.. title:: Third Party Libraries Used by Ghostscript and GhostPDL .. meta:: :description: The Ghostscript documentation :keywords: Ghostscript, documentation, ghostpdl .. _thirdparty.htm: Third Party Libraries Used by Ghostscript and GhostPDL ========================================================= The table below details the third party libraries that Ghostscript and/or GhostPDL include, the versions QA tested and shipped with our releases, the relevant license, and the "upstream" URL. .. list-table:: :header-rows: 1 :widths: 20 10 25 25 20 * - Library Name - Version - Function - License - URL * - CUPS (AGPL Release Only) - 2.8.0 - CUPS raster format output - GPL Version 3 - http://www.cups.org/ * - eXpat - 2.4.1 - XML parsing for XPS interpreter - MIT/eXpat License - http://expat.sourceforge.net/ * - FreeType - 2.12.1 - Font scaling and rendering for Ghostscript - FreeType License (BSD-style license with a credit clause) - http://www.freetype.org/ * - jbig2dec - 0.19 - JBIG2 decoding for the PDF interpreter - Licensed with Ghostscript/GhostPDL (copyright owned by Artifex) - http://www.ghostscript.com/ * - libjpeg - 9e with patches - JPEG/DCT decoding/encoding - "Free" Can be used in commercial applications without royalty, with acknowledgement. - http://www.ijg.org/ * - LittleCMS2 mt (lcms2mt - thread safe fork of lcms2) - 2.10mt - ICC profile based color conversion and management - MIT LICENSE - http://www.ghostscript.com/ * - libpng - 1.6.37 - PNG image encoding/decoding - libpng license - classified as "a permissive free software license" - http://www.libpng.org/ * - OpenJPEG - 2.4.0 - JPEG2000 image decoding for the PDF interpreter - BSD-style - http://www.openjpeg.org/ * - zlib - 1.2.12 - (De)Flate compression - zlib license - classified as "a permissive free software license" - http://www.zlib.net/ * - libtiff - 4.3.0 - TIFF image encoding/decoding - BSD-style - http://www.remotesensing.org/libtiff The following are optional. .. list-table:: :header-rows: 1 :widths: 20 10 25 25 20 * - Library Name - Version - Function - License - URL * - tesseract - 4.1.0 with patches - Optical Character Recognition (OCR) library - Apache License 2.0 - https://github.com/tesseract-ocr/tesseract * - leptonica - 1.80.0 with patches - Image processing toolkit - support library for tesseract OCR - Leptonica License "a permissive free software license" - http://www.leptonica.org/ The following are no-cost, open source licensed, but not GPL compatible. .. list-table:: :header-rows: 1 :widths: 20 10 25 25 20 * - Library Name - Version - Function - License - URL * - jpegxr (JPEG XR reference software) - 1.8 - HDPhoto/JPEG-XR image decoding for the XPS interpreter - ITU/ISO/IEC "Free" License Reference implementation - http://www.itu.int/rec/T-REC-T.835 The following is optional & relevant to Artifex Software commercial releases only. .. list-table:: :header-rows: 1 :widths: 20 10 25 25 20 * - Library Name - Version - Function - License - URL * - Monotype UFST - 5.x/6.x with patches - Access, scale and render Monotype MicroType fonts - Commercial - https://www.monotype.com/ .. include:: footer.rst