path: root/app
diff options
authorMike Greiling <>2016-11-18 13:23:52 -0600
committerMike Greiling <>2016-11-22 23:33:42 -0600
commite5a968c4f1485c8890d515bb5bcc958546916fc3 (patch)
treeaa1654ed1e76eeade776a68b7a5a4eacf633e4c5 /app
parent536ec509d57705e7e62518dfba82e5727499bc8a (diff)
move timeago.js to vendor directory
Diffstat (limited to 'app')
2 files changed, 1 insertions, 239 deletions
diff --git a/app/assets/javascripts/application.js b/app/assets/javascripts/application.js
index 76f3c6506ed..9333c6e8586 100644
--- a/app/assets/javascripts/application.js
+++ b/app/assets/javascripts/application.js
@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@
/*= require jquery.scrollTo */
/*= require jquery.turbolinks */
/*= require js.cookie */
+/*= require timeago */
/*= require turbolinks */
/*= require autosave */
/*= require bootstrap/affix */
diff --git a/app/assets/javascripts/lib/utils/timeago.js b/app/assets/javascripts/lib/utils/timeago.js
deleted file mode 100644
index edf0a612374..00000000000
--- a/app/assets/javascripts/lib/utils/timeago.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,239 +0,0 @@
-/* eslint-disable no-unused-expressions, wrap-iife, func-names, curly, no-param-reassign, no-trailing-spaces, prefer-arrow-callback, no-var, one-var, quote-props, space-before-function-paren, vars-on-top, radix, prefer-template, space-infix-ops, no-use-before-define, newline-per-chained-call, no-useless-escape, no-nested-ternary, indent, no-undef, no-plusplus, one-var-declaration-per-line, operator-assignment, consistent-return, keyword-spacing, max-len, space-unary-ops, no-shadow, no-restricted-syntax, guard-for-in, eol-last, max-len */
- * Copyright (c) 2016 hustcc
- * License: MIT
- * Version: v2.0.2
- *
- * This is a forked from (
-/* eslint-disable */
-/* jshint expr: true */
-!function (root, factory) {
- if (typeof module === 'object' && module.exports)
- module.exports = factory(root);
- else
- root.timeago = factory(root);
-}(typeof window !== 'undefined' ? window : this,
-function () {
- var cnt = 0, // the timer counter, for timer key
- indexMapEn = 'second_minute_hour_day_week_month_year'.split('_'),
- // build-in locales: en & zh_CN
- locales = {
- 'en': function(number, index) {
- if (index === 0) return ['just now', 'right now'];
- var unit = indexMapEn[parseInt(index / 2)];
- if (number > 1) unit += 's';
- return [number + ' ' + unit + ' ago', 'in ' + number + ' ' + unit];
- },
- },
- // second, minute, hour, day, week, month, year(365 days)
- SEC_ARRAY = [60, 60, 24, 7, 365/7/12, 12],
- ATTR_DATETIME = 'datetime';
- // format Date / string / timestamp to Date instance.
- function toDate(input) {
- if (input instanceof Date) return input;
- if (!isNaN(input)) return new Date(toInt(input));
- if (/^\d+$/.test(input)) return new Date(toInt(input, 10));
- input = (input || '').trim().replace(/\.\d+/, '') // remove milliseconds
- .replace(/-/, '/').replace(/-/, '/')
- .replace(/T/, ' ').replace(/Z/, ' UTC')
- .replace(/([\+\-]\d\d)\:?(\d\d)/, ' $1$2'); // -04:00 -> -0400
- return new Date(input);
- }
- // change f into int, remove Decimal. just for code compression
- function toInt(f) {
- return parseInt(f);
- }
- // format the diff second to *** time ago, with setting locale
- function formatDiff(diff, locale, defaultLocale) {
- // if locale is not exist, use defaultLocale.
- // if defaultLocale is not exist, use build-in `en`.
- // be sure of no error when locale is not exist.
- locale = locales[locale] ? locale : (locales[defaultLocale] ? defaultLocale : 'en');
- // if (! locales[locale]) locale = defaultLocale;
- var i = 0;
- agoin = diff < 0 ? 1 : 0; // timein or timeago
- diff = Math.abs(diff);
- for (; diff >= SEC_ARRAY[i] && i < SEC_ARRAY_LEN; i++) {
- diff /= SEC_ARRAY[i];
- }
- diff = toInt(diff);
- i *= 2;
- if (diff > (i === 0 ? 9 : 1)) i += 1;
- return locales[locale](diff, i)[agoin].replace('%s', diff);
- }
- // calculate the diff second between date to be formated an now date.
- function diffSec(date, nowDate) {
- nowDate = nowDate ? toDate(nowDate) : new Date();
- return (nowDate - toDate(date)) / 1000;
- }
- /**
- * nextInterval: calculate the next interval time.
- * - diff: the diff sec between now and date to be formated.
- *
- * What's the meaning?
- * diff = 61 then return 59
- * diff = 3601 (an hour + 1 second), then return 3599
- * make the interval with high performace.
- **/
- function nextInterval(diff) {
- var rst = 1, i = 0, d = Math.abs(diff);
- for (; diff >= SEC_ARRAY[i] && i < SEC_ARRAY_LEN; i++) {
- diff /= SEC_ARRAY[i];
- rst *= SEC_ARRAY[i];
- }
- // return leftSec(d, rst);
- d = d % rst;
- d = d ? rst - d : rst;
- return Math.ceil(d);
- }
- // get the datetime attribute, jQuery and DOM
- function getDateAttr(node) {
- if (node.getAttribute) return node.getAttribute(ATTR_DATETIME);
- if(node.attr) return node.attr(ATTR_DATETIME);
- }
- /**
- * timeago: the function to get `timeago` instance.
- * - nowDate: the relative date, default is new Date().
- * - defaultLocale: the default locale, default is en. if your set it, then the `locale` parameter of format is not needed of you.
- *
- * How to use it?
- * var timeagoLib = require('timeago.js');
- * var timeago = timeagoLib(); // all use default.
- * var timeago = timeagoLib('2016-09-10'); // the relative date is 2016-09-10, so the 2016-09-11 will be 1 day ago.
- * var timeago = timeagoLib(null, 'zh_CN'); // set default locale is `zh_CN`.
- * var timeago = timeagoLib('2016-09-10', 'zh_CN'); // the relative date is 2016-09-10, and locale is zh_CN, so the 2016-09-11 will be 1天前.
- **/
- function Timeago(nowDate, defaultLocale) {
- var timers = {}; // real-time render timers
- // if do not set the defaultLocale, set it with `en`
- if (! defaultLocale) defaultLocale = 'en'; // use default build-in locale
- // what the timer will do
- function doRender(node, date, locale, cnt) {
- var diff = diffSec(date, nowDate);
- node.innerHTML = formatDiff(diff, locale, defaultLocale);
- // waiting %s seconds, do the next render
- timers['k' + cnt] = setTimeout(function() {
- doRender(node, date, locale, cnt);
- }, nextInterval(diff) * 1000);
- }
- /**
- * nextInterval: calculate the next interval time.
- * - diff: the diff sec between now and date to be formated.
- *
- * What's the meaning?
- * diff = 61 then return 59
- * diff = 3601 (an hour + 1 second), then return 3599
- * make the interval with high performace.
- **/
- // this.nextInterval = function(diff) { // for dev test
- // var rst = 1, i = 0, d = Math.abs(diff);
- // for (; diff >= SEC_ARRAY[i] && i < SEC_ARRAY_LEN; i++) {
- // diff /= SEC_ARRAY[i];
- // rst *= SEC_ARRAY[i];
- // }
- // // return leftSec(d, rst);
- // d = d % rst;
- // d = d ? rst - d : rst;
- // return Math.ceil(d);
- // }; // for dev test
- /**
- * format: format the date to *** time ago, with setting or default locale
- * - date: the date / string / timestamp to be formated
- * - locale: the formated string's locale name, e.g. en / zh_CN
- *
- * How to use it?
- * var timeago = require('timeago.js')();
- * timeago.format(new Date(), 'pl'); // Date instance
- * timeago.format('2016-09-10', 'fr'); // formated date string
- * timeago.format(1473473400269); // timestamp with ms
- **/
- this.format = function(date, locale) {
- return formatDiff(diffSec(date, nowDate), locale, defaultLocale);
- };
- /**
- * render: render the DOM real-time.
- * - nodes: which nodes will be rendered.
- * - locale: the locale name used to format date.
- *
- * How to use it?
- * var timeago = new require('timeago.js')();
- * // 1. javascript selector
- * timeago.render(document.querySelectorAll('.need_to_be_rendered'));
- * // 2. use jQuery selector
- * timeago.render($('.need_to_be_rendered'), 'pl');
- *
- * Notice: please be sure the dom has attribute `datetime`.
- **/
- this.render = function(nodes, locale) {
- if (nodes.length === undefined) nodes = [nodes];
- for (var i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++) {
- doRender(nodes[i], getDateAttr(nodes[i]), locale, ++ cnt); // render item
- }
- };
- /**
- * cancel: cancel all the timers which are doing real-time render.
- *
- * How to use it?
- * var timeago = new require('timeago.js')();
- * timeago.render(document.querySelectorAll('.need_to_be_rendered'));
- * timeago.cancel(); // will stop all the timer, stop render in real time.
- **/
- this.cancel = function() {
- for (var key in timers) {
- clearTimeout(timers[key]);
- }
- timers = {};
- };
- /**
- * setLocale: set the default locale name.
- *
- * How to use it?
- * var timeago = require('timeago.js');
- * timeago = new timeago();
- * timeago.setLocale('fr');
- **/
- this.setLocale = function(locale) {
- defaultLocale = locale;
- };
- return this;
- }
- /**
- * timeago: the function to get `timeago` instance.
- * - nowDate: the relative date, default is new Date().
- * - defaultLocale: the default locale, default is en. if your set it, then the `locale` parameter of format is not needed of you.
- *
- * How to use it?
- * var timeagoLib = require('timeago.js');
- * var timeago = timeagoLib(); // all use default.
- * var timeago = timeagoLib('2016-09-10'); // the relative date is 2016-09-10, so the 2016-09-11 will be 1 day ago.
- * var timeago = timeagoLib(null, 'zh_CN'); // set default locale is `zh_CN`.
- * var timeago = timeagoLib('2016-09-10', 'zh_CN'); // the relative date is 2016-09-10, and locale is zh_CN, so the 2016-09-11 will be 1天前.
- **/
- function timeagoFactory(nowDate, defaultLocale) {
- return new Timeago(nowDate, defaultLocale);
- }
- /**
- * register: register a new language locale
- * - locale: locale name, e.g. en / zh_CN, notice the standard.
- * - localeFunc: the locale process function
- *
- * How to use it?
- * var timeagoLib = require('timeago.js');
- *
- * timeagoLib.register('the locale name', the_locale_func);
- * // or
- * timeagoLib.register('pl', require('timeago.js/locales/pl'));
- **/
- timeagoFactory.register = function(locale, localeFunc) {
- locales[locale] = localeFunc;
- };
- return timeagoFactory;
-}); \ No newline at end of file