/* Copyright (C) 2019-2023 Artifex Software, Inc. All Rights Reserved. This software is provided AS-IS with no warranty, either express or implied. This software is distributed under license and may not be copied, modified or distributed except as expressly authorized under the terms of the license contained in the file LICENSE in this distribution. Refer to licensing information at http://www.artifex.com or contact Artifex Software, Inc., 1305 Grant Avenue - Suite 200, Novato, CA 94945, U.S.A., +1(415)492-9861, for further information. */ /* code for type 3 font handling */ #include "pdf_int.h" #include "pdf_stack.h" #include "pdf_array.h" #include "pdf_dict.h" #include "pdf_font_types.h" #include "pdf_gstate.h" #include "pdf_font.h" #include "pdf_font3.h" #include "pdf_deref.h" #include "gscencs.h" #include "gscedata.h" /* For the encoding arrays */ #include "gsccode.h" /* For the Encoding indices */ #include "gsuid.h" /* For no_UniqueID */ #include "gsutil.h" /* For gs_next_ids() */ static int pdfi_type3_build_char(gs_show_enum * penum, gs_gstate * pgs, gs_font * pfont, gs_char chr, gs_glyph glyph) { int code = 0; pdf_font_type3 *font; pdf_name *GlyphName = NULL; pdf_stream *CharProc = NULL; int SavedTextBlockDepth = 0; char Notdef[8] = {".notdef"}; font = (pdf_font_type3 *)pfont->client_data; SavedTextBlockDepth = OBJ_CTX(font)->text.BlockDepth; code = pdfi_array_get(OBJ_CTX(font), font->Encoding, (uint64_t)chr, (pdf_obj **)&GlyphName); if (code < 0) return code; code = pdfi_dict_get_by_key(OBJ_CTX(font), font->CharProcs, GlyphName, (pdf_obj **)&CharProc); if (code == gs_error_undefined) { byte *Key = NULL; /* Can't find the named glyph, try to find a /.notdef as a substitute */ Key = gs_alloc_bytes(OBJ_MEMORY(font), 8, "working buffer for BuildChar"); if (Key == NULL) goto build_char_error; memset(Key, 0x00, 8); memcpy(Key, Notdef, 8); code = pdfi_dict_get(OBJ_CTX(font), font->CharProcs, (const char *)Key, (pdf_obj **)&CharProc); gs_free_object(OBJ_MEMORY(font), Key, "working buffer for BuildChar"); if (code == gs_error_undefined) { code = 0; goto build_char_error; } } if (code < 0) goto build_char_error; if (pdfi_type_of(CharProc) != PDF_STREAM) { code = gs_note_error(gs_error_typecheck); goto build_char_error; } OBJ_CTX(font)->text.BlockDepth = 0; OBJ_CTX(font)->text.inside_CharProc = true; OBJ_CTX(font)->text.CharProc_d_type = pdf_type3_d_none; /* We used to have code here to emulate some Acrobat behaviour, but it interferes with getting * the result of /tests/pdf/safedocs/ContentStreamNoCycleType3insideType3.pdf because for that * file the nested type 3 font CharProc must inherit the stroke colour from the outer type 3 * font CharProc graphics state at the time the glyph is drawn. So the code was removed. The * Acrobat behaviour is not mentioned in the spec and Acrobat is completely incapable of * getting Patterns right, per the spec, when they are 'inside' multiple levels of content * streams. * The old comment began : * * * It turns out that if a type 3 font uses a stroke to draw, and does not * * acrually set the stroke colour, then we must use the fill colour instead. * * In effect we start a type 3 BuildChar with stroke colour = fill colour. */ code = pdfi_gsave(OBJ_CTX(font)); if (code >= 0) { code = pdfi_run_context(OBJ_CTX(font), CharProc, font->PDF_font, true, "CharProc"); (void)pdfi_grestore(OBJ_CTX(font)); } OBJ_CTX(font)->text.inside_CharProc = false; OBJ_CTX(font)->text.CharProc_d_type = pdf_type3_d_none; OBJ_CTX(font)->text.BlockDepth = SavedTextBlockDepth; build_char_error: pdfi_countdown(GlyphName); pdfi_countdown(CharProc); return code; } static int alloc_type3_font(pdf_context *ctx, pdf_font_type3 **font) { pdf_font_type3 *t3font = NULL; t3font = (pdf_font_type3 *)gs_alloc_bytes(ctx->memory, sizeof(pdf_font_type3), "pdfi_alloc_type3_font"); if (t3font == NULL) return_error(gs_error_VMerror); memset(t3font, 0x00, sizeof(pdf_font_type3)); (t3font)->ctx = ctx; (t3font)->type = PDF_FONT; #if REFCNT_DEBUG (t3font)->UID = ctx->UID++; dmprintf2(ctx->memory, "Allocated object of type %c with UID %"PRIi64"\n", t3font->type, t3font->UID); #endif pdfi_countup(t3font); t3font->pfont = gs_alloc_struct(ctx->memory, gs_font_base, &st_gs_font_base, "pdfi (type 3 font)"); if (t3font->pfont == NULL) { pdfi_countdown(t3font); return_error(gs_error_VMerror); } memset(t3font->pfont, 0x00, sizeof(gs_font_base)); t3font->ctx = ctx; t3font->pdfi_font_type = e_pdf_font_type3; gs_make_identity(&t3font->pfont->orig_FontMatrix); gs_make_identity(&t3font->pfont->FontMatrix); t3font->pfont->next = t3font->pfont->prev = 0; t3font->pfont->memory = ctx->memory; t3font->pfont->dir = ctx->font_dir; t3font->pfont->is_resource = false; gs_notify_init(&t3font->pfont->notify_list, ctx->memory); t3font->pfont->base = (gs_font *) t3font->pfont; t3font->pfont->client_data = t3font; t3font->pfont->WMode = 0; t3font->pfont->PaintType = 0; t3font->pfont->StrokeWidth = 0; t3font->pfont->is_cached = 0; t3font->pfont->procs.init_fstack = gs_default_init_fstack; t3font->pfont->procs.next_char_glyph = gs_default_next_char_glyph; t3font->pfont->FAPI = NULL; t3font->pfont->FAPI_font_data = NULL; t3font->pfont->procs.glyph_name = ctx->get_glyph_name; t3font->pfont->procs.decode_glyph = pdfi_decode_glyph; t3font->pfont->procs.define_font = gs_no_define_font; t3font->pfont->procs.make_font = gs_no_make_font; t3font->pfont->procs.font_info = gs_default_font_info; t3font->pfont->procs.glyph_info = gs_default_glyph_info; t3font->pfont->procs.glyph_outline = gs_no_glyph_outline; t3font->pfont->procs.encode_char = pdfi_encode_char; t3font->pfont->procs.build_char = pdfi_type3_build_char; t3font->pfont->procs.same_font = gs_default_same_font; t3font->pfont->procs.enumerate_glyph = gs_no_enumerate_glyph; t3font->pfont->FontType = ft_PDF_user_defined; /* outlines ? Bitmaps ? */ t3font->pfont->ExactSize = fbit_use_bitmaps; t3font->pfont->InBetweenSize = fbit_use_bitmaps; t3font->pfont->TransformedChar = fbit_transform_bitmaps; t3font->pfont->encoding_index = 1; /****** WRONG ******/ t3font->pfont->nearest_encoding_index = 1; /****** WRONG ******/ t3font->pfont->client_data = (void *)t3font; t3font->pfont->id = gs_next_ids(ctx->memory, 1); uid_set_UniqueID(&t3font->pfont->UID, no_UniqueID); *font = (pdf_font_type3 *)t3font; return 0; } int pdfi_free_font_type3(pdf_obj *font) { pdf_font_type3 *t3font = (pdf_font_type3 *)font; if (t3font->pfont) gs_free_object(OBJ_MEMORY(t3font), t3font->pfont, "Free type 3 font"); if (t3font->Widths) gs_free_object(OBJ_MEMORY(t3font), t3font->Widths, "Free type 3 font Widths array"); pdfi_countdown(t3font->PDF_font); pdfi_countdown(t3font->FontDescriptor); pdfi_countdown(t3font->CharProcs); pdfi_countdown(t3font->Encoding); pdfi_countdown(t3font->ToUnicode); pdfi_countdown(t3font->filename); /* Should never exist, but just in case */ gs_free_object(OBJ_MEMORY(font), font, "Free type 3 font"); return 0; } int pdfi_read_type3_font(pdf_context *ctx, pdf_dict *font_dict, pdf_dict *stream_dict, pdf_dict *page_dict, pdf_font **ppdffont) { int code = 0; pdf_font_type3 *font = NULL; pdf_obj *obj = NULL; pdf_obj *tounicode = NULL; *ppdffont = NULL; code = alloc_type3_font(ctx, &font); if (code < 0) return code; font->object_num = font_dict->object_num; font->generation_num = font_dict->generation_num; font->indirect_num = font_dict->indirect_num; font->indirect_gen = font_dict->indirect_gen; code = pdfi_dict_get_type(ctx, font_dict, "FontBBox", PDF_ARRAY, &obj); if (code < 0) goto font3_error; code = pdfi_array_to_gs_rect(ctx, (pdf_array *)obj, &font->pfont->FontBBox); if (code < 0) goto font3_error; pdfi_countdown(obj); obj = NULL; code = pdfi_dict_get_type(ctx, font_dict, "FontMatrix", PDF_ARRAY, &obj); if (code < 0) goto font3_error; code = pdfi_array_to_gs_matrix(ctx, (pdf_array *)obj, &font->pfont->orig_FontMatrix); if (code < 0) goto font3_error; code = pdfi_array_to_gs_matrix(ctx, (pdf_array *)obj, &font->pfont->FontMatrix); if (code < 0) goto font3_error; pdfi_countdown(obj); obj = NULL; code = pdfi_dict_get(ctx, font_dict, "CharProcs", (pdf_obj **)&font->CharProcs); if (code < 0) goto font3_error; code = pdfi_dict_knownget_type(ctx, font_dict, "FontDescriptor", PDF_DICT, (pdf_obj **)&font->FontDescriptor); if (code < 0) goto font3_error; if (font->FontDescriptor != NULL) { pdf_obj *Name = NULL; code = pdfi_dict_get_type(ctx, (pdf_dict *) font->FontDescriptor, "FontName", PDF_NAME, (pdf_obj**)&Name); if (code < 0) pdfi_set_warning(ctx, 0, NULL, W_PDF_FDESC_BAD_FONTNAME, "pdfi_load_font", ""); pdfi_countdown(Name); } pdfi_font_set_first_last_char(ctx, font_dict, (pdf_font *)font); /* ignore errors with widths... for now */ (void)pdfi_font_create_widths(ctx, font_dict, (pdf_font*)font, 1.0); code = pdfi_dict_get(ctx, font_dict, "Encoding", &obj); if (code < 0) goto font3_error; code = pdfi_create_Encoding(ctx, obj, NULL, (pdf_obj **)&font->Encoding); if (code < 0) goto font3_error; pdfi_countdown(obj); font->PDF_font = font_dict; pdfi_countup(font_dict); if (ctx->args.ignoretounicode != true) { code = pdfi_dict_get(ctx, font_dict, "ToUnicode", (pdf_obj **)&tounicode); if (code >= 0 && pdfi_type_of(tounicode) == PDF_STREAM) { pdf_cmap *tu = NULL; code = pdfi_read_cmap(ctx, tounicode, &tu); pdfi_countdown(tounicode); tounicode = (pdf_obj *)tu; } if (code < 0 || (tounicode != NULL && pdfi_type_of(tounicode) != PDF_CMAP)) { pdfi_countdown(tounicode); tounicode = NULL; code = 0; } } else { tounicode = NULL; } font->ToUnicode = tounicode; tounicode = NULL; code = replace_cache_entry(ctx, (pdf_obj *)font); if (code < 0) goto font3_error; code = gs_definefont(ctx->font_dir, (gs_font *)font->pfont); if (code < 0) goto font3_error; *ppdffont = (pdf_font *)font; return code; font3_error: pdfi_countdown(obj); pdfi_countdown(font); return code; }