3*cv+8)>>4); /* 3/16 */ errv[p+3 ] = ((5*cv )>>4) /* 5/16 */ + ((errc[3]+4)>>3); /* 1/16 (rest) */ errc[3] = cv /* 8/16 (neu) */ - ((5*cv )>>4) - ((3*cv+8)>>4); /* * color-handling changes with black fired or not */ if(pixel) { /* -------- firing of black causes all colors to fire too */ for(c = 0; c < 3; ++c) { cv = in[p+c] > k ? in[p+c] : k; cv += errv[p+c] + errc[c] - ((errc[c]+4)>>3)-spotsize; if(cv <= (threshold-spotsize)) cv = threshold-spotsize+1; errv[p+c-pstep] += ((3*cv+8)>>4); /* 3/16 */ errv[p+c ] = ((5*cv )>>4) /* 5/16 */ + ((errc[c]+4)>>3); /* 1/16 (rest) */ errc[c] = cv /* 8/16 (neu) */ - ((5*cv )>>4) - ((3*cv+8)>>4); } } else { /* -------- if black did not fire, only colors w. larger values may fire */ for(c = 0; c < 3; ++c) { cv = in[p+c]; if(cv > k) { /* May Fire */ cv += errv[p+c] + errc[c] - ((errc[c]+4)>>3); if(cv > threshold) { cv -= spotsize; pixel |= CYAN>>c; } } else { /* Must not fire */ cv = k + errv[p+c] + errc[c] - ((errc[c]+4)>>3); if(cv > threshold ) cv = threshold; } errv[p+c-pstep] += ((3*cv+8)>>4); /* 3/16 */ errv[p+c ] = ((5*cv )>>4) /* 5/16 */ + ((errc[c]+4)>>3); /* 1/16 (rest) */ errc[c] = cv /* 8/16 (neu) */ - ((5*cv )>>4) - ((3*cv+8)>>4); } } *out = pixel; out += bstep; } /* loop over pixels */ /* ============================================================= */ } else { /* npixel <= 0 -> initialisation */ /* ============================================================= */ int i,i2do; long rand_max; double offset,scale; /* * check wether the number of components is valid */ if(sdev->color_info.num_components != 4) return -1; /* * check wether stcdither & TYPE are correct */ if(( sdev->stc.dither == NULL) || ((sdev->stc.dither->flags & STC_TYPE) != STC_LONG)) return -2; /* * check wether the buffer-size is sufficiently large */ if(((sdev->stc.dither->flags/STC_SCAN) < 1) || ( sdev->stc.dither->bufadd < (3 + 3*sdev->color_info.num_components))) return -3; /* * must neither have STC_DIRECT nor STC_WHITE */ if(sdev->stc.dither->flags & (STC_DIRECT | STC_WHITE)) return -4; /* * compute initial values */ /* -- direction */ buf[0] = 1; /* -- "spotsize" */ scale = sdev->stc.dither->minmax[1]; buf[1] = (long)(scale + (scale > 0.0 ? 0.5 : -0.5)); /* -- "threshold" */ offset = sdev->stc.dither->minmax[0]; scale -= offset; if(sdev->stc.flags & STCDFLAG1) { buf[2] = (long)((sdev->stc.extv[0][sdev->stc.sizv[0]-1] - sdev->stc.extv[0][0]) * scale / 2.0 + offset); } else { if((offset+0.5*scale) > 0.0) buf[2] = (long)(offset + 0.5*scale + 0.5); else buf[2] = (long)(offset + 0.5*scale - 0.5); } /* * random values, that do not exceed half of normal value */ i2do = sdev->color_info.num_components * (3-npixel); rand_max = 0; if(sdev->stc.flags & STCDFLAG0) { for(i = 0; i < i2do; ++i) buf[i+3] = 0; } else { for(i = 0; i < i2do; ++i) { buf[i+3] = rand(); if(buf[i+3] > rand_max) rand_max = buf[i+3]; } scale = (double) buf[1] / (double) rand_max; for(i = 0; i < sdev->color_info.num_components; ++ i) buf[i+3] = (long)(0.25000*scale*(buf[i+3]-rand_max/2)); for( ; i < i2do; ++i) /* includes 2 additional pixels ! */ buf[i+3] = (long)(0.28125*scale*(buf[i+3]-rand_max/2)); } /* ============================================================= */ } /* scanline-processing or initialisation */ /* ============================================================= */ return 0; }