#!/usr/bin/tclsh # Copyright (C) 2001-2020 Artifex Software, Inc. # All Rights Reserved. # # This software is provided AS-IS with no warranty, either express or # implied. # # This software is distributed under license and may not be copied, # modified or distributed except as expressly authorized under the terms # of the license contained in the file LICENSE in this distribution. # # Refer to licensing information at http://www.artifex.com or contact # Artifex Software, Inc., 1305 Grant Avenue - Suite 200, Novato, # CA 94945, U.S.A., +1(415)492-9861, for further information. # # Make TOC from 1-line module headers in source files. # Usage: headers.tcl # Reads src/*.[ch], writes headers.txt ############################################################################## # # get_header Scan file for the initial comment block skipping # Copyright and optional RCS keyword lines # # args: FInName Input file name # FOUTvar Output File ID # # return: integer 0 normal header processed # 1 No Header Found # proc get_header { FInName FOUT } { # Maximum lines allowed in the copyright or comment block set limit 30 set FIN [open $FInName r] # Print out the file name -- pad filename to a specific length puts -nonewline $FOUT [format {%-16s} "$FInName: "] # Skip initial comment block (Copyright block) by scanning for # terminating '*/' set i 0 while { 1 } { incr i set s [gets $FIN Line] if { $s == -1 || $i == $limit } then { puts stderr "Fail to find end of Copyright block in: $FInName" puts $FOUT " **** PROBLEM PROCESSING COPYRIGHT BLOCK ****" close $FIN return 1 } if { [regexp {\*/} $Line] } then { #DEBUG puts "Found end of Copyright at line $i" break } } # Scan for the start of the header line/block -- ignore RCS keyword lines set i 0 while { 1 } { incr i set s [gets $FIN Line] if { $s == -1 || $i == $limit } then { puts stderr "Fail to find header after Copyright in: $FInName" puts $FOUT " **** NO HEADER FOUND AFTER COPYRIGHT BLOCK ****" close $FIN return 1 break } # Ignore RCS keyword comment lines if { [regexp {\$.+\$} $Line] } then { continue } if { [regexp {^[ ]*/[*/]} $Line] } then { break } } # Process header lines -- stripping off leading and trailing delimiters # including '/*', '*', and '*/' set f 0 for { set i 0 } { $i < $limit } { incr i } { regsub {/[*/]} $Line {} Lx regsub {\*/} $Lx {} Lx regsub {^[ ]*(\*|)} $Lx {} Lx set blank [expr [regexp {^[ ]$} $Lx] || [string length $Lx] == 0] if { $f == 0 && $blank == 1 } then { #DEBUG puts "Ignoring leading blank header line #$linecount" } else { if { $blank == 1 } then { break } incr f if { $f > 1 } then { set Lx " $Lx" } puts $FOUT $Lx if { [regexp {\*/} $Line] } then { break } } set s [gets $FIN Line] } if { $i == $limit } then { puts stderr "Comment lines ignored in file: $FInName" } close $FIN return 0 } ######################### Begin processing ##################################### # overwrite the file without asking set FOUT [open headers.txt w] set NoHeaderCount 0 foreach Group {a b c d e f g[0-9a-c] gd g[e-z] h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z} { set List [concat [glob -nocomplain src/$Group*.c] [glob -nocomplain src/$Group*.h]] if { $List != {} } { puts "Processing Group: $Group" puts $FOUT " ------------------- $Group ------------------" foreach File [lsort $List] { set s [get_header $File $FOUT] incr NoHeaderCount $s } } } puts $FOUT "Number of modules without descriptions: $NoHeaderCount" close $FOUT puts "Number of modules without descriptions: $NoHeaderCount"