path: root/app/views/shared/icons
diff options
authorRémy Coutable <>2016-12-20 11:11:24 +0000
committerRémy Coutable <>2016-12-20 11:11:24 +0000
commit367b68a01d7faaab601519993bea609118a93bbb (patch)
tree69881e90733d3d2cb8b312b4cf7c1f3f14f58769 /app/views/shared/icons
parent4e169327bf031603d31398940a86346d44e7521a (diff)
parentab06313c36fc5856b2472d3dfcb966a8c6341d0b (diff)
Merge branch '22348-gitea-importer' into 'master'
It adds a brand new importer for Gitea! This is a continuation of !6945 started by @bkc. Gitea aims to be 100% GitHub-compatible but there's a few differences: - Gitea is not an OAuth provider (yet): - This means we cannot map Gitea users given an assignee ID => assignees are not set on imported issues and merge requests - No releases API for now: - API version is `v1` (GitHub is `v3`) - The IID field for milestones is `id` compared to `number` in GitHub. - Issues, PRs, milestones, labels don't have a `url` field (the importer now fallback to `''` in that case) **Known issues:** - Comments are not imported because comments JSON always have a blank `html_url`/`issue_url`/`pull_request_url`, so the IID cannot be extracted and the issuable cannot be found... :( This is tracked in, and solved by but this needs to be submitted / merged in Gitea. This is noted in the documentation. ## Are there points in the code the reviewer needs to double check? 1. I've made `Import::GiteaController` inherit from `Import::GithubController` since both controllers should be identical in the long-term and their current differences are small. 1. I've added a base `IssuableFormatter` class from which `IssueFormatter` & `PullRequestFormatter` inherit 1. I've added shared examples for GitHub/Gitea importer classes 1. I've made `Gitlab::ImportSources` more robust and tested! :christmas_tree: 1. I've added routing specs for import routes! :christmas_tree: Closes #22348 See merge request !8116
Diffstat (limited to 'app/views/shared/icons')
1 files changed, 1 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/app/views/shared/icons/_go_logo.svg.erb b/app/views/shared/icons/_go_logo.svg.erb
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..5052651c110
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app/views/shared/icons/_go_logo.svg.erb
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+<svg xmlns="" width="<%= size %>" height="<%= size %>" viewBox="0 0 16 16"><g fill-rule="evenodd" transform="translate(0 1)"><path d="m14 15.01h1v-8.02c0-3.862-3.134-6.991-7-6.991-3.858 0-7 3.13-7 6.991v8.02h1v-8.02c0-3.306 2.691-5.991 6-5.991 3.314 0 6 2.682 6 5.991v8.02m-10.52-13.354c-.366-.402-.894-.655-1.48-.655-1.105 0-2 .895-2 2 0 .868.552 1.606 1.325 1.883.102-.321.226-.631.371-.93-.403-.129-.695-.507-.695-.953 0-.552.448-1 1-1 .306 0 .58.138.764.354.222-.25.461-.483.717-.699m9.04-.002c.366-.401.893-.653 1.479-.653 1.105 0 2 .895 2 2 0 .867-.552 1.606-1.324 1.883-.101-.321-.225-.632-.37-.931.403-.129.694-.507.694-.952 0-.552-.448-1-1-1-.305 0-.579.137-.762.353-.222-.25-.461-.483-.717-.699"/><path d="m5.726 7.04h1.557v.124c0 .283-.033.534-.1.752-.065.202-.175.391-.33.566-.35.394-.795.591-1.335.591-.527 0-.979-.19-1.355-.571-.376-.382-.564-.841-.564-1.377 0-.547.191-1.01.574-1.391.382-.382.848-.574 1.396-.574.295 0 .57.06.825. 0-.733.138-1 .413-.27.27-.405.609-.405 1.015 0 .42.151.766.452 0 .531-.094.754-.283.223-.19.347-.418.373-.683h-.94v-.535m2.884.061c0-.53.194-.986.583-1.367.387-.381.853-.571 1.396-.571.537 0 .998.192 1.382.576.386.384.578.845.578 1.384 0 .542-.194 1-.581 1.379-.389.379-.858.569-1.408.569-.487 0-.923-.168-1.311-.505-.426-.373-.64-.861-.64-1.465m.574.007c0 .417.14.759.42 0 .729-.137 1-.41.272-.277.408-.613.408-1.01 0-.402-.134-.739-.403-1.01-.267-.273-.597-.41-.991-.41-.392 0-.723.137-.993.41-.27.27-.405.604-.405 1m-.184 3.918c.525.026.812.063.812. 0 0-.775-.813-1.933-.813-1.159 0-1.923.813-1.923.813-.211.174-. 0 0 .286-.037.81-.063v.477c0 . 0 .5-.223.5-.498v-.252.25c0 . 0 .5-.223.5-.498v-.478m-1-1.023c.552 0 1-.224 1-.5 0-.276-.448-.5-1-.5-.552 0-1 .224-1 .5 0 .276.448.5 1 .5"/></g></svg>