-- gall.lua -- -- Git Abstration Layer for Lua -- Top level -- -- Copyright 2012 Daniel Silverstone -- --- -- Git Abstraction Layer for Lua -- -- Gall is an abstraction layer, allowing Lua programs to manipulate Git -- repositories without needing to run the Git program and process its output -- directly. Gall will use libgit2 where it has in-process code to do so, and -- will call out to the Git binary where reimplementing things in-process would -- be awkward or error-prone. -- -- **NOTE**: `gall` is not trying to be a complete API onto Git at this time. -- Instead it is aiming to provide a fairly complete read-only interface to -- enough of a Git repository to facilitate a Git server's ACLs and also enough -- of a write-interface to ensure that such a server can store its config etc -- in a Git repository. -- -- @module gall local API_VERSION = 0 local ABI_VERSION = 0 local VERSION = "Gall v1." .. tostring(API_VERSION) local util = require "gall.util" local ll = require "gall.ll" local repository = require "gall.repository" local tag = require "gall.tag" local commit = require "gall.commit" local tree = require "gall.tree" local object = require "gall.object" return { _API_VERSION = API_VERSION, _ABI_VERSION = ABI_VERSION, VERSION = VERSION, repository = repository, tag = tag, commit = commit, tree = tree, object = object, ll = ll, util = util, }