path: root/app/assets/javascripts/lib
diff options
authorPhil Hughes <>2016-06-06 08:25:43 +0100
committerPhil Hughes <>2016-06-17 11:52:22 +0100
commitd5b331b76bb6838e121e54cdf50122023932576c (patch)
tree6a611573ac16e9533f227cdc1ca435ff64c99e50 /app/assets/javascripts/lib
parent14d08d1400376a0bbae18890a54ff2b961062a32 (diff)
Improved design
Updated JS to remove undo manager - instead let the browser handle it all
Diffstat (limited to 'app/assets/javascripts/lib')
1 files changed, 43 insertions, 105 deletions
diff --git a/app/assets/javascripts/lib/ b/app/assets/javascripts/lib/
index 0a4ebb8381e..52ef001894c 100644
--- a/app/assets/javascripts/lib/
+++ b/app/assets/javascripts/lib/
@@ -1,129 +1,67 @@
((w) -> ?= {} ?= {}
- ?= {}
gl.text.randomString = -> Math.random().toString(36).substring(7)
gl.text.replaceRange = (s, start, end, substitute) ->
s.substring(0, start) + substitute + s.substring(end);
- gl.text.wrap = (textArea, tag) ->
- $textArea = $(textArea)
- oldVal = $textArea.val()
- $textArea.focus()
- textArea = $textArea.get(0)
- selObj = window.getSelection()
- selRange = selObj.getRangeAt(0)
- text = $textArea.val()
- replaceWith = @replaceRange(
- text,
- textArea.selectionStart,
- textArea.selectionEnd,
- (tag+selObj.toString()+tag))
- $'old-val', text).val(replaceWith)
- gl.text.undoManager.addUndo(oldVal, $textArea.val())
+ gl.text.selectedText = (text, textarea) ->
+ text.substring(textarea.selectionStart, textarea.selectionEnd)
- gl.text.prepend = (textArea, tag) ->
- $textArea = $(textArea)
- oldVal = $textArea.val()
- $textArea.focus()
- textArea = $textArea.get(0)
- selObj = window.getSelection()
- selRange = selObj.getRangeAt(0)
- text = $textArea.val()
- if textArea.selectionStart > 0
- lineBreak = '\n'
+ gl.text.insertText = (textArea, text, tag, selected, wrap) ->
+ startChar = if not wrap and textArea.selectionStart > 0 then '\n' else ''
+ insertText = "#{startChar}#{tag}#{selected}#{if wrap then tag else ' '}"
+ if document.queryCommandSupported('insertText')
+ document.execCommand 'insertText', false, insertText
- lineBreak = ''
+ try
+ document.execCommand("ms-beginUndoUnit")
- replaceWith = @replaceRange(
- text,
- textArea.selectionStart,
- textArea.selectionEnd,
- ("#{lineBreak}#{tag}#{selObj.toString()} \n")
- )
- $'old-val', text).val(replaceWith);
- gl.text.undoManager.addUndo(oldVal, $textArea.val())
+ textArea.value = @replaceRange(
+ text,
+ textArea.selectionStart,
+ textArea.selectionEnd,
+ insertText)
+ try
+ document.execCommand("ms-endUndoUnit")
- gl.text.undoManager.history = {}
- gl.text.undoManager.undoHistory = {}
+ @moveCursor(textArea, tag, wrap)
- gl.text.undoManager.addUniqueIfNotExists = ($ta) ->
- unique = $ta.attr('data-unique')
- if not unique?
- unique = gl.text.randomString()
- $ta.attr('data-unique', unique)
- gl.text.undoManager.history[unique] = []
- gl.text.undoManager.undoHistory[unique] = []
- unique
+ gl.text.moveCursor = (textArea, tag, wrapped) ->
+ return unless textArea.setSelectionRange
- gl.text.undoManager.addUndo = (oldVal, newVal) ->
- $thisTextarea = $('textarea:focus')
- unique = gl.text.undoManager.addUniqueIfNotExists($thisTextarea)
- gl.text.undoManager.history[unique].push({
- oldVal: oldVal,
- newVal: newVal
- })
+ if textArea.selectionStart is textArea.selectionEnd
+ if wrapped
+ pos = textArea.selectionStart - tag.length
+ else
+ pos = textArea.selectionStart
+ textArea.setSelectionRange pos, pos
- gl.text.undoManager.undo = () ->
- $thisTextarea = $('textarea:focus')
- unique = gl.text.undoManager.addUniqueIfNotExists($thisTextarea)
- if not gl.text.undoManager.history[unique].length
- return
- latestChange = gl.text.undoManager.history[unique].pop()
- gl.text.undoManager.undoHistory[unique].push(latestChange)
- $thisTextarea.val(latestChange.oldVal)
+ gl.text.updateText = (textArea, tag, wrap) ->
+ $textArea = $(textArea)
+ oldVal = $textArea.val()
+ textArea = $textArea.get(0)
+ text = $textArea.val()
+ selected = @selectedText(text, textArea)
+ $textArea.focus()
- gl.text.undoManager.redo = () ->
- $thisTextarea = $('textarea:focus')
- unique = gl.text.undoManager.addUniqueIfNotExists($thisTextarea)
- if not gl.text.undoManager.undoHistory[unique].length
- return
- latestUndo = gl.text.undoManager.undoHistory[unique].pop()
- gl.text.undoManager.history[unique].push(latestUndo)
- $thisTextarea.val(latestUndo.newVal)
+ @insertText(textArea, text, tag, selected, wrap)
- gl.text.addListeners = () ->
+ gl.text.addListeners = ->
self = @
$('.js-md').on 'click', ->
$this = $(@)
- if $'md-wrap')?
- self.wrap(
- $this.closest('.md-area').find('textarea'),
- $'md-tag')
- )
- else if $'md-prepend')?
- self.prepend(
- $this.closest('.md-area').find('textarea'),
- $'md-tag')
- )
- else
- self.wrap(
- $this.closest('.md-area').find('textarea'),
- $'md-tag')
- )
- gl.text._previousState = null
- $(window).on 'keydown', (e) =>
- $thisTextarea = $('textarea:focus')
- if e.ctrlKey or e.metaKey
- if String.fromCharCode(e.which).toLowerCase() is 'z' and !e.shiftKey
- e.preventDefault()
- self.undoManager.undo()
- else if ((String.fromCharCode(e.which).toLowerCase() is 'z' and e.shiftKey) or (String.fromCharCode(e.which).toLowerCase() is 'y'))
- e.preventDefault()
- self.undoManager.redo()
- else if e.which is 13 or e.which is 8 # enter key or backspace key has been pressed
- if gl.text._previousState?
- gl.text.undoManager.addUndo(
- gl.text._previousState,
- $thisTextarea.val()
- )
- gl.text._previousState = $thisTextarea.val()
+ self.updateText(
+ $this.closest('.md-area').find('textarea'),
+ $'md-tag'),
+ not $'md-prepend')
+ )
- gl.text.removeListeners = () ->
+ gl.text.removeListeners = ->
-) window \ No newline at end of file
+) window