#!/usr/bin/perl -w $/=""; # script for generating reports from the pscet status document $mydb = "pscet_status.txt"; open(MYDB,$mydb) or die "Unable to open $mydb:$!\n"; $total=0; $unclass=0; $reviewed=0; $ok=0; $assigned=0; $unassigned=0; $repeats=0; $diff=0; $device_dependent=0; $VERBOSE=0; $JOBPAGEREG="^[0-9][^ \t]*"; while () { if (/$JOBPAGEREG/) { $matches = 0; @lines = split('\n'); for (@lines) { $matches++ if /$JOBPAGEREG/; } print "bad entry: $matches, $_" if $matches != 1; $total++; if (/DIFF/) { $diff++; $device_dependent++ if (/Device Dependent/i); if (/count:/) { $unclass++; } else { $reviewed++; if (/assign/i) { $assigned++; } else { $unassigned++; print "Unassigned $_"; } $repeats++ if (/(repeat|same as)/); # && print "repeat $_\n"; } } else { if (/(OK|AOK)/) { $ok++; } else { print "not classified\n"; } } } else { print "bad record: $_\n" if $VERBOSE; } } close(MYDB); print "Total pages=$total\n"; print "Total pages ok or aok=$ok\n"; print "Total different=$diff\n"; print "Total pages unclassified=$unclass\n"; print "Total pages reviewed and different (not accepted as ok or aok)=$reviewed\n"; print "Total reviewed and assigned=$assigned\n"; print "Total reviewed and unassigned=$unassigned\n"; print "possible duplicate problems using keywords 'repeat' and 'same as' (overestimates)=$repeats\n"; print "Device dependent problems (different)=$device_dependent\n";