/* Copyright (C) 2001-2006 Artifex Software, Inc. All Rights Reserved. This software is provided AS-IS with no warranty, either express or implied. This software is distributed under license and may not be copied, modified or distributed except as expressly authorized under the terms of that license. Refer to licensing information at http://www.artifex.com/ or contact Artifex Software, Inc., 7 Mt. Lassen Drive - Suite A-134, San Rafael, CA 94903, U.S.A., +1(415)492-9861, for further information. */ /* $Id$*/ /* H-P PaintJet, PaintJet XL, and DEC LJ250 drivers. */ /* Thanks to Rob Reiss (rob@moray.berkeley.edu) for the PaintJet XL */ /* modifications. */ #include "gdevprn.h" #include "gdevpcl.h" /* X_DPI and Y_DPI must be the same, and may be either 90 or 180. */ #define X_DPI 180 #define Y_DPI 180 /* We round up LINE_SIZE to a multiple of 8 bytes */ /* because that's the unit of transposition from pixels to planes. */ #define LINE_SIZE ((X_DPI * 85 / 10 + 63) / 64 * 8) /* The device descriptors */ static dev_proc_print_page(lj250_print_page); static dev_proc_print_page(paintjet_print_page); static dev_proc_print_page(pjetxl_print_page); static int pj_common_print_page(gx_device_printer *, FILE *, int, const char *); static gx_device_procs paintjet_procs = prn_color_procs(gdev_prn_open, gdev_prn_output_page, gdev_prn_close, gdev_pcl_3bit_map_rgb_color, gdev_pcl_3bit_map_color_rgb); const gx_device_printer far_data gs_lj250_device = prn_device(paintjet_procs, "lj250", 85, /* width_10ths, 8.5" */ 110, /* height_10ths, 11" */ X_DPI, Y_DPI, 0.25, 0, 0.25, 0, /* margins */ 3, lj250_print_page); const gx_device_printer far_data gs_paintjet_device = prn_device(paintjet_procs, "paintjet", 85, /* width_10ths, 8.5" */ 110, /* height_10ths, 11" */ X_DPI, Y_DPI, 0.25, 0, 0.25, 0, /* margins */ 3, paintjet_print_page); static gx_device_procs pjetxl_procs = prn_color_procs(gdev_prn_open, gdev_prn_output_page, gdev_prn_close, gdev_pcl_3bit_map_rgb_color, gdev_pcl_3bit_map_color_rgb); const gx_device_printer far_data gs_pjetxl_device = prn_device(pjetxl_procs, "pjetxl", 85, /* width_10ths, 8.5" */ 110, /* height_10ths, 11" */ X_DPI, Y_DPI, 0.25, 0, 0, 0, /* margins */ 3, pjetxl_print_page); /* Forward references */ static int compress1_row(const byte *, const byte *, byte *); /* ------ Internal routines ------ */ /* Send a page to the LJ250. We need to enter and exit */ /* the PaintJet emulation mode. */ static int lj250_print_page(gx_device_printer *pdev, FILE *prn_stream) { fputs("\033%8", prn_stream); /* Enter PCL emulation mode */ /* ends raster graphics to set raster graphics resolution */ fputs("\033*rB", prn_stream); /* Exit PCL emulation mode after printing */ return pj_common_print_page(pdev, prn_stream, 0, "\033*r0B\014\033%@"); } /* Send a page to the PaintJet. */ static int paintjet_print_page(gx_device_printer *pdev, FILE *prn_stream) { /* ends raster graphics to set raster graphics resolution */ fputs("\033*rB", prn_stream); return pj_common_print_page(pdev, prn_stream, 0, "\033*r0B\014"); } /* Send a page to the PaintJet XL. */ static int pjetxl_print_page(gx_device_printer *pdev, FILE *prn_stream) { /* Initialize PaintJet XL for printing */ fputs("\033E", prn_stream); /* The XL has a different vertical origin, who knows why?? */ return pj_common_print_page(pdev, prn_stream, -360, "\033*rC"); } /* Send the page to the printer. Compress each scan line. */ static int pj_common_print_page(gx_device_printer *pdev, FILE *prn_stream, int y_origin, const char *end_page) { #define DATA_SIZE (LINE_SIZE * 8) byte *data = (byte *)gs_malloc(pdev->memory, DATA_SIZE, 1, "paintjet_print_page(data)"); byte *plane_data = (byte *)gs_malloc(pdev->memory, LINE_SIZE * 3, 1, "paintjet_print_page(plane_data)"); if ( data == 0 || plane_data == 0 ) { if ( data ) gs_free(pdev->memory, (char *)data, DATA_SIZE, 1, "paintjet_print_page(data)"); if ( plane_data ) gs_free(pdev->memory, (char *)plane_data, LINE_SIZE * 3, 1, "paintjet_print_page(plane_data)"); return_error(gs_error_VMerror); } /* set raster graphics resolution -- 90 or 180 dpi */ fprintf(prn_stream, "\033*t%dR", X_DPI); /* set the line width */ fprintf(prn_stream, "\033*r%dS", DATA_SIZE); /* set the number of color planes */ fprintf(prn_stream, "\033*r%dU", 3); /* always 3 */ /* move to top left of page */ fprintf(prn_stream, "\033&a0H\033&a%dV", y_origin); /* select data compression */ fputs("\033*b1M", prn_stream); /* start raster graphics */ fputs("\033*r1A", prn_stream); /* Send each scan line in turn */ { int lnum; int line_size = gdev_mem_bytes_per_scan_line((gx_device *)pdev); int num_blank_lines = 0; for ( lnum = 0; lnum < pdev->height; lnum++ ) { byte *end_data = data + line_size; gdev_prn_copy_scan_lines(pdev, lnum, (byte *)data, line_size); /* Remove trailing 0s. */ while ( end_data > data && end_data[-1] == 0 ) end_data--; if ( end_data == data ) { /* Blank line */ num_blank_lines++; } else { int i; byte *odp; byte *row; /* Pad with 0s to fill out the last */ /* block of 8 bytes. */ memset(end_data, 0, 7); /* Transpose the data to get pixel planes. */ for ( i = 0, odp = plane_data; i < DATA_SIZE; i += 8, odp++ ) { /* The following is for 16-bit machines */ #define spread3(c)\ { 0, c, c*0x100, c*0x101, c*0x10000L, c*0x10001L, c*0x10100L, c*0x10101L } static ulong spr40[8] = spread3(0x40); static ulong spr8[8] = spread3(8); static ulong spr2[8] = spread3(2); register byte *dp = data + i; register ulong pword = (spr40[dp[0]] << 1) + (spr40[dp[1]]) + (spr40[dp[2]] >> 1) + (spr8[dp[3]] << 1) + (spr8[dp[4]]) + (spr8[dp[5]] >> 1) + (spr2[dp[6]]) + (spr2[dp[7]] >> 1); odp[0] = (byte)(pword >> 16); odp[LINE_SIZE] = (byte)(pword >> 8); odp[LINE_SIZE*2] = (byte)(pword); } /* Skip blank lines if any */ if ( num_blank_lines > 0 ) { /* move down from current position */ fprintf(prn_stream, "\033&a+%dV", num_blank_lines * (720 / Y_DPI)); num_blank_lines = 0; } /* Transfer raster graphics */ /* in the order R, G, B. */ for ( row = plane_data + LINE_SIZE * 2, i = 0; i < 3; row -= LINE_SIZE, i++ ) { byte temp[LINE_SIZE * 2]; int count = compress1_row(row, row + LINE_SIZE, temp); fprintf(prn_stream, "\033*b%d%c", count, "VVW"[i]); fwrite(temp, sizeof(byte), count, prn_stream); } } } } /* end the page */ fputs(end_page, prn_stream); gs_free(pdev->memory, (char *)data, DATA_SIZE, 1, "paintjet_print_page(data)"); gs_free(pdev->memory, (char *)plane_data, LINE_SIZE * 3, 1, "paintjet_print_page(plane_data)"); return 0; } /* * Row compression for the H-P PaintJet. * Compresses data from row up to end_row, storing the result * starting at compressed. Returns the number of bytes stored. * The compressed format consists of a byte N followed by a * data byte that is to be repeated N+1 times. * In the worst case, the `compressed' representation is * twice as large as the input. * We complement the bytes at the same time, because * we accumulated the image in complemented form. */ static int compress1_row(const byte *row, const byte *end_row, byte *compressed) { register const byte *in = row; register byte *out = compressed; while ( in < end_row ) { byte test = *in++; const byte *run = in; while ( in < end_row && *in == test ) in++; /* Note that in - run + 1 is the repetition count. */ while ( in - run > 255 ) { *out++ = 255; *out++ = ~test; run += 256; } *out++ = in - run; *out++ = ~test; } return out - compressed; }