path: root/app
diff options
authorMicaël Bergeron <>2018-05-08 10:04:52 -0400
committerMicaël Bergeron <>2018-05-08 10:04:52 -0400
commit59d3e84f0aa09dc41f91e271e3128dfb9613abfa (patch)
tree34a6119b5769c98d503d6c8def75088b088915f0 /app
parent9618e49b9370198741a13b22715c8aca2eb6d623 (diff)
remove the `Upload` redefinition in `MigrateUploadsWorker`
Diffstat (limited to 'app')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 79 deletions
diff --git a/app/workers/object_storage/migrate_uploads_worker.rb b/app/workers/object_storage/migrate_uploads_worker.rb
index a6b2c251254..a3ecfa8e711 100644
--- a/app/workers/object_storage/migrate_uploads_worker.rb
+++ b/app/workers/object_storage/migrate_uploads_worker.rb
@@ -9,85 +9,6 @@ module ObjectStorage
SanityCheckError =
- class Upload < ActiveRecord::Base
- # Upper limit for foreground checksum processing
- CHECKSUM_THRESHOLD = 100.megabytes
- belongs_to :model, polymorphic: true # rubocop:disable Cop/PolymorphicAssociations
- validates :size, presence: true
- validates :path, presence: true
- validates :model, presence: true
- validates :uploader, presence: true
- before_save :calculate_checksum!, if: :foreground_checksummable?
- after_commit :schedule_checksum, if: :checksummable?
- scope :stored_locally, -> { where(store: [nil, ObjectStorage::Store::LOCAL]) }
- scope :stored_remotely, -> { where(store: ObjectStorage::Store::REMOTE) }
- def self.hexdigest(path)
- Digest::SHA256.file(path).hexdigest
- end
- def absolute_path
- raise ObjectStorage::RemoteStoreError, "Remote object has no absolute path." unless local?
- return path unless relative_path?
- uploader_class.absolute_path(self)
- end
- def calculate_checksum!
- self.checksum = nil
- return unless checksummable?
- self.checksum = self.class.hexdigest(absolute_path)
- end
- def build_uploader(mounted_as = nil)
-, mounted_as).tap do |uploader|
- uploader.upload = self
- uploader.retrieve_from_store!(identifier)
- end
- end
- def exist?
- File.exist?(absolute_path)
- end
- def local?
- return true if store.nil?
- store == ObjectStorage::Store::LOCAL
- end
- private
- def checksummable?
- checksum.nil? && local? && exist?
- end
- def foreground_checksummable?
- checksummable? && size <= CHECKSUM_THRESHOLD
- end
- def schedule_checksum
- UploadChecksumWorker.perform_async(id)
- end
- def relative_path?
- !path.start_with?('/')
- end
- def identifier
- File.basename(path)
- end
- def uploader_class
- Object.const_get(uploader)
- end
- end
class MigrationResult
attr_reader :upload
attr_accessor :error