diff options
authorRémy Coutable <>2019-01-08 09:48:29 +0000
committerRémy Coutable <>2019-01-08 09:48:29 +0000
commit4aaea7b3c7d52809824454c3977503485b849891 (patch)
parenta996e4e3b3fb25b365e4dc6bfb0766cc71f4cae5 (diff)
parent1a2b9e31908876871b3a9c96b862f86cef53229d (diff)
Merge branch 'backstage/gb/improve-secpick-script' into 'master'
Improve `bin/secpick` script and add more options See merge request gitlab-org/gitlab-ce!24117
1 files changed, 127 insertions, 63 deletions
diff --git a/bin/secpick b/bin/secpick
index 11acdd82226..3d032f696a2 100755
--- a/bin/secpick
+++ b/bin/secpick
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
# frozen_string_literal: false
require 'active_support/core_ext/object/to_query'
@@ -7,69 +8,132 @@ require 'open3'
require 'rainbow/refinement'
using Rainbow
-BRANCH_PREFIX = 'security'.freeze
-REMOTE = 'dev'.freeze
-NEW_MR_URL = ''.freeze
-options = { version: nil, branch: nil, sha: nil }
-parser = do |opts|
- opts.banner = "Usage: #{$0} [options]"
- opts.on('-v', '--version 10.0', 'Version') do |version|
- options[:version] = version&.tr('.', '-')
- end
- opts.on('-b', '--branch security-fix-branch', 'Original branch name (optional, defaults to current)') do |branch|
- options[:branch] = branch
- end
- opts.on('-s', '--sha abcd', 'SHA to cherry pick') do |sha|
- options[:sha] = sha
- end
- opts.on('-h', '--help', 'Displays Help') do
- puts opts
- exit
+module Secpick
+ BRANCH_PREFIX = 'security'.freeze
+ DEFAULT_REMOTE = 'dev'.freeze
+ NEW_MR_URL = ''.freeze
+ class SecurityFix
+ def initialize
+ @options = self.class.options
+ end
+ def ee?
+ File.exist?('./')
+ end
+ def dry_run?
+ @options[:try] == true
+ end
+ def original_branch
+ @options[:branch].strip
+ end
+ def source_branch
+ branch = "#{original_branch}-#{@options[:version]}"
+ branch.prepend("#{BRANCH_PREFIX}-") unless branch.start_with?("#{BRANCH_PREFIX}-")
+ branch.freeze
+ end
+ def security_branch
+ "#{BRANCH_PREFIX}-#{@options[:version]}".tap do |name|
+ name << "-ee" if ee?
+ end.freeze
+ end
+ def git_commands
+ ["git fetch #{@options[:remote]} #{security_branch}",
+ "git checkout #{security_branch}",
+ "git pull #{@options[:remote]} #{security_branch}",
+ "git checkout -B #{source_branch}",
+ "git cherry-pick #{@options[:sha]}",
+ "git push #{@options[:remote]} #{source_branch}",
+ "git checkout #{original_branch}"]
+ end
+ def gitlab_params
+ {
+ merge_request: {
+ source_branch: source_branch,
+ target_branch: security_branch,
+ title: "WIP: [#{@options[:version].tr('-', '.')}] ",
+ description: '/label ~security'
+ }
+ }
+ end
+ def new_mr_url
+ if ee?
+ NEW_MR_URL.sub('gitlabhq', 'gitlab-ee')
+ else
+ end
+ end
+ def create!
+ if dry_run?
+ puts git_commands.join("\n").green
+ puts "\nMerge request params: ".blue
+ pp gitlab_params
+ else
+ cmd = git_commands.join(' && ')
+ stdin, stdout, stderr, wait_thr = Open3.popen3(cmd)
+ puts
+ puts
+ if wait_thr.value.success?
+ puts "#{new_mr_url}?#{gitlab_params.to_query}".blue
+ end
+ stdin.close
+ stdout.close
+ stderr.close
+ end
+ end
+ def self.options
+ { version: nil, branch: nil, sha: nil }.tap do |options|
+ parser = do |opts|
+ opts.banner = "Usage: #{$0} [options]"
+ opts.on('-v', '--version 10.0', 'Version') do |version|
+ options[:version] = version&.tr('.', '-')
+ end
+ opts.on('-b', '--branch security-fix-branch', 'Original branch name (optional, defaults to current)') do |branch|
+ options[:branch] = branch
+ end
+ opts.on('-s', '--sha abcd', 'SHA to cherry pick') do |sha|
+ options[:sha] = sha
+ end
+ opts.on('-r', '--remote abcd', 'Git remote name of (optional, defaults to `dev`)') do |remote|
+ options[:remote] = remote
+ end
+ opts.on('-d', '--dry-run', 'Only show Git commands, without calling them') do |remote|
+ options[:try] = true
+ end
+ opts.on('-h', '--help', 'Displays Help') do
+ puts opts
+ exit
+ end
+ end
+ parser.parse!
+ options[:branch] ||= `git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD`
+ options[:remote] ||= DEFAULT_REMOTE
+ abort("Missing options. Use #{$0} --help to see the list of options available".red) if options.values.include?(nil)
+ abort("Wrong version format #{options[:version].bold}".red) unless options[:version] =~ /\A\d*\-\d*\Z/
+ end
+ end
-options[:branch] ||= `git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD`
-abort("Missing options. Use #{$0} --help to see the list of options available".red) if options.values.include?(nil)
-abort("Wrong version format #{options[:version].bold}".red) unless options[:version] =~ /\A\d*\-\d*\Z/
-ee = File.exist?('./')
-original_branch = options[:branch].strip
-branch = "#{original_branch}-#{options[:version]}"
-branch.prepend("#{BRANCH_PREFIX}-") unless branch.start_with?("#{BRANCH_PREFIX}-")
-branch = branch.freeze
-stable_branch = "#{BRANCH_PREFIX}-#{options[:version]}".tap do |name|
- name << "-ee" if ee
-command = "git fetch #{REMOTE} #{stable_branch} && git checkout #{stable_branch} && git pull #{REMOTE} #{stable_branch} && git checkout -B #{branch} && git cherry-pick #{options[:sha]} && git push #{REMOTE} #{branch} && git checkout #{original_branch}"
-stdin, stdout, stderr, wait_thr = Open3.popen3(command)
-if wait_thr.value.success?
- params = {
- merge_request: {
- source_branch: branch,
- target_branch: stable_branch,
- title: "WIP: [#{options[:version].tr('-', '.')}] ",
- description: '/label ~security'
- }
- }
- puts "#{NEW_MR_URL}?#{params.to_query}".blue