# Copyright (c) 2007 Kristian Høgsberg <krh@redhat.com>

# FIXME: Test the various index usages, -i and -o, test reflog,
# signoff

. ./test-lib.sh


test_expect_success \
	"initial status" \
	"echo 'bongo bongo' >file &&
	 git-add file && \
	 git-status | grep 'Initial commit'"

test_expect_failure \
	"fail initial amend" \
	"git-commit --amend"

test_expect_success \
	"initial commit" \
	"git-commit -m initial"

test_expect_failure \
	"invalid options 1" \
	"git-commit -m foo -m bar -F file"

test_expect_failure \
	"invalid options 2" \
	"git-commit -C HEAD -m illegal"

test_expect_failure \
	"using paths with -a" \
	"echo King of the bongo >file &&
	git-commit -m foo -a file"

test_expect_failure \
	"using paths with --interactive" \
	"echo bong-o-bong >file &&
	echo 7 | git-commit -m foo --interactive file"

test_expect_failure \
	"using invalid commit with -C" \
	"git-commit -C bogus"

test_expect_failure \
	"testing nothing to commit" \
	"git-commit -m initial"

test_expect_success \
	"next commit" \
	"echo 'bongo bongo bongo' >file \
	 git-commit -m next -a"

test_expect_failure \
	"commit message from non-existing file" \
	"echo 'more bongo: bongo bongo bongo bongo' >file && \
	 git-commit -F gah -a"

# Empty except stray tabs and spaces on a few lines.
sed -e 's/@$//' >msg <<EOF

Signed-off-by: hula
test_expect_failure \
	"empty commit message" \
	"git-commit -F msg -a"

test_expect_success \
	"commit message from file" \
	"echo 'this is the commit message, coming from a file' >msg && \
	 git-commit -F msg -a"

cat >editor <<\EOF
sed -e "s/a file/an amend commit/g" < $1 > $1-
mv $1- $1
chmod 755 editor

test_expect_success \
	"amend commit" \
	"VISUAL=./editor git-commit --amend"

test_expect_failure \
	"passing -m and -F" \
	"echo 'enough with the bongos' >file && \
	 git-commit -F msg -m amending ."

test_expect_success \
	"using message from other commit" \
	"git-commit -C HEAD^ ."

cat >editor <<\EOF
sed -e "s/amend/older/g"  < $1 > $1-
mv $1- $1
chmod 755 editor

test_expect_success \
	"editing message from other commit" \
	"echo 'hula hula' >file && \
	 VISUAL=./editor git-commit -c HEAD^ -a"

test_expect_success \
	"message from stdin" \
	"echo 'silly new contents' >file && \
	 echo commit message from stdin | git-commit -F - -a"

test_expect_success \
	"overriding author from command line" \
	"echo 'gak' >file && \
	 git-commit -m 'author' --author 'Rubber Duck <rduck@convoy.org>' -a"

test_expect_success \
	"interactive add" \
	"echo 7 | git-commit --interactive | grep 'What now'"

test_expect_success \
	"showing committed revisions" \
	"git-rev-list HEAD >current"

# We could just check the head sha1, but checking each commit makes it
# easier to isolate bugs.

cat >expected <<\EOF

test_expect_success \
    'validate git-rev-list output.' \
    'diff current expected'

test_expect_success 'partial commit that involves removal (1)' '

	git rm --cached file &&
	mv file elif &&
	git add elif &&
	git commit -m "Partial: add elif" elif &&
	git diff-tree --name-status HEAD^ HEAD >current &&
	echo "A	elif" >expected &&
	diff expected current


test_expect_success 'partial commit that involves removal (2)' '

	git commit -m "Partial: remove file" file &&
	git diff-tree --name-status HEAD^ HEAD >current &&
	echo "D	file" >expected &&
	diff expected current


test_expect_success 'partial commit that involves removal (3)' '

	git rm --cached elif &&
	echo elif >elif &&
	git commit -m "Partial: modify elif" elif &&
	git diff-tree --name-status HEAD^ HEAD >current &&
	echo "M	elif" >expected &&
	diff expected current


author="The Real Author <someguy@his.email.org>"
test_expect_success 'amend commit to fix author' '

	oldtick=$GIT_AUTHOR_DATE &&
	test_tick &&
	git reset --hard &&
	git cat-file -p HEAD |
	sed -e "s/author.*/author $author $oldtick/" \
		-e "s/^\(committer.*> \).*$/\1$GIT_COMMITTER_DATE/" > \
		expected &&
	git commit --amend --author="$author" &&
	git cat-file -p HEAD > current &&
	diff expected current


test_expect_success 'sign off (1)' '

	echo 1 >positive &&
	git add positive &&
	git commit -s -m "thank you" &&
	git cat-file commit HEAD | sed -e "1,/^\$/d" >actual &&
		echo thank you
		sed -e "s/>.*/>/" -e "s/^/Signed-off-by: /"
	) >expected &&
	diff -u expected actual


test_expect_success 'sign off (2)' '

	echo 2 >positive &&
	git add positive &&
	existing="Signed-off-by: Watch This <watchthis@example.com>" &&
	git commit -s -m "thank you

$existing" &&
	git cat-file commit HEAD | sed -e "1,/^\$/d" >actual &&
		echo thank you
		echo $existing
		sed -e "s/>.*/>/" -e "s/^/Signed-off-by: /"
	) >expected &&
	diff -u expected actual


test_expect_success 'multiple -m' '

	>negative &&
	git add negative &&
	git commit -m "one" -m "two" -m "three" &&
	git cat-file commit HEAD | sed -e "1,/^\$/d" >actual &&
		echo one
		echo two
		echo three
	) >expected &&
	diff -u expected actual


author="The Real Author <someguy@his.email.org>"
test_expect_success 'amend commit to fix author' '

	oldtick=$GIT_AUTHOR_DATE &&
	test_tick &&
	git reset --hard &&
	git cat-file -p HEAD |
	sed -e "s/author.*/author $author $oldtick/" \
		-e "s/^\(committer.*> \).*$/\1$GIT_COMMITTER_DATE/" > \
		expected &&
	git commit --amend --author="$author" &&
	git cat-file -p HEAD > current &&
	diff expected current


test_expect_success 'git commit <file> with dirty index' '
	echo tacocat > elif &&
	echo tehlulz > chz &&
	git add chz &&
	git commit elif -m "tacocat is a palindrome" &&
	git show --stat | grep elif &&
	git diff --cached | grep chz

test_expect_success 'same tree (single parent)' '

	git reset --hard

	if git commit -m empty
		echo oops -- should have complained
		: happy


test_expect_success 'same tree (single parent) --allow-empty' '

	git commit --allow-empty -m "forced empty" &&
	git cat-file commit HEAD | grep forced


test_expect_success 'same tree (merge and amend merge)' '

	git checkout -b side HEAD^ &&
	echo zero >zero &&
	git add zero &&
	git commit -m "add zero" &&
	git checkout master &&

	git merge -s ours side -m "empty ok" &&
	git diff HEAD^ HEAD >actual &&
	: >expected &&
	diff -u expected actual &&

	git commit --amend -m "empty really ok" &&
	git diff HEAD^ HEAD >actual &&
	: >expected &&
	diff -u expected actual


test_expect_success 'amend using the message from another commit' '

	git reset --hard &&
	test_tick &&
	git commit --allow-empty -m "old commit" &&
	old=$(git rev-parse --verify HEAD) &&
	test_tick &&
	git commit --allow-empty -m "new commit" &&
	new=$(git rev-parse --verify HEAD) &&
	test_tick &&
	git commit --allow-empty --amend -C "$old" &&
	git show --pretty="format:%ad %s" "$old" >expected &&
	git show --pretty="format:%ad %s" HEAD >actual &&
	diff -u expected actual

