#!/usr/bin/tclsh # Copyright (C) 2001-2020 Artifex Software, Inc. # All Rights Reserved. # # This software is provided AS-IS with no warranty, either express or # implied. # # This software is distributed under license and may not be copied, # modified or distributed except as expressly authorized under the terms # of the license contained in the file LICENSE in this distribution. # # Refer to licensing information at http://www.artifex.com or contact # Artifex Software, Inc., 1305 Grant Avenue - Suite 200, Novato, # CA 94945, U.S.A., +1(415)492-9861, for further information. # # Check various aspects of an about-to-be-released source fileset. # Sets the following globals for use by files using this one: # CHANGED(f) - defined as 1 for each f such that f~ or f.orig exists # NEWSCHANGED(f) - defined as 1 for each f listed as changed in the # NEWS* file # NEWSDATE - the date in NEWSVERSION # NEWSVERSION - the most recent Version line from the NEWS* file # ---------------- Utilities ---------------- # # Print an error message. proc message {str} { puts stderr "**** $str" } # Search for one or more occurrences of a pattern in a file. # If any are found, set $linevar to the line containing the first occurrence, # and return 1; otherwise, return 0. proc grep1 {pattern file linevar} { upvar $linevar line set line "" set cmd [list exec egrep $pattern $file] catch "set line \[$cmd\]" if {$line == ""} {return 0} set line [lindex [split $line "\n"] 0] return 1 } # ---------------- Main program ---------------- # # Identify the relevant NEWS file, setting NEWS. set news {} foreach f [glob -nocomplain NEWS* News*.htm doc/News*.htm] { if {[regexp {^(doc/|)(NEWS([-_][A-Z0-9]*|)|News([-_][A-Za-z0-9]*|)\.htm)$} $f]} {lappend news $f} } if {[llength $news] != 1} { if {$news == {}} {set news -nothing-} puts "**** Looking for NEWS or News.htm, found: $news" exit 1 } set NEWS [lindex $news 0] # Check the date and version number in the NEWS file. # Set NEWSVERSION if {![grep1 {^Version [0-9.]+[( ]} $NEWS vdate]} { if {![grep1 {[<]/a>Version [0-9.]+[( ]} $NEWS vdate]} { message "Unable to parse $NEWS!" exit 1 } } regsub -all {<[^>]*>} $vdate "" vdate puts "Most recent version in $NEWS: $vdate" set vdmypat {^Version [0-9.]+(.*)\((([0-9x]+)/([0-9x]+)/([0-9x]+))\)$} set vymdpat {^Version [0-9.]+(.*)\((([0-9x]+)-([0-9x]+)-([0-9x]+))\)$} if [regexp $vdmypat $vdate skip skip2 rdate rmonth rday ryear] { set dateformat %-m/%-d/%y } elseif [regexp $vymdpat $vdate skip skip2 rdate ryear rmonth rday] { set dateformat %Y-%m-%d } else { message "$NEWS release date is missing" exit 1 } if {![string match *x* $ryear]} { if {$ryear >= 1900} { } elseif {$ryear >= 50} { set ryear [expr $ryear + 1900] } else { set ryear [expr $ryear + 2000] } } set curdate [exec date +$dateformat] if {$rdate != $curdate} { message "Warning: current date is $curdate, release date is $rdate" } set NEWSVERSION $vdate # Collect the list of changed files (those with a ~-file or .orig file, # other than t and t.*). proc changed_files {} { set changed {} foreach prefix {doc/ examples/ lib/ man/ src/ toolbin/ gnu/*/} { foreach fx [glob -nocomplain ${prefix}*~ ${prefix}*.orig] { if {[regexp {^(.*)(~|\.orig)$} $fx skip f]} { lappend changed $f } } } return $changed } catch {unset CHANGED} foreach f [changed_files] {set CHANGED($f) 1} # Collect the list of files identified as changed in the current NEWS # section. proc news_changed_files {in} { set changed {} set para {} set fnamepat {[-0-9A-Za-z_.*/]+} set fn1pat "${fnamepat}( \\\[deleted\\\]| => $fnamepat|)" set fnlistpat "${fn1pat}(,\[ \]*$fn1pat)*" while {[gets $in l] >= 0 && ![regexp {(^|)Version} $l]} { set l [string trimright $l] if {$l == "" || $l != [string trimleft $l]} { # End of paragraph. Look for changed files in the previous one. regsub {\) \*\*\*(.*)\*\*\*$} $para {)} para if {[regexp "\\(($fnlistpat)\\)\$" $para skip files]} { regsub -all {,} $files { } files foreach f $files { if {$f == {[deleted]}} {continue} if {![regexp / $f]} {set f src/$f} set fl [glob -nocomplain $f] if {$fl != ""} {append changed " $fl"} } } set para $l } else { append para " $l" } } return $changed } catch {unset NEWSCHANGED} set news [open $NEWS] while {![regexp {(^|)Version} [gets $news]]} { } foreach f [news_changed_files $news] {set NEWSCHANGED($f) 1} close $news # Check that the files with ~- or .orig-files are 1-for-1 with files listed # in the current NEWS section. puts "[array size CHANGED] files with ~ or .orig,\ [array size NEWSCHANGED] changed in $NEWS." # We'd like to handle gs_init.ps properly, but its embedded version number # changes in every fileset. **** SPECIAL HACK FOR GS **** foreach f "$NEWS lib/gs_init.ps src/version.mak" {catch {unset CHANGED($f)}} foreach f {lib/gs_init.ps} {catch {unset NEWSCHANGED($f)}} set c_n {} foreach f [array names CHANGED] {if {![info exists NEWSCHANGED($f)]} {lappend c_n $f}} set n_c {} foreach f [array names NEWSCHANGED] {if {![info exists CHANGED($f)]} {lappend n_c $f}} if {$c_n != ""} {puts "**** Changed, not in $NEWS: [lsort $c_n]"} if {$n_c != ""} {puts "**** In $NEWS, not changed: [lsort $n_c]"}