#!/usr/bin/tclsh # Copyright (C) 2001-2021 Artifex Software, Inc. # All Rights Reserved. # # This software is provided AS-IS with no warranty, either express or # implied. # # This software is distributed under license and may not be copied, # modified or distributed except as expressly authorized under the terms # of the license contained in the file LICENSE in this distribution. # # Refer to licensing information at http://www.artifex.com or contact # Artifex Software, Inc., 1305 Grant Avenue - Suite 200, Novato, # CA 94945, U.S.A., +1(415)492-9861, for further information. # # Check various aspects of an about-to-be-released Ghostscript fileset. # Only applicable to filesets 6.0 and later (assumes use of SVN). # Note: requires the GNU 'date' -r switch and - format character. set DIFFFILE t set GREPFILE t1 set CHECKFILE /gs/toolbin/pre.chk set GSINIT Resource/Init/gs_init.ps set NEWS doc/News.htm # ---------------- Utilities ---------------- # # Print an error message. proc message {str} { puts stderr "**** $str" } # Search for one or more occurrences of a pattern in a file. # If any are found, set $linevar to the line containing the first occurrence, # and return 1; otherwise, return 0. proc grep1 {pattern file linevar} { upvar $linevar line set line "" set cmd [list exec egrep $pattern $file] catch "set line \[$cmd\]" if {$line == ""} {return 0} set line [lindex [split $line "\n"] 0] return 1 } # Spell out the name of the month, given then number. Month numbers with # leading zeros are accepted. proc monthname {monthnum} { # Define a 1-origin array of month names. set monthnames1 [list ?\ January February March April May June\ July August September October November December] regexp {^0*([0-9]+)} $monthnum skip index return [lindex $monthnames1 $index] } # ---------------- Main program ---------------- # ################ Check the arguments if {$argv != {} && $argv != {update}} { puts stderr "Usage: pre [update]" exit 1 } ################ Get the date and version number from doc/News.htm proc read_news {} { global NEWS NEWSVERSION rdate ryear rmonth rday vcurdot if {![grep1 {^Version [0-9.]+[( ]} $NEWS vdate]} { if {![grep1 {[<]/a>Version [0-9.]+[( ]} $NEWS vdate]} { message "Unable to parse $NEWS!" exit 1 } } regsub -all {<[^>]*>} $vdate "" vdate puts "Most recent version in $NEWS: $vdate" set vymdpat {^Version [0-9.]+(.*)\((([0-9x]+)-([0-9x]+)-([0-9x]+))\)$} if {![regexp $vymdpat $vdate skip skip2 rdate ryear rmonth rday]} { message "$NEWS release date is missing" exit 1 } set curdate [exec date -u +%Y-%m-%d] if {$rdate != $curdate} { message "Warning: current date is $curdate, release date is $rdate" } set NEWSVERSION $vdate } read_news ################ Check the date and version number in version.mak proc check_version {mak} { global rdate ryear rmonth rday vcurdot # Check the date. if ![grep1 {GS_REVISIONDATE[ ]*=} $mak ddate] { message "Unable to find date line in $mak" } elseif {![regexp {([0-9]+)} $ddate skip ddate]} { message "Unable to parse date in $mak" } elseif {![string match *x* $rday]} { if {$ddate != "${ryear}${rmonth}${rday}"} { message "Date $rdate in NEWS doesn't match date $ddate in $mak" } } # Check the version number. if ![grep1 {GS_VERSION_MAJOR[ ]*=} $mak major] { message "Can't find GS_VERSION_MAJOR in $mak" } elseif ![grep1 {GS_VERSION_MINOR[ ]*=} $mak minor] { message "Can't find GS_VERSION_MINOR in $mak" } else { regexp {=[ "]*([0-9]+)[ "]*$} $major skip vmajor regexp {=[ "]*([0-9]+)[ "]*$} $minor skip vminor if {"${vmajor}.${vminor}" != $vcurdot} { message "In $mak: DOT_VERSION=${vmajor}.${vminor}, current is $vcurdot" } } } ################ Get the version number from gs_init.ps if ![grep1 {^[0-9]+($|[ ]*%)} $GSINIT version] { message "No version number found in $GSINIT!" exit } regexp {^[0-9]+} $version version puts "Current version in $GSINIT is $version" ################ Check various version #s and related information regexp {^Version ([0-9.]+)} $NEWSVERSION skip vcurdot regsub -all {\.} $vcurdot {} vcur if [regexp {^[0-9]\.[0-9]$} $vcurdot] { append vcur 0 } if {$vcur != $version} { message "$vcur != $version, exiting" exit } ################ If requested, mechanically update doc files. set dateformat "%-d %B %Y" set curdate [exec date -u +$dateformat] set manlist [glob {man/gs*.1} {man/[dpfw]*.1}] foreach d "[glob doc/*.htm] doc/gs-vms.hlp" { if {![regexp {Changes|Hershey|Humor|Public} $d]} { lappend doclist $d } } switch $tcl_platform(platform) { unix { # or even $::env(TMPDIR), at times. set tmpdir /tmp } macintosh { set tmpdir $::env(TRASH_FOLDER) ;# a better place? } default { set tmpdir [pwd] catch {set tmpdir $::env(TMP)} catch {set tmpdir $::env(TEMP)} } } if {$argv == {update}} { # Update dates in .htm and .1 files. proc updoc {doc before after} { set tmpfile [file join /tmp [pid]] set access [list RDWR CREAT EXCL TRUNC] set perm 0600 if {[catch {open $tmpfile $access $perm} fid ]} { # something went wrong error "Could not open tempfile." } if {[catch {close $fid} err]} { error "Failed closing temporary file: $err" } exec perl -pwe "s{$before}{$after}" < $doc > $tmpfile file rename -force $tmpfile $doc } set rever {[0-9.]+} set redate {[0-9]+ [A-Z][a-z]+ [0-9]+} foreach doc $doclist { updoc $doc \ "^(! |)(AFPL |Aladdin |GNU |)(Ghostscript version )$rever, ${redate}(|)\$" \ "\$1\$2\${3}$vcurdot, $curdate" } foreach doc1 $manlist { updoc $doc1 \ "^(\\.TH \[A-Z0-9\]+ 1 )\"$redate\" $rever " \ "\${1}\"$curdate\" $vcurdot " updoc $doc1 \ "^(This document was last revised for Ghostscript version )$rever\\.\$" \ "\${1}${vcurdot}." } exit } file delete $DIFFFILE $GREPFILE exec touch $DIFFFILE ################ Check dates and version #s in makefiles check_version base/version.mak ################ Check dates and version #s in documentation files foreach doc $doclist { set dateline {^(! |)(AFPL |Aladdin |GNU |)Ghostscript version ([0-9.]+), ([0-9]+ [A-Z][a-z]+ [0-9]+)(|)$} set idline {[$]Id: [^ ]+ ([0-9]+) ([0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9])-([0-9][0-9])-([0-9][0-9]) } if {![grep1 $dateline $doc dstr]} { message "Can't find version # and date in $doc" } elseif {![grep1 $idline $doc idstr]} { message "Can't find Id line in $doc" } else { regexp $dateline $dstr skip skip2 skip3 dver ddate regexp $idline $idstr skip idver year month1 day set ddate [exec date -u +$dateformat -d $ddate] # Strip leading 0 from month and day. set day [expr 1$day - 100] set month1 [expr 1$month1 - 100] set idate "$day [monthname $month1] $year" if {$ddate != $idate} { # Make a special exception for CVS version 1.1: see below. if {$idver != "1.1"} { message "$doc shows version $dver, $ddate;\n\tcurrent is $vcurdot, last updated $idate" } } } } ################ Check dates and version #s in man pages foreach doc $manlist { set in [open $doc] set idline [gets $in] set thline [gets $in] close $in # We must be careful not to include the string $,I,d,: in any pattern, # since CVS/RCS will substitute for it! if {![regexp {^\.\\" [$]Id: ([^ ]+) ([0-9.]+) ([0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9])/([0-9][0-9])/([0-9][0-9])} $idline skip file idrevision idyear idmonth idday]} { message "In $doc, can't parse \$Id line: $idline" continue } if {$file != [file tail $doc]} { message "In $doc, File name $file in Id: line doesn't match." continue } set prefix ".TH [string toupper [file root [file tail $doc]]] 1 \"" if {[string first $prefix $thline] != 0} { message "In $doc, .TH line doesn't match: $thline" continue } if {![regexp {"([0-9]+) ([A-Z][a-z]+) ([0-9]+)"} $thline skip thday thmonth thyear]} { message "In $doc, can't parse date in .TH line: $thline" continue } if {![regexp {" ([0-9.]+) ("Ghostscript Tools"|Ghostscript) } $thline skip dver]} { message "In $doc, can't find version # and 'Ghostscript' in .TH line: $thline" continue } # The first requirement we enforce is that the change date in # the Id: line match the one in the .TH line. If they don't # match, we also check the version # at the top and bottom of # the file. We make a special exception if the revision # is 1.1 # and the Ghostscript version # is 6.0, because the very first # checkin date for the repository was later than the release date. if {$idrevision != 1.1 || $dver != 6.0} { if {$idyear != $thyear || [monthname $idmonth] != $thmonth || $idday != $thday} { message "In $doc, Id: date is $idyear/$idmonth/$idday, .TH date is $thday $thmonth $thyear" if {$dver != $vcurdot} { message "$doc header cites version $dver, current is $vcurdot" } if {![grep1 {^This document was last revised for Ghostscript version [0-9.]+\.$} $doc rstr]} { message "$doc doesn't contain a last-revision line." } else { regexp {([0-9.]+)\.$} $rstr skip dver if {$dver != $vcurdot} { message "In $doc, last revision is $dver, current is $vcurdot" } } } } } ################ Check miscellaneous parameters in makefiles and code proc grept1 {pattern files {force_filename 1}} { global DIFFFILE GREPFILE # We include t in the lists below to force grep to include the file # name in the output, because there is no switch to do this. if $force_filename { set t $DIFFFILE } else { set t "" } catch {eval exec grep $pattern $files $t >> $GREPFILE} } set unix_maks {base/unixansi.mak base/unixtrad.mak base/unix-gcc.mak base/dvx-gcc.mak} set pc_maks {base/bcwin32.mak base/msvc32.mak base/watc.mak base/watcwin.mak} set lib_maks {base/msvclib.mak base/watclib.mak base/ugcclib.mak} set all_maks [concat $unix_maks $pc_maks $lib_maks] grept1 ^GENOPT= $unix_maks grept1 ^CFLAGS= $unix_maks grept1 ^XCFLAGS= $unix_maks grept1 ^LDFLAGS= $unix_maks grept1 ^XLIBS= $unix_maks grept1 ^ZLIB_NAME= $unix_maks grept1 ^DEBUG= $pc_maks grept1 ^TDEBUG= $pc_maks grept1 ^NOPRIVATE= $pc_maks grept1 bgi_= base/devs.mak grept1 mswin_= base/devs.mak grept1 ^BAND_LIST_ $all_maks grept1 ^COMPILE_INITS= $unix_maks grept1 DEVICE_DEVS $all_maks grept1 FEATURE_DEVS $all_maks grept1 ^SHARE_ $unix_maks grept1 ^..._TYPE= $pc_maks grept1 define._fixed_shift base/gxfixed.h grept1 define.TRIM base/gdevbit.c grept1 define.EXPAND base/gdevbit.c grept1 if...1...return.0 base/gdevxalt.c grept1 define.TEST [glob base/gdev*.c] grept1 define.PDFX base/gdevpdfx.h grept1 define.FORCE base/gshtscr.c grept1 define.CAPTURE base/gslib.c # Apparently diff exits with a non-zero status if there are any differences! catch {exec diff $GREPFILE $CHECKFILE >> $DIFFFILE} exec wc $DIFFFILE >@ stdout