path: root/app/views/admin
diff options
authorBrandon Labuschagne <>2019-01-07 13:54:41 +0200
committerBrandon Labuschagne <>2019-02-05 17:56:51 +0200
commitd279cc94088fddd6f6bb2847e456bbf68ae616ea (patch)
treef3c16dbcc9f7b927a2f4ed63cbd286a70ae49a13 /app/views/admin
parent55cb4bc9cafca0c838192b54f9daa4b2bc0b86b0 (diff)
Add last activity to user administration
The columns 'Created on' and 'Last activity' have been added to the admin -> users view. Sorting options have also been added for last activity and the search bar has been moved to match the issues page.
Diffstat (limited to 'app/views/admin')
3 files changed, 96 insertions, 72 deletions
diff --git a/app/views/admin/users/_user.html.haml b/app/views/admin/users/_user.html.haml
index a4e2c3252af..be7bfa958b2 100644
--- a/app/views/admin/users/_user.html.haml
+++ b/app/views/admin/users/_user.html.haml
@@ -1,36 +1,37 @@
- .user-avatar
- = image_tag avatar_icon_for_user(user), class: "avatar", alt: ''
- .row-main-content
- .user-name.row-title.str-truncated-100
- = link_to, [:admin, user], class: "js-user-link", data: { user_id: }
- - if user.blocked?
- %span.badge.badge-danger blocked
- - if user.admin?
- %span.badge.badge-success Admin
- - if user.external?
- %span.badge.badge-secondary External
- - if user == current_user
- %span It's you!
- .row-second-line.str-truncated-100
- = mail_to,
- .controls
- = link_to 'Edit', edit_admin_user_path(user), id: "edit_#{dom_id(user)}", class: 'btn'
- - unless user == current_user
- .dropdown.inline
- %a.dropdown-new.btn.btn-default#project-settings-button{ href: '#', data: { toggle: 'dropdown' } }{ role: 'row' }
+ .table-section.section-40
+ .table-mobile-header{ role: 'rowheader' }
+ = _('Name')
+ .table-mobile-content
+ = render 'user_detail', user: user
+ .table-section.section-25
+ .table-mobile-header{ role: 'rowheader' }
+ = _('Created on')
+ .table-mobile-content
+ = l(user.created_at.to_date, format: :admin)
+ .table-section.section-15
+ .table-mobile-header{ role: 'rowheader' }
+ = _('Last activity')
+ .table-mobile-content
+ = user.last_activity_on.nil? ? _('Never') : l(user.last_activity_on, format: :admin)
+ .table-section.section-20.table-button-footer
+ .table-action-buttons
+ = link_to _('Edit'), edit_admin_user_path(user), id: "edit_#{dom_id(user)}", class: 'btn btn-default'
+ - unless user == current_user
+ %button.dropdown-new.btn.btn-default{ type: 'button', data: { toggle: 'dropdown' } }
= icon('cog')
= icon('caret-down')
- Settings
+ = _('Settings')
- if user.ldap_blocked?
- %span.small Cannot unblock LDAP blocked users
+ %span.small
+ = s_('AdminUsers|Cannot unblock LDAP blocked users')
- elsif user.blocked?
- = link_to 'Unblock', unblock_admin_user_path(user), method: :put
+ = link_to _('Unblock'), unblock_admin_user_path(user), method: :put
- else
- = link_to 'Block', block_admin_user_path(user), data: { confirm: 'USER WILL BE BLOCKED! Are you sure?' }, method: :put
+ = link_to _('Block'), block_admin_user_path(user), data: { confirm: "#{s_('AdminUsers|User will be blocked').upcase}! #{_('Are you sure')}?" }, method: :put
- if user.access_locked?
= link_to _('Unlock'), unlock_admin_user_path(user), method: :put, data: { confirm: _('Are you sure?') }
@@ -42,7 +43,7 @@
target: '#delete-user-modal',
delete_user_url: admin_user_path(user),
block_user_url: block_admin_user_path(user),
- username:,
+ username: sanitize_name(,
delete_contributions: false }, type: 'button' }
= s_('AdminUsers|Delete user')
@@ -51,6 +52,6 @@
target: '#delete-user-modal',
delete_user_url: admin_user_path(user, hard_delete: true),
block_user_url: block_admin_user_path(user),
- username:,
+ username: sanitize_name(,
delete_contributions: true }, type: 'button' }
= s_('AdminUsers|Delete user and contributions')
diff --git a/app/views/admin/users/_user_detail.html.haml b/app/views/admin/users/_user_detail.html.haml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..3319b4bad3a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app/views/admin/users/_user_detail.html.haml
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+ .flex-row
+ = image_tag avatar_icon_for_user(user), class: 'avatar s32 d-none d-md-flex', alt: _('Avatar for %{name}') % { name: sanitize_name( }
+ .row-main-content
+ .row-title.str-truncated-100
+ = image_tag avatar_icon_for_user(user), class: 'avatar s16 d-xs-flex d-md-none mr-1 prepend-top-2', alt: _('Avatar for %{name}') % { name: sanitize_name( }
+ = link_to, admin_user_path(user), class: 'text-plain js-user-link', data: { user_id: }
+ = render_if_exists 'admin/users/user_detail_note', user: user
+ - user_badges_in_admin_section(user).each do |badge|
+ - css_badge = "badge badge-#{badge[:variant]}" if badge[:variant].present?
+ %span{ class: css_badge }
+ = badge[:text]
+ .row-second-line.str-truncated-100
+ = mail_to,, class: 'text-secondary'
diff --git a/app/views/admin/users/index.html.haml b/app/views/admin/users/index.html.haml
index 600120c4f05..c3d5ce0fe70 100644
--- a/app/views/admin/users/index.html.haml
+++ b/app/views/admin/users/index.html.haml
@@ -2,72 +2,78 @@
- page_title "Users"
%div{ class: container_class }
- .prepend-top-default
+ .top-area.scrolling-tabs-container.inner-page-scroll-tabs
+ .fade-left
+ = icon('angle-left')
+ .fade-right
+ = icon('angle-right')
+ %ul.nav-links.nav.nav-tabs.scrolling-tabs
+ = nav_link(html_options: { class: active_when(params[:filter].nil?) }) do
+ = link_to admin_users_path do
+ = s_('AdminUsers|Active')
+ %small.badge.badge-pill= limited_counter_with_delimiter(
+ = nav_link(html_options: { class: active_when(params[:filter] == 'admins') }) do
+ = link_to admin_users_path(filter: "admins") do
+ = s_('AdminUsers|Admins')
+ %small.badge.badge-pill= limited_counter_with_delimiter(User.admins)
+ = nav_link(html_options: { class: "#{active_when(params[:filter] == 'two_factor_enabled')} filter-two-factor-enabled" }) do
+ = link_to admin_users_path(filter: 'two_factor_enabled') do
+ = s_('AdminUsers|2FA Enabled')
+ %small.badge.badge-pill= limited_counter_with_delimiter(User.with_two_factor)
+ = nav_link(html_options: { class: "#{active_when(params[:filter] == 'two_factor_disabled')} filter-two-factor-disabled" }) do
+ = link_to admin_users_path(filter: 'two_factor_disabled') do
+ = s_('AdminUsers|2FA Disabled')
+ %small.badge.badge-pill= limited_counter_with_delimiter(User.without_two_factor)
+ = nav_link(html_options: { class: active_when(params[:filter] == 'external') }) do
+ = link_to admin_users_path(filter: 'external') do
+ = s_('AdminUsers|External')
+ %small.badge.badge-pill= limited_counter_with_delimiter(User.external)
+ = nav_link(html_options: { class: active_when(params[:filter] == 'blocked') }) do
+ = link_to admin_users_path(filter: "blocked") do
+ = s_('AdminUsers|Blocked')
+ %small.badge.badge-pill= limited_counter_with_delimiter(User.blocked)
+ = nav_link(html_options: { class: active_when(params[:filter] == 'wop') }) do
+ = link_to admin_users_path(filter: "wop") do
+ = s_('AdminUsers|Without projects')
+ %small.badge.badge-pill= limited_counter_with_delimiter(User.without_projects)
+ .nav-controls
+ = render_if_exists 'admin/users/admin_email_users'
+ = link_to s_('AdminUsers|New user'), new_admin_user_path, class: 'btn btn-success btn-search float-right'
+ .filtered-search-block.row-content-block.border-top-0
= form_tag admin_users_path, method: :get do
- if params[:filter].present?
= hidden_field_tag "filter", h(params[:filter])
- = search_field_tag :search_query, params[:search_query], placeholder: 'Search by name, email or username', class: 'form-control search-text-input js-search-input', spellcheck: false
+ = search_field_tag :search_query, params[:search_query], placeholder: s_('AdminUsers|Search by name, email or username'), class: 'form-control search-text-input js-search-input', spellcheck: false
- if @sort.present?
= hidden_field_tag :sort, @sort
= icon("search", class: "search-icon")
- = button_tag 'Search users' if Rails.env.test?
+ = button_tag s_('AdminUsers|Search users') if Rails.env.test?
- toggle_text = if @sort.present? then users_sort_options_hash[@sort] else sort_title_name end
= dropdown_toggle(toggle_text, { toggle: 'dropdown' })
- Sort by
+ = s_('AdminUsers|Sort by')
- users_sort_options_hash.each do |value, title|
= link_to admin_users_path(sort: value, filter: params[:filter], search_query: params[:search_query]) do
= title
- = link_to 'New user', new_admin_user_path, class: 'btn btn-success btn-search'
- .top-area.scrolling-tabs-container.inner-page-scroll-tabs
- .fade-left
- = icon('angle-left')
- .fade-right
- = icon('angle-right')
- %ul.nav-links.nav.nav-tabs.scrolling-tabs
- = nav_link(html_options: { class: active_when(params[:filter].nil?) }) do
- = link_to admin_users_path do
- Active
- %small.badge.badge-pill= limited_counter_with_delimiter(
- = nav_link(html_options: { class: active_when(params[:filter] == 'admins') }) do
- = link_to admin_users_path(filter: "admins") do
- Admins
- %small.badge.badge-pill= limited_counter_with_delimiter(User.admins)
- = nav_link(html_options: { class: "#{active_when(params[:filter] == 'two_factor_enabled')} filter-two-factor-enabled" }) do
- = link_to admin_users_path(filter: 'two_factor_enabled') do
- 2FA Enabled
- %small.badge.badge-pill= limited_counter_with_delimiter(User.with_two_factor)
- = nav_link(html_options: { class: "#{active_when(params[:filter] == 'two_factor_disabled')} filter-two-factor-disabled" }) do
- = link_to admin_users_path(filter: 'two_factor_disabled') do
- 2FA Disabled
- %small.badge.badge-pill= limited_counter_with_delimiter(User.without_two_factor)
- = nav_link(html_options: { class: active_when(params[:filter] == 'external') }) do
- = link_to admin_users_path(filter: 'external') do
- External
- %small.badge.badge-pill= limited_counter_with_delimiter(User.external)
- = nav_link(html_options: { class: active_when(params[:filter] == 'blocked') }) do
- = link_to admin_users_path(filter: "blocked") do
- Blocked
- %small.badge.badge-pill= limited_counter_with_delimiter(User.blocked)
- = nav_link(html_options: { class: active_when(params[:filter] == 'wop') }) do
- = link_to admin_users_path(filter: "wop") do
- Without projects
- %small.badge.badge-pill= limited_counter_with_delimiter(User.without_projects)
+ - if @users.empty?
+ .nothing-here-block.border-top-0
+ = s_('AdminUsers|No users found')
+ - else
+ .table-holder
+{ role: 'row' }
+ .table-section.section-40{ role: 'rowheader' }= _('Name')
+ .table-section.section-25{ role: 'rowheader' }= _('Created on')
+ .table-section.section-15{ role: 'rowheader' }= _('Last activity')
- %ul.flex-list.content-list
- - if @users.empty?
- %li
- .nothing-here-block No users found.
- - else
= render partial: 'admin/users/user', collection: @users
= paginate @users, theme: "gitlab"