path: root/app/views
diff options
authorAlfredo Sumaran <>2016-10-20 18:24:36 -0500
committerAlfredo Sumaran <>2016-11-21 13:49:18 -0500
commit10282283b04b6516542cb2fe86e33b886d17b129 (patch)
tree902ae04bcad9e47ff39edcb649a1854d1ffa66c1 /app/views
parent6f824b156fcc881aa4f3341a2fef119d43058073 (diff)
Cycle analytics second iteration
- Vue app has been completely rewritten - New components - Basic CSS
Diffstat (limited to 'app/views')
3 files changed, 174 insertions, 24 deletions
diff --git a/app/views/projects/cycle_analytics/show.html.haml b/app/views/projects/cycle_analytics/show.html.haml
index 247d612ba6f..06a6e24ac49 100644
--- a/app/views/projects/cycle_analytics/show.html.haml
+++ b/app/views/projects/cycle_analytics/show.html.haml
@@ -2,14 +2,17 @@
- page_title "Cycle Analytics"
- content_for :page_specific_javascripts do
- = page_specific_javascript_tag('cycle_analytics/cycle_analytics_bundle.js')
+ = page_specific_javascript_tag("cycle_analytics/cycle_analytics_bundle.js")
= render "projects/pipelines/head"
-#cycle-analytics{class: container_class, "v-cloak" => "true", data: { request_path: project_cycle_analytics_path(@project) }}
+#cycle-analytics{ class: container_class, "v-cloak" => "true", data: { request_path: project_cycle_analytics_path(@project) } }
+ .empty-dialog-message{ "v-if" => "!isEmptyDialogDismissed" }
+ %p There is nothing happened
+ = icon("times", class: "dismiss-icon", "@click" => "dismissEmptyDialog()")
- .bordered-box.landing.content-block{"v-if" => "!isHelpDismissed"}
- = icon('times', class: 'dismiss-icon', "@click" => "dismissLanding()")
+ .bordered-box.landing.content-block{"v-if" => "!isOverviewDialogDismissed"}
+ = icon("times", class: "dismiss-icon", "@click" => "dismissOverviewDialog()")
= custom_icon('icon_cycle_analytics_splash')
@@ -20,21 +23,17 @@
Cycle Analytics gives an overview of how much time it takes to go from idea to production in your project.
= link_to "Read more", help_page_path('user/project/cycle_analytics'), target: '_blank', class: 'btn'
= icon("spinner spin", "v-show" => "isLoading")
.wrapper{"v-show" => "!isLoading && !hasError"}
Pipeline Health
- .col-sm-3.col-xs-12.column{"v-for" => "item in analytics.summary"}
+ .col-sm-3.col-xs-12.column{"v-for" => "item in"}
%h3.header {{item.value}}
%p.text {{item.title}}
%button.dropdown-menu-toggle{"data-toggle" => "dropdown", :type => "button"}
@@ -42,22 +41,167 @@
- %a{'href' => "#", 'data-value' => '30'}
+ %a{ "href" => "#", "data-value" => "30" }
Last 30 days
- %a{'href' => "#", 'data-value' => '90'}
+ %a{ "href" => "#", "data-value" => "90" }
Last 90 days
+ .panel.panel-default.stage-panel
+ .panel-heading
+ %nav.col-headers
+ %ul
+ %li.stage-header
+ %span.stage-name
+ Stage
+ %i.has-tooltip.fa.fa-question-circle{ "data-placement" => "top", title: "The phase of the development lifecycle.", "aria-hidden" => "true" }
+ %li.median-header
+ %span.stage-name
+ Median
+ %i.has-tooltip.fa.fa-question-circle{ "data-placement" => "top", title: "The value lying at the midpoint of a series of observed values. E.g., between 3, 5, 9, the median is 5. Between 3, 5, 7, 8, the median is (5+7)/2 = 6.", "aria-hidden" => "true" }
+ %span.stage-name
+ = render "shared/icons/delta.svg"
+ %i.has-tooltip.fa.fa-question-circle{ "data-placement" => "top", title: "The difference between the previous and last measure, expressed as positive or negative values. E.g., if the previous value was 5 and the new value is 7, the delta is +2.", "aria-hidden" => "true" }
+ %li.event-header
+ %span.stage-name
+ {{ currentStage ? currentStage.legendTitle : 'Related Issues' }}
+ %i.has-tooltip.fa.fa-question-circle{ "data-placement" => "top", title: "The collection of events added to the data gathered for that stage.", "aria-hidden" => "true" }
+ %span.stage-name
+ Total Time
+ %i.has-tooltip.fa.fa-question-circle{ "data-placement" => "top", title: "The time taken by each data entry gathered by that stage.", "aria-hidden" => "true" }
+ .stage-panel-body
+ %nav.stage-nav
+ %ul
+ %stage-button{ "inline-template" => true,
+ "v-for" => "stage in state.stages",
+ ":stage" => "stage",
+ ":on-stage-click" => "selectStage" }
+ %li.stage-nav-item{ ":class" => "classObject", "@click" => "onClick(stage)" }
+ .stage-name
+ {{}}
+ .stage-median
+ 20 hrs 21 mins
+ .stage-delta
+ + 20 days
+ %span.stage-direction
+ = render "shared/icons/down_arrow.svg"
+ .section.stage-events
+ %template{ "v-if" => "isLoadingStage" }
+ = icon("spinner spin", "v-show" => "isLoadingStage")
+ %template{ "v-if" => "isEmptyStage" }
+ %p No results
+ %template{ "v-if" => "state.items.length && !isLoadingStage && !isEmptyStage" }
+ %component{ ":is" => "currentStage.component", ":items" => "state.items" }
+%script{ type: 'text/x-template', id: 'stage-issue-component' }
+ %div
+ .events-description
+ Time before an issue get scheluded
+ %ul.stage-event-list
+ %li.stage-event-item{ "v-for" => "issue in items" }
+ %item-issue-component{ ":issue" => "issue" }
+%script{ type: 'text/x-template', id: 'stage-plan-component' }
+ %div
+ .events-description
+ Time before an issue starts implementation
+ %ul.event-list
+ %li.event-item{ "v-for" => "commit in items" }
+ %item-commit-component{ ":commit" => "commit" }
+%script{ type: 'text/x-template', id: 'stage-code-component' }
+ %div
+ .events-description
+ Time spent coding
+ %ul
+ %li{ "v-for" => "mergeRequest in items" }
+ %item-merge-request-component{ ":merge-request" => "mergeRequest" }
+%script{ type: 'text/x-template', id: 'stage-test-component' }
+ %div
+ .events-description
+ The time taken to build and test the application
+ %ul
+ %li{ "v-for" => "build in items" }
+ %item-build-component{ ":build" => "build" }
+%script{ type: 'text/x-template', id: 'stage-review-component' }
+ %div
+ .events-description
+ The time taken to review the code
+ %ul
+ %li{ "v-for" => "mergeRequest in items" }
+ %item-merge-request-component{ ":merge-request" => "mergeRequest" }
+%script{ type: 'text/x-template', id: 'stage-staging-component' }
+ %div
+ .events-description
+ The time taken in staging
+ %ul
+ %li{ "v-for" => "build in items" }
+ %item-build-component{ ":build" => "build" }
+%script{ type: 'text/x-template', id: 'stage-production-component' }
+ %div
+ .events-description
+ The total time taken from idea to production
+ %ul
+ %li{ "v-for" => "issue in items" }
+ %item-issue-component{ ":issue" => "issue" }
+%script{ type: 'text/x-template', id: 'item-issue-component' }
+ .item-details
+ %img.avatar{:src => ""}/
+ %h5.item-title
+ %a{ :href => "issue.url" }
+ {{ issue.title }}
+ %a{ :href => "issue.url" }
+ = '#{{}}'
+ %span
+ Opened
+ %a{:href => "issue.url"}
+ {{ issue.datetime }}
+ %span
+ by
+ %a{:href => "issue.profile"}
+ {{ }}
+ .item-time
+ %span.hours{ "v-if" => "issue.totalTime.hours"}
+ {{ issue.totalTime.hours }}
+ %abbr{:title => "Hours"} hr
+ %span.minutes{ "v-if" => "issue.totalTime.minutes" }
+ {{ issue.totalTime.minutes }}
+ %abbr{:title => "Minutes"} mins
+%script{ type: 'text/x-template', id: 'item-commit-component' }
+ %div
+ %p
+ %h5
+ %a{:href => "commit.url"}
+ {{ commit.title }}
+ %span
+ First
+ %a{:href => "#"}
+ {{ commit.hash }}
+ pushed by
+ %a{:href => "commit.profile"}
+ {{ }}
+%script{ type: 'text/x-template', id: 'item-merge-request-component' }
+ %div
+ %p
+ %h5
+ merge request -
+ %a{:href => "mergeRequest.url"}
+ {{ mergeRequest.title }}
- .bordered-box
- %ul.content-list
- %li{"v-for" => "item in analytics.stats"}
- .container-fluid
- .row
- .col-xs-8.title-col
- %p.title
- {{item.title}}
- %p.text
- {{item.description}}
- .col-xs-4.value-col
- %span
- {{item.value}}
+%script{ type: 'text/x-template', id: 'item-build-component' }
+ %div
+ %p
+ %h5
+ build -
+ %a{:href => "build.url"}
+ {{ build.title }}
diff --git a/app/views/shared/icons/_delta.svg b/app/views/shared/icons/_delta.svg
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..7c0c0d3999c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app/views/shared/icons/_delta.svg
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+<svg width="14px" height="10px" viewBox="322 21 14 10" version="1.1" xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="">
+ <path d="M330.078605,22.8166945 L335.259532,29.6235062 C335.615145,30.0907182 335.412062,30.4694683 334.822641,30.4694683 L331.657805,30.4694683 L324.04678,30.4694683 C323.449879,30.4694683 323.260751,30.0822112 323.609889,29.6235062 L328.790816,22.8166945 C329.146429,22.3494825 329.729467,22.3579895 330.078605,22.8166945 Z" id="delta" stroke="#5C5C5C" stroke-width="1" fill="none"></path>
diff --git a/app/views/shared/icons/_down_arrow.svg b/app/views/shared/icons/_down_arrow.svg
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..123116f4ca9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app/views/shared/icons/_down_arrow.svg
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+<svg width="9px" height="12px" viewBox="4 3 9 12" version="1.1" xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="">
+ <path d="M10,8.01971215 L10,13.022682 C10,13.5733266 9.55613518,14.0197122 9,14.0197122 C8.44771525,14.0197122 8,13.5666758 8,13.022682 L8,8.01971215 L5.99703014,8.01971215 C5.4463856,8.01971215 5.2749362,7.6760419 5.625,7.23846215 L8.375,3.80096215 C8.72017797,3.36948969 9.2749362,3.3633824 9.625,3.80096215 L12.375,7.23846215 C12.720178,7.66993461 12.5469637,8.01971215 12.0029699,8.01971215 L10,8.01971215 Z" id="Combined-Shape" stroke="none" fill="#31AF64" fill-rule="evenodd" transform="translate(8.998117, 8.747388) scale(1, -1) translate(-8.998117, -8.747388) "></path>
+</svg> \ No newline at end of file