#!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use warnings; use Data::Dumper; my $verbose=0; # bmpcmp usage: [gs] [pcl] [xps] [mupdf] [mujstest] [murun] [mudrawpy] [runtests] [extract] [extractmu] [extractgs] [bmpcmp] [arm] [lowres] [highres] [32] [pdfwrite] [ps2write] [xpswrite] [nopdfwrite] [relaxtimeout] [extended] [smoke] [cull] [avx2] [$user] | abort my %products=('abort' =>1, 'bmpcmp' =>1, 'bmpcmphead' =>1, 'gs' =>1, 'pcl'=>1, 'svg'=>1, 'xps'=>1, 'ls'=>1, 'gpdf'=>1, 'gpdl'=>1, 'mupdf'=>1, 'mujstest'=>1, 'murun'=>1, 'mudrawpy'=>1, 'runtests'=>1, 'extract'=>1, 'extractmu'=>1, 'muwasm'=>1, 'extractgs'=>1); my $user; my $product=""; my $filters=""; my $extras=""; my $command=""; my $res=""; my $w32=""; my $win32=""; my $nr=""; my $pdfwrite=""; my $nopdfwrite=""; my $ps2write=""; my $xpswrite=""; my $singlePagePDF=""; my $relaxTimeout=""; my $extended=""; my $cal=""; my $smoke=""; my $cull=""; my $avx2=""; my $arm=""; my $t1; while ($t1=shift) { if ($t1 eq "lowres") { $res="lowres"; } elsif ($t1 eq "highres") { $res="highres"; } elsif ($t1 eq "singlePagePDF") { $singlePagePDF="singlePagePDF"; $pdfwrite="pdfwrite"; } elsif ($t1 eq "arm") { $arm="arm"; } elsif ($t1 eq "32") { $w32="32"; } elsif ($t1 eq "win32") { $win32="win32"; } elsif ($t1 eq "extended") { $extended="extended"; } elsif ($t1 eq "cal") { $extended="cal"; } elsif ($t1 eq "smoke") { $smoke="smoke"; } elsif ($t1 eq "cull") { $cull="cull"; } elsif ($t1 eq "avx2") { $avx2="avx2"; } elsif ($t1 eq "nr" || $t1 eq "nonredundant") { $nr="nonredundant"; } elsif ($t1 eq "pdfwrite" || $t1 eq "ps2write" || $t1 eq "xpswrite") { $pdfwrite="pdfwrite"; } elsif ($t1 eq "nopdfwrite") { $nopdfwrite="nopdfwrite"; } elsif ($t1 eq "timeout" || $t1 eq "relaxtimeout") { $relaxTimeout="relaxTimeout"; } elsif ($t1=~m/^-/ || $t1=~m/^\d/) { $command.=$t1.' '; } elsif ($t1 =~ m/ifilter=.*/) { $filters.=$t1.' '; } elsif ($t1 =~ m/filter=.*/) { $filters.=$t1.' '; } elsif ($t1 =~ m/extras=.*/) { $extras.=$t1.' '; } elsif (exists $products{$t1}) { $product.=$t1.' '; } elsif ($t1 =~ m/ /) { $product.=$t1.' '; } else { $user=$t1; } } # Strip the stray space off the end. This can probably be done far more # efficiently with some unreadable bit of perl, but I am too simple for # that. while (substr($product,-1) eq " ") { $product = substr($product,0,-1); } $product="" if (!$product); $user="" if (!$user); #print "product=$product res=$res user=$user command=$command\n"; exit; unlink "cluster_command.run"; my $host="casper.ghostscript.com"; my $dir="/home/regression/cluster/users"; # To cater for those whose cluster user name doesn't match the user name # on their development machine. if (!$user) { $user=`echo \$CLUSTER_USER`; chomp $user; } if (!$user) { $user=`echo \$USER`; chomp $user; } # Msys Bash seems to set USERNAME, not USER if (!$user) { $user=`echo \$USERNAME`; chomp $user; } my $directory=`pwd`; chomp $directory; $directory =~ s|.+/||; if ($directory ne 'gs' && $directory ne 'ghostpdl' && $directory ne 'mupdf' && $directory ne 'ghostpdl.git' && $directory ne 'mupdf.git' && $directory ne 'extract' && $directory ne 'extract.git') { $directory=""; if (-f "include/extract.h") { $directory='extract'; } if (-d "base" && -d "Resource") { $directory='gs'; } if (-d "pxl" && -d "pcl") { $directory='ghostpdl'; } if (-d "source/fitz" && -d "source/pdf") { $directory='mupdf'; } } #$directory="gs" if ($directory eq "" && $product eq "bmpcmp"); $directory="gs" if ($directory eq "" && $product && $product eq "abort"); die "can't figure out if this is a ghostpdl, gs, mupdf or extract source directory" if ($directory eq ""); if (!$product) { if ($directory eq 'mupdf') { $product='mupdf'; } elsif ($directory eq 'extract') { $product='extract'; } else { $product='gs pcl xps gpdl gpdf' } } print "$user $directory $product\n" if ($verbose); if ($directory eq 'gs') { if (-e 'gpdl') { print "new directory structure\n"; $directory='ghostpdl'; } else { $directory='ghostpdl/gs'; } } my @a=split ' ',$product; foreach my $i (@a) { if (!exists $products{$i}) { print STDERR "illegal product: $i\n"; exit; } } # Detect if we are running under msys my $bashversion=`bash --version`; my $msys=0; if ($bashversion =~ /pc-msys/) { $msys=1; } my $ssh="ssh -l regression -i \\\"\$HOME/.ssh/cluster_key\\\""; my $hostpath="regression\@$host:$dir/$user/$directory"; if ($msys) { $ssh="cygnative plink"; $hostpath="regression:$dir/$user/$directory"; } my $cmd="rsync -axcz"; if ($product eq "extractgs") { $cmd .= "L"; # expand links. } if ($verbose) { $cmd .= "i"; } else { $cmd .= "v"; } $cmd .= " --max-size=30000000". " --delete --delete-excluded". " --exclude .svn --exclude .git". " --exclude _darcs --exclude .bzr --exclude .hg". " --exclude .deps --exclude .libs --exclude autom4te.cache". " --exclude bin --exclude obj --exclude debugobj --exclude pgobj". " --exclude bin64 --exclude obj64 --exclude debugobj64 --exclude pgobj64". " --exclude luratechbin --exclude luratechobj --exclude luratechbin64 --exclude luratechobj64". " --exclude membin --exclude memobj --exclude membin64 --exclude memobj64". " --exclude profbin --exclude profobj --exclude profbin64 --exclude profobj64". " --exclude sanbin --exclude sanobj --exclude sanbin64 --exclude sanobj64". " --exclude sobin --exclude soobj --exclude debugbin --exclude sodebugbin --exclude sodebugobj". " --exclude ufst --exclude ufst-obj --exclude ufst-debugobj". " --exclude '*-bin' --exclude '*-obj'". " --exclude config.log --exclude .png". " --exclude .ppm --exclude .pkm --exclude .pgm --exclude .pbm". " --exclude .tif --exclude .bmp". " --exclude debug --exclude release --exclude generated --exclude sanitize". # we cannot just exclude build, since tiff/build/Makefile.in, etc. is needed " --exclude tiff-config". " --exclude 'shared-*'". # Exclude files generated by scripts/mupdfwrap.py: " --exclude mupdfwrap_ref". " --exclude platform/c++". " --exclude platform/python". " --exclude include/html". " --exclude include/latex". " --exclude /build/". # Excludes for extract library. " --exclude /src/build/". " --exclude extract/src/build/". " --exclude extract/test/generated/". # " --exclude Makefile". We can't just exclude Makefile, since the MuPDF Makefile is not a derived file. " -e \"$ssh\" ". " .". " $hostpath"; #print "$cmd\n"; exit; if ($product ne "abort" ) { #&& $product ne "bmpcmp") { print STDERR "syncing\n"; print "$cmd\n" if ($verbose); #`$cmd`; open(T,"$cmd |"); while() { chomp; print "$_\n" if (!m/\/$/); } close(T); } open(F,">cluster_command.run"); print F "$user $product $arm $res $w32 $win32 $nr $pdfwrite $nopdfwrite $relaxTimeout $singlePagePDF $extended $smoke $cull $avx2 $cal\n"; print F "$command\n"; print F "$filters\n"; print F "$extras\n"; close(F); $cmd="rsync -avxcz". " -e \"$ssh\"". " cluster_command.run". " $hostpath"; if ($product ne "abort") { print STDERR "\nqueueing\n"; } else { print STDERR "\ndequeueing\n"; } print "$cmd\n" if ($verbose); #print "filters=$filters\n"; #print "extras=$extras\n"; `$cmd`; unlink "cluster_command.run";