path: root/testing
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'testing')
1 files changed, 87 insertions, 87 deletions
diff --git a/testing/library.yarn b/testing/library.yarn
index b829ce6..5547faf 100644
--- a/testing/library.yarn
+++ b/testing/library.yarn
@@ -25,10 +25,10 @@ General instance management
if [ "$GTT_PROTO" = http ]; then
printf "%s" admin | GTT_PROTO=ssh $GTT runcommand \
testinstance adminkey as admin passwd \
- >> $DATADIR/stdout 2>> $DATADIR/stderr
+ >> "$DATADIR/stdout" 2>> "$DATADIR/stderr"
printf "%s" gitano-bypass | GTT_PROTO=ssh $GTT runcommand \
testinstance bypasskey as gitano-bypass passwd \
- >> $DATADIR/stdout 2>> $DATADIR/stderr
+ >> "$DATADIR/stdout" 2>> "$DATADIR/stderr"
IMPLEMENTS FINALLY the instance is torn down
@@ -41,10 +41,10 @@ The `gitano-test-tool` utility helps us manage fake UNIX users and give them
SSH keys. Sometimes it's helpful to be able to work with these...
IMPLEMENTS GIVEN a unix user called ([a-z][a-z0-9]*)
- $GTT createunixuser $MATCH_1
+ $GTT createunixuser "$MATCH_1"
IMPLEMENTS GIVEN ([a-z][a-z0-9]*) has keys called ([a-z][a-z0-9]*)
- $GTT createsshkey $MATCH_1 $MATCH_2
+ $GTT createsshkey "$MATCH_1" "$MATCH_2"
IMPLEMENTS WHEN ([a-z][a-z0-9]*) uses their ssh public key called ([a-z][a-z0-9]*) as stdin
cp "$DATADIR/user-home-$MATCH_1/.ssh/$" "$DATADIR/stdin"
@@ -54,17 +54,17 @@ rolls up the creation of a unix user, allocation of an SSH key, and creation
of the user inside Gitano.
IMPLEMENTS GIVEN ([a-z][a-z0-9]*),? using ([a-z][a-z0-9_-]*),? adds a new user ([a-z][a-z0-9_-]*), with a key called ([a-z][a-z0-9_-]*)
- $GTT createunixuser $MATCH_3
- $GTT createsshkey $MATCH_3 $MATCH_4
- $GTT runcommand $MATCH_1 $MATCH_2 \
- user add $MATCH_3 $MATCH_3@testinstance "$MATCH_3's real name" > $DATADIR/stdout 2> $DATADIR/stderr
- $GTT runcommand $MATCH_1 $MATCH_2 \
- as $MATCH_3 sshkey add default < \
- $($GTT pubkeyfilename $MATCH_3 $MATCH_4) >> $DATADIR/stdout 2>> $DATADIR/stderr
+ $GTT createunixuser "$MATCH_3"
+ $GTT createsshkey "$MATCH_3" "$MATCH_4"
+ $GTT runcommand "$MATCH_1" "$MATCH_2" \
+ user add "$MATCH_3" "$MATCH_3"@testinstance "$MATCH_3's real name" > "$DATADIR/stdout" 2> "$DATADIR/stderr"
+ $GTT runcommand "$MATCH_1" "$MATCH_2" \
+ as "$MATCH_3" sshkey add default < \
+ "$($GTT pubkeyfilename "$MATCH_3" "$MATCH_4")" >> "$DATADIR/stdout" 2>> "$DATADIR/stderr"
if [ "$GTT_PROTO" = http ]; then
printf "%s" "$MATCH_3" | GTT_PROTO=ssh $GTT runcommand \
- $MATCH_1 $MATCH_2 as $MATCH_3 passwd \
- >> $DATADIR/stdout 2>> $DATADIR/stderr
+ "$MATCH_1" "$MATCH_2" as "$MATCH_3" passwd \
+ >> "$DATADIR/stdout" 2>> "$DATADIR/stderr"
@@ -72,19 +72,19 @@ Repository access
IMPLEMENTS WHEN ([a-z][a-z0-9]*),? using ([a-z][a-z0-9]*),? clones ([^ ]+) as ([^ ]+)( with depth (\d+))?
- $GTT clone $MATCH_1 $MATCH_2 "$MATCH_3" "$MATCH_4" ${MATCH_5:+ --no-local --depth="$MATCH_6"} \
- >$DATADIR/stdout 2>$DATADIR/stderr
+ $GTT clone "$MATCH_1" "$MATCH_2" "$MATCH_3" "$MATCH_4" ${MATCH_5:+ --no-local --depth="$MATCH_6"} \
+ >"$DATADIR/stdout" 2>"$DATADIR/stderr"
IMPLEMENTS WHEN ([a-z][a-z0-9]*),? using ([a-z][a-z0-9]*),? (expecting failure,? )?pushes ([^ ]+) to ([^ ]+)
- if $GTT push $MATCH_1 $MATCH_2 "$MATCH_4" "$MATCH_5" \
- >$DATADIR/stdout 2>$DATADIR/stderr; then
+ if $GTT push "$MATCH_1" "$MATCH_2" "$MATCH_4" "$MATCH_5" \
+ >"$DATADIR/stdout" 2>"$DATADIR/stderr"; then
test "$MATCH_3" = ""
IMPLEMENTS WHEN ([a-z][a-z0-9]*),? using ([a-z][a-z0-9]*),? (expecting failure,? )?destroys ([^ ]+) using the (.+) token
- if $GTT runcommand $MATCH_1 $MATCH_2 \
- destroy $MATCH_4 "$(cat "$DATADIR/saved-tokens/$MATCH_5")" \
- >$DATADIR/stdout 2>$DATADIR/stderr; then
+ if $GTT runcommand "$MATCH_1" "$MATCH_2" \
+ destroy "$MATCH_4" "$(cat "$DATADIR/saved-tokens/$MATCH_5")" \
+ >"$DATADIR/stdout" 2>"$DATADIR/stderr"; then
test "$MATCH_3" = ""
@@ -92,42 +92,42 @@ Server-side repository checking for behind-the-scenes work
IMPLEMENTS THEN server-side ([^ ]+) file ([^ ]+) contains (.+)
- cd "$($GTT serverlocation $MATCH_1)"
+ cd "$($GTT serverlocation "$MATCH_1")"
grep -q "$MATCH_3" "$MATCH_2"
IMPLEMENTS THEN server-side ([^ ]+) file ([^ ]+) exists
- cd "$($GTT serverlocation $MATCH_1)"
+ cd "$($GTT serverlocation "$MATCH_1")"
test -e "$MATCH_2"
IMPLEMENTS THEN server-side ([^ ]+) has identical refs to ([^ ]+)
bash -c 'diff -u <(git ls-remote -ht "$($GTT serverlocation "$MATCH_1")" | sort -k2) <(git ls-remote -ht "$($GTT serverlocation "$MATCH_2")" | sort -k2)'
IMPLEMENTS THEN server-side ([^ ]+) has no missing objects
- cd "$($GTT serverlocation $MATCH_1)".git
+ cd "$($GTT serverlocation "$MATCH_1")".git
git fsck
Clone manipulation
IMPLEMENTS THEN ([a-z][a-z0-9]*) has a clone of ([^ ]+)
- $GTT cloneexists $MATCH_1 "$MATCH_2"
+ $GTT cloneexists "$MATCH_1" "$MATCH_2"
IMPLEMENTS WHEN git pull happens in ([a-z][a-z0-9]*) ([^ ]+)
- cd "$($GTT clonelocation $MATCH_1 "$MATCH_2")"
+ cd "$($GTT clonelocation "$MATCH_1" "$MATCH_2")"
git pull
IMPLEMENTS THEN ([a-z][a-z0-9]*) ([^ ]+) has a file called (.+)
- cd "$($GTT clonelocation $MATCH_1 "$MATCH_2")"
+ cd "$($GTT clonelocation "$MATCH_1" "$MATCH_2")"
test -r "$MATCH_3"
IMPLEMENTS THEN ([a-z][a-z0-9]*) ([^ ]+) has no file called (.+)
set -x
- cd "$($GTT clonelocation $MATCH_1 "$MATCH_2")"
+ cd "$($GTT clonelocation "$MATCH_1" "$MATCH_2")"
if test -r "$MATCH_3"; then false; else true; fi
IMPLEMENTS WHEN ([a-z][a-z0-9]*) ([a-z][a-z0-9]*) uses git archive to extract the tree of ([a-z][a-z0-9-]*) ([a-z][a-z0-9]*) to ([a-z][a-z0-9]*)
mkdir -p "$DATADIR/$MATCH_5"
- $GTT gitarchive $MATCH_1 $MATCH_2 $MATCH_3 $MATCH_4 | tar -C "$DATADIR/$MATCH_5" -x
+ $GTT gitarchive "$MATCH_1" "$MATCH_2" "$MATCH_3" "$MATCH_4" | tar -C "$DATADIR/$MATCH_5" -x
rsync manipulation
@@ -136,136 +136,136 @@ rsync manipulation
test "x$GTT_PROTO" = "xssh"
IMPLEMENTS WHEN ([a-z][a-z0-9]*) ([a-z][a-z0-9]*) rsync'?s (.*) to (.*)
- rsync -I --rsh="$GTT rsh $MATCH_1 $MATCH_2" "$DATADIR/$MATCH_3" "dummy:$MATCH_4/$MATCH_3"
+ rsync -I --rsh="$GTT rsh \"$MATCH_1\" \"$MATCH_2\"" "$DATADIR/$MATCH_3" "dummy:$MATCH_4/$MATCH_3"
IMPLEMENTS WHEN ([a-z][a-z0-9]*) ([a-z][a-z0-9]*) rsync'?s (.*) from (.*)
- rsync -I --rsh="$GTT rsh $MATCH_1 $MATCH_2" "dummy:$MATCH_4/$MATCH_3" "$DATADIR/$MATCH_3"
+ rsync -I --rsh="$GTT rsh \"$MATCH_1\" \"$MATCH_2\"" "dummy:$MATCH_4/$MATCH_3" "$DATADIR/$MATCH_3"
Admin repo manipulation
IMPLEMENTS WHEN ([a-z][a-z0-9]*),? using ([a-z][a-z0-9]*),? adds user ([a-z][a-z0-9]*),? using ([a-z][a-z0-9]*) ([a-z][a-z0-9]*)
- $GTT runcommand $MATCH_1 $MATCH_2 \
- user add $MATCH_3 $MATCH_3@testinstance "$MATCH_3's real name" > $DATADIR/stdout 2> $DATADIR/stderr
- $GTT runcommand $MATCH_1 $MATCH_2 \
- as $MATCH_3 sshkey add default < \
- $($GTT pubkeyfilename $MATCH_4 $MATCH_5) >> $DATADIR/stdout 2>> $DATADIR/stderr
+ $GTT runcommand "$MATCH_1" "$MATCH_2" \
+ user add "$MATCH_3" "$MATCH_3"@testinstance "$MATCH_3's real name" > "$DATADIR/stdout" 2> "$DATADIR/stderr"
+ $GTT runcommand "$MATCH_1" "$MATCH_2" \
+ as "$MATCH_3" sshkey add default < \
+ "$($GTT pubkeyfilename "$MATCH_4" "$MATCH_5")" >> "$DATADIR/stdout" 2>> "$DATADIR/stderr"
if [ "$GTT_PROTO" = http ]; then
printf "%s" "$MATCH_3" | GTT_PROTO=ssh $GTT runcommand \
- $MATCH_1 $MATCH_2 as $MATCH_3 passwd \
- >> $DATADIR/stdout 2>> $DATADIR/stderr
+ "$MATCH_1" "$MATCH_2" as "$MATCH_3" passwd \
+ >> "$DATADIR/stdout" 2>> "$DATADIR/stderr"
IMPLEMENTS WHEN ([a-z][a-z0-9]*),? using ([a-z][a-z0-9]*),? deletes user ([a-z][a-z0-9]*)
- TOKEN=$($GTT runcommand $MATCH_1 $MATCH_2 user del $MATCH_3 2>&1 | $GTT findtoken)
- $GTT runcommand $MATCH_1 $MATCH_2 user del $MATCH_3 $TOKEN
+ TOKEN="$($GTT runcommand "$MATCH_1" "$MATCH_2" user del "$MATCH_3" 2>&1 | $GTT findtoken)"
+ $GTT runcommand "$MATCH_1" "$MATCH_2" user del "$MATCH_3" $TOKEN
IMPLEMENTS GIVEN ([a-z][a-z0-9]*),? using ([a-z][a-z0-9]*),? has patched gitano-admin with (the reverse of )?([^ ]+)
- $GTT clone $MATCH_1 $MATCH_2 gitano-admin.git tmp-adminpatch \
- >$DATADIR/stdout 2>$DATADIR/stderr
+ $GTT clone "$MATCH_1" "$MATCH_2" gitano-admin.git tmp-adminpatch \
+ >"$DATADIR/stdout" 2>"$DATADIR/stderr"
if test "$MATCH_3" = ""; then
- $GTT rungit $MATCH_1 tmp-adminpatch apply -v --cached - <"testing/admin-patches/$MATCH_4" \
- >>$DATADIR/stdout 2>>$DATADIR/stderr
+ $GTT rungit "$MATCH_1" tmp-adminpatch apply -v --cached - <"testing/admin-patches/$MATCH_4" \
+ >>"$DATADIR/stdout" 2>>"$DATADIR/stderr"
- $GTT rungit $MATCH_1 tmp-adminpatch apply -v --cached --reverse - <"testing/admin-patches/$MATCH_4" \
- >>$DATADIR/stdout 2>>$DATADIR/stderr
+ $GTT rungit "$MATCH_1" tmp-adminpatch apply -v --cached --reverse - <"testing/admin-patches/$MATCH_4" \
+ >>"$DATADIR/stdout" 2>>"$DATADIR/stderr"
- $GTT rungit $MATCH_1 tmp-adminpatch diff --cached \
- >>$DATADIR/stdout 2>>$DATADIR/stderr
- $GTT rungit $MATCH_1 tmp-adminpatch commit --allow-empty -m "Apply $MATCH_4 rules change" \
- >>$DATADIR/stdout 2>>$DATADIR/stderr
- $GTT rungit $MATCH_1 tmp-adminpatch show HEAD \
- >>$DATADIR/stdout 2>>$DATADIR/stderr
- $GTT push $MATCH_1 $MATCH_2 tmp-adminpatch gitano-admin.git \
- >>$DATADIR/stdout 2>>$DATADIR/stderr
- rm -r "$($GTT clonelocation $MATCH_1 tmp-adminpatch)" \
- >>$DATADIR/stdout 2>>$DATADIR/stderr
+ $GTT rungit "$MATCH_1" tmp-adminpatch diff --cached \
+ >>"$DATADIR/stdout" 2>>"$DATADIR/stderr"
+ $GTT rungit "$MATCH_1" tmp-adminpatch commit --allow-empty -m "Apply $MATCH_4 rules change" \
+ >>"$DATADIR/stdout" 2>>"$DATADIR/stderr"
+ $GTT rungit "$MATCH_1" tmp-adminpatch show HEAD \
+ >>"$DATADIR/stdout" 2>>"$DATADIR/stderr"
+ $GTT push "$MATCH_1" "$MATCH_2" tmp-adminpatch gitano-admin.git \
+ >>"$DATADIR/stdout" 2>>"$DATADIR/stderr"
+ rm -r "$($GTT clonelocation "$MATCH_1" tmp-adminpatch)" \
+ >>"$DATADIR/stdout" 2>>"$DATADIR/stderr"
IMPLEMENTS WHEN ([a-z][a-z0-9]*),? using ([a-z][a-z0-9]*),? (expecting failure,? )?pushes an empty commit in ([^ ]+)
- $GTT rungit $MATCH_1 $MATCH_4 commit --allow-empty -m "Make an empty commit"
- if $GTT push $MATCH_1 $MATCH_2 $MATCH_4 $MATCH_4.git > $DATADIR/stdout 2>$DATADIR/stderr; then
+ $GTT rungit "$MATCH_1" "$MATCH_4" commit --allow-empty -m "Make an empty commit"
+ if $GTT push "$MATCH_1" "$MATCH_2" "$MATCH_4" "$MATCH_4".git > "$DATADIR/stdout" 2>"$DATADIR/stderr"; then
test "$MATCH_3" = ""
IMPLEMENTS WHEN ([a-z][a-z0-9]*) (applies|reverts) ([^ ]+) in ([^ ]+)
if test "$MATCH_2" = "applies"; then
- $GTT rungit $MATCH_1 $MATCH_4 apply --cached - <"testing/content-patches/$MATCH_3" \
- >$DATADIR/stdout 2>$DATADIR/stderr
+ $GTT rungit "$MATCH_1" "$MATCH_4" apply --cached - <"testing/content-patches/$MATCH_3" \
+ >"$DATADIR/stdout" 2>"$DATADIR/stderr"
- $GTT rungit $MATCH_1 $MATCH_4 apply --cached --reverse - <"testing/content-patches/$MATCH_3" \
- >$DATADIR/stdout 2>$DATADIR/stderr
+ $GTT rungit "$MATCH_1" "$MATCH_4" apply --cached --reverse - <"testing/content-patches/$MATCH_3" \
+ >"$DATADIR/stdout" 2>"$DATADIR/stderr"
- $GTT rungit $MATCH_1 $MATCH_4 commit --allow-empty -m "Apply $MATCH_3 content change" \
- >>$DATADIR/stdout 2>>$DATADIR/stderr
+ $GTT rungit "$MATCH_1" "$MATCH_4" commit --allow-empty -m "Apply $MATCH_3 content change" \
+ >>"$DATADIR/stdout" 2>>"$DATADIR/stderr"
Specific commands
IMPLEMENTS GIVEN ([a-z][a-z0-9]*) ([a-z][a-z0-9]*) has copied ([^ ]+) to ([^ ]+)
- $GTT runcommand $MATCH_1 $MATCH_2 copy $MATCH_3 $MATCH_4
+ $GTT runcommand "$MATCH_1" "$MATCH_2" copy "$MATCH_3" "$MATCH_4"
IMPLEMENTS GIVEN ([a-z][a-z0-9]*) ([a-z][a-z0-9]*) has set the owner of ([^ ]+) to ([a-z][a-z0-9]*)
- $GTT runcommand $MATCH_1 $MATCH_2 config $MATCH_3 set project.owner $MATCH_4
+ $GTT runcommand "$MATCH_1" "$MATCH_2" config "$MATCH_3" set project.owner "$MATCH_4"
IMPLEMENTS WHEN ([a-z][a-z0-9]*) ([a-z][a-z0-9]*) restores the latest deletion to (.+)
- $GTT runcommand $MATCH_1 $MATCH_2 graveyard list >$DATADIR/stdout 2>$DATADIR/stderr
- reponame="$(head -n1 $DATADIR/stdout | cut -d' ' -f2)"
- $GTT runcommand $MATCH_1 $MATCH_2 graveyard restore "$reponame" "$MATCH_3"
+ $GTT runcommand "$MATCH_1" "$MATCH_2" graveyard list >"$DATADIR/stdout" 2>"$DATADIR/stderr"
+ reponame="$(head -n1 "$DATADIR/stdout" | cut -d' ' -f2)"
+ $GTT runcommand "$MATCH_1" "$MATCH_2" graveyard restore "$reponame" "$MATCH_3"
IMPLEMENTS WHEN ([a-z][a-z0-9]*) ([a-z][a-z0-9]*) purges the latest deletion
- $GTT runcommand $MATCH_1 $MATCH_2 graveyard list >$DATADIR/stdout 2>$DATADIR/stderr
- reponame="$(head -n1 $DATADIR/stderr | cut -d' ' -f2)"
- $GTT runcommand $MATCH_1 $MATCH_2 graveyard purge "$reponame"
+ $GTT runcommand "$MATCH_1" "$MATCH_2" graveyard list >"$DATADIR/stdout" 2>"$DATADIR/stderr"
+ reponame="$(head -n1 "$DATADIR/stderr" | cut -d' ' -f2)"
+ $GTT runcommand "$MATCH_1" "$MATCH_2" graveyard purge "$reponame"
Generic utility methods
IMPLEMENTS WHEN ([a-z][a-z0-9]*) ([a-z][a-z0-9]*) runs ?(.*)
- if ! test -e $DATADIR/stdin; then touch $DATADIR/stdin; fi
- $GTT runcommand $MATCH_1 $MATCH_2 $MATCH_3 < $DATADIR/stdin > $DATADIR/stdout 2> $DATADIR/stderr
- rm -f $DATADIR/stdin
+ if ! test -e "$DATADIR/stdin"; then touch "$DATADIR/stdin"; fi
+ $GTT runcommand "$MATCH_1" "$MATCH_2" $MATCH_3 < "$DATADIR/stdin" > "$DATADIR/stdout" 2> "$DATADIR/stderr"
+ rm -f "$DATADIR/stdin"
IMPLEMENTS WHEN ([a-z][a-z0-9]*) ([a-z][a-z0-9]*),? expecting failure,? runs ?(.*)
- if ! test -e $DATADIR/stdin; then touch $DATADIR/stdin; fi
- if $GTT runcommand $MATCH_1 $MATCH_2 $MATCH_3 > $DATADIR/stdout 2> $DATADIR/stderr; then
+ if ! test -e "$DATADIR/stdin"; then touch "$DATADIR/stdin"; fi
+ if $GTT runcommand "$MATCH_1" "$MATCH_2" $MATCH_3 > "$DATADIR/stdout" 2> "$DATADIR/stderr"; then
- rm -f $DATADIR/stdin
+ rm -f "$DATADIR/stdin"
IMPLEMENTS GIVEN ([^ ]+) contains (.+)
printf %s "$MATCH_2" >"$DATADIR/$MATCH_1"
IMPLEMENTS THEN ([^ ]+) contains (.+)
- grep -q "$MATCH_2" $DATADIR/"$MATCH_1"
+ grep -q "$MATCH_2" "$DATADIR/$MATCH_1"
IMPLEMENTS THEN the output contains (.+)
- grep -q "$MATCH_1" $DATADIR/stdout $DATADIR/stderr
+ grep -q "$MATCH_1" "$DATADIR/stdout" "$DATADIR/stderr"
IMPLEMENTS THEN ([^ ]+) does not contain (.+)
- if grep -q "$MATCH_2" $DATADIR/"$MATCH_1"; then false; else true; fi
+ if grep -q "$MATCH_2" "$DATADIR/$MATCH_1"; then false; else true; fi
IMPLEMENTS THEN the output does not contain (.+)
- if grep -q "$MATCH_1" $DATADIR/stdout $DATADIR/stderr; then false; else true; fi
+ if grep -q "$MATCH_1" "$DATADIR/stdout" "$DATADIR/stderr"; then false; else true; fi
IMPLEMENTS THEN ([^ ]+) is empty
- if grep -q . $DATADIR/"$MATCH_1"; then false; fi
+ if grep -q . "$DATADIR/$MATCH_1"; then false; fi
IMPLEMENTS THEN ([^ ]+) is not empty
- grep -q . $DATADIR/"$MATCH_1"
+ grep -q . "$DATADIR/$MATCH_1"
IMPLEMENTS THEN the output is empty
- if grep -q . $DATADIR/stdout $DATADIR/stderr; then false; else true; fi
+ if grep -q . "$DATADIR/stdout" "$DATADIR/stderr"; then false; else true; fi
IMPLEMENTS THEN the output is not empty
- grep -q . $DATADIR/stdout $DATADIR/stderr
+ grep -q . "$DATADIR/stdout" "$DATADIR/stderr"
IMPLEMENTS GIVEN the token is saved as (.+)
mkdir -p "$DATADIR/saved-tokens"
cat "$DATADIR/stdout" "$DATADIR/stderr" | $GTT findtoken >"$DATADIR/saved-tokens/$MATCH_1"
IMPLEMENTS THEN failure ensues
+ cd "$DATADIR"
echo "FIND:"
find .
echo "KEYS:"
@@ -289,4 +289,4 @@ can access, these implementations use that `GNUPG_HOME` rather than one inside
IMPLEMENTS GIVEN gpg key ([0-9A-Fa-f]+) on stdin
- $GTT gpg --armor --export $MATCH_1 > $DATADIR/stdin
+ $GTT gpg --armor --export "$MATCH_1" > "$DATADIR/stdin"