; ; This .inf file is intended to be used with the ghostpdf.cat ; file which should have been supplied with it. The ghostpdf.cat ; file provides the driver signature necessary for installation ; on recent versions of Windows without the alarming warnings about ; unsigned drivers, however it also means that this .inf file cannot ; be installed using right-click->Install (or double-click on the .inf ; file). You must install this from the Control Panel using Add Printer. ; [Version] Signature="$Windows NT$" Provider=Artifex Software Inc. ClassGUID={4D36E979-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318} Class=Printer CatalogFile=ghostpdf.cat DriverVer=01/01/2013, ; Manufacturer section [Manufacturer] "Ghostscript"=Ghostscript,NTamd64,NTia64 ; Model sections [Ghostscript] "Ghostscript PDF" = GHOSTPDF.PPD, Ghostscript_PDF, Ghostscript_PDF_Writer [Ghostscript.NTamd64] "Ghostscript PDF" = GHOSTPDF.PPD, Ghostscript_PDF, Ghostscript_PDF_Writer [Ghostscript.NTia64] "Ghostscript PDF" = GHOSTPDF.PPD, Ghostscript_PDF, Ghostscript_PDF_Writer ; Installer section [GHOSTPDF.PPD] CopyFiles=@GHOSTPDF.PPD DataSection=PSCRIPT_DATA Include=NTPRINT.INF Needs=PSCRIPT.OEM [DestinationDirs] DefaultDestDir=66000 [SourceDisksNames] 1=%Disk1%,,,"" [SourceDisksFiles] GHOSTPDF.PPD =1 [Strings] Disk1="Ghostscript PPD Setup Disk 1" ; end of ghostpdf.inf