diff options
authorAdriel Santiago <>2019-01-01 16:04:53 -0500
committerPeter Leitzen <>2019-01-02 15:32:16 +0100
commitd877b4369285ca011049581e8bc57f12c799b676 (patch)
parent8d4ee62b283db18da654e4697a2ec202ac77a047 (diff)
Use existing settings classes
1 files changed, 24 insertions, 22 deletions
diff --git a/app/views/projects/settings/operations/show.html.haml b/app/views/projects/settings/operations/show.html.haml
index 229490b9b56..39e8e2d2a8a 100644
--- a/app/views/projects/settings/operations/show.html.haml
+++ b/app/views/projects/settings/operations/show.html.haml
@@ -2,25 +2,27 @@
- page_title _('Operations')
- if Feature.enabled?(:error_tracking, @project)
- %section
- %h4
- = _('Error Tracking')
- %p
- = _('To link Sentry to GitLab, enter your Sentry URL and Auth Token.')
- = form_for @error_tracking_setting, as: :error_tracking_setting, url: namespace_project_settings_operations_error_tracking_path(@project.namespace, @project), method: :post do |f|
- = form_errors(@error_tracking_setting)
- .form-group
- .form-check
- = f.check_box :enabled, class: 'form-check-input'
- = f.label :enabled, _('Active'), class: 'form-check-label'
- .form-group
- = f.label :uri, _('Sentry API URL'), class: 'label-bold'
- = f.url_field :uri, class: 'form-control', placeholder: _('http://<sentry-host>/api/0/projects/{organization_slug}/{project_slug}/issues/')
- %p.form-text.text-muted
- = _('Enter your Sentry API URL')
- .form-group
- = f.label :token, _('Auth Token'), class: 'label-bold'
- = f.text_field :token, class: 'form-control'
- %p.form-text.text-muted
- = _('Find and manage Auth Tokens in your Sentry account settings page.')
- %input.btn.btn-success{ :type => 'submit', :value => _('Save changes') }
+ %section.settings.expanded.border-0
+ .settings-header
+ %h4
+ = _('Error Tracking')
+ .settings-content
+ %p
+ = _('To link Sentry to GitLab, enter your Sentry URL and Auth Token.')
+ = form_for @error_tracking_setting, as: :error_tracking_setting, url: namespace_project_settings_operations_error_tracking_path(@project.namespace, @project), method: :post do |f|
+ = form_errors(@error_tracking_setting)
+ .form-group
+ .form-check
+ = f.check_box :enabled, class: 'form-check-input'
+ = f.label :enabled, _('Active'), class: 'form-check-label'
+ .form-group
+ = f.label :uri, _('Sentry API URL'), class: 'label-bold'
+ = f.url_field :uri, class: 'form-control', placeholder: _('http://<sentry-host>/api/0/projects/{organization_slug}/{project_slug}/issues/')
+ %p.form-text.text-muted
+ = _('Enter your Sentry API URL')
+ .form-group
+ = f.label :token, _('Auth Token'), class: 'label-bold'
+ = f.text_field :token, class: 'form-control'
+ %p.form-text.text-muted
+ = _('Find and manage Auth Tokens in your Sentry account settings page.')
+ %input.btn.btn-success{ :type => 'submit', :value => _('Save changes') }