# Copyright (c) 2009 Red Hat, Inc.

test_description='Test updating submodules

This test verifies that "git submodule update" detaches the HEAD of the
submodule and "git submodule update --rebase/--merge" does not detach the HEAD.

. ./test-lib.sh

    sha_master=`git rev-list --max-count=1 master`
    sha_head=`git rev-list --max-count=1 HEAD`

    test "$sha_master" = "$sha_head"

test_expect_success 'setup a submodule tree' '
	echo file > file &&
	git add file &&
	test_tick &&
	git commit -m upstream &&
	git clone . super &&
	git clone super submodule &&
	git clone super rebasing &&
	git clone super merging &&
	git clone super none &&
	(cd super &&
	 git submodule add ../submodule submodule &&
	 test_tick &&
	 git commit -m "submodule" &&
	 git submodule init submodule
	) &&
	(cd submodule &&
	echo "line2" > file &&
	git add file &&
	git commit -m "Commit 2"
	) &&
	(cd super &&
	 (cd submodule &&
	  git pull --rebase origin
	 ) &&
	 git add submodule &&
	 git commit -m "submodule update"
	) &&
	(cd super &&
	 git submodule add ../rebasing rebasing &&
	 test_tick &&
	 git commit -m "rebasing"
	) &&
	(cd super &&
	 git submodule add ../merging merging &&
	 test_tick &&
	 git commit -m "rebasing"
	(cd super &&
	 git submodule add ../none none &&
	 test_tick &&
	 git commit -m "none"

test_expect_success 'submodule update detaching the HEAD ' '
	(cd super/submodule &&
	 git reset --hard HEAD~1
	) &&
	(cd super &&
	 (cd submodule &&
	 ) &&
	 git submodule update submodule &&
	 cd submodule &&
	 ! compare_head

test_expect_success 'submodule update does not fetch already present commits' '
	(cd submodule &&
	  echo line3 >> file &&
	  git add file &&
	  test_tick &&
	  git commit -m "upstream line3"
	) &&
	(cd super/submodule &&
	  head=$(git rev-parse --verify HEAD) &&
	  echo "Submodule path ${apos}submodule$apos: checked out $apos$head$apos" > ../../expected &&
	  git reset --hard HEAD~1
	) &&
	(cd super &&
	  git submodule update > ../actual 2> ../actual.err
	) &&
	test_i18ncmp expected actual &&
	! test -s actual.err

test_expect_success 'submodule update should fail due to local changes' '
	(cd super/submodule &&
	 git reset --hard HEAD~1 &&
	 echo "local change" > file
	) &&
	(cd super &&
	 (cd submodule &&
	 ) &&
	 test_must_fail git submodule update submodule
test_expect_success 'submodule update should throw away changes with --force ' '
	(cd super &&
	 (cd submodule &&
	 ) &&
	 git submodule update --force submodule &&
	 cd submodule &&
	 ! compare_head

test_expect_success 'submodule update --force forcibly checks out submodules' '
	(cd super &&
	 (cd submodule &&
	  rm -f file
	 ) &&
	 git submodule update --force submodule &&
	 (cd submodule &&
	  test "$(git status -s file)" = ""

test_expect_success 'submodule update --rebase staying on master' '
	(cd super/submodule &&
	  git checkout master
	) &&
	(cd super &&
	 (cd submodule &&
	 ) &&
	 git submodule update --rebase submodule &&
	 cd submodule &&

test_expect_success 'submodule update --merge staying on master' '
	(cd super/submodule &&
	  git reset --hard HEAD~1
	) &&
	(cd super &&
	 (cd submodule &&
	 ) &&
	 git submodule update --merge submodule &&
	 cd submodule &&

test_expect_success 'submodule update - rebase in .git/config' '
	(cd super &&
	 git config submodule.submodule.update rebase
	) &&
	(cd super/submodule &&
	  git reset --hard HEAD~1
	) &&
	(cd super &&
	 (cd submodule &&
	 ) &&
	 git submodule update submodule &&
	 cd submodule &&

test_expect_success 'submodule update - checkout in .git/config but --rebase given' '
	(cd super &&
	 git config submodule.submodule.update checkout
	) &&
	(cd super/submodule &&
	  git reset --hard HEAD~1
	) &&
	(cd super &&
	 (cd submodule &&
	 ) &&
	 git submodule update --rebase submodule &&
	 cd submodule &&

test_expect_success 'submodule update - merge in .git/config' '
	(cd super &&
	 git config submodule.submodule.update merge
	) &&
	(cd super/submodule &&
	  git reset --hard HEAD~1
	) &&
	(cd super &&
	 (cd submodule &&
	 ) &&
	 git submodule update submodule &&
	 cd submodule &&

test_expect_success 'submodule update - checkout in .git/config but --merge given' '
	(cd super &&
	 git config submodule.submodule.update checkout
	) &&
	(cd super/submodule &&
	  git reset --hard HEAD~1
	) &&
	(cd super &&
	 (cd submodule &&
	 ) &&
	 git submodule update --merge submodule &&
	 cd submodule &&

test_expect_success 'submodule update - checkout in .git/config' '
	(cd super &&
	 git config submodule.submodule.update checkout
	) &&
	(cd super/submodule &&
	  git reset --hard HEAD^
	) &&
	(cd super &&
	 (cd submodule &&
	 ) &&
	 git submodule update submodule &&
	 cd submodule &&
	 ! compare_head

test_expect_success 'submodule init picks up rebase' '
	(cd super &&
	 git config -f .gitmodules submodule.rebasing.update rebase &&
	 git submodule init rebasing &&
	 test "rebase" = "$(git config submodule.rebasing.update)"

test_expect_success 'submodule init picks up merge' '
	(cd super &&
	 git config -f .gitmodules submodule.merging.update merge &&
	 git submodule init merging &&
	 test "merge" = "$(git config submodule.merging.update)"

test_expect_success 'submodule update --merge  - ignores --merge  for new submodules' '
	(cd super &&
	 rm -rf submodule &&
	 git submodule update submodule &&
	 git status -s submodule >expect &&
	 rm -rf submodule &&
	 git submodule update --merge submodule &&
	 git status -s submodule >actual &&
	 test_cmp expect actual

test_expect_success 'submodule update --rebase - ignores --rebase for new submodules' '
	(cd super &&
	 rm -rf submodule &&
	 git submodule update submodule &&
	 git status -s submodule >expect &&
	 rm -rf submodule &&
	 git submodule update --rebase submodule &&
	 git status -s submodule >actual &&
	 test_cmp expect actual

test_expect_success 'submodule update ignores update=merge config for new submodules' '
	(cd super &&
	 rm -rf submodule &&
	 git submodule update submodule &&
	 git status -s submodule >expect &&
	 rm -rf submodule &&
	 git config submodule.submodule.update merge &&
	 git submodule update submodule &&
	 git status -s submodule >actual &&
	 git config --unset submodule.submodule.update &&
	 test_cmp expect actual

test_expect_success 'submodule update ignores update=rebase config for new submodules' '
	(cd super &&
	 rm -rf submodule &&
	 git submodule update submodule &&
	 git status -s submodule >expect &&
	 rm -rf submodule &&
	 git config submodule.submodule.update rebase &&
	 git submodule update submodule &&
	 git status -s submodule >actual &&
	 git config --unset submodule.submodule.update &&
	 test_cmp expect actual

test_expect_success 'submodule init picks up update=none' '
	(cd super &&
	 git config -f .gitmodules submodule.none.update none &&
	 git submodule init none &&
	 test "none" = "$(git config submodule.none.update)"

test_expect_success 'submodule update - update=none in .git/config' '
	(cd super &&
	 git config submodule.submodule.update none &&
	 (cd submodule &&
	  git checkout master &&
	 ) &&
	 git diff --raw | grep "	submodule" &&
	 git submodule update &&
	 git diff --raw | grep "	submodule" &&
	 (cd submodule &&
	 ) &&
	 git config --unset submodule.submodule.update &&
	 git submodule update submodule

test_expect_success 'submodule update - update=none in .git/config but --checkout given' '
	(cd super &&
	 git config submodule.submodule.update none &&
	 (cd submodule &&
	  git checkout master &&
	 ) &&
	 git diff --raw | grep "	submodule" &&
	 git submodule update --checkout &&
	 test_must_fail git diff --raw \| grep "	submodule" &&
	 (cd submodule &&
	  test_must_fail compare_head
	 ) &&
	 git config --unset submodule.submodule.update

test_expect_success 'submodule update --init skips submodule with update=none' '
	(cd super &&
	 git add .gitmodules &&
	 git commit -m ".gitmodules"
	) &&
	git clone super cloned &&
	(cd cloned &&
	 git submodule update --init &&
	 test -e submodule/.git &&
	 test_must_fail test -e none/.git

test_expect_success 'submodule update continues after checkout error' '
	(cd super &&
	 git reset --hard HEAD &&
	 git submodule add ../submodule submodule2 &&
	 git submodule init &&
	 git commit -am "new_submodule" &&
	 (cd submodule2 &&
	  git rev-parse --verify HEAD >../expect
	 ) &&
	 (cd submodule &&
	  test_commit "update_submodule" file
	 ) &&
	 (cd submodule2 &&
	  test_commit "update_submodule2" file
	 ) &&
	 git add submodule &&
	 git add submodule2 &&
	 git commit -m "two_new_submodule_commits" &&
	 (cd submodule &&
	  echo "" > file
	 ) &&
	 git checkout HEAD^ &&
	 test_must_fail git submodule update &&
	 (cd submodule2 &&
	  git rev-parse --verify HEAD >../actual
	 ) &&
	 test_cmp expect actual
test_expect_success 'submodule update continues after recursive checkout error' '
	(cd super &&
	 git reset --hard HEAD &&
	 git checkout master &&
	 git submodule update &&
	 (cd submodule &&
	  git submodule add ../submodule subsubmodule &&
	  git submodule init &&
	  git commit -m "new_subsubmodule"
	 ) &&
	 git add submodule &&
	 git commit -m "update_submodule" &&
	 (cd submodule &&
	  (cd subsubmodule &&
	   test_commit "update_subsubmodule" file
	  ) &&
	  git add subsubmodule &&
	  test_commit "update_submodule_again" file &&
	  (cd subsubmodule &&
	   test_commit "update_subsubmodule_again" file
	  ) &&
	  test_commit "update_submodule_again_again" file
	 ) &&
	 (cd submodule2 &&
	  git rev-parse --verify HEAD >../expect &&
	  test_commit "update_submodule2_again" file
	 ) &&
	 git add submodule &&
	 git add submodule2 &&
	 git commit -m "new_commits" &&
	 git checkout HEAD^ &&
	 (cd submodule &&
	  git checkout HEAD^ &&
	  (cd subsubmodule &&
	   echo "" > file
	 ) &&
	 test_must_fail git submodule update --recursive &&
	 (cd submodule2 &&
	  git rev-parse --verify HEAD >../actual
	 ) &&
	 test_cmp expect actual

test_expect_success 'submodule update exit immediately in case of merge conflict' '
	(cd super &&
	 git checkout master &&
	 git reset --hard HEAD &&
	 (cd submodule &&
	  (cd subsubmodule &&
	   git reset --hard HEAD
	 ) &&
	 git submodule update --recursive &&
	 (cd submodule &&
	  test_commit "update_submodule_2" file
	 ) &&
	 (cd submodule2 &&
	  test_commit "update_submodule2_2" file
	 ) &&
	 git add submodule &&
	 git add submodule2 &&
	 git commit -m "two_new_submodule_commits" &&
	 (cd submodule &&
	  git checkout master &&
	  test_commit "conflict" file &&
	  echo "conflict" > file
	 ) &&
	 git checkout HEAD^ &&
	 (cd submodule2 &&
	  git rev-parse --verify HEAD >../expect
	 ) &&
	 git config submodule.submodule.update merge &&
	 test_must_fail git submodule update &&
	 (cd submodule2 &&
	  git rev-parse --verify HEAD >../actual
	 ) &&
	 test_cmp expect actual

test_expect_success 'submodule update exit immediately after recursive rebase error' '
	(cd super &&
	 git checkout master &&
	 git reset --hard HEAD &&
	 (cd submodule &&
	  git reset --hard HEAD &&
	  git submodule update --recursive
	 ) &&
	 (cd submodule &&
	  test_commit "update_submodule_3" file
	 ) &&
	 (cd submodule2 &&
	  test_commit "update_submodule2_3" file
	 ) &&
	 git add submodule &&
	 git add submodule2 &&
	 git commit -m "two_new_submodule_commits" &&
	 (cd submodule &&
	  git checkout master &&
	  test_commit "conflict2" file &&
	  echo "conflict" > file
	 ) &&
	 git checkout HEAD^ &&
	 (cd submodule2 &&
	  git rev-parse --verify HEAD >../expect
	 ) &&
	 git config submodule.submodule.update rebase &&
	 test_must_fail git submodule update &&
	 (cd submodule2 &&
	  git rev-parse --verify HEAD >../actual
	 ) &&
	 test_cmp expect actual

test_expect_success 'add different submodules to the same path' '
	(cd super &&
	 git submodule add ../submodule s1 &&
	 test_must_fail git submodule add ../merging s1

test_expect_success 'submodule add places git-dir in superprojects git-dir' '
	(cd super &&
	 mkdir deeper &&
	 git submodule add ../submodule deeper/submodule &&
	 (cd deeper/submodule &&
	  git log > ../../expected
	 ) &&
	 (cd .git/modules/deeper/submodule &&
	  git log > ../../../../actual
	 ) &&
	 test_cmp actual expected

test_expect_success 'submodule update places git-dir in superprojects git-dir' '
	(cd super &&
	 git commit -m "added submodule"
	) &&
	git clone super super2 &&
	(cd super2 &&
	 git submodule init deeper/submodule &&
	 git submodule update &&
	 (cd deeper/submodule &&
	  git log > ../../expected
	 ) &&
	 (cd .git/modules/deeper/submodule &&
	  git log > ../../../../actual
	 ) &&
	 test_cmp actual expected

test_expect_success 'submodule add places git-dir in superprojects git-dir recursive' '
	(cd super2 &&
	 (cd deeper/submodule &&
	  git submodule add ../submodule subsubmodule &&
	  (cd subsubmodule &&
	   git log > ../../../expected
	  ) &&
	  git commit -m "added subsubmodule" &&
	  git push
	 ) &&
	 (cd .git/modules/deeper/submodule/modules/subsubmodule &&
	  git log > ../../../../../actual
	 ) &&
	 git add deeper/submodule &&
	 git commit -m "update submodule" &&
	 git push &&
	 test_cmp actual expected

test_expect_success 'submodule update places git-dir in superprojects git-dir recursive' '
	mkdir super_update_r &&
	(cd super_update_r &&
	 git init --bare
	) &&
	mkdir subsuper_update_r &&
	(cd subsuper_update_r &&
	 git init --bare
	) &&
	mkdir subsubsuper_update_r &&
	(cd subsubsuper_update_r &&
	 git init --bare
	) &&
	git clone subsubsuper_update_r subsubsuper_update_r2 &&
	(cd subsubsuper_update_r2 &&
	 test_commit "update_subsubsuper" file &&
	 git push origin master
	) &&
	git clone subsuper_update_r subsuper_update_r2 &&
	(cd subsuper_update_r2 &&
	 test_commit "update_subsuper" file &&
	 git submodule add ../subsubsuper_update_r subsubmodule &&
	 git commit -am "subsubmodule" &&
	 git push origin master
	) &&
	git clone super_update_r super_update_r2 &&
	(cd super_update_r2 &&
	 test_commit "update_super" file &&
	 git submodule add ../subsuper_update_r submodule &&
	 git commit -am "submodule" &&
	 git push origin master
	) &&
	rm -rf super_update_r2 &&
	git clone super_update_r super_update_r2 &&
	(cd super_update_r2 &&
	 git submodule update --init --recursive &&
	 (cd submodule/subsubmodule &&
	  git log > ../../expected
	 ) &&
	 (cd .git/modules/submodule/modules/subsubmodule
	  git log > ../../../../../actual
	 test_cmp actual expected

test_expect_success 'submodule add properly re-creates deeper level submodules' '
	(cd super &&
	 git reset --hard master &&
	 rm -rf deeper/ &&
	 git submodule add --force ../submodule deeper/submodule

test_expect_success 'submodule update properly revives a moved submodule' '
	(cd super &&
	 git commit -am "pre move" &&
	 git status >expect&&
	 H=$(cd submodule2; git rev-parse HEAD) &&
	 git rm --cached submodule2 &&
	 rm -rf submodule2 &&
	 mkdir -p "moved/sub module" &&
	 git update-index --add --cacheinfo 160000 $H "moved/sub module" &&
	 git config -f .gitmodules submodule.submodule2.path "moved/sub module"
	 git commit -am "post move" &&
	 git submodule update &&
	 git status >actual &&
	 test_cmp expect actual

test_expect_success SYMLINKS 'submodule update can handle symbolic links in pwd' '
	mkdir -p linked/dir &&
	ln -s linked/dir linkto &&
		cd linkto &&
		git clone "$TRASH_DIRECTORY"/super_update_r2 super &&
			cd super &&
			git submodule update --init --recursive
