path: root/app/assets/javascripts/graphs
diff options
authorFatih Acet <>2016-07-24 23:45:11 +0300
committerFatih Acet <>2016-07-24 23:45:11 +0300
commitaaa9509d120524573085e94af9de5cdde83e3271 (patch)
tree3824cffd4cdd132ee9cf75a00a7624f5ccc0dabd /app/assets/javascripts/graphs
parent56b79181adc0bd6e9abef97ea075c14be971a01a (diff)
ES6ify all the things!
Diffstat (limited to 'app/assets/javascripts/graphs')
10 files changed, 552 insertions, 355 deletions
diff --git a/app/assets/javascripts/graphs/graphs_bundle.js b/app/assets/javascripts/graphs/graphs_bundle.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..b95faadc8e7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app/assets/javascripts/graphs/graphs_bundle.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+/*= require_tree . */
+(function() {
diff --git a/app/assets/javascripts/graphs/ b/app/assets/javascripts/graphs/
deleted file mode 100644
index e0f681acf0b..00000000000
--- a/app/assets/javascripts/graphs/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-# This is a manifest file that'll be compiled into including all the files listed below.
-# Add new JavaScript/Coffee code in separate files in this directory and they'll automatically
-# be included in the compiled file accessible from
-# It's not advisable to add code directly here, but if you do, it'll appear at the bottom of the
-# the compiled file.
-#= require_tree .
diff --git a/app/assets/javascripts/graphs/stat_graph.js b/app/assets/javascripts/graphs/stat_graph.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..f041980bc19
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app/assets/javascripts/graphs/stat_graph.js
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+(function() {
+ this.StatGraph = (function() {
+ function StatGraph() {}
+ StatGraph.log = {};
+ StatGraph.get_log = function() {
+ return this.log;
+ };
+ StatGraph.set_log = function(data) {
+ return this.log = data;
+ };
+ return StatGraph;
+ })();
diff --git a/app/assets/javascripts/graphs/ b/app/assets/javascripts/graphs/
deleted file mode 100644
index f36c71fd25e..00000000000
--- a/app/assets/javascripts/graphs/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-class @StatGraph
- @log: {}
- @get_log: ->
- @log
- @set_log: (data) ->
- @log = data
diff --git a/app/assets/javascripts/graphs/stat_graph_contributors.js b/app/assets/javascripts/graphs/stat_graph_contributors.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..927d241b357
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app/assets/javascripts/graphs/stat_graph_contributors.js
@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
+/*= require d3 */
+(function() {
+ this.ContributorsStatGraph = (function() {
+ function ContributorsStatGraph() {}
+ ContributorsStatGraph.prototype.init = function(log) {
+ var author_commits, total_commits;
+ this.parsed_log = ContributorsStatGraphUtil.parse_log(log);
+ this.set_current_field("commits");
+ total_commits = ContributorsStatGraphUtil.get_total_data(this.parsed_log, this.field);
+ author_commits = ContributorsStatGraphUtil.get_author_data(this.parsed_log, this.field);
+ this.add_master_graph(total_commits);
+ this.add_authors_graph(author_commits);
+ return this.change_date_header();
+ };
+ ContributorsStatGraph.prototype.add_master_graph = function(total_data) {
+ this.master_graph = new ContributorsMasterGraph(total_data);
+ return this.master_graph.draw();
+ };
+ ContributorsStatGraph.prototype.add_authors_graph = function(author_data) {
+ var limited_author_data;
+ this.authors = [];
+ limited_author_data = author_data.slice(0, 100);
+ return _.each(limited_author_data, (function(_this) {
+ return function(d) {
+ var author_graph, author_header;
+ author_header = _this.create_author_header(d);
+ $(".contributors-list").append(author_header);
+ _this.authors[d.author_name] = author_graph = new ContributorsAuthorGraph(d.dates);
+ return author_graph.draw();
+ };
+ })(this));
+ };
+ ContributorsStatGraph.prototype.format_author_commit_info = function(author) {
+ var commits;
+ commits = $('<span/>', {
+ "class": 'graph-author-commits-count'
+ });
+ commits.text(author.commits + " commits");
+ return $('<span/>').append(commits);
+ };
+ ContributorsStatGraph.prototype.create_author_header = function(author) {
+ var author_commit_info, author_commit_info_span, author_email, author_name, list_item;
+ list_item = $('<li/>', {
+ "class": 'person',
+ style: 'display: block;'
+ });
+ author_name = $('<h4>' + author.author_name + '</h4>');
+ author_email = $('<p class="graph-author-email">' + author.author_email + '</p>');
+ author_commit_info_span = $('<span/>', {
+ "class": 'commits'
+ });
+ author_commit_info = this.format_author_commit_info(author);
+ author_commit_info_span.html(author_commit_info);
+ list_item.append(author_name);
+ list_item.append(author_email);
+ list_item.append(author_commit_info_span);
+ return list_item;
+ };
+ ContributorsStatGraph.prototype.redraw_master = function() {
+ var total_data;
+ total_data = ContributorsStatGraphUtil.get_total_data(this.parsed_log, this.field);
+ this.master_graph.set_data(total_data);
+ return this.master_graph.redraw();
+ };
+ ContributorsStatGraph.prototype.redraw_authors = function() {
+ var author_commits, x_domain;
+ $("ol").html("");
+ x_domain = ContributorsGraph.prototype.x_domain;
+ author_commits = ContributorsStatGraphUtil.get_author_data(this.parsed_log, this.field, x_domain);
+ return _.each(author_commits, (function(_this) {
+ return function(d) {
+ _this.redraw_author_commit_info(d);
+ $(_this.authors[d.author_name].list_item).appendTo("ol");
+ _this.authors[d.author_name].set_data(d.dates);
+ return _this.authors[d.author_name].redraw();
+ };
+ })(this));
+ };
+ ContributorsStatGraph.prototype.set_current_field = function(field) {
+ return this.field = field;
+ };
+ ContributorsStatGraph.prototype.change_date_header = function() {
+ var print, print_date_format, x_domain;
+ x_domain = ContributorsGraph.prototype.x_domain;
+ print_date_format = d3.time.format("%B %e %Y");
+ print = print_date_format(x_domain[0]) + " - " + print_date_format(x_domain[1]);
+ return $("#date_header").text(print);
+ };
+ ContributorsStatGraph.prototype.redraw_author_commit_info = function(author) {
+ var author_commit_info, author_list_item;
+ author_list_item = $(this.authors[author.author_name].list_item);
+ author_commit_info = this.format_author_commit_info(author);
+ return author_list_item.find("span").html(author_commit_info);
+ };
+ return ContributorsStatGraph;
+ })();
diff --git a/app/assets/javascripts/graphs/ b/app/assets/javascripts/graphs/
deleted file mode 100644
index 1d9fae7cf79..00000000000
--- a/app/assets/javascripts/graphs/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,71 +0,0 @@
-#= require d3
-class @ContributorsStatGraph
- init: (log) ->
- @parsed_log = ContributorsStatGraphUtil.parse_log(log)
- @set_current_field("commits")
- total_commits = ContributorsStatGraphUtil.get_total_data(@parsed_log, @field)
- author_commits = ContributorsStatGraphUtil.get_author_data(@parsed_log, @field)
- @add_master_graph(total_commits)
- @add_authors_graph(author_commits)
- @change_date_header()
- add_master_graph: (total_data) ->
- @master_graph = new ContributorsMasterGraph(total_data)
- @master_graph.draw()
- add_authors_graph: (author_data) ->
- @authors = []
- limited_author_data = author_data.slice(0, 100)
- _.each(limited_author_data, (d) =>
- author_header = @create_author_header(d)
- $(".contributors-list").append(author_header)
- @authors[d.author_name] = author_graph = new ContributorsAuthorGraph(d.dates)
- author_graph.draw()
- )
- format_author_commit_info: (author) ->
- commits = $('<span/>', {
- class: 'graph-author-commits-count'
- })
- commits.text(author.commits + " commits")
- $('<span/>').append(commits)
- create_author_header: (author) ->
- list_item = $('<li/>', {
- class: 'person'
- style: 'display: block;'
- })
- author_name = $('<h4>' + author.author_name + '</h4>')
- author_email = $('<p class="graph-author-email">' + author.author_email + '</p>')
- author_commit_info_span = $('<span/>', {
- class: 'commits'
- })
- author_commit_info = @format_author_commit_info(author)
- author_commit_info_span.html(author_commit_info)
- list_item.append(author_name)
- list_item.append(author_email)
- list_item.append(author_commit_info_span)
- list_item
- redraw_master: ->
- total_data = ContributorsStatGraphUtil.get_total_data(@parsed_log, @field)
- @master_graph.set_data(total_data)
- @master_graph.redraw()
- redraw_authors: ->
- $("ol").html("")
- x_domain = ContributorsGraph.prototype.x_domain
- author_commits = ContributorsStatGraphUtil.get_author_data(@parsed_log, @field, x_domain)
- _.each(author_commits, (d) =>
- @redraw_author_commit_info(d)
- $(@authors[d.author_name].list_item).appendTo("ol")
- @authors[d.author_name].set_data(d.dates)
- @authors[d.author_name].redraw()
- )
- set_current_field: (field) ->
- @field = field
- change_date_header: ->
- x_domain = ContributorsGraph.prototype.x_domain
- print_date_format = d3.time.format("%B %e %Y")
- print = print_date_format(x_domain[0]) + " - " + print_date_format(x_domain[1])
- $("#date_header").text(print)
- redraw_author_commit_info: (author) ->
- author_list_item = $(@authors[author.author_name].list_item)
- author_commit_info = @format_author_commit_info(author)
- author_list_item.find("span").html(author_commit_info)
diff --git a/app/assets/javascripts/graphs/stat_graph_contributors_graph.js b/app/assets/javascripts/graphs/stat_graph_contributors_graph.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..a646ca1d84f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app/assets/javascripts/graphs/stat_graph_contributors_graph.js
@@ -0,0 +1,279 @@
+/*= require d3 */
+(function() {
+ var bind = function(fn, me){ return function(){ return fn.apply(me, arguments); }; },
+ extend = function(child, parent) { for (var key in parent) { if (, key)) child[key] = parent[key]; } function ctor() { this.constructor = child; } ctor.prototype = parent.prototype; child.prototype = new ctor(); child.__super__ = parent.prototype; return child; },
+ hasProp = {}.hasOwnProperty;
+ this.ContributorsGraph = (function() {
+ function ContributorsGraph() {}
+ ContributorsGraph.prototype.MARGIN = {
+ top: 20,
+ right: 20,
+ bottom: 30,
+ left: 50
+ };
+ ContributorsGraph.prototype.x_domain = null;
+ ContributorsGraph.prototype.y_domain = null;
+ ContributorsGraph.prototype.dates = [];
+ ContributorsGraph.set_x_domain = function(data) {
+ return ContributorsGraph.prototype.x_domain = data;
+ };
+ ContributorsGraph.set_y_domain = function(data) {
+ return ContributorsGraph.prototype.y_domain = [
+ 0, d3.max(data, function(d) {
+ var ref, ref1;
+ return d.commits = (ref = (ref1 = d.commits) != null ? ref1 : d.additions) != null ? ref : d.deletions;
+ })
+ ];
+ };
+ ContributorsGraph.init_x_domain = function(data) {
+ return ContributorsGraph.prototype.x_domain = d3.extent(data, function(d) {
+ return;
+ });
+ };
+ ContributorsGraph.init_y_domain = function(data) {
+ return ContributorsGraph.prototype.y_domain = [
+ 0, d3.max(data, function(d) {
+ var ref, ref1;
+ return d.commits = (ref = (ref1 = d.commits) != null ? ref1 : d.additions) != null ? ref : d.deletions;
+ })
+ ];
+ };
+ ContributorsGraph.init_domain = function(data) {
+ ContributorsGraph.init_x_domain(data);
+ return ContributorsGraph.init_y_domain(data);
+ };
+ ContributorsGraph.set_dates = function(data) {
+ return ContributorsGraph.prototype.dates = data;
+ };
+ ContributorsGraph.prototype.set_x_domain = function() {
+ return this.x.domain(this.x_domain);
+ };
+ ContributorsGraph.prototype.set_y_domain = function() {
+ return this.y.domain(this.y_domain);
+ };
+ ContributorsGraph.prototype.set_domain = function() {
+ this.set_x_domain();
+ return this.set_y_domain();
+ };
+ ContributorsGraph.prototype.create_scale = function(width, height) {
+ this.x = d3.time.scale().range([0, width]).clamp(true);
+ return this.y = d3.scale.linear().range([height, 0]).nice();
+ };
+ ContributorsGraph.prototype.draw_x_axis = function() {
+ return this.svg.append("g").attr("class", "x axis").attr("transform", "translate(0, " + this.height + ")").call(this.x_axis);
+ };
+ ContributorsGraph.prototype.draw_y_axis = function() {
+ return this.svg.append("g").attr("class", "y axis").call(this.y_axis);
+ };
+ ContributorsGraph.prototype.set_data = function(data) {
+ return = data;
+ };
+ return ContributorsGraph;
+ })();
+ this.ContributorsMasterGraph = (function(superClass) {
+ extend(ContributorsMasterGraph, superClass);
+ function ContributorsMasterGraph(data1) {
+ = data1;
+ this.update_content = bind(this.update_content, this);
+ this.width = $('.content').width() - 70;
+ this.height = 200;
+ this.x = null;
+ this.y = null;
+ this.x_axis = null;
+ this.y_axis = null;
+ this.area = null;
+ this.svg = null;
+ this.brush = null;
+ this.x_max_domain = null;
+ }
+ ContributorsMasterGraph.prototype.process_dates = function(data) {
+ var dates;
+ dates = this.get_dates(data);
+ this.parse_dates(data);
+ return ContributorsGraph.set_dates(dates);
+ };
+ ContributorsMasterGraph.prototype.get_dates = function(data) {
+ return _.pluck(data, 'date');
+ };
+ ContributorsMasterGraph.prototype.parse_dates = function(data) {
+ var parseDate;
+ parseDate = d3.time.format("%Y-%m-%d").parse;
+ return data.forEach(function(d) {
+ return = parseDate(;
+ });
+ };
+ ContributorsMasterGraph.prototype.create_scale = function() {
+ return, this.width, this.height);
+ };
+ ContributorsMasterGraph.prototype.create_axes = function() {
+ this.x_axis = d3.svg.axis().scale(this.x).orient("bottom");
+ return this.y_axis = d3.svg.axis().scale(this.y).orient("left").ticks(5);
+ };
+ ContributorsMasterGraph.prototype.create_svg = function() {
+ return this.svg ="#contributors-master").append("svg").attr("width", this.width + this.MARGIN.left + this.MARGIN.right).attr("height", this.height + + this.MARGIN.bottom).attr("class", "tint-box").append("g").attr("transform", "translate(" + this.MARGIN.left + "," + + ")");
+ };
+ ContributorsMasterGraph.prototype.create_area = function(x, y) {
+ return this.area = d3.svg.area().x(function(d) {
+ return x(;
+ }).y0(this.height).y1(function(d) {
+ var ref, ref1, xa;
+ xa = d.commits = (ref = (ref1 = d.commits) != null ? ref1 : d.additions) != null ? ref : d.deletions;
+ return y(xa);
+ }).interpolate("basis");
+ };
+ ContributorsMasterGraph.prototype.create_brush = function() {
+ return this.brush = d3.svg.brush().x(this.x).on("brushend", this.update_content);
+ };
+ ContributorsMasterGraph.prototype.draw_path = function(data) {
+ return this.svg.append("path").datum(data).attr("class", "area").attr("d", this.area);
+ };
+ ContributorsMasterGraph.prototype.add_brush = function() {
+ return this.svg.append("g").attr("class", "selection").call(this.brush).selectAll("rect").attr("height", this.height);
+ };
+ ContributorsMasterGraph.prototype.update_content = function() {
+ ContributorsGraph.set_x_domain(this.brush.empty() ? this.x_max_domain : this.brush.extent());
+ return $("#brush_change").trigger('change');
+ };
+ ContributorsMasterGraph.prototype.draw = function() {
+ this.process_dates(;
+ this.create_scale();
+ this.create_axes();
+ ContributorsGraph.init_domain(;
+ this.x_max_domain = this.x_domain;
+ this.set_domain();
+ this.create_area(this.x, this.y);
+ this.create_svg();
+ this.create_brush();
+ this.draw_path(;
+ this.draw_x_axis();
+ this.draw_y_axis();
+ return this.add_brush();
+ };
+ ContributorsMasterGraph.prototype.redraw = function() {
+ this.process_dates(;
+ ContributorsGraph.set_y_domain(;
+ this.set_y_domain();
+"path").attr("d", this.area);
+ return".y.axis").call(this.y_axis);
+ };
+ return ContributorsMasterGraph;
+ })(ContributorsGraph);
+ this.ContributorsAuthorGraph = (function(superClass) {
+ extend(ContributorsAuthorGraph, superClass);
+ function ContributorsAuthorGraph(data1) {
+ = data1;
+ if ($(window).width() < 768) {
+ this.width = $('.content').width() - 80;
+ } else {
+ this.width = ($('.content').width() / 2) - 100;
+ }
+ this.height = 200;
+ this.x = null;
+ this.y = null;
+ this.x_axis = null;
+ this.y_axis = null;
+ this.area = null;
+ this.svg = null;
+ this.list_item = null;
+ }
+ ContributorsAuthorGraph.prototype.create_scale = function() {
+ return, this.width, this.height);
+ };
+ ContributorsAuthorGraph.prototype.create_axes = function() {
+ this.x_axis = d3.svg.axis().scale(this.x).orient("bottom").ticks(8);
+ return this.y_axis = d3.svg.axis().scale(this.y).orient("left").ticks(5);
+ };
+ ContributorsAuthorGraph.prototype.create_area = function(x, y) {
+ return this.area = d3.svg.area().x(function(d) {
+ var parseDate;
+ parseDate = d3.time.format("%Y-%m-%d").parse;
+ return x(parseDate(d));
+ }).y0(this.height).y1((function(_this) {
+ return function(d) {
+ if ([d] != null) {
+ return y([d]);
+ } else {
+ return y(0);
+ }
+ };
+ })(this)).interpolate("basis");
+ };
+ ContributorsAuthorGraph.prototype.create_svg = function() {
+ this.list_item = d3.selectAll(".person")[0].pop();
+ return this.svg ="svg").attr("width", this.width + this.MARGIN.left + this.MARGIN.right).attr("height", this.height + + this.MARGIN.bottom).attr("class", "spark").append("g").attr("transform", "translate(" + this.MARGIN.left + "," + + ")");
+ };
+ ContributorsAuthorGraph.prototype.draw_path = function(data) {
+ return this.svg.append("path").datum(data).attr("class", "area-contributor").attr("d", this.area);
+ };
+ ContributorsAuthorGraph.prototype.draw = function() {
+ this.create_scale();
+ this.create_axes();
+ this.set_domain();
+ this.create_area(this.x, this.y);
+ this.create_svg();
+ this.draw_path(this.dates);
+ this.draw_x_axis();
+ return this.draw_y_axis();
+ };
+ ContributorsAuthorGraph.prototype.redraw = function() {
+ this.set_domain();
+"path").attr("d", this.area);
+ return".y.axis").call(this.y_axis);
+ };
+ return ContributorsAuthorGraph;
+ })(ContributorsGraph);
diff --git a/app/assets/javascripts/graphs/ b/app/assets/javascripts/graphs/
deleted file mode 100644
index 834a81af459..00000000000
--- a/app/assets/javascripts/graphs/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,173 +0,0 @@
-#= require d3
-class @ContributorsGraph
- top: 20
- right: 20
- bottom: 30
- left: 50
- x_domain: null
- y_domain: null
- dates: []
- @set_x_domain: (data) =>
- @prototype.x_domain = data
- @set_y_domain: (data) =>
- @prototype.y_domain = [0, d3.max(data, (d) ->
- d.commits = d.commits ? d.additions ? d.deletions
- )]
- @init_x_domain: (data) =>
- @prototype.x_domain = d3.extent(data, (d) ->
- )
- @init_y_domain: (data) =>
- @prototype.y_domain = [0, d3.max(data, (d) ->
- d.commits = d.commits ? d.additions ? d.deletions
- )]
- @init_domain: (data) =>
- @init_x_domain(data)
- @init_y_domain(data)
- @set_dates: (data) =>
- @prototype.dates = data
- set_x_domain: ->
- @x.domain(@x_domain)
- set_y_domain: ->
- @y.domain(@y_domain)
- set_domain: ->
- @set_x_domain()
- @set_y_domain()
- create_scale: (width, height) ->
- @x = d3.time.scale().range([0, width]).clamp(true)
- @y = d3.scale.linear().range([height, 0]).nice()
- draw_x_axis: ->
- @svg.append("g").attr("class", "x axis").attr("transform", "translate(0, #{@height})")
- .call(@x_axis)
- draw_y_axis: ->
- @svg.append("g").attr("class", "y axis").call(@y_axis)
- set_data: (data) ->
- @data = data
-class @ContributorsMasterGraph extends ContributorsGraph
- constructor: (@data) ->
- @width = $('.content').width() - 70
- @height = 200
- @x = null
- @y = null
- @x_axis = null
- @y_axis = null
- @area = null
- @svg = null
- @brush = null
- @x_max_domain = null
- process_dates: (data) ->
- dates = @get_dates(data)
- @parse_dates(data)
- ContributorsGraph.set_dates(dates)
- get_dates: (data) ->
- _.pluck(data, 'date')
- parse_dates: (data) ->
- parseDate = d3.time.format("%Y-%m-%d").parse
- data.forEach((d) ->
- = parseDate(
- )
- create_scale: ->
- super @width, @height
- create_axes: ->
- @x_axis = d3.svg.axis().scale(@x).orient("bottom")
- @y_axis = d3.svg.axis().scale(@y).orient("left").ticks(5)
- create_svg: ->
- @svg ="#contributors-master").append("svg")
- .attr("width", @width + @MARGIN.left + @MARGIN.right)
- .attr("height", @height + + @MARGIN.bottom)
- .attr("class", "tint-box")
- .append("g")
- .attr("transform", "translate(" + @MARGIN.left + "," + + ")")
- create_area: (x, y) ->
- @area = d3.svg.area().x((d) ->
- x(
- ).y0(@height).y1((d) ->
- xa = d.commits = d.commits ? d.additions ? d.deletions
- y(xa)
- ).interpolate("basis")
- create_brush: ->
- @brush = d3.svg.brush().x(@x).on("brushend", @update_content)
- draw_path: (data) ->
- @svg.append("path").datum(data).attr("class", "area").attr("d", @area)
- add_brush: ->
- @svg.append("g").attr("class", "selection").call(@brush).selectAll("rect").attr("height", @height)
- update_content: =>
- ContributorsGraph.set_x_domain(if @brush.empty() then @x_max_domain else @brush.extent())
- $("#brush_change").trigger('change')
- draw: ->
- @process_dates(@data)
- @create_scale()
- @create_axes()
- ContributorsGraph.init_domain(@data)
- @x_max_domain = @x_domain
- @set_domain()
- @create_area(@x, @y)
- @create_svg()
- @create_brush()
- @draw_path(@data)
- @draw_x_axis()
- @draw_y_axis()
- @add_brush()
- redraw: ->
- @process_dates(@data)
- ContributorsGraph.set_y_domain(@data)
- @set_y_domain()
-"path").attr("d", @area)
-class @ContributorsAuthorGraph extends ContributorsGraph
- constructor: (@data) ->
- # Don't split graph size in half for mobile devices.
- if $(window).width() < 768
- @width = $('.content').width() - 80
- else
- @width = ($('.content').width() / 2) - 100
- @height = 200
- @x = null
- @y = null
- @x_axis = null
- @y_axis = null
- @area = null
- @svg = null
- @list_item = null
- create_scale: ->
- super @width, @height
- create_axes: ->
- @x_axis = d3.svg.axis().scale(@x).orient("bottom").ticks(8)
- @y_axis = d3.svg.axis().scale(@y).orient("left").ticks(5)
- create_area: (x, y) ->
- @area = d3.svg.area().x((d) ->
- parseDate = d3.time.format("%Y-%m-%d").parse
- x(parseDate(d))
- ).y0(@height).y1((d) =>
- if @data[d]? then y(@data[d]) else y(0)
- ).interpolate("basis")
- create_svg: ->
- @list_item = d3.selectAll(".person")[0].pop()
- @svg ="svg")
- .attr("width", @width + @MARGIN.left + @MARGIN.right)
- .attr("height", @height + + @MARGIN.bottom)
- .attr("class", "spark")
- .append("g")
- .attr("transform", "translate(" + @MARGIN.left + "," + + ")")
- draw_path: (data) ->
- @svg.append("path").datum(data).attr("class", "area-contributor").attr("d", @area)
- draw: ->
- @create_scale()
- @create_axes()
- @set_domain()
- @create_area(@x, @y)
- @create_svg()
- @draw_path(@dates)
- @draw_x_axis()
- @draw_y_axis()
- redraw: ->
- @set_domain()
-"path").attr("d", @area)
diff --git a/app/assets/javascripts/graphs/stat_graph_contributors_util.js b/app/assets/javascripts/graphs/stat_graph_contributors_util.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..0d240bed8b6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app/assets/javascripts/graphs/stat_graph_contributors_util.js
@@ -0,0 +1,135 @@
+(function() {
+ window.ContributorsStatGraphUtil = {
+ parse_log: function(log) {
+ var by_author, by_email, data, entry, i, len, total;
+ total = {};
+ by_author = {};
+ by_email = {};
+ for (i = 0, len = log.length; i < len; i++) {
+ entry = log[i];
+ if (total[] == null) {
+ this.add_date(, total);
+ }
+ data = by_author[entry.author_name] || by_email[entry.author_email];
+ if (data == null) {
+ data = this.add_author(entry, by_author, by_email);
+ }
+ if (!data[]) {
+ this.add_date(, data);
+ }
+ this.store_data(entry, total[], data[]);
+ }
+ total = _.toArray(total);
+ by_author = _.toArray(by_author);
+ return {
+ total: total,
+ by_author: by_author
+ };
+ },
+ add_date: function(date, collection) {
+ collection[date] = {};
+ return collection[date].date = date;
+ },
+ add_author: function(author, by_author, by_email) {
+ var data;
+ data = {};
+ data.author_name = author.author_name;
+ data.author_email = author.author_email;
+ by_author[author.author_name] = data;
+ return by_email[author.author_email] = data;
+ },
+ store_data: function(entry, total, by_author) {
+ this.store_commits(total, by_author);
+ this.store_additions(entry, total, by_author);
+ return this.store_deletions(entry, total, by_author);
+ },
+ store_commits: function(total, by_author) {
+ this.add(total, "commits", 1);
+ return this.add(by_author, "commits", 1);
+ },
+ add: function(collection, field, value) {
+ if (collection[field] == null) {
+ collection[field] = 0;
+ }
+ return collection[field] += value;
+ },
+ store_additions: function(entry, total, by_author) {
+ if (entry.additions == null) {
+ entry.additions = 0;
+ }
+ this.add(total, "additions", entry.additions);
+ return this.add(by_author, "additions", entry.additions);
+ },
+ store_deletions: function(entry, total, by_author) {
+ if (entry.deletions == null) {
+ entry.deletions = 0;
+ }
+ this.add(total, "deletions", entry.deletions);
+ return this.add(by_author, "deletions", entry.deletions);
+ },
+ get_total_data: function(parsed_log, field) {
+ var log, total_data;
+ log =;
+ total_data = this.pick_field(log, field);
+ return _.sortBy(total_data, function(d) {
+ return;
+ });
+ },
+ pick_field: function(log, field) {
+ var total_data;
+ total_data = [];
+ _.each(log, function(d) {
+ return total_data.push(_.pick(d, [field, 'date']));
+ });
+ return total_data;
+ },
+ get_author_data: function(parsed_log, field, date_range) {
+ var author_data, log;
+ if (date_range == null) {
+ date_range = null;
+ }
+ log = parsed_log.by_author;
+ author_data = [];
+ _.each(log, (function(_this) {
+ return function(log_entry) {
+ var parsed_log_entry;
+ parsed_log_entry = _this.parse_log_entry(log_entry, field, date_range);
+ if (!_.isEmpty(parsed_log_entry.dates)) {
+ return author_data.push(parsed_log_entry);
+ }
+ };
+ })(this));
+ return _.sortBy(author_data, function(d) {
+ return d[field];
+ }).reverse();
+ },
+ parse_log_entry: function(log_entry, field, date_range) {
+ var parsed_entry;
+ parsed_entry = {};
+ parsed_entry.author_name = log_entry.author_name;
+ parsed_entry.author_email = log_entry.author_email;
+ parsed_entry.dates = {};
+ parsed_entry.commits = parsed_entry.additions = parsed_entry.deletions = 0;
+ _.each(_.omit(log_entry, 'author_name', 'author_email'), (function(_this) {
+ return function(value, key) {
+ if (_this.in_range(, date_range)) {
+ parsed_entry.dates[] = value[field];
+ parsed_entry.commits += value.commits;
+ parsed_entry.additions += value.additions;
+ return parsed_entry.deletions += value.deletions;
+ }
+ };
+ })(this));
+ return parsed_entry;
+ },
+ in_range: function(date, date_range) {
+ var ref;
+ if (date_range === null || (date_range[0] <= (ref = new Date(date)) && ref <= date_range[1])) {
+ return true;
+ } else {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ };
diff --git a/app/assets/javascripts/graphs/ b/app/assets/javascripts/graphs/
deleted file mode 100644
index 31617c88b4a..00000000000
--- a/app/assets/javascripts/graphs/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,98 +0,0 @@
-window.ContributorsStatGraphUtil =
- parse_log: (log) ->
- total = {}
- by_author = {}
- by_email = {}
- for entry in log
- @add_date(, total) unless total[]?
- data = by_author[entry.author_name] || by_email[entry.author_email]
- data ?= @add_author(entry, by_author, by_email)
- @add_date(, data) unless data[]
- @store_data(entry, total[], data[])
- total = _.toArray(total)
- by_author = _.toArray(by_author)
- total: total, by_author: by_author
- add_date: (date, collection) ->
- collection[date] = {}
- collection[date].date = date
- add_author: (author, by_author, by_email) ->
- data = {}
- data.author_name = author.author_name
- data.author_email = author.author_email
- by_author[author.author_name] = data
- by_email[author.author_email] = data
- store_data: (entry, total, by_author) ->
- @store_commits(total, by_author)
- @store_additions(entry, total, by_author)
- @store_deletions(entry, total, by_author)
- store_commits: (total, by_author) ->
- @add(total, "commits", 1)
- @add(by_author, "commits", 1)
- add: (collection, field, value) ->
- collection[field] ?= 0
- collection[field] += value
- store_additions: (entry, total, by_author) ->
- entry.additions ?= 0
- @add(total, "additions", entry.additions)
- @add(by_author, "additions", entry.additions)
- store_deletions: (entry, total, by_author) ->
- entry.deletions ?= 0
- @add(total, "deletions", entry.deletions)
- @add(by_author, "deletions", entry.deletions)
- get_total_data: (parsed_log, field) ->
- log =
- total_data = @pick_field(log, field)
- _.sortBy(total_data, (d) ->
- )
- pick_field: (log, field) ->
- total_data = []
- _.each(log, (d) ->
- total_data.push(_.pick(d, [field, 'date']))
- )
- total_data
- get_author_data: (parsed_log, field, date_range = null) ->
- log = parsed_log.by_author
- author_data = []
- _.each(log, (log_entry) =>
- parsed_log_entry = @parse_log_entry(log_entry, field, date_range)
- if not _.isEmpty(parsed_log_entry.dates)
- author_data.push(parsed_log_entry)
- )
- _.sortBy(author_data, (d) ->
- d[field]
- ).reverse()
- parse_log_entry: (log_entry, field, date_range) ->
- parsed_entry = {}
- parsed_entry.author_name = log_entry.author_name
- parsed_entry.author_email = log_entry.author_email
- parsed_entry.dates = {}
- parsed_entry.commits = parsed_entry.additions = parsed_entry.deletions = 0
- _.each(_.omit(log_entry, 'author_name', 'author_email'), (value, key) =>
- if @in_range(, date_range)
- parsed_entry.dates[] = value[field]
- parsed_entry.commits += value.commits
- parsed_entry.additions += value.additions
- parsed_entry.deletions += value.deletions
- )
- return parsed_entry
- in_range: (date, date_range) ->
- if date_range is null || date_range[0] <= new Date(date) <= date_range[1]
- true
- else
- false