path: root/doc/development/
diff options
authorFilipa Lacerda <>2017-03-22 19:30:54 +0000
committerAlfredo Sumaran <>2017-03-22 19:30:54 +0000
commit8c3bdc853a5237a3bef6e26fcf22132db7e8bd9c (patch)
treea862ed0847f6dc8d7ffe8dea7141714a51a8387d /doc/development/
parent3574963bc01097da418b62ae6f87d02359f36f12 (diff)
Creates Frontend Style guide
Diffstat (limited to 'doc/development/')
1 files changed, 2 insertions, 509 deletions
diff --git a/doc/development/ b/doc/development/
index 50105a486d0..f46cc377f95 100644
--- a/doc/development/
+++ b/doc/development/
@@ -1,511 +1,4 @@
-# Frontend Development Guidelines
-This document describes various guidelines to ensure consistency and quality
-across GitLab's frontend team.
-## Overview
-GitLab is built on top of [Ruby on Rails][rails] using [Haml][haml] with
-[Hamlit][hamlit]. Be wary of [the limitations that come with using
-Hamlit][hamlit-limits]. We also use [SCSS][scss] and plain JavaScript with
-[ES6 by way of Babel][es6].
-The asset pipeline is [Sprockets][sprockets], which handles the concatenation,
-minification, and compression of our assets.
-[jQuery][jquery] is used throughout the application's JavaScript, with
-[Vue.js][vue] for particularly advanced, dynamic elements.
-### Architecture
-The Frontend Architect is an expert who makes high-level frontend design choices
-and decides on technical standards, including coding standards, and frameworks.
-When you are assigned a new feature that requires architectural design,
-make sure it is discussed with one of the Frontend Architecture Experts.
-This rule also applies if you plan to change the architecture of an existing feature.
-These decisions should be accessible to everyone, so please document it on the Merge Request.
-You can find the Frontend Architecture experts on the [team page][team-page].
-You can find documentation about the desired architecture for a new feature built with Vue.js in [here][vue-section].
-### Realtime
-When writing code for realtime features we have to keep a couple of things in mind:
-1. Do not overload the server with requests.
-1. It should feel realtime.
-Thus, we must strike a balance between sending requests and the feeling of realtime.
-Use the following rules when creating realtime solutions.
-1. The server will tell you how much to poll by sending `Poll-Interval` in the header.
-Use that as your polling interval. This way it is easy for system administrators to change the
-polling rate.
-A `Poll-Interval: -1` means you should disable polling, and this must be implemented.
-1. A response with HTTP status `4XX` or `5XX` should disable polling as well.
-1. Use a common library for polling.
-1. Poll on active tabs only. Use a common library to find out which tab currently has eyes on it.
-Please use [Focus]( Specifically [Eyeballs Detector](
-1. Use regular polling intervals, do not use backoff polling, or jitter, as the interval will be
-controlled by the server.
-1. The backend code will most likely be using etags. You do not and should not check for status
-`304 Not Modified`. The browser will transform it for you.
-### Vue
-For more complex frontend features, we recommend using Vue.js. It shares
-some ideas with React.js as well as Angular.
-To get started with Vue, read through [their documentation][vue-docs].
-#### How to build a new feature with Vue.js
-**Components, Stores and Services**
-In some features implemented with Vue.js, like the [issue board][issue-boards]
-or [environments table][environments-table]
-you can find a clear separation of concerns:
-├── components
-│ └── component.js.es6
-│ └── ...
-├── store
-│ └── new_feature_store.js.es6
-├── service
-│ └── new_feature_service.js.es6
-├── new_feature_bundle.js.es6
-_For consistency purposes, we recommend you to follow the same structure._
-Let's look into each of them:
-**A `*_bundle.js` file**
-This is the index file of your new feature. This is where the root Vue instance
-of the new feature should be.
-The Store and the Service should be imported and initialized in this file and provided as a prop to the main component.
-Don't forget to follow [these steps.][page_specific_javascript]
-**A folder for Components**
-This folder holds all components that are specific of this new feature.
-If you need to use or create a component that will probably be used somewhere
-else, please refer to `vue_shared/components`.
-A good thumb rule to know when you should create a component is to think if
-it will be reusable elsewhere.
-For example, tables are used in a quite amount of places across GitLab, a table
-would be a good fit for a component.
-On the other hand, a table cell used only in on table, would not be a good use
-of this pattern.
-You can read more about components in Vue.js site, [Component System][component-system]
-**A folder for the Store**
-The Store is a class that allows us to manage the state in a single
-source of truth.
-The concept we are trying to follow is better explained by Vue documentation
-itself, please read this guide: [State Management][state-management]
-**A folder for the Service**
-The Service is used only to communicate with the server.
-It does not store or manipulate any data.
-We use [vue-resource][vue-resource-repo] to
-communicate with the server.
-The [issue boards service][issue-boards-service]
-is a good example of this pattern.
-## Performance
-### Resources
-- [WebPage Test][web-page-test] for testing site loading time and size.
-- [Google PageSpeed Insights][pagespeed-insights] grades web pages and provides feedback to improve the page.
-- [Profiling with Chrome DevTools][google-devtools-profiling]
-- [Browser Diet][browser-diet] is a community-built guide that catalogues practical tips for improving web page performance.
-### Page-specific JavaScript
-Certain pages may require the use of a third party library, such as [d3][d3] for
-the User Activity Calendar and [Chart.js][chartjs] for the Graphs pages. These
-libraries increase the page size significantly, and impact load times due to
-bandwidth bottlenecks and the browser needing to parse more JavaScript.
-In cases where libraries are only used on a few specific pages, we use
-"page-specific JavaScript" to prevent the main `application.js` file from
-becoming unnecessarily large.
-Steps to split page-specific JavaScript from the main `application.js`:
-1. Create a directory for the specific page(s), e.g. `graphs/`.
-1. In that directory, create a `namespace_bundle.js` file, e.g. `graphs_bundle.js`.
-1. In `graphs_bundle.js` add the line `//= require_tree .`, this adds all other files in the directory to the bundle.
-1. Add any necessary libraries to `app/assets/javascripts/lib/`, all files directly descendant from this directory will be precompiled as separate assets, in this case `chart.js` would be added.
-1. Add the new "bundle" file to the list of precompiled assets in
- - For example: `config.assets.precompile << "graphs/graphs_bundle.js"`.
-1. Move code reliant on these libraries into the `graphs` directory.
-1. In the relevant views, add the scripts to the page with the following:
-- content_for :page_specific_javascripts do
- = page_specific_javascript_tag('lib/chart.js')
- = page_specific_javascript_tag('graphs/graphs_bundle.js')
-The above loads `chart.js` and `graphs_bundle.js` for this page only. `chart.js`
-is separated from the bundle file so it can be cached separately from the bundle
-and reused for other pages that also rely on the library. For an example, see
-[this Haml file][page-specific-js-example].
-### Minimizing page size
-A smaller page size means the page loads faster (especially important on mobile
-and poor connections), the page is parsed more quickly by the browser, and less
-data is used for users with capped data plans.
-General tips:
-- Don't add new fonts.
-- Prefer font formats with better compression, e.g. WOFF2 is better than WOFF, which is better than TTF.
-- Compress and minify assets wherever possible (For CSS/JS, Sprockets does this for us).
-- If some functionality can reasonably be achieved without adding extra libraries, avoid them.
-- Use page-specific JavaScript as described above to dynamically load libraries that are only needed on certain pages.
-## Accessibility
-### Resources
-[Chrome Accessibility Developer Tools][chrome-accessibility-developer-tools]
-are useful for testing for potential accessibility problems in GitLab.
-Accessibility best-practices and more in-depth information is available on
-[the Audit Rules page][audit-rules] for the Chrome Accessibility Developer Tools.
-## Security
-### Resources
-[Mozilla’s HTTP Observatory CLI][observatory-cli] and the
-[Qualys SSL Labs Server Test][qualys-ssl] are good resources for finding
-potential problems and ensuring compliance with security best practices.
-<!-- Uncomment these sections when CSP/SRI are implemented.
-### Content Security Policy (CSP)
-Content Security Policy is a web standard that intends to mitigate certain
-forms of Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) as well as data injection.
-Content Security Policy rules should be taken into consideration when
-implementing new features, especially those that may rely on connection with
-external services.
-GitLab's CSP is used for the following:
-- Blocking plugins like Flash and Silverlight from running at all on our pages.
-- Blocking the use of scripts and stylesheets downloaded from external sources.
-- Upgrading `http` requests to `https` when possible.
-- Preventing `iframe` elements from loading in most contexts.
-Some exceptions include:
-- Scripts from Google Analytics and Piwik if either is enabled.
-- Connecting with GitHub, Bitbucket,, etc. to allow project importing.
-- Connecting with Google, Twitter, GitHub, etc. to allow OAuth authentication.
-We use [the Secure Headers gem][secure_headers] to enable Content
-Security Policy headers in the GitLab Rails app.
-Some resources on implementing Content Security Policy:
-- [MDN Article on CSP][mdn-csp]
-- [GitHub’s CSP Journey on the GitHub Engineering Blog][github-eng-csp]
-- The Dropbox Engineering Blog's series on CSP: [1][dropbox-csp-1], [2][dropbox-csp-2], [3][dropbox-csp-3], [4][dropbox-csp-4]
-### Subresource Integrity (SRI)
-Subresource Integrity prevents malicious assets from being provided by a CDN by
-guaranteeing that the asset downloaded is identical to the asset the server
-is expecting.
-The Rails app generates a unique hash of the asset, which is used as the
-asset's `integrity` attribute. The browser generates the hash of the asset
-on-load and will reject the asset if the hashes do not match.
-All CSS and JavaScript assets should use Subresource Integrity. For implementation details,
-see the documentation for [the Sprockets implementation of SRI][sprockets-sri].
-Some resources on implementing Subresource Integrity:
-- [MDN Article on SRI][mdn-sri]
-- [Subresource Integrity on the GitHub Engineering Blog][github-eng-sri]
-### Including external resources
-External fonts, CSS, and JavaScript should never be used with the exception of
-Google Analytics and Piwik - and only when the instance has enabled it. Assets
-should always be hosted and served locally from the GitLab instance. Embedded
-resources via `iframes` should never be used except in certain circumstances
-such as with ReCaptcha, which cannot be used without an `iframe`.
-### Avoiding inline scripts and styles
-In order to protect users from [XSS vulnerabilities][xss], we will disable inline scripts in the future using Content Security Policy.
-While inline scripts can be useful, they're also a security concern. If
-user-supplied content is unintentionally left un-sanitized, malicious users can
-inject scripts into the web app.
-Inline styles should be avoided in almost all cases, they should only be used
-when no alternatives can be found. This allows reusability of styles as well as
-## Style guides and linting
-See the relevant style guides for our guidelines and for information on linting:
-- [SCSS][scss-style-guide]
-- JavaScript - We defer to [AirBnb][airbnb-js-style-guide] on most style-related
-conventions and enforce them with eslint. See [our current .eslintrc][eslintrc]
-for specific rules and patterns.
-## Testing
-Feature tests need to be written for all new features. Regression tests
-also need to be written for all bug fixes to prevent them from occurring
-again in the future.
-See [the Testing Standards and Style Guidelines]( for more
-### Running frontend tests
-`rake karma` runs the frontend-only (JavaScript) tests.
-It consists of two subtasks:
-- `rake karma:fixtures` (re-)generates fixtures
-- `rake karma:tests` actually executes the tests
-As long as the fixtures don't change, `rake karma:tests` is sufficient
-(and saves you some time).
-Please note: Not all of the frontend fixtures are generated. Some are still static
-files. These will not be touched by `rake karma:fixtures`.
-## Design Patterns
-### Singletons
-When exactly one object is needed for a given task, prefer to define it as a
-`class` rather than as an object literal. Prefer also to explicitly restrict
-instantiation, unless flexibility is important (e.g. for testing).
-// bad
-gl.MyThing = {
- prop1: 'hello',
- method1: () => {}
-// good
-class MyThing {
- constructor() {
- this.prop1 = 'hello';
- }
- method1() {}
-gl.MyThing = new MyThing();
-// best
-let singleton;
-class MyThing {
- constructor() {
- if (!singleton) {
- singleton = this;
- singleton.init();
- }
- return singleton;
- }
- init() {
- this.prop1 = 'hello';
- }
- method1() {}
-gl.MyThing = MyThing;
-### Manipulating the DOM in a JS Class
-When writing a class that needs to manipulate the DOM guarantee a container option is provided.
-This is useful when we need that class to be instantiated more than once in the same page.
-class Foo {
- constructor() {
- document.querySelector('.bar');
- }
-new Foo();
-class Foo {
- constructor(opts) {
- document.querySelector(`${opts.container} .bar`);
- }
-new Foo({ container: '.my-element' });
-You can find an example of the above in this [class][container-class-example];
-## Supported browsers
-For our currently-supported browsers, see our [requirements][requirements].
-## Gotchas
-### Spec errors due to use of ES6 features in `.js` files
-If you see very generic JavaScript errors (e.g. `jQuery is undefined`) being
-thrown in Karma, Spinach, or Rspec tests but can't reproduce them manually,
-you may have included `ES6`-style JavaScript in files that don't have the
-`.js.es6` file extension. Either use ES5-friendly JavaScript or rename the file
-you're working in (`git mv <file.js> <file.js.es6>`).
-### Spec errors due to use of unsupported JavaScript
-Similar errors will be thrown if you're using JavaScript features not yet
-supported by our test runner's version of webkit, whether or not you've updated
-the file extension. Examples of unsupported JavaScript features are:
-- Array.from
-- Array.find
-- Array.first
-- Object.assign
-- Async functions
-- Generators
-- Array destructuring
-- For Of
-- Symbol/Symbol.iterator
-- Spread
-Until these are polyfilled or transpiled appropriately, they should not be used.
-Please update this list with additional unsupported features or when any of
-these are made usable.
-### Spec errors due to JavaScript not enabled
-If, as a result of a change you've made, a feature now depends on JavaScript to
-run correctly, you need to make sure a JavaScript web driver is enabled when
-specs are run. If you don't you'll see vague error messages from the spec
-runner, and an explosion of vague console errors in the HTML snapshot.
-To enable a JavaScript driver in an `rspec` test, add `js: true` to the
-individual spec or the context block containing multiple specs that need
-JavaScript enabled:
-# For one spec
-it 'presents information about abuse report', js: true do
- # assertions...
-describe "Admin::AbuseReports", js: true do
- it 'presents information about abuse report' do
- # assertions...
- end
- it 'shows buttons for adding to abuse report' do
- # assertions...
- end
-In Spinach, the JavaScript driver is enabled differently. In the `*.feature`
-file for the failing spec, add the `@javascript` flag above the Scenario:
-Scenario: Developer can approve merge request
- Given I am a "Shop" developer
- And I visit project "Shop" merge requests page
- And merge request 'Bug NS-04' must be approved
- And I click link "Bug NS-04"
- When I click link "Approve"
- Then I should see approved merge request "Bug NS-04"
+# Frontend Development Guidelines
-[requirements]: ../install/
+This page has moved [here](fe_guide/