path: root/app/views/groups/settings
diff options
authorLuke Bennett <>2018-10-15 13:36:19 +0000
committerPhil Hughes <>2018-10-15 13:36:19 +0000
commit7cf19c0b816bf7bc146a7f634c65d2e7484f26e1 (patch)
tree1fd5af973b40f7793a9824765d961098a1c60faf /app/views/groups/settings
parent280a132e15c8e1f66487312584e734b108b00df7 (diff)
Prioritize group settings, improve panel titles, disable submit without changes
Diffstat (limited to 'app/views/groups/settings')
5 files changed, 78 insertions, 58 deletions
diff --git a/app/views/groups/settings/_advanced.html.haml b/app/views/groups/settings/_advanced.html.haml
index 3814d45929d..5d211d0e186 100644
--- a/app/views/groups/settings/_advanced.html.haml
+++ b/app/views/groups/settings/_advanced.html.haml
@@ -23,16 +23,6 @@
= f.submit 'Change group path', class: 'btn btn-warning'
- %h4.danger-title Remove group
- = form_tag(@group, method: :delete) do
- %p
- Removing group will cause all child projects and resources to be removed.
- %br
- %strong Removed group can not be restored!
- = button_to 'Remove group', '#', class: 'btn btn-remove js-confirm-danger', data: { 'confirm-danger-message' => remove_group_message(@group) }
- if supports_nested_groups?
%h4.warning-title Transfer group
@@ -47,3 +37,13 @@
%li You will need to update your local repositories to point to the new location.
%li If the parent group's visibility is lower than the group current visibility, visibility levels for subgroups and projects will be changed to match the new parent group's visibility.
= f.submit 'Transfer group', class: 'btn btn-warning'
+ %h4.danger-title= _('Remove group')
+ = form_tag(@group, method: :delete) do
+ %p
+ = _('Removing group will cause all child projects and resources to be removed.')
+ %br
+ %strong= _('Removed group can not be restored!')
+ = button_to _('Remove group'), '#', class: 'btn btn-remove js-confirm-danger', data: { 'confirm-danger-message' => remove_group_message(@group) }
diff --git a/app/views/groups/settings/_general.html.haml b/app/views/groups/settings/_general.html.haml
index 0e225fe33a5..0424ece037d 100644
--- a/app/views/groups/settings/_general.html.haml
+++ b/app/views/groups/settings/_general.html.haml
@@ -1,39 +1,33 @@
-= form_for @group, html: { multipart: true, class: 'gl-show-field-errors' }, authenticity_token: true do |f|
+= form_for @group, html: { multipart: true, class: 'gl-show-field-errors js-general-settings-form' }, authenticity_token: true do |f|
%input{ type: 'hidden', name: 'update_section', value: 'js-general-settings' }
= form_errors(@group)
- .form-group.col-md-9
- = f.label :name, class: 'label-bold' do
- Group name
+ .form-group.col-md-5
+ = f.label :name, _('Group name'), class: 'label-bold'
= f.text_field :name, class: 'form-control'
- .form-group.col-md-3
- = f.label :id, class: 'label-bold' do
- Group ID
- = f.text_field :id, class: 'form-control', readonly: true
+ .form-group.col-md-7
+ = f.label :id, _('Group ID'), class: 'label-bold'
+ = f.text_field :id, class: 'form-control w-auto', readonly: true
- .form-group
- = f.label :description, class: 'label-bold' do
- Group description
- %span.light (optional)
- = f.text_area :description, class: 'form-control', rows: 3, maxlength: 250
+ .row.prepend-top-8
+ .form-group.col-md-9.append-bottom-0
+ = f.label :description, _('Group description (optional)'), class: 'label-bold'
+ = f.text_area :description, class: 'form-control', rows: 3, maxlength: 250
= render_if_exists 'shared/repository_size_limit_setting', form: f, type: :group
- .form-group.row
- .col-sm-12
- .avatar-container.s160
- = group_icon(@group, alt: '', class: 'avatar group-avatar s160')
- %p.light
- - if @group.avatar?
- You can change the group avatar here
- - else
- You can upload a group avatar here
- = render 'shared/choose_group_avatar_button', f: f
- - if @group.avatar?
- %hr
- = link_to _('Remove avatar'), group_avatar_path(@group.to_param), data: { confirm: _('Avatar will be removed. Are you sure?')}, method: :delete, class: 'btn btn-danger btn-inverted'
+ .form-group.prepend-top-default.append-bottom-20
+ .avatar-container.s90
+ = group_icon(@group, alt: '', class: 'avatar group-avatar s90')
+ = f.label :avatar, _('Group avatar'), class: 'label-bold d-block'
+ = render 'shared/choose_group_avatar_button', f: f
+ - if @group.avatar?
+ %hr
+ = link_to _('Remove avatar'), group_avatar_path(@group.to_param), data: { confirm: _('Avatar will be removed. Are you sure?')}, method: :delete, class: 'btn btn-danger btn-inverted'
- = f.submit 'Save group', class: 'btn btn-success'
+ = render 'shared/visibility_level', f: f, visibility_level: @group.visibility_level, can_change_visibility_level: can_change_group_visibility_level?(@group), form_model: @group
+ = f.submit _('Save changes'), class: 'btn btn-success mt-4 js-dirty-submit'
diff --git a/app/views/groups/settings/_lfs.html.haml b/app/views/groups/settings/_lfs.html.haml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..4674d561c12
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app/views/groups/settings/_lfs.html.haml
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+- docs_link_url = help_page_path('workflow/lfs/manage_large_binaries_with_git_lfs')
+- docs_link_start = '<a href="%{url}" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">'.html_safe % { url: docs_link_url }
+%h5= _('Large File Storage')
+%p= s_('Check the %{docs_link_start}documentation%{docs_link_end}.').html_safe % { docs_link_start: docs_link_start, docs_link_end: '</a>'.html_safe }
+ .form-check
+ = f.check_box :lfs_enabled, checked: @group.lfs_enabled?, class: 'form-check-input'
+ = f.label :lfs_enabled, class: 'form-check-label' do
+ %span
+ = _('Allow projects within this group to use Git LFS')
+ %br/
+ %span.text-muted= _('This setting can be overridden in each project.')
diff --git a/app/views/groups/settings/_permissions.html.haml b/app/views/groups/settings/_permissions.html.haml
index 8dc88ec446c..6b0a6e7ed99 100644
--- a/app/views/groups/settings/_permissions.html.haml
+++ b/app/views/groups/settings/_permissions.html.haml
@@ -1,29 +1,24 @@
-= form_for @group, html: { multipart: true, class: 'gl-show-field-errors' }, authenticity_token: true do |f|
+= form_for @group, html: { multipart: true, class: 'gl-show-field-errors js-general-permissions-form' }, authenticity_token: true do |f|
%input{ type: 'hidden', name: 'update_section', value: 'js-permissions-settings' }
= form_errors(@group)
- = render 'shared/visibility_level', f: f, visibility_level: @group.visibility_level, can_change_visibility_level: can_change_group_visibility_level?(@group), form_model: @group
+ %h5= _('Permissions')
+ .form-group
+ = render 'shared/allow_request_access', form: f
- .form-group.row
- .offset-sm-2.col-sm-10
- = render 'shared/allow_request_access', form: f
- .form-group.row
- = s_('GroupSettings|Share with group lock')
- .col-sm-10
- .form-check
- = f.check_box :share_with_group_lock, disabled: !can_change_share_with_group_lock?(@group), class: 'form-check-input'
- = f.label :share_with_group_lock, class: 'form-check-label' do
- %strong
- - group_link = link_to, group_path(@group)
- = s_('GroupSettings|Prevent sharing a project within %{group} with other groups').html_safe % { group: group_link }
- %br
- %span.descr= share_with_group_lock_help_text(@group)
- = render 'groups/group_admin_settings', f: f
+ .form-group.append-bottom-default
+ .form-check
+ = f.check_box :share_with_group_lock, disabled: !can_change_share_with_group_lock?(@group), class: 'form-check-input'
+ = f.label :share_with_group_lock, class: 'form-check-label' do
+ %span
+ - group_link = link_to, group_path(@group)
+ = s_('GroupSettings|Prevent sharing a project within %{group} with other groups').html_safe % { group: group_link }
+ %br
+ %span.descr.text-muted= share_with_group_lock_help_text(@group)
+ = render 'groups/settings/lfs', f: f
+ = render 'groups/settings/two_factor_auth', f: f
= render_if_exists 'groups/member_lock_setting', f: f, group: @group
- = f.submit 'Save group', class: 'btn btn-success'
+ = f.submit _('Save changes'), class: 'btn btn-success prepend-top-default js-dirty-submit'
diff --git a/app/views/groups/settings/_two_factor_auth.html.haml b/app/views/groups/settings/_two_factor_auth.html.haml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..5d3f1cbb279
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app/views/groups/settings/_two_factor_auth.html.haml
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+- docs_link_url = help_page_path('security/two_factor_authentication', anchor: 'enforcing-2fa-for-all-users-in-a-group')
+- docs_link_start = '<a href="%{url}" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">'.html_safe % { url: docs_link_url }
+%h5= _('Two-factor authentication')
+%p= s_('Check the %{docs_link_start}documentation%{docs_link_end}.').html_safe % { docs_link_start: docs_link_start, docs_link_end: '</a>'.html_safe }
+ .form-check
+ = f.check_box :require_two_factor_authentication, class: 'form-check-input'
+ = f.label :require_two_factor_authentication, class: 'form-check-label' do
+ %span= _('Require all users in this group to setup Two-factor authentication')
+ = f.label :two_factor_grace_period, _('Time before enforced'), class: 'label-bold'
+ = f.text_field :two_factor_grace_period, class: 'form-control form-control-sm w-auto'
+ .form-text.text-muted= _('Amount of time (in hours) that users are allowed to skip forced configuration of two-factor authentication')