path: root/features/steps
diff options
authorJose Ivan Vargas <>2017-09-26 12:14:42 -0500
committerJose Ivan Vargas <>2017-09-26 12:14:42 -0500
commitb4af546820b00537c6a5053f6b21dc9805dc11c7 (patch)
tree505745bec506be527c7a0e940b754b0960c77167 /features/steps
parent7fb477325eb7f1215a6ae128c9a3a300606d7fbe (diff)
parent3b2d68d37d39047e25fbe0ae51cafa39f22805f8 (diff)
Merge branch 'master' into sh-headless-chrome-support
Diffstat (limited to 'features/steps')
6 files changed, 9 insertions, 275 deletions
diff --git a/features/steps/project/commits/commits.rb b/features/steps/project/commits/commits.rb
index 305fff37c41..318e054e978 100644
--- a/features/steps/project/commits/commits.rb
+++ b/features/steps/project/commits/commits.rb
@@ -139,7 +139,7 @@ class Spinach::Features::ProjectCommits < Spinach::FeatureSteps
step 'The diff links to both the previous and current image' do
- links = page.all('.two-up span div a')
+ links = page.all('.file-actions a')
expect(links[0]['href']).to match %r{blob/#{sample_image_commit.old_blob_id}}
expect(links[1]['href']).to match %r{blob/#{sample_image_commit.new_blob_id}}
diff --git a/features/steps/project/issues/issues.rb b/features/steps/project/issues/issues.rb
index b9460f5b534..2c3ef2efd52 100644
--- a/features/steps/project/issues/issues.rb
+++ b/features/steps/project/issues/issues.rb
@@ -223,7 +223,7 @@ class Spinach::Features::ProjectIssues < Spinach::FeatureSteps
- step 'The list should be sorted by "Most popular"' do
+ step 'The list should be sorted by "Popularity"' do
page.within '.issues-list' do
page.within 'li.issue:nth-child(1)' do
expect(page).to have_content 'Release 0.4'
diff --git a/features/steps/project/merge_requests.rb b/features/steps/project/merge_requests.rb
index 17b1bcd02f3..3b4a8edf976 100644
--- a/features/steps/project/merge_requests.rb
+++ b/features/steps/project/merge_requests.rb
@@ -223,7 +223,7 @@ class Spinach::Features::ProjectMergeRequests < Spinach::FeatureSteps
- step 'The list should be sorted by "Most popular"' do
+ step 'The list should be sorted by "Popularity"' do
page.within '.mr-list' do
page.within 'li.merge-request:nth-child(1)' do
expect(page).to have_content 'Bug NS-04'
diff --git a/features/steps/project/project_shortcuts.rb b/features/steps/project/project_shortcuts.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index cebf09750b0..00000000000
--- a/features/steps/project/project_shortcuts.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
-class Spinach::Features::ProjectShortcuts < Spinach::FeatureSteps
- include SharedAuthentication
- include SharedPaths
- include SharedProject
- include SharedProjectTab
- include SharedShortcuts
- step 'I press "g" and "f"' do
- find('body').native.send_key('g')
- find('body').native.send_key('f')
- end
- step 'I press "g" and "c"' do
- find('body').native.send_key('g')
- find('body').native.send_key('c')
- end
- step 'I press "g" and "n"' do
- find('body').native.send_key('g')
- find('body').native.send_key('n')
- end
- step 'I press "g" and "d"' do
- find('body').native.send_key('g')
- find('body').native.send_key('d')
- end
- step 'I press "g" and "s"' do
- find('body').native.send_key('g')
- find('body').native.send_key('s')
- end
- step 'I press "g" and "w"' do
- find('body').native.send_key('g')
- find('body').native.send_key('w')
- end
- step 'I press "g" and "e"' do
- find('body').native.send_key('g')
- find('body').native.send_key('e')
- end
diff --git a/features/steps/project/services.rb b/features/steps/project/services.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 7e2a357f6b2..00000000000
--- a/features/steps/project/services.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,224 +0,0 @@
-class Spinach::Features::ProjectServices < Spinach::FeatureSteps
- include SharedAuthentication
- include SharedProject
- include SharedPaths
- step 'I visit project "Shop" services page' do
- visit project_settings_integrations_path(@project)
- end
- step 'I should see list of available services' do
- expect(page).to have_content 'Project services'
- expect(page).to have_content 'Campfire'
- expect(page).to have_content 'HipChat'
- expect(page).to have_content 'Assembla'
- expect(page).to have_content 'Pushover'
- expect(page).to have_content 'Atlassian Bamboo'
- expect(page).to have_content 'JetBrains TeamCity'
- expect(page).to have_content 'Asana'
- expect(page).to have_content 'Irker (IRC gateway)'
- end
- step 'I should see service settings saved' do
- expect(find_field('Active').value).to eq '1'
- end
- step 'I click hipchat service link' do
- click_link 'HipChat'
- end
- step 'I fill hipchat settings' do
- check 'Active'
- fill_in 'Room', with: 'gitlab'
- fill_in 'Token', with: 'verySecret'
- click_button 'Save'
- end
- step 'I should see the Hipchat success message' do
- expect(page).to have_content 'HipChat activated.'
- end
- step 'I fill hipchat settings with custom server' do
- check 'Active'
- fill_in 'Room', with: 'gitlab_custom'
- fill_in 'Token', with: 'secretCustom'
- fill_in 'Server', with: ''
- click_button 'Save'
- end
- step 'I click pivotaltracker service link' do
- click_link 'PivotalTracker'
- end
- step 'I fill pivotaltracker settings' do
- check 'Active'
- fill_in 'Token', with: 'verySecret'
- click_button 'Save'
- end
- step 'I should see the Pivotaltracker success message' do
- expect(page).to have_content 'PivotalTracker activated.'
- end
- step 'I click Flowdock service link' do
- click_link 'Flowdock'
- end
- step 'I fill Flowdock settings' do
- check 'Active'
- fill_in 'Token', with: 'verySecret'
- click_button 'Save'
- end
- step 'I should see the Flowdock success message' do
- expect(page).to have_content 'Flowdock activated.'
- end
- step 'I click Assembla service link' do
- click_link 'Assembla'
- end
- step 'I fill Assembla settings' do
- check 'Active'
- fill_in 'Token', with: 'verySecret'
- click_button 'Save'
- end
- step 'I should see the Assembla success message' do
- expect(page).to have_content 'Assembla activated.'
- end
- step 'I click Asana service link' do
- click_link 'Asana'
- end
- step 'I fill Asana settings' do
- check 'Active'
- fill_in 'Api key', with: 'verySecret'
- fill_in 'Restrict to branch', with: 'master'
- click_button 'Save'
- end
- step 'I should see the Asana success message' do
- expect(page).to have_content 'Asana activated.'
- end
- step 'I click email on push service link' do
- click_link 'Emails on push'
- end
- step 'I fill email on push settings' do
- check 'Active'
- fill_in 'Recipients', with: ''
- click_button 'Save'
- end
- step 'I should see the Emails on push success message' do
- expect(page).to have_content 'Emails on push activated.'
- end
- step 'I click Irker service link' do
- click_link 'Irker (IRC gateway)'
- end
- step 'I fill Irker settings' do
- check 'Active'
- fill_in 'Recipients', with: 'irc://'
- check 'Colorize messages'
- click_button 'Save'
- end
- step 'I should see the Irker success message' do
- expect(page).to have_content 'Irker (IRC gateway) activated.'
- end
- step 'I click Slack notifications service link' do
- click_link 'Slack notifications'
- end
- step 'I fill Slack notifications settings' do
- check 'Active'
- fill_in 'Webhook', with: ''
- click_button 'Save'
- end
- step 'I should see the Slack notifications success message' do
- expect(page).to have_content 'Slack notifications activated.'
- end
- step 'I click Pushover service link' do
- click_link 'Pushover'
- end
- step 'I fill Pushover settings' do
- check 'Active'
- fill_in 'Api key', with: 'verySecret'
- fill_in 'User key', with: 'verySecret'
- fill_in 'Device', with: 'myDevice'
- select 'High Priority', from: 'Priority'
- select 'Bike', from: 'Sound'
- click_button 'Save'
- end
- step 'I should see the Pushover success message' do
- expect(page).to have_content 'Pushover activated.'
- end
- step 'I click jira service link' do
- click_link 'JIRA'
- end
- step 'I fill jira settings' do
- check 'Active'
- fill_in 'Web URL', with: 'http://jira.example'
- fill_in 'JIRA API URL', with: 'http://jira.example/api'
- fill_in 'Username', with: 'gitlab'
- fill_in 'Password', with: 'gitlab'
- click_button 'Save'
- end
- step 'I should see the JIRA success message' do
- expect(page).to have_content 'JIRA activated.'
- end
- step 'I click Atlassian Bamboo CI service link' do
- click_link 'Atlassian Bamboo CI'
- end
- step 'I fill Atlassian Bamboo CI settings' do
- check 'Active'
- fill_in 'Bamboo url', with: ''
- fill_in 'Build key', with: 'KEY'
- fill_in 'Username', with: 'user'
- fill_in 'Password', with: 'verySecret'
- click_button 'Save'
- end
- step 'I should see the Bamboo success message' do
- expect(page).to have_content 'Atlassian Bamboo CI activated.'
- end
- step 'I should see empty field Change Password' do
- click_link 'Atlassian Bamboo CI'
- expect(find_field('Enter new password').value).to be_nil
- end
- step 'I click JetBrains TeamCity CI service link' do
- click_link 'JetBrains TeamCity CI'
- end
- step 'I fill JetBrains TeamCity CI settings' do
- check 'Active'
- fill_in 'Teamcity url', with: ''
- fill_in 'Build type', with: 'GitlabTest_Build'
- fill_in 'Username', with: 'user'
- fill_in 'Password', with: 'verySecret'
- click_button 'Save'
- end
- step 'I should see the JetBrains success message' do
- expect(page).to have_content 'JetBrains TeamCity CI activated.'
- end
diff --git a/features/steps/shared/issuable.rb b/features/steps/shared/issuable.rb
index 7c842ba88fb..714985f2051 100644
--- a/features/steps/shared/issuable.rb
+++ b/features/steps/shared/issuable.rb
@@ -109,10 +109,10 @@ module SharedIssuable
- step 'I sort the list by "Oldest updated"' do
+ step 'I sort the list by "Last updated"' do
page.within('.content ul.dropdown-menu.dropdown-menu-align-right li') do
- click_link "Oldest updated"
+ click_link "Last updated"
@@ -124,16 +124,16 @@ module SharedIssuable
- step 'I sort the list by "Most popular"' do
+ step 'I sort the list by "Popularity"' do
page.within('.content ul.dropdown-menu.dropdown-menu-align-right li') do
- click_link 'Most popular'
+ click_link 'Popularity'
- step 'The list should be sorted by "Oldest updated"' do
- expect(find('.issues-filters')).to have_content('Oldest updated')
+ step 'The list should be sorted by "Last updated"' do
+ expect(find('.issues-filters')).to have_content('Last updated')
step 'I click link "Next" in the sidebar' do