#!/bin/sh test_description='test git worktree add' . ./test-lib.sh test_expect_success 'setup' ' test_commit init ' test_expect_success '"add" an existing worktree' ' mkdir -p existing/subtree && test_must_fail git worktree add --detach existing master ' test_expect_success '"add" an existing empty worktree' ' mkdir existing_empty && git worktree add --detach existing_empty master ' test_expect_success '"add" refuses to checkout locked branch' ' test_must_fail git worktree add zere master && ! test -d zere && ! test -d .git/worktrees/zere ' test_expect_success 'checking out paths not complaining about linked checkouts' ' ( cd existing_empty && echo dirty >>init.t && git checkout master -- init.t ) ' test_expect_success '"add" worktree' ' git rev-parse HEAD >expect && git worktree add --detach here master && ( cd here && test_cmp ../init.t init.t && test_must_fail git symbolic-ref HEAD && git rev-parse HEAD >actual && test_cmp ../expect actual && git fsck ) ' test_expect_success '"add" worktree from a subdir' ' ( mkdir sub && cd sub && git worktree add --detach here master && cd here && test_cmp ../../init.t init.t ) ' test_expect_success '"add" from a linked checkout' ' ( cd here && git worktree add --detach nested-here master && cd nested-here && git fsck ) ' test_expect_success '"add" worktree creating new branch' ' git worktree add -b newmaster there master && ( cd there && test_cmp ../init.t init.t && git symbolic-ref HEAD >actual && echo refs/heads/newmaster >expect && test_cmp expect actual && git fsck ) ' test_expect_success 'die the same branch is already checked out' ' ( cd here && test_must_fail git checkout newmaster ) ' test_expect_success SYMLINKS 'die the same branch is already checked out (symlink)' ' head=$(git -C there rev-parse --git-path HEAD) && ref=$(git -C there symbolic-ref HEAD) && rm "$head" && ln -s "$ref" "$head" && test_must_fail git -C here checkout newmaster ' test_expect_success 'not die the same branch is already checked out' ' ( cd here && git worktree add --force anothernewmaster newmaster ) ' test_expect_success 'not die on re-checking out current branch' ' ( cd there && git checkout newmaster ) ' test_expect_success '"add" from a bare repo' ' ( git clone --bare . bare && cd bare && git worktree add -b bare-master ../there2 master ) ' test_expect_success 'checkout from a bare repo without "add"' ' ( cd bare && test_must_fail git checkout master ) ' test_expect_success 'checkout with grafts' ' test_when_finished rm .git/info/grafts && test_commit abc && SHA1=`git rev-parse HEAD` && test_commit def && test_commit xyz && echo "`git rev-parse HEAD` $SHA1" >.git/info/grafts && cat >expected <<-\EOF && xyz abc EOF git log --format=%s -2 >actual && test_cmp expected actual && git worktree add --detach grafted master && git --git-dir=grafted/.git log --format=%s -2 >actual && test_cmp expected actual ' test_expect_success '"add" from relative HEAD' ' test_commit a && test_commit b && test_commit c && git rev-parse HEAD~1 >expected && git worktree add relhead HEAD~1 && git -C relhead rev-parse HEAD >actual && test_cmp expected actual ' test_expect_success '"add -b" with <branch> omitted' ' git worktree add -b burble flornk && test_cmp_rev HEAD burble ' test_expect_success '"add --detach" with <branch> omitted' ' git worktree add --detach fishhook && git rev-parse HEAD >expected && git -C fishhook rev-parse HEAD >actual && test_cmp expected actual && test_must_fail git -C fishhook symbolic-ref HEAD ' test_expect_success '"add" with <branch> omitted' ' git worktree add wiffle/bat && test_cmp_rev HEAD bat ' test_expect_success '"add" auto-vivify does not clobber existing branch' ' test_commit c1 && test_commit c2 && git branch precious HEAD~1 && test_must_fail git worktree add precious && test_cmp_rev HEAD~1 precious && test_path_is_missing precious ' test_expect_success '"add" no auto-vivify with --detach and <branch> omitted' ' git worktree add --detach mish/mash && test_must_fail git rev-parse mash -- && test_must_fail git -C mish/mash symbolic-ref HEAD ' test_expect_success '"add" -b/-B mutually exclusive' ' test_must_fail git worktree add -b poodle -B poodle bamboo master ' test_expect_success '"add" -b/--detach mutually exclusive' ' test_must_fail git worktree add -b poodle --detach bamboo master ' test_expect_success '"add" -B/--detach mutually exclusive' ' test_must_fail git worktree add -B poodle --detach bamboo master ' test_expect_success 'local clone from linked checkout' ' git clone --local here here-clone && ( cd here-clone && git fsck ) ' test_done