/* Copyright (C) 1994, 1996, 1998 Aladdin Enterprises. All rights reserved. This file is part of Aladdin Ghostscript. Aladdin Ghostscript is distributed with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND. No author or distributor accepts any responsibility for the consequences of using it, or for whether it serves any particular purpose or works at all, unless he or she says so in writing. Refer to the Aladdin Ghostscript Free Public License (the "License") for full details. Every copy of Aladdin Ghostscript must include a copy of the License, normally in a plain ASCII text file named PUBLIC. The License grants you the right to copy, modify and redistribute Aladdin Ghostscript, but only under certain conditions described in the License. Among other things, the License requires that the copyright notice and this notice be preserved on all copies. */ /* Additional decoding filter creation */ #include "memory_.h" #include "ghost.h" #include "oper.h" #include "gsparam.h" #include "gsstruct.h" #include "ialloc.h" #include "idict.h" #include "idparam.h" #include "ilevel.h" /* for LL3 test */ #include "iparam.h" #include "store.h" #include "stream.h" /* for setting is_temp */ #include "strimpl.h" #include "sfilter.h" #include "sa85x.h" #include "scfx.h" #include "scf.h" #include "slzwx.h" #include "spdiffx.h" #include "spngpx.h" #include "ifilter.h" /* Import the Level 2 scanner extensions. */ extern const stream_template *scan_ascii85_template; /* Initialize the Level 2 scanner for ASCII85 strings. */ private void zfdecode_init(void) { scan_ascii85_template = &s_A85D_template; } /* ------ ASCII85 filters ------ */ /* We include both encoding and decoding filters here, */ /* because it would be a nuisance to separate them. */ /* ASCII85Encode/filter */ /* ASCII85Encode/filter */ private int zA85E(os_ptr op) { return filter_write_simple(op, &s_A85E_template); } /* ASCII85Decode/filter */ /* ASCII85Decode/filter */ private int zA85D(os_ptr op) { return filter_read_simple(op, &s_A85D_template); } /* ------ CCITTFaxDecode filter ------ */ /* Common setup for encoding and decoding filters. */ extern stream_state_proc_put_params(s_CF_put_params, stream_CF_state); int zcf_setup(os_ptr op, stream_CF_state * pcfs) { dict_param_list list; int code = dict_param_list_read(&list, op, NULL, false); if (code < 0) return code; s_CF_set_defaults_inline(pcfs); code = s_CF_put_params((gs_param_list *) & list, pcfs); iparam_list_release(&list); return code; } /* CCITTFaxDecode/filter */ /* CCITTFaxDecode/filter */ private int zCFD(os_ptr op) { os_ptr dop; stream_CFD_state cfs; int code; if (r_has_type(op, t_dictionary)) { check_dict_read(*op); dop = op; } else dop = 0; code = zcf_setup(dop, (stream_CF_state *) & cfs); if (code < 0) return code; return filter_read(op, 0, &s_CFD_template, (stream_state *) & cfs, 0); } /* ------ Common setup for possibly pixel-oriented decoding filters ------ */ /* Forward declarations */ int zpd_setup(P2(os_ptr op, stream_PDiff_state * ppds)); int zpp_setup(P2(os_ptr op, stream_PNGP_state * ppps)); int filter_read_predictor(os_ptr op, int npop, const stream_template * template, stream_state * st) { int predictor, code; stream_PDiff_state pds; stream_PNGP_state pps; if (r_has_type(op, t_dictionary)) { if ((code = dict_int_param(op, "Predictor", 0, 15, 1, &predictor)) < 0) return code; switch (predictor) { case 0: /* identity */ predictor = 1; case 1: /* identity */ break; case 2: /* componentwise horizontal differencing */ code = zpd_setup(op, &pds); break; case 10: case 11: case 12: case 13: case 14: case 15: /* PNG prediction */ code = zpp_setup(op, &pps); break; default: return_error(e_rangecheck); } if (code < 0) return code; } else predictor = 1; if (predictor == 1) return filter_read(op, npop, template, st, 0); { /* We need to cascade filters. */ ref rsource, rdict, rfd; int code; /* Save the operands, just in case. */ ref_assign(&rsource, op - 1); ref_assign(&rdict, op); code = filter_read(op, 1, template, st, 0); if (code < 0) return code; /* filter_read changed osp.... */ op = osp; ref_assign(&rfd, op); code = (predictor == 2 ? filter_read(op, 0, &s_PDiffD_template, (stream_state *) & pds, 0) : filter_read(op, 0, &s_PNGPD_template, (stream_state *) & pps, 0)); if (code < 0) { /* Restore the operands. Don't bother trying to clean up */ /* the first stream. */ osp = ++op; ref_assign(op - 1, &rsource); ref_assign(op, &rdict); return code; } filter_mark_temp(&rfd, 2); /* Mark the decompression stream as temporary. */ return code; } } /* ------ Generalized LZW/GIF decoding filter ------ */ /* Common setup for encoding and decoding filters. */ int zlz_setup(os_ptr op, stream_LZW_state * plzs) { int code; const ref *dop; if (r_has_type(op, t_dictionary)) { check_dict_read(*op); dop = op; } else dop = 0; if ( (code = dict_int_param(dop, "EarlyChange", 0, 1, 1, &plzs->EarlyChange)) < 0 || /* * The following are not PostScript standard, although * LanguageLevel 3 provides the first two under different * names. */ (code = dict_int_param(dop, "InitialCodeLength", 2, 11, 8, &plzs->InitialCodeLength)) < 0 || (code = dict_bool_param(dop, "FirstBitLowOrder", false, &plzs->FirstBitLowOrder)) < 0 || (code = dict_bool_param(dop, "BlockData", false, &plzs->BlockData)) < 0 ) return code; return 0; } /* LZWDecode/filter */ /* LZWDecode/filter */ private int zLZWD(os_ptr op) { stream_LZW_state lzs; int code = zlz_setup(op, &lzs); if (code < 0) return code; if (LL3_ENABLED && r_has_type(op, t_dictionary)) { int unit_size; if ((code = dict_bool_param(op, "LowBitFirst", lzs.FirstBitLowOrder, &lzs.FirstBitLowOrder)) < 0 || (code = dict_int_param(op, "UnitSize", 3, 8, 8, &unit_size)) < 0 ) return code; if (code == 0 /* UnitSize specified */ ) lzs.InitialCodeLength = unit_size + 1; } return filter_read_predictor(op, 0, &s_LZWD_template, (stream_state *) & lzs); } /* ------ Color differencing filters ------ */ /* We include both encoding and decoding filters here, */ /* because it would be a nuisance to separate them. */ /* Common setup for encoding and decoding filters. */ int zpd_setup(os_ptr op, stream_PDiff_state * ppds) { int code, bpc; check_type(*op, t_dictionary); check_dict_read(*op); if ((code = dict_int_param(op, "Colors", 1, 4, 1, &ppds->Colors)) < 0 || (code = dict_int_param(op, "BitsPerComponent", 1, 8, 8, &bpc)) < 0 || (bpc & (bpc - 1)) != 0 || (code = dict_int_param(op, "Columns", 1, max_int, 1, &ppds->Columns)) < 0 ) return (code < 0 ? code : gs_note_error(e_rangecheck)); ppds->BitsPerComponent = bpc; return 0; } /* PixelDifferenceEncode/filter */ private int zPDiffE(os_ptr op) { stream_PDiff_state pds; int code = zpd_setup(op, &pds); if (code < 0) return code; return filter_write(op, 0, &s_PDiffE_template, (stream_state *) & pds, 0); } /* PixelDifferenceDecode/filter */ private int zPDiffD(os_ptr op) { stream_PDiff_state pds; int code = zpd_setup(op, &pds); if (code < 0) return code; return filter_read(op, 0, &s_PDiffD_template, (stream_state *) & pds, 0); } /* ------ PNG pixel predictor filters ------ */ /* Common setup for encoding and decoding filters. */ int zpp_setup(os_ptr op, stream_PNGP_state * ppps) { int code, bpc; check_type(*op, t_dictionary); check_dict_read(*op); if ((code = dict_int_param(op, "Colors", 1, 16, 1, &ppps->Colors)) < 0 || (code = dict_int_param(op, "BitsPerComponent", 1, 16, 8, &bpc)) < 0 || (bpc & (bpc - 1)) != 0 || (code = dict_uint_param(op, "Columns", 1, max_uint, 1, &ppps->Columns)) < 0 || (code = dict_int_param(op, "Predictor", 10, 15, 15, &ppps->Predictor)) < 0 ) return (code < 0 ? code : gs_note_error(e_rangecheck)); ppps->BitsPerComponent = bpc; return 0; } /* PNGPredictorEncode/filter */ private int zPNGPE(os_ptr op) { stream_PNGP_state pps; int code = zpp_setup(op, &pps); if (code < 0) return code; return filter_write(op, 0, &s_PNGPE_template, (stream_state *) & pps, 0); } /* PNGPredictorDecode/filter */ private int zPNGPD(os_ptr op) { stream_PNGP_state pps; int code = zpp_setup(op, &pps); if (code < 0) return code; return filter_read(op, 0, &s_PNGPD_template, (stream_state *) & pps, 0); } /* ---------------- Initialization procedure ---------------- */ const op_def zfdecode_op_defs[] = { op_def_begin_filter(), {"1ASCII85Encode", zA85E}, {"1ASCII85Decode", zA85D}, {"2CCITTFaxDecode", zCFD}, {"1LZWDecode", zLZWD}, {"2PixelDifferenceDecode", zPDiffD}, {"2PixelDifferenceEncode", zPDiffE}, {"2PNGPredictorDecode", zPNGPD}, {"2PNGPredictorEncode", zPNGPE}, op_def_end(zfdecode_init) };